Quote:I teach English and even I can't figure out wtf you're on about. Please try to break down your content into clear, declarative or interrogative statements. Eschew excessive reliance upon metaphorical expressions and obscure references. What are you asking me?
You are asking me put into words that which is essentially wordless.
It is for you to excise your intelligence and figure it out for yourself. The basic exercise here is for you to start thinking for yourself.
Up until now you have been sucking the nipple of social normalcy.
Do you understand the word "principle" in its highest meaning ? It simply means the basic fundamental truth. If I ask you what do you know, I don't expect you to throw me that which as been given to you unless it is factual
I'm simply enquiring as to wether you know the actual state of affairs or if you are merely fumbling around with the affairs of this world. what is your conclusion to all of this ?
I'm not asking about that which has been imposed upon you or given to you by the others. Neither am I asking you for that which you construct out of your imagination, nor that which you have read unless of course it is factual.
When you were two, what did you know? Before you were imposed upon by your parents, teachers and the wider society in general you knew nothing apart from the love to be.
That principle right there what do you know of that ?
I want you to use your intelligence and responds from that platform.
I'm not much interested in the normal mediocre stuff. Unless you can step out of the box you are only improvising on what the others have already said.
It is all very simple, before you set about doing anything it must be presented to you. First there is the subject then there is the object. If you rap yourself up in language you are necessarily going to miss the point. What is that point that the language can only point to?