What difference does it make wether there is thousands of years scientific research and evidence or a hundred? If the recipients of such knowledge are ignorant themselves then the facts cannot be discovered.
It is not a case of denying evolution as it is verifying it. You can accept evolution as a concept only. But you must realise that this body/mind idea is also a concept you have conceived and it is from this standpoint that you conceive the idea of evolution. So in reality the concept of evolution as an absolute fact is flawed even before you get into the basics.
Before you can begin verifying any other concepts, you must pin down this primary concept, the knowledge that you are. How did this come about? Have you investigated this? As a matter of fact, if this primary concept is not in place, there could be no talk of any other concepts. Simply because the very instrument used for conceptualising would not be available. This primary concept, the knowledge that you are is instrumental to all other concepts
You must prove the subject; which is another dilemma that you will be faced up against when delivering the theory of evolution. Since the subject cannot be an object in the consciousness how are you going to validate the subjectivity your own existence ? Of course you know you exist but that is self evident therefore it need not be proven. But how can you prove that to somebody else. That which is analysing the concept and the objects of evolution must be present. Until you get the facts right here, how can you be sure of anything else?
Evolution only applies to the material, the consciousness. It does not address the fundamental principle at source, consciousness is only a reflection of that source itself. Within this consciousness there is a pattern of evolution contained in the memory and related by convention. This conventional pattern of evolution is only a mode of thought. Wash the memory and where is the pattern? If this consciousness is no more then where is the talk of evolution, what is there to evolve?