Now lets see why evolution is strange a rational, a-logic, and very very unsexy

Why unsexy ypu ask? Simple, it really must be
fossils who still are clinging to an out of date theory!
0 The Evolution shite was created deliberately to hide sime truths, by the
Lunar Society. So, evolution is flawed from the start, so everything build
on it is deeply deeply flawed. How can it not?
1. There are NO transitional fossils. See my postings above and I have seen yet
no counter arguments.
2 The start of life is ridiculous idea and impossible.
3 There is enough evidence that shows that evolution is false, see Loyd Pye
and Forbidden Archeology.
4 According to statistics, evolution is statistically impossible.
Ok, well, these 5 for starterts, there is so much more that counters evolution theory.