Why do people deny evolution?

Sat 11 Oct, 2014 07:43 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

That's not circular reasoning. In logic A is still A unless you're able to prove otherwise. You can't. You're only playing word games - and poorly at that!

Logic 101: A = A = A = A......

"It" loves to adopt terms to troll you. He's got something against Science...somehow he's been made to feel he's not smart enough...he's willing to employ creative absurdity to fight his battle...
Sat 11 Oct, 2014 08:18 am
"It" loves to adopt terms to troll you. He's got something against Science...somehow he's been made to feel he's not smart enough...he's willing to employ creative absurdity to fight his battle..

Really? And how come you jump to those conclusions?

The idiot herebove can't distuinguish between an argument and a definition.

He is a bit mixed up in his head.

Her really don't know when an argument is circular and start saying like a mumbling idiot, a=a=a=a=a=a=a

bit thick in his head eh?!
0 Replies
Sat 11 Oct, 2014 11:29 am
David Berlinski: Rebelious Intellectual Defies Darwinism

Now, time to **** off with this evolution garbage!!!!!

Really, it IS TIME!!!

Sat 11 Oct, 2014 11:50 am
my comments about this guy are on gungasnakes thread. Berlinski don't know squat about biology or paleontology. He confuses "origins of life" with evolution.

BUT, if you think he makes sense and your rice krispies has channeled him to you, go for it.

But youre still an ignorant douche bag
Sat 11 Oct, 2014 11:57 am
my comments about this guy are on gungasnakes thread. Berlinski don't know squat about biology or paleontology. He confuses "origins of life" with evolution.

BUT, if you think he makes sense and your rice krispies has channeled him to you, go for it.

But youre still an ignorant douche bag

LOL.. The Ad Hominem guy farmerboy again! You can't change it can you?


Let's start here:

He confuses "origins of life" with evolution.

of course he doesn't confuse it. Nearly all the biology textbooks talks about the Miller-Urey-experiment (http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller-Urey-experiment).
But of course, when that one didn't work well, the evolutionist, extremely stupid as they are as a species, they declared that area as not belonging to
the extremely stupid theory called evolution. And so it goes on all the time.

BUT, tell me this, Oh stupid scientist, when we even have NO CLUE where life comes from? How the **** can we build a theory about evolving life!!!???


First explain life, YOU CAN"T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

So long as you can't do that , you can't talk about evolving life.

It is a sheer form of madness what you are trying to do.

It really is one big mess!

0 Replies
Sat 11 Oct, 2014 12:37 pm
quahog says:

Ol loooovee to read extremely stupid things like these:

This is nothing more than a collection of unreferenced false assertions. The reality is that dating methods are very accurate and reliable. There are error bars, like everything in science, but multiple methods can be used on multiple samples and an average can be taken to make a very accurate estimate of the ages of various rocks, strata, and fossils

what a circular reasoning this one is!

It is very easy to read how he tries to convince himself of this nonsense.

Maybe it's because English is not your first language, Q, but once again you've totally blown it. He is not saying "Dating works because dating works", but rather simply "Dating works", which is
A. not in the slightest circular, and
B. True.

Since you seem to have absolutely no science background or knowledge, why don't you try to educate yourself in dating techniques, and you will soon see that they are based on well proven chemical and physical laws that have no connection to biology or evolution, but enable us, using them, to study biological and evolutionary principles, and DATE THEM ABSOLUTELY, that's just the way the universe works. (I can see Herald's quibble now, "Well, unless you can show it happened on July 23, precisely 623,335, 789 years ago, it's not absolute so you haven't proved anything", we don't give a **** what happened in July in that year, but if we can tell what happened within the margin of error in that period, and differentiate it from what happened a few million years later, and we can, that's sufficient. Evolutionary change happens slowly).

There are MANY scientific techniques for dating, depending on the time period and the materials available. And they're not controversial and are well-proven in the field, especially in the field where lots of money is riding on the results and the people with the money gewt extremely pissed if the research is done wrong (which are the fields that farmerman earned his bones in)).

The best-known techniques involve the decay of radioactives commonly found in nature. Carbon14 wasw the first to gain wide use. C14 is radioactive, occurs in known perecentages in anything organic, and decays when that thing dies and stops taking in new carbon. It has a relatively short half life, and is generally left in too minute quantities to be measurable after about 44,000 years, which makes it useful, among other things, for dating human artifacts, which often can be cross-calibrated against things for which we know their ages from other sources, to check the accuracy of the technique. C14 dating is also now verifiable as a college chemistry/physics experiment, reproducible in any reasonably well-equipped university lab. You could even do it yourself, quahog, if you actually happened to have a decent lab to do researcdh in. You can find directions online (tho your "research" seems to focus entirely on totally disreputable conspiracy theory and wingnut sites, rather than anything hands-on). But C14 is far from the only radioactivity tehnique. Others, which Farmerman has cited, and which the science has validated, include potassium-argon breakdown, and argon-argon. thoroughly explored previously on this thread. There are a number of other proven techniques including paleomagnetic reversals and thermoluminescence (which is useful alongside its geological uses, for figuring out when human pottery was fired). And that's just scratching the surface. Farmerman does not say "Dating works because it works" which is your dumb misreading, but rather "Dating works", and has offered the science, which you somehow conveniently forget. Bad, bad Quahog.

Sat 11 Oct, 2014 01:20 pm
Another thing he is incorrect in his assertions

This is from the UCAL Berkeley evolution biology blog. Its about the :MYTH THAT EVOLUTION IS ABOUT THE ORIGIN OF LIFE---

CORRECTION: Evolutionary theory does en compass ideas and evidence regarding life's origins (e.g., whether or not it happened near a deep-sea vent, which organic molecules came first, etc.), but this is not the focus of evolutionary theory. Evolutionary biology deals with how life changed after its origin. Regardless of how life started, afterwards it branched and diversified, and most studies of evolution are focused on those processes.
cicerone imposter
Sat 11 Oct, 2014 04:48 pm
Scientists seeks answers for almost everything about our environment. They have already calculated that this planet is 4.5 billion years old. They are even researching the 'god particle.'

Article from September 2011.
Scientists believe that they may have caught their first glimpse of the Higgs Boson, or “God particle”, a subatomic unit that is a vital factor in science’s understanding of the universe.

Physicists Fabiola Gianotti and Guido Tonelli of the Large Hadron Collider’s two largest experiments, Atlas and CMS, announced the discovery of signals that point to the appearance of the Higgs boson at a seminar on Tuesday at the Organisation of Nuclear Research (CERN) near Geneva, however there is not enough data to claim a formal discovery.

0 Replies
Sat 11 Oct, 2014 06:03 pm
Watch him foam at the mouth over this one.

0 Replies
Sun 12 Oct, 2014 11:13 pm
It is also interesting to see that matches in DNA doesn't say a damn thing about evolution! Nothing Nada Zilch.
Sun 12 Oct, 2014 11:18 pm
AND then there is this:

Joan Roughgarden, a professor of biology at Stanford University:

Joan Roughgarden thinks Charles Darwin made a terrible mistake. Not about natural selection—she’s no bible-toting creationist—but about his other great theory of evolution: sexual selection. According to Roughgarden, sexual selection can’t explain the homosexuality that’s been documented in over 450 different vertebrate species. This means that same-sex sexuality—long disparaged as a quirk of human culture—is a normal, and probably necessary, fact of life. By neglecting all those gay animals, she says, Darwin misunderstood the basic nature of heterosexuality.

Sun 12 Oct, 2014 11:22 pm
Quehoniaomath wrote:

It is also interesting to see that matches in DNA doesn't say a damn thing about evolution! Nothing Nada Zilch.

Your statement is meaningless. If you were to actually argue that way then you could argue that all hydrogen in the universe should all be in stars, after all it is hydrogen that condenses to form them, so how can there possibly be hydrogen that is not in stars? Evolution and DNA are not parallel in scope. It is the survival of the species that transports the "prosperous" DNA. If the species fails to survive then that DNA fails to be passed to future offspring. Now mutations in the DNA can either hinder or benefit a species but it still depends on survival to determine if the DNA will remain within the gene pool of future species.
Sun 12 Oct, 2014 11:23 pm
Roughgarden first began thinking Darwin may have been in error after she attended the 1997 gay pride parade in San Francisco, where she had gone to walk alongside a float in support of transgendered people. Although she had lived her first 52 years as a man, Roughgarden was about to become a woman. The decision hadn’t been easy. For one thing, she was worried about losing her job as a tenured professor of biology at Stanford. (The fear turned out to be unfounded.)

After living for a year in Santa Barbara while undergoing the “physical aspects of the transition,” Roughgarden returned to Stanford in the spring of 1999 and decided to write a book about the biology of sexual diversity. In particular, she wanted to answer the question that had first surfaced in her mind back in 1997. “When I was at that gay pride parade,” Roughgarden remembers, “I was just stunned by the sheer magnitude of the LGBT [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender] population. Because I’m a biologist, I started asking myself some difficult questions. My discipline teaches that homosexuality is some sort of anomaly. But if the purpose of sexual contact is just reproduction, as Darwin believed, then why do all these gay people exist? A lot of biologists assume that they are somehow defective, that some developmental error or environmental influence has misdirected their sexual orientation. [b]If so, gay and lesbian people are a mistake that should have been corrected a long time ago. But this hasn’t happened.[/b] That’s when I had my epiphany. When scientific theory says something’s wrong with so many people, perhaps the theory is wrong, not the people


Well, another nail in the coffin of the extremely racist ridiculous, anti-human evolution bullshit!!!

0 Replies
Sun 12 Oct, 2014 11:26 pm
Your statement is meaningless. If you were to actually argue that way then you could argue that all hydrogen in the universe should all be in stars, after all it is hydrogen that condenses to form them, so how can there possibly be hydrogen that is not in stars? Evolution and DNA are not parallel in scope. It is the survival of the species that transports the "prosperous" DNA. If the species fails to survive then that DNA fails to be passed to future offspring. Now mutations in the DNA can either hinder or benefit a species but it still depends on survival to determine if the DNA will remain within the gene pool of future species.

From your posting I infer you don't understand what I am saying.
Isn't it so that evolutions-religious idiots see as 'prove' for evolution
likeness in DNA? If so, that is completely wrong, and doesn't prove a thing.
0 Replies
Sun 12 Oct, 2014 11:27 pm
Quehoniaomath wrote:

AND then there is this:

Joan Roughgarden, a professor of biology at Stanford University:

Joan Roughgarden thinks Charles Darwin made a terrible mistake. Not about natural selection—she’s no bible-toting creationist—but about his other great theory of evolution: sexual selection. According to Roughgarden, sexual selection can’t explain the homosexuality that’s been documented in over 450 different vertebrate species. This means that same-sex sexuality—long disparaged as a quirk of human culture—is a normal, and probably necessary, fact of life. By neglecting all those gay animals, she says, Darwin misunderstood the basic nature of heterosexuality.

This presupposes that all species SHOULD enact their sexuality in ONLY heterosexual behavior. If you assume that then of course you would make the mistake of understanding how homosexuality is a possible outcome. Sexuality isn't JUST a genetic trait, there are other factors that determine it. Just like humans can be bi-sexual where they are attracted to both sexes. But of course the ignorant will chose to ignore this fact as well..

You can even take this a step further. Almost all the primates masturbate. Obviously they would realize that their actions will not result in procreation. They are driven by sexual gratification, to relive stress or boredom. I bet if humans did not receive the same sexual gratification through the release of chemicals in the brain then we probably wouldn't procreate as much as we do. I can't imagine that this behavior is purely based in primates.
Sun 12 Oct, 2014 11:29 pm

It proofs again how narrow minded you must be to believe in something like evolution
0 Replies
Sun 12 Oct, 2014 11:30 pm
This presupposes that all species SHOULD enact their sexuality in ONLY heterosexual behavior. If you assume that then of course you would make the mistake of understanding how homosexuality is a possible outcome. Sexuality isn't JUST a genetic trait, there are other factors that determine it. Just like humans can be bi-sexual where they are attracted to both sexes. But of course the ignorant will chose to ignore this fact as well..

Yes, you are ignoring facts indeed! Please read the book.

One more question, do you actually, really, deeply believe in the religion called evolution?
Sun 12 Oct, 2014 11:33 pm
Quehoniaomath wrote:

This presupposes that all species SHOULD enact their sexuality in ONLY heterosexual behavior. If you assume that then of course you would make the mistake of understanding how homosexuality is a possible outcome. Sexuality isn't JUST a genetic trait, there are other factors that determine it. Just like humans can be bi-sexual where they are attracted to both sexes. But of course the ignorant will chose to ignore this fact as well..

Yes, you are ignoring facts indeed! Please read the book.

One more qustion, do you actually, really, deeply believe in the religion called evolution?

I just refuted the book with two paragraphs.
Sun 12 Oct, 2014 11:46 pm
I just refuted the book with two paragraphs

of course not, you haven't even begun to read the book.
Talking about being scientifuc

AND you haven't answered my question (sigh):

One more question, do you actually, really, deeply believe in the religion called evolution?

Sun 12 Oct, 2014 11:53 pm
It makes me laugh every time a dumbass says or asks such a question. Essentially what it says to me is that you KNOW religion is bullshit and you are hoping to lump evolution into the same bullshit category that ALL religions are in.

It's like you are trying to build a premise by saying, if you call yourself a dumbshit then everyone else is a dumbshit. So you'll just call yourself a dumbshit so that everyone is now a dumbshit. The only thing is, the premise is false, just like your premise that evolution is a religion is false.

But I don't expect a dumb ass to understand something as simple as that.

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