Why do people deny evolution?

Wed 8 Oct, 2014 01:41 am
Lordyaswas wrote:

Send it to Coventry. (look it up)

I know that one.
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Frank Apisa
Wed 8 Oct, 2014 06:08 am
Lordyaswas wrote:

Agreed. I very rarely see the idiot nowadays, unless I make the mistake of browsing the forum before logging in.

Send it to Coventry. (look it up)

Damn...last time I heard that was when I was in England...almost 60 years ago.

ASIDE: I do hear "bloody hell" often. We have several (Asian) Indian players on our course...and they use the expression often. I love it every time I hear it.
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Wed 8 Oct, 2014 06:14 am
In what lovely times we live! It becomes clearer and clearer every day evolution is rubbish, bullocks and shite!

The damn thing is really obsolete,

Darwin On Trialby Phillip Johnson


A dispassionately logical assessment that gets right down to the philosophical underpinnings of Darwinism. Insistence on a naturalist, materialist explanation as the only kind acceptable as scientific, with "science" redefined to suit, produces a world view in which Darwinism must be defended as fact whatever its deficiencies, since no alternative meeting the criterion is available. The result is not the testing of a theory but a scramble to produce evidence to support a predetermined conclusion--largely unsuccessfully, as Johnson shows. What credentials does a law professor have to write on such a subject? When it comes to evaluating the merits of a case based on evidence and argument, maybe quite a lot.
Wed 8 Oct, 2014 06:16 am
And on and on it goes:

Evolution Under the Microscope: A Scientific Critique of the Theory of Evolution


by David Swift
A molecular biologist's critical examination of how accumulating research findings fail to support the orthodox Darwinian paradigm that all forms of life have evolved from a common source. While there is no doubt of the capacity of species to adapt and change within limits, extrapolating such processes beyond the evidence to account for new forms and body plans is not justified. The facts are more simply and readily explained by the segregation and selection of existing gene sets from genetically rich ancestral stocks than by the appearance of new genes. Close examination of the mechanisms involved at the molecular level shows that the generation of new genetic information poses insuperable problems for the mutation-selection scenario of modern evolutionary theory.
"Swift's writing style is clear, interesting and with occasional glimpses of humour. This work is ideal for university students and scientifically literate adults who seek a current introduction to problems with evolution and an indication of where the evidence leads. . . . a bombshell which we will surely want to distribute on university campuses everywhere."
-- Margaret Helder, Alberta, Canada
"The best book I have read up to now about evolution! . . . It is awesome to read how, one by one, the 'convincing arguments' for evolution are analyzed and shown to be flawed."
-- Olaf Karthaus, Hokkaido, Japan

Really unbelievable thaty people still eat from the cake of evolution and don't choke!

Wed 8 Oct, 2014 06:20 am
And on and it goes:

Evolution: A Theory in Crisis
by Michael Denton

A biochemist's account of the neo-Darwinian theory's shortcomings as judged by the purely scientific evidence. This was the book that first caused me to reconsider beliefs that I had accepted uncritically, and thence to revise my view of the whole subject. Many authors that I have read since also cite Denton's as the work that initiated their doubts regarding the orthodox theory.

And what a crisis it is!!!
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Wed 8 Oct, 2014 06:25 am
and on.

The Edge of Evolution


This is the follow-up to Michael Behe's Darwin's Black Box (1996), in which he argued from detailed examples of biological molecular chemistry that the conventional Darwinian mechanism of random mutation operated on by selection cannot explain the complex machinery of living cells and their interaction. Here, he extends his case further by delving into the mutational pathways revealed by modern genetic studies, which show Darwinian trial-and-error to be a crude and clumsy device capable at best of producing marginal changes in evolutionary development, and that bringing about the essential processes that underlie the living world is far beyond its reach. Too many things have to happen in precisely the right way, all at the same time to generate the transitions that the evidence records. Changes that depend on a single point mutation will easily be found by chance eventually, but where two or more are required, the improbability rockets exponentially with the number until even one of the seemingly simple solutions that are observed in endless variety would exhaust the resources of the universe before coming together through such means. Even in cases where the results of single mutations have been demonstrated to be real and beneficial in certain circumstances, it turns out that the mutations are invariably degenerative, arising from the loss of information from the genome, and cannot, therefore, be considered as contributing to an evolutionary path characterized by the progressive accumulation of genetic information.

The conclusion that seems to fit most squarely with the evidence is that changes are not random but occur in preferred directions as directed by cues from the environment. This implies that the "program" for turning an organism to a different one when the right conditions come into existence was already there in the genome, making it a vastly more complex affair than even that required to accomplish the stupefying intricacies uncovered to date. The finding is broadly in agreement with opinions expressed by other molecular biologists, not widely recognized in the mainstream, that most, if not all, of the examples of "evolution in action" generally attributed to Darwinian mutation-selection are more simply explained by the segregation of already-existing genes by breeding and other environmental factors, without any significant mutation taking place at all. The question this leaves unanswered, of course, is where the genes came from in the first place.

Only very closed mind people can take the evolution rubbish seriously,

Wed 8 Oct, 2014 08:12 am
AHHHH PHIL JOHNSON, We used to call his book the "Origins of the Specious"
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Wed 8 Oct, 2014 08:20 am
Anyone with a computer and a desire to sell and be heard , can write a book about how something does or doesn't work(but that doent make it right-especially when its the on;y one of its kind--hardly a bandwagon of evidence).

How about we send some of these self published "anti-evolution" books to a college graduate biology or geology program and have the students do a review?

.PS, have you red Phil Johnson's work? why doesn't it have a comprehensive bibliography? It only seems to quote tracts and other religious crap. Theres really no scientific publications it relies upon.
Wed 8 Oct, 2014 08:22 am
Obviously you haven't read Behe, since you merely post its press crap.
Why not read some of your postsgand then come back and debate. So far your debate skills are displayed by the "cut and paste" of book reviews done by others.
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Wed 8 Oct, 2014 11:22 am
carloslebaron wrote:

You evade the recognition that the evolution hypothesis can't explain a micro-organism becoming a macro-organism by evolutionary process.

You mean the recognizing that it CAN explain it?

Evolutionary history

Multicellularity has evolved independently at least 46 times,[4][5] including in some prokaryotes, like cyanobacteria, myxobacteria, actinomycetes, Magnetoglobus multicellularis or Methanosarcina. However, complex multicellular organisms evolved only in six eukaryotic groups: animals, fungi, brown algae, red algae, green algae, and land plants.[6] It evolved repeatedly for Chloroplastida (green algae and land plants), once or twice for animals, once for brown algae, three times in the fungi (chytrids, ascomycetes and basidiomycetes)[7] and perhaps several times for slime molds, and red algae.[8]

The first evidence of multicellularity is from cyanobacteria-like organisms that lived between 3 and 3.5 billion years ago.[4] In order to reproduce, true multicellular organisms must solve the problem of regenerating a whole organism from germ cells (i.e. sperm and egg cells), an issue that is studied in developmental biology.
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Wed 8 Oct, 2014 12:20 pm
Anyone with a computer and a desire to sell and be heard , can write a book about how something does or doesn't work(but that doent make it right-especially when its the on;y one of its kind--hardly a bandwagon of evidence).

How about we send some of these self published "anti-evolution" books to a college graduate biology or geology program and have the students do a review?

.PS, have you red Phil Johnson's work? why doesn't it have a comprehensive bibliography? It only seems to quote tracts and other religious crap. Theres really no scientific publications it relies upon.

you probably are not allowd to get the books in!

btw about the books, there seem to be some books about evolution!
So, there should your árguments' also be used. Why don't you?
Ohhhhhhhhhhh I know, it it your extemely dense and very stupid religion.

But face it, you are very very strange in your replies.
And, sorry to say, extremely illogical, like all scientist are!
No kidding! They confuse scientific with logic, very funny to see,

ah well who cares anymore about this evolution shite?

people who are awake certainly don't.

Get my drift? Wink
Wed 8 Oct, 2014 12:26 pm
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Wed 8 Oct, 2014 12:37 pm
It is really a bit childish, but well, for now....
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Wed 8 Oct, 2014 12:48 pm
Uni librqries carry all "ides" of an issue. There I a substantial segment of religion texts that include "Scientific Creationim" nd "Intelligent Design". Im not the one who isn't "llowed " to read all sides. IN FACT, Ive kept up with ALL of Michael Behes books. If you weren't so dense, youd realize that his latest book is actually his reluctant acceptance of evolution but only if it were "divinely directed" (ID with a name).
However, his science errors were still as flagrant as those in his"Darwin's Black Box". Behe testified in court that he felt that astrology was also a science.
Wed 8 Oct, 2014 01:21 pm
Uni librqries carry all "ides" of an issue. There I a substantial segment of religion texts that include "Scientific Creationim" nd "Intelligent Design". Im not the one who isn't "llowed " to read all sides. IN FACT, Ive kept up with ALL of Michael Behes books. If you weren't so dense, youd realize that his latest book is actually his reluctant acceptance of evolution but only if it were "divinely directed" (ID with a name).
However, his science errors were still as flagrant as those in his"Darwin's Black Box". Behe testified in court that he felt that astrology was also a science.

But in the meantime you have NO CLUE that you are defending a religion!?

speaks for itself then.

and about astrology...you again have NO CLUE.

You OF COURSE haven't studied the subject AT ALL

But you know everything about it!

Yeah you must be really a nice arrogant little boy who wants to please his father.

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Wed 8 Oct, 2014 02:14 pm
and then there is this:

"It was the absence of transitional fossils that first made me question Darwin's idea of gradual change. I realised, too, that the procedures used to date rocks were circular. Rocks are used to date fossils: fossils are used to date rocks. From here I began to think the unthinkable: could Darwinism be scientifically flawed?"
"I became an almost daily visitor at the Natural History Museum, looking more closely again at all the famous evidence I had been taught about: the evolution of horses, Archaeopteryx -- half-reptile, half-bird -- the peppered moth, the Galapagos finches and all the other totems of Darwinism."
"One after another they crumbled as I subjected them to even routine journalistic scrutiny. At first I thought I must be mistaken -- then I began to discover one by one the many scientists around the world who had already realised the emperor has no clothes, but who cannot speak out without jeopardising their careers and even their jobs."


So now, please **** off with this extrmely stupid, retarded, intellectually dishonest **** that evolution theory really is!

Wed 8 Oct, 2014 02:20 pm
And then there is THIS:

How rocks are dated

If you ignore all the other ways rocks are dated then you can pretend they only use fossils to date rocks. But that is how all conspiracy theories work. You have to ignore data while being selective about what you do include.
Wed 8 Oct, 2014 02:55 pm
Its interesting that, as a "science journalist" Milton has no concern that he has not presented anything truthful in the article that Quahog clipped. NOTHING AT ALL.
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Wed 8 Oct, 2014 05:52 pm
I deny evolution because it makes Baby Jeebus cry . . .
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Thu 9 Oct, 2014 12:04 am
If you ignore all the other ways rocks are dated then you can pretend they only use fossils to date rocks. But that is how all conspiracy theories work. You have to ignore data while being selective about what you do include.

bring it one baby!!!!!!


I ignore nothing, you do.

t really is all shite and bollocks this evolution thing

obsolete to its core!
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