My point was already made, freedom is real and relevant in the universe, organisms come to be by a way of choosing. That is common sense, and why evolution theory is commonly rejected.
The people for (knowledge about) freedom are the good guys, the people against (knowledge about) freedom are the bad guys.
Natural selection is a sorting process, a sorting process does not require any freedom whatsoever. With sorting the endresult depends on the initial variables. The highest is always going to sort out as being the highest.
However the socalled random walk, or neutral selection, does have some of the logic that nature can turn out alternative ways. But evolutionists have no clue about it that decisions can be made in simple ways, and sophisticated ways.
Generally all evolutionists have this miserable attitude in regards to explaining the origins of anything in terms of the decisions by which they come to be. Regardless if it is people making decisions, or freedom in nature, evolutionists go out of their way to surpress and destroy any knowledge about it.
And evolutionists have billions of dollars of support from government and media. It is a veritable onslaught of information about evolution, and relatively a tiny budget, and tiny bit of information for creationism.