##S. Thomas Abraham, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Campbell University School of Pharmacy (a religious university). Now Associate professor. Has some publications in unrelated fields.
##Bernard d'Abrera, Visiting Scholar, "Department of Entomology, British Museum" (the listed affiliation is, quite simply, a lie; d'Abrera is associated with the Natural History Museum, which has not been part of the British Museum for several decades). d’Abrera is not a scientist by training and does not hold a Ph.D,[15] but is nevertheless a fellow of the pro-intelligent design organization International Society for Complexity, Information and Design. He has described the theory of evolution as “viscid, asphyxiating baggage” that requires “blind religious faith,” since, according to this particular PRATT, it is unfalsifiable. Arthur Shapiro aptly described d’Abrera as “profoundly anti-scientific – not unscientific, but hostile to science.”[16]
##Gary Achtemeier, Ph.D. Meteorology, Florida State University. Currently works with the USDA Forest Service, doing (genuine) research on smoke management and air quality. Has dedicated himself to “removing stumbling blocks that keep God's people from coming before his throne,”[17] and written a book, “Cultural Espionage”, on the “evolution-creation controversy”.[18]
##Joel Adams, Professor of Computer Science, Calvin College. Has some publications, mostly on curriculum development.
##Marshall Adams, Ph.D. Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Currently Director of the Biological Indicators research program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Does have a decent publication record that may not be entirely unrelated – much of it assuming evolution, and none of it apparently offering anything but support.
##Neal Adrian, Ph.D. Microbiology, University of Oklahoma. Owner of Adrian Environmental LLC (improving indoor air quality) and certified mold remediator. Has apparently done some research, but in unrelated fields.
##Domingo Aerden, Professor of Geology, Universidad de Granada. Does research in unrelated fields.
##Rafi Ahmed, Ph.D. Computer Science, University of Florida. Consulting Member at Oracle. No peer-reviewed research publications found.
##Mauricio Alcocer, Director of Graduate Studies, Autonomous University of Guadalajara. Apparently sympathetic to the idea that the creation myths of Mexico are evidence for the Christian God and Trinity.[19] Has some podcasts attacking evolution.[20] Has a few older publications on plant physiology (in the journal Weed Technology), but nothing from the last 15 years found.
##Moorad Alexanian, Professor of Physics, University of North Carolina, Wilmington. Has a decent publication record in an unrelated field, interleaved with plenty of publications in places such as “Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith”. Apparently thinks that evolution is unfalsifiable.
##Braxton Alfred, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, University of British Columbia. Has claimed that he tried systematically to indoctrinate students with evolution for 33 years before he discovered and was converted to Intelligent Design.[21] Did some research, in anthropology, in the 1970s, but his work from the last 30 years seem primarily to be concerned with ID apologies published through non-scientific venues.
##Wesley Allen, Professor of Computational Quantum Chemistry, University of Georgia. The university website lists him as Associate Professor of Chemistry. Does real research, however, though in an unrelated field.
##Gail H. Allwine, Professor of Electrical Engineering (retired), Gonzaga University. No research publications found.
##Jesus Ambriz, Professor of Medicine, Autonomous University of Guadalajara. No research record found.
##Yoshiyuki Amemiya, Professor of Advanced Materials Science & Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo. Appears to be a real scientist, in an unrelated field.
##Changhyuk An, Ph.D. Physics, University of Tennessee. No research or current affiliation found.
##Richard Anderson, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Policy, Duke University. Real researcher, unrelated field.
##Todd A. Anderson, Ph.D. Computer Science, U. of Kentucky. May have some (unrelated) research; no updated information found.
##Mark Apkarian, Ph.D. Exercise Physiology, University of New Mexico. No current affiliation, research, or information found.
##João Jorge Ribeiro Soares Gonçalves de Araújo, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Open University (Portugal). Appears to have some publications in unrelated fields.
##Janice Arion, Ph.D. Animal Science, Cornell University. Currently at Coram Deo Academy (a private Christian school; appears to be an elementary school designed to supplement homeschooling). No research found since her student days.
##William J. Arion, Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry, Cornell University. Has publications in apparently unrelated fields. Also a global warming denialist and signatory to the Oregon Petition.
##Neil Armitage, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Cape Town. Has a decent research record in an unrelated field.
##D. Albrey Arrington, Ph.D. Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University. Currently at Perry Institute for Marine Science. Appears to be involved in real research, though in unrelated fields.
##Eduardo Arroyo, Professor of Forensics, Complutense U. Appears to do some research, unrelated to the question at hand.
##Eugene C. Ashby, Regents’ Professor and Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Georgia Institute of Technology. Hardcore creationist who cherish all the standard misunderstandings and untruths that reveal the thorough lack of understanding of evolution you’d expect[22] who supported the infamous disclaimer stickers in Cobb County, GA, put on biology textbooks proclaiming that evolution is “a theory, not a fact”. Used to be a respectable scientist, but does not appear to have been involved in scientific research for the last 25 years.
##Paul Ashby, Ph.D. Chemistry, Harvard U. Currently at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Does research in an unrelated field.
##Michael Atchison, Professor of Biochemistry, University of Pennsylvania, Vet. School. Appears to do real research; also associated with the Christian Leadership Ministries. Was the guy who was responsible for “peer reviewing” Behe’s book “Darwin’s Black Box”; at least Behe has claimed that Atchison’s 10 minute phone communication about book with Behe counted as peer review.[23]
##Joseph Atkinson, Ph.D. Organic Chemistry, Massachusets Institute of Technology. Google returns no affiliation, research, or information
##Gregory A. Ator, Associate Professor, Department of Otolaryngology, U. of Kansas Medical Center. Does research in unrelated fields.
##Richard Austin, Assoc. Prof. & Chair, Biology & Natural Sciences, Piedmont College. Also Republican member of the Georgia State House of Representatives (10th district) between 2009 and 2011. Currently Habersham County Commissioner. Has some not entirely irrelevant publications, but these appear to assume and/or support evolution rather than provide any challenges.
##Douglas Axe,[24] Director, Biologic Institute. Has published real, peer-reviewed papers in real journals, which are hailed by the Discovery Institute as evidence for their views, despite the fact that the papers, even according to Axe, provide no evidence for Intelligent Design.[25] Seems to think that if evolution were false, then Intelligent Design would be correct,[26] which is, of course, false insofar as Intelligent Design creationism is not a scientific theory and thus not even in the running. Struggles with basic notions of biology.[27]
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