Why do people deny evolution?

Thu 19 Jun, 2014 04:47 pm
@ farmerman

To your first point: The same way the SIX shark species come from a former ancestor.

To your second point:

Even when life recycles different than elements alone because it does it as organic compounds, the energy which comes from a continuous decaying Sun will cause the process of transformation of a weaker received energy.

There is no escape, everything decays.
Thu 19 Jun, 2014 05:15 pm
Ill bet your initial attempts at enforcement will be a total Armenian-cluster-****. You read it here first.

It already is but it is being played down and other matters are pressing.

The PM has had to carpet two senior ministers and a senior official has resigned. Islamics don't lie down because a tin pot judge in a pokey corner of Pa. thinks a flagella can be scientifically compared to a foot pump.

Why don't you give the Koran the same treatment you do the Bible fm bearing in mind that most Christians are okay with evolution and Islamists are not? Not frit are you.

Q isn't a Christian as far as I can tell.

Thu 19 Jun, 2014 06:04 pm
no Quahog is an interdimensional alien who has an anal cranial invert.
Our constitution makes no differences between what religions cannot preach their creeds as science. It just says 'THATS THE WAY IT IS BOYS, NOW DEAL WITH IT"
We settle cases and even while the ink is drying the Fundamentalist Christian surrogate scientists are out there trying to come up with a new bumper sticker upon which to claim inerrancy of Genesis.

"There is No evidence" has been overworked by all the Religious Hoynimhs
Fri 20 Jun, 2014 12:18 am
Q isn't a Christian as far as I can tell.

Indeed, I am not, I am not into any religion.

Hence my rejection of evolution is not based on any religion but into research of the evolutionhoax, fm should do that once in his life. Wink
Because there is no evidence to be found for (macro)evolution, the math shows it it is all wrong, other sciences (Lantrell) show it can't be done, if you play around with the numbers (" how we are made') shows evolution must be a hoax, and so on and so forth.

But let's face it, even if fm found out it is an hoax, he won't admit it here.
Because he will fall flat on his face. Yes, he already does that unconsciously, I know that. Wink
He is a masterbrain......with AH's! Wink
Fri 20 Jun, 2014 12:31 am
Hence my rejection of evolution is not based on any religion but into research of the evolutionhoax
You just happen to conclude, after all your "Vast research" that Creationist and ID blather makes sense. maybe your research is "half Vast"

I got some swampland for sale and Quahog sounds primed to buy. Hes a gullible ****.

PS, if youre ignoring me, why am I the object of your wrath? Youre still an idiot , I cant be quiet about that, especially since you so proudly display your idiocy.

0 Replies
Fri 20 Jun, 2014 12:46 am

To your first point: The same way the SIX shark species come from a former ancestor.
There are approximately 420 species of living sharks in 4 orders. Whats yer point? The common ancestor of sharks and rays goes back in the fossil record to the Placoderms and later the Acanthodian fishes. which are the ancestors of all Elasmobranchs and rays

To my second point: However, virus , as well as living tissue evolve. "Decay" is a post living condition of apoptosis in which entropy is displayed.

0 Replies
Fri 20 Jun, 2014 04:46 am
Your position, Q, is patently ridiculous because--

1--It depends upon two assertions. That evolution is a hoax and that mathematics disproves it. For neither assertion do you offer any support and that is the selfsame method fm uses. You might say those things and fm say his things until the end of time without getting anywhere.

2--Your arguments, which, like fm's, are not arguments, will not convince any intelligent neutrals and doing that is the only purpose of debate assuming that 15 rounds of a tongue pulling out contest is insulting to people who have signed up to be Abled 2 Know.

3--For those who think evolution is a wedge for an atheist agenda you are on the same side as fm because you discredit anti-evolution as might be expected from an opponent of Christian morality.

4--You thus have no point outside of simply making a noise.
Fri 20 Jun, 2014 04:56 am
Quahog defaults to a religious view of the origins life because hes not smart enough to understand the nuances of evidence. You understand but try to assert something that's just false. In that respect you're two vapideros you just arrive from different starting points.
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Fri 20 Jun, 2014 05:35 am
Our constitution makes no differences between what religions cannot preach their creeds as science. It just says 'THATS THE WAY IT IS BOYS, NOW DEAL WITH IT"

That idiotic remark is grounded on the superiority of American jurisprudence in terms of intellectual discussion.

Congress voted overwhelmingly for the adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan which, after much loss of life and injuries which will haunt the US for the next 50 years, and expense, are seen as gigantic mistakes.

The promotion of the widespread acceptance of evolution, and the obvious social consequences which will result, is an error of unquantifiable magnitude. It represents a revolution.

Pretending it isn't is a hoax which relies, as do all hoaxes, on an audience of saps and you ought to be ashamed of yourself, fm, for playing to such a gallery in the name of Science. Which I see as irresponsible unless you promote free love and might being the only right. Both of which you haven't the nerve to attempt.

You are a Christian underneath old chap and your evolutionism is a schtick to gain attention. Science is for scientists. It has nothing to do with constitutions. That you think it has is slam dunk evidence that science is not your strong point.

American courts ordered the burning of Wilhelm Reich's books. 4 tons of them I gather. And the Constitution allowed the repeal of the Glass/Steagall Act of 1933 and that smoothed the way to the financial crisis we are still wrestling with and the gradual restoration of the provisions of the Act.
Fri 20 Jun, 2014 07:08 am
Your position, Q, is patently ridiculous because--

No it is really not.

1--It depends upon two assertions. That evolution is a hoax and that mathematics disproves it. For neither assertion do you offer any support and that is the selfsame method fm uses. You might say those things and fm say his things until the end of time without getting anywhere.

Well, of course that is totally wrong, I have pointed to a book with the math, I have shown some math, and I have made it clear it is a hoax from the beginning because the evolution hoax was founded by the "Lunar Society"
with people who know the whole evolutionthing is bollocks to begin with.

2--Your arguments, which, like fm's, are not arguments, will not convince any intelligent neutrals and doing that is the only purpose of debate assuming that 15 rounds of a tongue pulling out contest is insulting to people who have signed up to be Abled 2 Know.

Well then, show me what are no arguments and why they are no arguments.
Some don't want to see the strength of the arguments because it is in conflict with their current belief system. It is called cognitive dissonance.

3--For those who think evolution is a wedge for an atheist agenda you are on the same side as fm because you discredit anti-evolution as might be expected from an opponent of Christian morality.

Christian morality is an oxymoron. As I have stated before the Christian Church is nothing more than a recycled pagan belief, hence jeus never existed. It is all fake. See my other thread about Popes etc being very satanic!
And I mean that literally!

4--You thus have no point outside of simply making a noise.

if that is your opinion , so be it. You can put me on ignore offcourse Wink

Frank Apisa
Fri 20 Jun, 2014 08:21 am
Well, of course that is totally wrong, I have pointed to a book with the math, I have shown some math, and I have made it clear it is a hoax from the beginning because the evolution hoax was founded by the "Lunar Society"

You keep coming back to this, Q.

What kind of reasoning are you using to make this equal...therefore evolution is a hoax?

If I were to suggest (as a hoax) that I have been contacted by sentient beings from a planet circling one of the 10 closest stars to Sol...and so I know there are sentient beings on one of those planets...

...and you KNOW WITH CERTAINTY that I started that "hoax"...

...WOULD THAT MEAN THERE ARE NO SENTIENT BEINGS on any planet circling any of the closest 10 stars to Sol?

HINT: Of course not. You cannot get that conclusion from that set of circumstances.

And even if the "Lunar Society" did dream up the notion of evolution...that does not mean that evolution is a hoax.

Can you grasp that?

So even if all that nonsense you keep trying to sell were granted (as a gesture to your tenacity)...IT STILL WOULD NOT MEAN THAT EVOLUTION MUST BE A HOAX...as you keep insisting.

Fri 20 Jun, 2014 10:40 am
The remark is hardly "idiotic".its just , perhaps a bit over your head. Since you've had several hundred years post Mgna Carta to reflct and modify, you , instead have spent mostof your time as a country and an empire being a plutocracy and therefore, your laws benefit a minor few. (You seem to be content enough so why should we care?)

Here in the US, we established our rules before we adopted that same plutocratic style of governance . Im sure that we shall engage in another revolution before you.. Any nation that plays a stupid game like cricket or collects spiders and mice as show pets, apparently has no life of its own , so you jealously try to adopt ours. You aren't in place with enough controls to make your "Creationism not welcome" laws be based on anything substantive. Here we have several clean Constitutional clauses by which to denut religion as science..
Fri 20 Jun, 2014 11:05 am
@Frank Apisa,
And even if the "Lunar Society" did dream up the notion of evolution...

True Dqt. A drinking and party society that engaged in the classical meanings of "SYMPOSIUM" cant be laughed at.
In our INQU and GSA we hve several sub organizations like the chapter of deltaic sedimentologists who call themselves "THE SONS OF THE BEACHES"

ERASMUS DARWIN was already a member of the Royal Academy in 1761.
The "Lunar ociety of Birmingham" did not begin social and group meeting until bout 1765
The Lunar Society gave itself that name in 1775

The Lunar Society was already inmemberhip ecline in the lte 1780's because of members being hounded for thwir associations with the French Academy and the Revolution (Joe Priestley moved to the US to scape any "bd blood"

DARWIN did not even publish his "ZoONOMIA" text and poems until 1791
So, associating the Lunar Society officially with anything to do with evolution is bollocks.

Once again Quahog dipped his wick into something he has neither the understanding nor the evidence to support.

0 Replies
Fri 20 Jun, 2014 02:04 pm
You can put me on ignore offcourse

I wouldn't demean myself before the viewers in a manner as babyish as that is.

Your response to my post might not embarrass you but it embarrasses me that you thought it worthwhile to address such remarks in my direction. Such things as "No it is really not." and "Well, of course that is totally wrong," are both examples of what I said is wrong with your position.

Well, of course that is totally wrong, I have pointed to a book with the math, I have shown some math, and I have made it clear it is a hoax from the beginning because the evolution hoax was founded by the "Lunar Society"
with people who know the whole evolutionthing is bollocks to begin with.

That's pure drivel as even Apisa can explain. It's just a string of unsupported assertions instead of each one one at once. An investigation showing that every fossil exhibit is made of plastic does nothing to prove that evolution was a hoax. Neither would it if it was shown that Darwin fiddled every experiment and all his observations were made in a zoo or a farmyard.

Spending 5 horrible years on The Beagle, as an alternative to shagging well-to-do Shropshire lasses on tiger skins in front of a good country house fire, in order to show what Darwin showed seems to me to be proof that evolutionists don't even know how to talk straight to each other. Although his Dad did make an effort. Had I been in his place I would have had the silly lad locked up in a sanitorium until he screwed his head back on straight.

I wish it was a hoax.
Fri 20 Jun, 2014 03:11 pm
I wish it was a hoax

Spendius, you are running in circles now. saying that something is no argument is no argument.

And well, it IS a hoax, the whole of evolution.

It is beyond me that people really think, against all odds, (macro) evolution is for real.

However, considering your previous postings, you are now on drugs, or you where then on drugs. Now, what is it? Wink

Fri 20 Jun, 2014 03:30 pm
The remark is hardly "idiotic".its just , perhaps a bit over your head.

Don't flatter yourself Baldy. The only thing that's over my head is how on earth you get anybody to talk to you who doesn't want anything off you. Of course the remark is idiotic. The exchange went thus--

Our constitution makes no differences between what religions cannot preach their creeds as science. It just says 'THATS THE WAY IT IS BOYS, NOW DEAL WITH IT"

That idiotic remark is grounded on the superiority of American jurisprudence in terms of intellectual discussion.

Notice the "because" which are not common in your posts. It is not the way it is and not even in the US. The Constitution is a tool of the better classes and has nothing to do with an intellectual discussion, or even an attempt at one, concerning evolution. It is not the way it is in Tehran. Or Kabul. Or in Riyadh, one of your important allies. For now anyway.

It is only the way it is for an assumed American superiority which is not even remotely an intellectual grounding. It is a Johnny-Come-Lately.

You can't step into a classroom without preaching a religion.

And we are pretty content I must admit. We are even enjoying wallowing in misery at being dumped out of the World Cup. The supermarket chains are now greatly overstocked with beer and cheap offers have already appeared. Half price some of them. Do you never sit yourself down in front of a Ch.4 broadcast of Royal Ascot and watch it as a scientist ought to. Finches beaks are for ******* dimmies.

And all based on the idea that a tube with a hole at each end supporting a reproductive organ can be dressed up to look like a pretty wedding cake and inspire devoted worship. What's that if not a ridiculous superstition which even the communists couldn't eradicate. Madame Mao's uniforms were made in Paris. The delicate stitching gave them away.
0 Replies
Fri 20 Jun, 2014 05:06 pm
Saying it is a hoax is not an argument. It's a blurt with no substance.

A large number of my posts have been countered by claiming I was drunk so I don't suppose your claim that I was stoned is much different.

You and fm agree on the value of such tripe for your own reasons. Which is that you are as thick as each other. If I was pie-eyed on kinnikinnick it would make no difference to the content of the post from your point of view. It says what it says.

That soft-headed gambit is proof that you're floundering.

Romeo Fabulini
Fri 20 Jun, 2014 07:24 pm
Evolution is both a HOAX and a CON TRICK played on a gullible public by lying atheist scientists, it's what they DO because most atheists are natural-born liars..Smile
0 Replies
Fri 20 Jun, 2014 11:27 pm
Saying it is a hoax is not an argument. It's a blurt with no substance.

I have provided the syubstance, it is called "The Lunar Society"
That you can't accept it is a completely different story.

But it is worse than that, nearly the whole of 'science' is a hoax, hence evolution is also a hoax.

e.q take 'modern physics' NOTHING, and I mean litterally NOTHING usefull has come out of it. and there is so much more, once you start to research

Really, 'modern science' is bollocks! All with the end to take us away from any truth!


Furthermore your point about atheist being liars is completely wrong! I know more lyers who are catholic than atheist.
Most catholics are hypocrites! And I can know , I am raised at an more than idiotic catholic school.Those idiots lied all the time!

So there is that argument out of the window.

Sat 21 Jun, 2014 03:49 am
he wont ever argue the fact that his historical timeline on Erasmus Darwin is all wrong.
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