Why do people deny evolution?

Thu 19 Jun, 2014 09:20 am
Of course the moon is a hoax. The math proves it. Objects that are farther away should appear smaller. When the moon is on the horizon is supposed to be farther away than when it is directly overhead. But the moon is actually larger on the horizon. That proves the moon is a hoax.
Thu 19 Jun, 2014 10:19 am
From the cover of the referenced book I see a projection of a Markovian matrix. Markovian matrixes are a great to study food chains in a stable environs. However, evolutionary adaptation is enhanced during times of environmental stress where new niches are being created and destroyed. During those times of change Markovian analysis don't fit.

If the author is making the claim that evolution is unlikely during times of environmental stasis--his claim is defensible. If he is making the claim that evolution is unlikely during times of environmental instability, he's a quack selling beachfront property to the gullible.

If you read the whole book , it is very easy to see that large scale evolution
is an imposibilty.
Exactly in line with the fact that there is no evidence for macro-evolution, the
mathematical/statistical proof that macro evolution doesn't and didn't exist,
and so on and so forth.
But a lot of people think 'evolution' is real, because they think that numerous repetitions, can make something a fact. Well, It can't .

Evolution is all bollocks and easy to see, when one has eyes to see.

0 Replies
Thu 19 Jun, 2014 10:21 am
Of course the moon is a hoax. The math proves it. Objects that are farther away should appear smaller. When the moon is on the horizon is supposed to be farther away than when it is directly overhead. But the moon is actually larger on the horizon. That proves the moon is a hoax.

yeah, good logic mate!


Now start refuting the book, you can't!

But you want to because the book proves Evolution IS a HOAX.
(as so many other argument do!!!)

Are these people for real????
Thu 19 Jun, 2014 10:45 am
I see you can't dispute the math that proves the moon is a hoax. You can only resort to making odd noises.
Thu 19 Jun, 2014 10:54 am
You believe that is "basically impossible to teach Biology without" evolution.

But such is your belief.

Species decay only, and they do solely degenerate because such is the path of the elements of the universe: older stars produced heavy elements and recycled them, new stars do not produce heavy elements but recycled them only; new stars produce metals. Planets do not produce and less do not recycle heavy elements but recycle metals.

As you can see, the newest steps are a decayed out coming from the oldest status when the elements were produced more complex while today they are becoming more and more simpler. To this continuous losing of characteristics we call it "degenerate steps" and decay, because the losing of properties.

Species cannot go against the decay of elements, and we have observed former species with hundreds of teeth and more characteristics than the ones found with their descendants.

The theory of evolution goes against the fact that elements solely decay, and for this reason this theory is not worthy to be considered.

So, the theory of evolution is not needed at all because the only fact in this universe is that everything decays including the species.

If you believe in a good for nothing theory like the theory of evolution, you are free to do so, but remember that doing so you are creating your own religion. In order for the theory of evolution be considered as science, it must go in accord with other branches of science, and this theory of evolution goes against physics.

So, between these two beliefs, creation and evolution, the belief of creation is 100% in accord with reality and inspires to moral principles and similar, while the belief of evolution is a good for nothing religion.

Thu 19 Jun, 2014 11:07 am
I see you can't dispute the math that proves the moon is a hoax. You can only resort to making odd noises.


we are talking about the evolutionhoax here now, so start to make good arguments about that................if you can. Wink

your distraction into he moon won't work, there is another thread about that, try it there , clown!
0 Replies
Thu 19 Jun, 2014 11:26 am
so where do all these "new" species come from?


The theory of evolution goes against the fact that elements solely decay
However, life is constantly demonstrating that it proceeds AGAINST chemical gradients.
explain the various energy cycles?
Thu 19 Jun, 2014 11:44 am
It appear that Quahog is still a barking idiot. This thread IS NOT about the defense of evolutionary theory, it needs none. Its abot "Why do people DENY evolution?"
Quhog is a poster child for species senescence. Perhaps then, senility is one reason.
Thu 19 Jun, 2014 11:59 am
edgarblythe wrote:

Teaching Creationism As Science Now Banned In All UK Public Schools

In what's being heralded as a secular triumph, the UK government has banned the teaching of creationism as science in all existing and future academies and free schools.

The new clauses, which arrived with very little fanfare last week, state that the...

...requirement for every academy and free school to provide a broad and balanced curriculum in any case prevents the teaching of creationism as evidence based theory in any academy or free school.
So, if an academy or free school teaches creationism as scientifically valid, it's breaking the funding agreement to provide a "broad and balanced curriculum."

In the UK, state-funded academies are basically equivalent to charter schools in the United States, and are primarily comprised of high schools. Free schools, which were introduced in 2010, are non-profit making, independent, state-funded schools which are not controlled by a local authority, but are subject to the School Admissions Code. Free schools make it possible for parents, teachers, charities, and business to set up their own schools.

In addition to the new clauses, the UK government clarified the meaning of creationism, reminding everyone that it's a minority view even within the Church of England and the Catholic Church.

Does the new Pope believe in evolution?
The answer is actually yes. And in fact, the Roman Catholic Church has recognized Darwinian…
Read more
Back in 2012, the UK government banned all future free schools from teaching creationism as science, requiring them to teach natural selection. At the time, however, it didn't extend those requirement to academies, nor did the changes apply to existing free schools. The new verbiage changes this, precluding all public-funded schools — present or future — from teaching creationism as evidence-based theory.

The new church academies clauses require that "pupils are taught about the theory of evolution, and prevent academy trusts from teaching 'creationism' as scientific fact." And by "creationism" they mean:

[A]ny doctrine or theory which holds that natural biological processes cannot account for the history, diversity, and complexity of life on earth and therefore rejects the scientific theory of evolution. The parties acknowledge that creationism, in this sense, is rejected by most mainstream churches and religious traditions, including the major providers of state funded schools such as the [Anglican] [Catholic] Churches, as well as the scientific community. It does not accord with the scientific consensus or the very large body of established scientific evidence; nor does it accurately and consistently employ the scientific method, and as such it should not be presented to pupils at the Academy as a scientific theory.
And in regards to protecting religious beliefs, the clauses acknowledge that the funding agreement does...

...not prevent discussion of beliefs about the origins of the Earth and living things, such as creationism, in Religious Education, as long as it is not presented as a valid alternative to established scientific theory.
Seems fair and reasonable to me.

The British Humanist Association, which has been advocating for the change since 2011 via its "Teach Evolution, Not Creationism" campaign, is celebrating the move.

"[We] believe that... the objectives of the campaign are largely met," noted BHA Head of Public Affairs Pavan Dhaliwal in a statement. "We congratulate the Government on its robust stance on this issue." He added: "However, there are other ongoing areas of concern, for example the large number of state financed creationist nurseries, or the inadequate inspection of private creationist schools, and continued vigilance is needed in the state-funded sector. We will continue to work for reform in the remaining areas, but are pleased that the vast majority of issues are now dealt with."

This move by the UK government stands in stark contrast to what's happening in the United States. In Missouri, for example, a proposed bill would require schools to "alert" parents when evolution is taught.

Were you aware of this development farmerman?
Thu 19 Jun, 2014 12:08 pm
No, I was not. HA!. The brits on this line have mostly maintained that "Creeping Creationism" would never be a problem in UK schools. SO I guess my gut feeling that they weren't completely being honest was a bit on the right path.

POOR QUAHOG, hes a brit. Hell probably burst into flames or want to devour his entire bottle of Anti-Psychotic meds. (I don't even know if they have any meds for psychoses)
Thu 19 Jun, 2014 02:00 pm
This thread IS NOT about the defense of evolutionary theory, it needs none. Its abot "Why do people DENY evolution?"

You're a fine one, fm, lecturing Q about that.

You haven't addressed why people deny evolution in a single post and you have had plenty to say. I have even told you what you just admonished Q for.

I'm getting the impression that you're off your head.
Thu 19 Jun, 2014 02:02 pm
Were you aware of this development farmerman?

It has not been tested yet ed. I have explained it once but obviously you missed it.
Romeo Fabulini
Thu 19 Jun, 2014 02:03 pm
Who "denies" evolution anyway apart from a few boneheaded fundy christians?
True Christians don't deny it, they simply accept it as part of God's plan..Wink
0 Replies
Thu 19 Jun, 2014 02:04 pm
Only Q regularly reads your posts and gets anything out of them.
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Thu 19 Jun, 2014 02:08 pm
You're a fine one, fm, lecturing Q about that.

he can't! He is on my ignore Smile Smile Smile
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Thu 19 Jun, 2014 02:09 pm
I'm getting the impression that you're off your head.

Impression??? Wink
0 Replies
Thu 19 Jun, 2014 02:11 pm
btw funny fm states it doesn't need defense!

wow! what a way to defend a sick theory! telling it doesn't have to be defended!

(I must say that this is indeed a way of stopping your thinking about all of this!!)


Is he for real??
Thu 19 Jun, 2014 02:12 pm
bursting into flame yet douche bag?
0 Replies
Thu 19 Jun, 2014 03:29 pm
The brits on this line have mostly maintained that "Creeping Creationism" would never be a problem in UK schools. SO I guess my gut feeling that they weren't completely being honest was a bit on the right path.

They were being honest. You were, as usual, on the wrong path due to your idiotic rush to give us your thoughts without knowing anything about the matter. It has not been a problem until now that some Islamic schools have become embroiled in the dispute. We don't do Judge Joneses sat in judgement in some carefully selected district where being thought to have scientific "enlightenment" has social cachet and where 2 million bucks are so easily talked into directions which you will know more about than I do.

You're as naive as a new laid egg. Just like those who thought they could install a property owning democracy in Iraq or Afghanistan just by saying they could.

Thu 19 Jun, 2014 04:32 pm
when you guys run into trouble with the conflict that your "state religion" may impart on enforcing this new law, let us know. We'll be glad to help.

Ive worked with Brit and Scots geologists on environmental mining problem. They all seem to discount what their problems are and how we (the US) always seem to get it half-assed. Then, after a few years of floundering we always get a call from the CEO's to "come over and give us a hand now wont you".

Ill bet your initial attempts at enforcement will be a total Armenian-cluster-****. You read it here first.


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