@Romeo Fabulini,
Dawkins's "guesses" are worth many times the religious assertion that "Jesus said it and that proves it" crap.
His manners are often crafted to be as insulting as is necessary to get his opponents to actually listen to his arguments. His training in biology is certainly worth several Dr Sarfati's or Ken Hams.
In order for his arguments to be clearly refuted, they must be understood and my biggest problem with Dawkin is that he credits people with intelligence. Our discussions with obtuse people like Quahog prove that spoon feeding of evidence and facts cannot not be overestimated. Dawkins may be an asshole but hes our asshole. And hes certainly no uneducated fraud like Quahog.
I know it is simple to take an argument ad extremis to try to achievean absurd point like "birds hurtling themselves from treetop", but since we have all the temporal- fossil evidence of bird DEVELOPMENT through time, and we can easily see the origins of asymmetric flight feathers from interactions of specific genes, Dawkins, in all honesty, is just saying that we weren't there to see a bird take flight (or at least an extended glide) so we can only guess ( and its an honest guess). That is totally unlike the Creationist ID view which states unequivocally that "they know that birds were created all fully formed and ready for work", and "all these fossils are just vis plastica by a playful god" cmon that sounds like fact-free bullshit doesn't it?
We have perfect examples from artificial selection as to how we can manipulate bird genes to "create " birds with beak teeth and non flight feathers (feathers that are all symmetrical in shape)> This is done by futzing with the genes.
SO, in many respects I have to agree with Dawkins message.
He is being honest and represents a scientific view that is pretty certain but not 100% certain of steps involved in evolution. He doesn't state "without a shadow of a doubt" In fact, science has really never gone after the religous viewpoint until the ICR and Discovery Intitute had openly attempted to teach Creationim AS SCIENCE IN BIOLOGY. Otherwise, We pretty much leave you guy, alone. It seems that the religious (and seriously racist) guys like you, (the erzats religious guy spendi), and the mental midget quahog and the tinfoil hat general, gungasnake are those whose entire lives are built around some irrational WAR ON SCIENCE.
I make a damn good living at environmental geology and exploration geology. If Im a fraud, (pssst , just don't tell my clients). Of Course, Im sure if you did theyd say that"if you can do it better based on some Bible thumpery, you gotta do it better than the Farmerman so we can be richer. Can you do that?"
They only care about returns and doing it safely and cleanly, Show em that your way is better and they'll beat a path to you.
(PS: I don't think Im in any danger of losing clients based on your worldviews)