Why do people deny evolution?

Thu 12 Jun, 2014 02:04 pm
@Frank Apisa,
It certainly sounds as though you are saying that...although I will acknowledge that you are not saying it very well...so perhaps I misunderstood what you almost said.

Feel free to revise it and make your point clear.

I am getting tired of these folks that really can't read!!!!!!!!
Why do I have to do their work??????????/
Yes,m I have stated that the Lunar Society started the evolutionhoax. Yes indeed.
I NEVER STATED that the Lunar Society was responsible for all other 'science'!!!!!
If you want to delve deeply into this, you have to start with the "Royal Society" They started 'science' with the purpose to sell lies to the public.
That is, because they were all freemasons (33th degree and higher) and wanted to protect their secrets. btw freemasonry at the top is a satanic cult!
All provable if you reserach freemason Albert Pike.

I know I know it will be dismissed by the non -educated dumb downed irrational and a-logical pseudo-scientific know-it -alls by reflex action.
I promise you, they won't do the research!
They know everything there is to know about this, without any research!

It is really unbelievable!
Frank Apisa
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 02:19 pm
Quehoniaomath wrote:

it is ok you really don't get it and you don't give any argumenst at all.
Just saying 'nonsense', 'nonsense'. and 'nonsense' won't get you anywhere,

Actually, you'd be amazed!

In any case, it makes a lot more sense to say "nonsense, nonsense, nonsense"...than to spout all that nonsense you spew.

Really. Think about it.

Yes, science is a religion and even designed to be.

No, Q, science is not a religion...and it was not designed to be one.

Do some research first.

Okay...research done. Now what?


And also in the history of 'science' you really have no clue at all!.
You think you might have , but you are very very wrong.

Frank Apisa
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 02:26 pm
Quehoniaomath wrote:

It certainly sounds as though you are saying that...although I will acknowledge that you are not saying it very well...so perhaps I misunderstood what you almost said.

Feel free to revise it and make your point clear.

I am getting tired of these folks that really can't read!!!!!!!!

I can read. I wish you could write.

Why do I have to do their work??????????/

Because you do not do your own work properly.

Yes,m I have stated that the Lunar Society started the evolutionhoax. Yes indeed.
I NEVER STATED that the Lunar Society was responsible for all other 'science'!!!!!

Well read what you actually wrote (which I quoted) and try to get a grip on it, because it sounded as though you were trying to say that.

If you want to delve deeply into this, you have to start with the "Royal Society" They started 'science' with the purpose to sell lies to the public.
That is, because they were all freemasons (33th degree and higher) and wanted to protect their secrets. btw freemasonry at the top is a satanic cult!
All provable if you reserach freemason Albert Pike.

I'd sooner watch paint dry.

I know I know it will be dismissed by the non -educated dumb downed irrational and a-logical pseudo-scientific know-it -alls by reflex action.
I promise you, they won't do the research!
They know everything there is to know about this, without any research!

Okay...all of that!

Where do you do most of your research, Q...in The National Enquirer?

It is really unbelievable!

Yeah...you ought to see it from THIS side! Wink
0 Replies
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 03:27 pm
There's a loser on youtube called Russianvids. He spouts all this nonsense constantly. Q sounds just like one of his pathetic followers. He'd fit right in with them. They're his kind of people.
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 03:27 pm
It is really unbelievable!

I was quite astonished myself, Q, when I first encountered the phenomena. It's sheer constancy and it seemingly being genuine. But I got used to it.

Then over the years I found that Sir Winston Churchill had mentioned it and Sir Anthony Eden and an ex-Chief of Staff. Americans, they said in their different ways, believed everything they said to be true on the cast iron evidence that they had said it.

And those guy's contacts were with the elite.

Like when Ike asserted that Egypt should be left alone, as if, to sort out its own destiny.
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 03:45 pm
Quehoniaomath wrote:

Man, that's the whole point!
To what have these Finches evolved???? Finches!!!!!!!!
That is NOT macro-evolution.

Sorry, but math proves you wrong. Speciation over 350 years in a micro sense would lead to 1 million moves between species over 350 million years. What do you think macroevolution is? Are you arguing we can't count to 1 million if we only count 1 number at a time? It seems you are, which is stupid on your part.
0 Replies
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 04:55 pm
There's a loser on youtube called Russianvids. He spouts all this nonsense constantly. Q sounds just like one of his pathetic followers. He'd fit right in with them. They're his kind of people.

Q did point out that claiming something to be nonsense is nonsense Wilso. That it needs pointing out at all is amazing enough in the grown up world but you then produce a post posited in its pathetic entirety on the word "nonsense" and it is really quite silly unless you dispute what Q has said about the matter.

If it isn't silly there seems to be no logical reason why you are not running Australia single handed.
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 05:00 pm
If you would inform us of what Russianvids spouts I feel sure most of us could make up our own minds about it without your guidance.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 05:10 pm
Well, there is nonsense in the world. We are treated to it every day in this forum, and from our political leaders. Claiming that claiming something to be nonsense is nonsense is...nonsense.
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 11:56 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Well, there is nonsense in the world. We are treated to it every day in this forum, and from our political leaders. Claiming that claiming something to be nonsense is nonsense is...nonsense

of course there is nonsense! No one disputes that.
Just take science, take religion take education and so on and so forth!
More than enough nonsense!

However, only saying that something is nonsense. is nothing more than exposing your belief system in which some information won't fit.
That doesn't mean it isn't true of course. It only means that it doensn't fit ones
And because a lot of people here are deeply indoctrinated into ****, they reject anything that doesn't fit their ****, so to speak. Hence they reject by reflex action what might be true but they even don't bother to look or research the information.
Actually, this, people rejecting things by reflex action, is one of the purposes of 'modern schooling'.
If you look up close it is very funny, and sad on another level, that e.g. people
assume evolution to be true without any evidence what so ever, and at the same time reject things for which there is evidence, and don't bother to look into it.
That's why, a lot of peopel need to unlearn their **** first, before they even can comprehend what is being written or said.
0 Replies
Fri 13 Jun, 2014 12:00 am
@Frank Apisa,
In any case, it makes a lot more sense to say "nonsense, nonsense, nonsense"...than to spout all that nonsense you spew.

Really. Think about it.

Talking about circular arguments! Wink


read my post above in a very very quit room.
Fri 13 Jun, 2014 12:01 am
@Frank Apisa,
No, Q, science is not a religion...and it was not designed to be one.

How sure are you about this??

Best to think it over before answering this. Wink
Fri 13 Jun, 2014 12:04 am
I was quite astonished myself, Q, when I first encountered the phenomena. It's sheer constancy and it seemingly being genuine. But I got used to it.

Then over the years I found that Sir Winston Churchill had mentioned it and Sir Anthony Eden and an ex-Chief of Staff. Americans, they said in their different ways, believed everything they said to be true on the cast iron evidence that they had said it.

And those guy's contacts were with the elite.

Like when Ike asserted that Egypt should be left alone, as if, to sort out its own destiny.

So true!

And that reminded me of this:


read that it states "BELIEVED' sounds a bit like a religion to me.

But, actually, it makes all sense if you see it all as one big belief systen!
Then it all makes complete sense!
Fri 13 Jun, 2014 02:38 am
While Leonardo was an autodidact,(except in his training as an artist), most of his "discoveries in geology and other sciences were pretty much bullshit.
If one reads the Leicester Codex to learn how Leonardo's mind works , one reaches the conclusion that Leonardo was hopelessly naïve , but, like Quahog, he was seldom "in doubt".

The fact that Quahog denies science makes little matter to science itlf. There have been other idiots in history that "knew it all like he". They get sent to the dustbin by their own inabilities to sustain their own assertions. Quahog rants his nonsensical fact-free beliefs, while all the time claiming that that all others who doubt him are guilty of some-kinda dogmatic obeisance.

I think you did your schtick here Quahog, why not crawl back under your rock before we find out that youre just a dogma bot from the Discovery Institute.

0 Replies
Fri 13 Jun, 2014 02:42 am
I can see fm posted some nonsense ! Wink

But fortunately I can't read his postings.

I must say...ah, you know what I mean..... Wink
Fri 13 Jun, 2014 03:00 am
      http://izquotes.com/quotes-pictures/quote-if-you-tell-a-big-enough-lie-and-tell-it-frequently-enough-it-will-be-believed-adolf-hitler-85901.jpg                                 Quahog has this hanging on his "library " wall.

Hes a perfect exemplar of the typical Creationists attempts in " How to pre-emptively launch a false accusation at others for what youre doing yourself" That way you can deflate their upcoming accusations.
Claiming that evolution is a "religion" is, of course, falsifiable, while Quahogs own claims, are not
The mere fact that evolution is able to mount predictions and promote experiment without benefit of dogma is its self "cleaning" mechanism. Ask about whether the "science" of Intelligent Design is able to do the same (hint: it aint)
Frank Apisa
Fri 13 Jun, 2014 03:00 am
Quehoniaomath wrote:

In any case, it makes a lot more sense to say "nonsense, nonsense, nonsense"...than to spout all that nonsense you spew.

Really. Think about it.

Talking about circular arguments! Wink


read my post above in a very very quit room.

Can't find a "quit" room.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Fri 13 Jun, 2014 03:01 am
Quehoniaomath wrote:

No, Q, science is not a religion...and it was not designed to be one.

How sure are you about this??

Best to think it over before answering this. Wink

Sure enough to assert it.

Stop trying to be a "gotcha" person, Q...you are far from being one. Your "insights" are pedestrian and tired.
0 Replies
Fri 13 Jun, 2014 03:02 am
I love your science lessons. I hate seeing your intelligence wasted on dipshits like Quahog.
Fri 13 Jun, 2014 03:03 am
That's ok douche bag, I am free to be the voice of reason around your fact-free assertions.
One really canot "ignore" anyone because, unless EVERYONE ELSE ignore him or hr, his stuff about YOU is seen where it counts. You are of no consequence to my points I make about you.

(DUUHHH Emoticon)

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