Why do people deny evolution?

Wed 11 Jun, 2014 06:21 pm
Y know, the founder of this thread is a young man who should have completed his degree in evolutionary biology and is scheduled to go off to med school. Ill bet Quahog's accomplishments at that same age would be summarized by his daily work phrase.

"Yi wants chips wi dat guvnah?"
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 12:24 am
You are too stupid to accept evidence when it gets offered. All you can do is reject and then throw in adolescent ideas that reside in the imagination.

That is one way of trying to save your religion.
One day you have to face it, there is NO EVIDENCE

and are you trying to be like fm (I love him being on 'ignore'), throwing AH's around because of your powerlessness? It really seems so.
0 Replies
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 12:25 am
Hey, numbnuts - I was addressing spendi.

yep, you are trying to imitate fm now. Hmmmm
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 12:31 am
You are too stupid to accept evidence when it gets offered. All you can do is reject and then throw in adolescent ideas that reside in the imagination.

Wow! After a short reflection at this, it dawned on me that this was an extreme example of psychological projection. It is beautifull in its simplicity.

He calle me 'stupid' May be I am , maybe I am not, but it seems to be his projection. "Al you can do is reject' Wow!. That is exactly what he is doing with my postings.
"adolescent ideas that reside in the imagination."
Here I really don't know what he is talking about, so that certainly must be a big projection!

Thanks for the example!
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Thu 12 Jun, 2014 02:43 am
farmerman wrote:
"Yi wants chips wi dat guvnah?"

Have you been watching Mary Poppins? Nobody uses the word governor, except for Americans trying, and failing, to affect an English accent.
Romeo Fabulini
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 03:42 am
The word "governor" (abbreviated to "guv'nor" or "guv") was mostly used by the English criminal underworld but has been mostly replaced now by the word "boss", meaning somebody who's a local hard man or somebody who controls a situation and always comes out on top.
For example "He flew through the car windscreen in a smash but just got up and dusted himself down like a boss", or "Tourist faces down charging elephant like a boss", or "Two geezers had a go at 'im wiv iron bars but he decked 'em both like a boss"
In the past, London criminal Lenny McLean was known as the gov'nor because nobody dare mess wiv 'im-

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Thu 12 Jun, 2014 03:54 am
farmerman wrote:

now spendi has you in his 'sites'.

I ignore spendi's alcohol induced ramblings.
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Thu 12 Jun, 2014 04:41 am
gimme a break. The point was that no one would misinterpret the predicate nominative as anything but an attempt at Brit English. Nobody over here says "chips" unless we are talking about the snack food that you call "Crisps".
I do a much better Yiddisher accent.
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 04:43 am
HEY TWATFACE, if youre gonna IGNORE me, stop the references to me. Allow me to insult you at will so you remain blissfully ignorant of my stabbing wit.
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 04:53 am
Just remember Dick Van Dyke got it wrong. His attempt to sound Cockney is the prima facie definition of how not to do it. If you sound like Dick Van Dyke you're wrong. Denzel Washington got it right.
Frank Apisa
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 04:58 am

A question, if I may.

I've seen you assert that there is no evidence (which I am taking to mean, no substantive, unambiguous evidence) for "macro evolution"...and you claim therefore it is a hoax.

Leaving aside whether there actually is or is not any evidence for macro-evolution...

...if there actually were none, why would that mean that macro evolution is a hoax?

Are you asserting that everything for which there currently is no evidence...cannot exist...and therefore any assertion in that direction is a hoax?
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 05:02 am
Some good "common sense" observations about the presence of intermediate (or transitional fossils) that are being found more and more these days as several new fossil deposits in Germany, Australia, China, Africa, Patagonia, Ellsmere Island and Montana are being exploited.
The CReationist deniers have been saying that "there is no evidence from transitional fossils", but they've slightly modified their assertions to
"These aren't intermediate fossils because we don't know that homology represents any connectivity"
While that is true, should the species be of entirely different orders, but when PREDICTABILITY can be applied to their locations in time
(the age in which they were buried), its hard to keep denying that transitional species don't exist in the fossil record. (Unless of course
your immortal soul is affected). Thi is from talk origins archive.

Predictions of creationism: Creationists usually don't state the predictions of creationism, but I'll take a stab at it here. First, though there are several different sorts of creationism, all of them agree that there should be no transitional fossils at all between "kinds". For example, if "kind" means "species", creationism apparently predicts that there should be no species-to-species transitions whatsoever in the fossil record. If "kind" means "genus" or "family" or "order", there should be no species-to-species transitions that cross genus, family, or order lines. Furthermore, creationism apparently predicts that since life did not originate by descent from a common ancestor, fossils should not appear in a temporal progression, and it should not be possible to link modern taxa to much older, very different taxa through a "general lineage" of similar and progressively older fossils.

Other predictions vary with the model of creationism. For instance, an older model of creationism states that fossils were created during six metaphorical "days" that may each have taken millenia to pass. This form of creationism predicts that fossils should be found in the same order outlined in Genesis: seed-bearing trees first, then all aquatic animals and flying animals, then all terrestrial animals, then humans.

In contrast, many modern U.S. creationists believe the "Flood Theory" of the origin of fossils. The "Flood Theory" is derived from a strictly literal reading of the Bible, and states that all geological strata, and the fossils imbedded in them, were formed during the forty-day flood of Noah's time. Predictions of the Flood Theory apparently include the following:
◦most rock should be sedimentary and indicative of cataclysmic flooding. There should be no rock formations that indicate the passing of millenia of gradual accumulation of undisturbed sediment, such as multi-layered riverbed formations. There should be no large lava flows layered on top of each other, and definitely not with successively older radiometric dates in the lower levels.
◦terrestrial animal fossils should either not be sorted at all, or should be sorted by some "hydrodynamic" aspect such as body size, with, for instance, extinct elephants and large dinosaurs in the lowest layers, and small primitive dinosaurs in the upper layers. Terrestrial animal fossils should not be sorted by subtle anatomical details (such as, say, the number of cusps on the fourth premolar).
◦marine animals are a puzzle, since it is unclear that a Flood would cause any extinctions of aquatic animals. If such extinctions did occur, aquatic fossils would perhaps be "sorted" by body size or ecological niche (bottom-feeder vs. surface swimmer). For instance, plesiosaurs, primitive whales, and placoderm fishes (relatively slow-swimming and quite large) should end up in the same layers. Ichthyosaurs and porpoises (smaller, faster swimmers with almost identical body shapes and similar diets) should also occur in the same layers.
◦there should be no sorting of large rooted structures such as coral reefs and trees. There should likewise not be differential sorting of microscopic structures of the same size and shape, such as pollen grains.
◦sorting, if it occurs at all, should be quite imperfect. With only 40 days for sorting, there should be occasional examples of individual fossils that ended up in the "wrong" layer -- the occasional mammal and human fossil in Paleozoic rocks, for instance, and the occasional trilobite and plesiosaur in Cenozoic rocks.
◦sorting should not correlate with date of the surrounding rocks. If all fossils were created by Noah's flood, there is no conceivable reason that, for instance, lower layers of fossils should always end up sandwiched between lava rocks with old radiometric dates.

Finally, some creationists believe that fossils were created by miraculous processes not operating today. (Many of these creationists combine this idea with the Flood Theory, as follows: fossils were created during the Flood, but were "sorted" by a miraculous process not observable or understandable today.) Obviously, such a theory makes no testable predictions...except perhaps for the prediction that geological formations should not bear any obvious resemblance to processes occurring today.

•Modern evolutionary theory holds that the living vertebrates arose from a common ancestor that lived hundreds of millions of years ago (via "descent with modification"; variety is introduced by mutation, genetic drift, and recombination, and is acted on by natural selection). Various proposed mechanisms of evolution differ in the expected rate and tempo of evolutionary change.
Predictions of evolutionary theory: Evolutionary theory predicts that fossils should appear in a temporal progression, in a nested hierarchy of lineages, and that it should be possible to link modern animals to older, very different animals. In addition, the "punctuated equilibrium" model also predicts that new species should often appear "suddenly" (within 500,000 years or less) and then experience long periods of stasis. Where the record is exceptionally good, we should find a few local, rapid transitions between species. The "phyletic gradualism" model predicts that most species should change gradually throughout time, and that where the record is good, there should be many slow, smooth species-to-species transitions. These two models are not mutually exclusive -- in fact they are often viewed as two extremes of a continuum -- and both agree that at least some species-to-species transitions should be found

Thu 12 Jun, 2014 05:13 am
Ive actually never seen Mary Poppins, my wife was in charge of taking the kids to sappy movies (and by then, that movie was probably already available on VHS or DVVD).

I wasn't trying to insult any English barristas . I pictured Quahog as this immense John Cleese rugbyish doofus character who would say;
0 Replies
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 05:21 am
In My Fair Lady, Eliza's father says "Guvner" a number of times when addressing Henry Higgins.
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 06:22 am
I presume, fm, that some of the creatures alive today will one day become fossils.

Which creature alive today do you think is an intermediate assuming you don't say that they all are which seems the sensible thing to say?
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 07:41 am
almost every species living today has the potential for being either
1a terminal species or
2an intermediate.

the statistics don't lie and nature bats last.
0 Replies
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 08:02 am
It came out in 1964 and is an American film. Believe m,e I know, nobody says governor, nobody.
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 08:19 am
@Frank Apisa,

A question, if I may.

I've seen you assert that there is no evidence (which I am taking to mean, no substantive, unambiguous evidence) for "macro evolution"...and you claim therefore it is a hoax.

Leaving aside whether there actually is or is not any evidence for macro-evolution...

...if there actually were none, why would that mean that macro evolution is a hoax?

Are you asserting that everything for which there currently is no evidence...cannot exist...and therefore any assertion in that direction is a hoax?

Yes, you may, BUT yoyu just proved you don't have read all my postings, because I have earlier stated that the 'evolution hoax' was erected by people of the Lunar Society of which the Grandfather of Darwin was a member ( If I recall correctly) in order to steer people away from spiritual truth and no I am not speaking religion now.
It was purposely flawed from the start, hence everything build on it is also flawed! Don't you see that logic?
'evolution' theory is a CONTROL TOOL, as All of science is.

Btw this is from the 'elderly of Zion' (btw NOT written by jews, it was supposedly writen by jews so they would get the blame if it came out)




3. Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism (Evolution), Marxism (Communism), Nietzsche-ism (Socialism). To us Jews, at any rate, it should be plain to see what a disintegrating importance these directives have had upon the minds of the GOYIM.

Right? And because it is a hoax, there is no evidence , was never evidence and will be never evidence.

That is alway the case if one deals with hoaxes Wink
Romeo Fabulini
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 08:21 am
Izzy said: Just remember Dick Van Dyke got it wrong. His attempt to sound Cockney is the prima facie definition of how not to do it. If you sound like Dick Van Dyke you're wrong. Denzel Washington got it right.

Yeah Washington was alright 'cos he had plenty of london geezers around him and their accents rubbed off on him.
I glanced at the youtube link and seen two bits that'd never happen in real life-
22:20- a blackie flushing drugs down the pan
22:40- a woman holding a knife at the throat of a black intruder in her house and not using it!
0 Replies
Thu 12 Jun, 2014 08:36 am

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