Why do people deny evolution?

Wed 11 Jun, 2014 06:17 am
I quit reading 99% of what you post, because obstructionism, rather than learning, is your plan.

That's just another AH. Worthless.

There is no point you reading my posts ed. They are beyond your capacities.
0 Replies
Wed 11 Jun, 2014 06:45 am
And another thing ed--fm used a Lamarckian principle and as a Darwinian that is a complete anathema. Darwinianism is chopped off at the base by Lamarck. Besoins is the word. Needs. Not random reproductive events which Darwin might have been involved in on his travels. We have not been informed.

But needs certainly influenced the reproductive events we do know about. Poor Emma!

How we would have enjoyed Jane Austen basing a character on Darwin.
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Wed 11 Jun, 2014 06:48 am
where do these people come from?????

I have told you Q. The guilt free dick swishing brigade. The subject is boring beyond tolerance without that.
Wed 11 Jun, 2014 07:49 am
The most famous event in the history of Christianity against science was the Oxford confrontation between Soapy Sam and Darwin's Bulldog in 1860. Leaving aside the spin on the reporting of it, the same situation existed as repeated itself in Dover and on this thread. And in all the pronouncements of Prof. Dawkins who is a serial adulterer at the least.

It is that the defence of Christianity has its hands tied by common decencies.

Wiki reports that--

The main focus of the meeting was supposed to be a lecture by New York University's John William Draper, "On the Intellectual Development of Europe, considered with reference to the views of Mr. Darwin and others, that the progression of organisms is determined by law".

So the main focus was social consequences. That's what Draper was concerned with. That is what the meeting was about. And a flip, nonsensical remark by Huxley, of the sort we get on here a very great deal, distorted the record and allowed the dick swishers to imagine that, on the strength of the drivel, Wilberforce was defeated and thus, by logical progression, dick swishing was tickety-boo.

Huxley would not have dared answer Wilberforce's question honestly and Wilberforce knew it. So he did what fm and the rest of his claque continuously do. Solve the problem with a wisecrack impugning opponents with the very fault he was himself engaged in--obscuring the truth.

As intellectuals fm and his claque have not evolved a milli-micro inch since then and had they been contemporaries they would have had no clue that the debate was taking place never mind what it was about. The nearest they could have got to Darwin was to have groomed his horse and shoveled out its ****.
0 Replies
Wed 11 Jun, 2014 09:23 am
I have told you Q. The guilt free dick swishing brigade. The subject is boring beyond tolerance without that.

I agree
Wed 11 Jun, 2014 09:27 am
It's no fault of his that you throw around words and allegations, without providing actual information. He is the only person on this thread who has experience in the field. Without his expertise the thread withers and eventually dies.

You have to shut up for the simple reason you just wrote YOU DON'T READ MY POST!
So how in the hell ( pun intended ), can you state "It's no fault of his that you throw around words and allegations, without providing actual information"


These people are beyond belief and far gone,
Wed 11 Jun, 2014 09:32 am
@Frank Apisa,
Q, calm down. Edgar wasn't even talking to you in that comment.

Oeps you are right!Sorry, See how dumb I am? Wink
Wed 11 Jun, 2014 11:19 am

It always boggles my mind to see how people can be pretty sure about something they really don't nothing about!

Look in the mirror Quahog, youll see what youre talking about.

Wed 11 Jun, 2014 11:30 am
I have told you Q. The guilt free dick swishing brigade. The subject is boring beyond tolerance without that.

I agree

There's also money of course.

Everybody knows that the common man is easily impressed with puzzling and mysterious scientific terminology and readily imputes intelligence to those who pepper their strictures with them whether the speaker knows what they mean or not.

Quite often this technique of lording it over one's companions and fellow travelers through this vale of tears is little more than a superstitious masquerade designed to exploit public credulity.

As a general conspiracy the objective is the professionalising of every subject that can be professionalised. The proliferation of titles is a good guide to how advanced the fad has become.

It seems pretty clear to me that in the US, and to a lesser extent in the UK, there are very large numbers of people who have had their heads educated clean off their shoulders.

A surprising number of them have sufficient doubts about how brilliant they are to undertake the trouble and expense of having their IQ professionally confirmed which, as it to be expected in cash transactions, it invariably is. Their heads then go on a ride around in the clouds.

Any remonstrances strike such people as ludicrous, cynical and a breach of good sense and refined etiquette and are declared to be motivated by envy. The professional conspiracies are then justified in excluding such people although they will agree to style bin-men as "recycling technicians" or "waste disposal technology operatives". Sometimes, as subversives if they strike for higher wages.

It is well known that curators of fossil collections have never been on strike.

Wed 11 Jun, 2014 11:34 am
There's also money of course.

Everybody knows that the common man is easily impressed with puzzling and mysterious scientific terminology and readily imputes intelligence to those who pepper their strictures with them whether the speaker knows what they mean or not.

Quite often this technique of lording it over one's companions and fellow travelers through this vale of tears is little more than a superstitious masquerade designed to exploit public credulity.

As a general conspiracy the objective is the professionalising of every subject that can be professionalised.

It seems pretty clear to me that in the US, and to a lesser extent in the UK, there are very large numbers of people who have had their heads educated clean off their shoulders.

A surprising number of them have sufficient doubts about how brilliant they are to undertake the trouble and expense of having their IQ professionally confirmed which, as it to be expected in cash transactions, it invariably is. Their heads then go on a ride around in the clouds.

Any remonstrances strike such people as ludicrous, cynical and a breach of good sense and refined etiquette and are declared to be motivated by envy. The professional conspiracies are then justified in excluding such people although they will agree to style bin-men as "recycling technicians" or "waste disposal technology operatives". Sometimes, as subversives if they strike for higher wages.

It is well known that curators of fossil collections have never been on strike.

Nice one! Like it, Like it! Wink
0 Replies
Wed 11 Jun, 2014 11:38 am
What do you think of describing 'evolution-theory' as a big Magic Trick, with lots of smoke & mirrors?
By itself the trick is extremely simple, but people get confused by the smoke & mirrors.

I also prefer to call, with reagrds to the evolutionhoax, that the Emperor has No Clothes.

It s the same in all other so called 'science'. yep, physics and what have you...

Lots of Naked Emperors!

But with beautifull clothes on! Really! Look! Wink
Wed 11 Jun, 2014 02:02 pm
What do you think of describing 'evolution-theory' as a big Magic Trick, with lots of smoke & mirrors?
By itself the trick is extremely simple, but people get confused by the smoke & mirrors.

I'm okay with it really as long as it is confined to experts who might otherwise be quite dangerous if not distracted with expensive toys, reserved car parking, long titles and a key to the senior researcher's dunny tub.

It is when the findings, which you must admit are absolutely amazing, are deployed to overthrow the morality of the Christian world that I have certain reservations. As they do themselves because otherwise why would they be so secretive about wanking, and shagging somebody else's spouse and abortion.

They are out to get the Christian religion and the necessary restrictions it placed upon the population regarding rumpy-pumpy operations.

One only has to imagine the restrictions being removed to realise just how necessary they are.

Were it not that way evolution as a subject would be of as much interest to the public as metallurgy.

The eagerness with which the Darwin claque embraced Weismann's experimental results cannot be explained in any other way. Weismann, the bastard, cut off the tails of mice without anaesthetic to see if the offspring of such mice inherited taillessness and when they didn't Darwin's mechanical explanation was declared the winner and Lamarck side-lined.

Up to now events in the US have not had to deal with large concentrations of Islamists who will not have evolution mentioned. It is actually something of an obscenity to them. As the word "abortion" was not so long ago.

We have a case developing here in an area almost entirely Islamist and large enough to need six, or so, schools with a few thousand students who look to be, on the screen, I'm observing it at a distance on my television, entirely Islamic.

It is government policy to teach evolution in schools as a knowledge of it is considered necessary to fit people for a proper role in life. Also sex lessons. And girls jumping around in PT kit.

So a nice little pot is being warmed up. One senior resignation has taken place and it's not simmering yet.

Judge Jones was not facing a school system of that sort. He could afford to indulge himself in the service of becoming famous enough to get onto the second-string lecture circuit.
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Wed 11 Jun, 2014 02:46 pm
You are too stupid to accept evidence when it gets offered. All you can do is reject and then throw in adolescent ideas that reside in the imagination.
Wed 11 Jun, 2014 02:48 pm
Hey, numbnuts - I was addressing spendi.
Wed 11 Jun, 2014 03:07 pm
Whoever you address ed your contributions are worthless.
0 Replies
Wed 11 Jun, 2014 03:15 pm
farmerman wrote:


It always boggles my mind to see how people can be pretty sure about something they really don't nothing about!

Look in the mirror Quahog, youll see what youre talking about.

Once again, the hardest people to deal with are confident, uneducated morons.
Wed 11 Jun, 2014 03:20 pm
You should know Wilso. Have you no jobs around the house you could be doing? Married men are not supposed to waste their time like you are doing here.
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Wed 11 Jun, 2014 05:16 pm
First of all, he is NOT " the most knowledgeable contributer "

Not only is fm NOT the most knowledgeable contributor on this thread and seen to have never offered an answer to the thread question beyond asserting that people who deny evolution are stupid or moronic but he deliberately tries to prevent the rest of us having any knowledge of why people deny evolution.

Which, it seems to me, is the precise cause of the tragic failure of US policy in the Middle East. Not only a failure to see other points of view but to assume there are no other points of view and then be stunned by the subsequent and inevitable expressions of them.
Wed 11 Jun, 2014 06:08 pm
Denying evolution is like denying television. One doesn't have to be a "knowledgeable contributor" to understand and accept the science. However , it does take a pretty experienced moron to deny it.
0 Replies
Wed 11 Jun, 2014 06:15 pm
now spendi has you in his 'sites'.

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