Why do people deny evolution?

Mon 9 Jun, 2014 09:11 am
where does this specie come from?

Could it be change for a dollar?
0 Replies
Mon 9 Jun, 2014 09:12 am
Why are you wasting your time arguing with this moron? He's been asked more than once to back up his ridiculous nonsense with maths, or anything. He's provided none, so he has none.

Are you still mid Atlantic? If you make it to Southampton I'll buy you a shandy.
Romeo Fabulini
Mon 9 Jun, 2014 09:20 am
Dawkins spent years and years studying science, and at the end of it here's his explanation about how eyes evolved-

"It is not difficult then for rudimentary lens-like objects to come into existence spontaneously. Any old lump of halfway transparent jelly need only assume a curved shape" (Richard Dawkins: 'Climbing Mount Improbable', page 146)

HA HA HA, he really must be nuts! He's saying a lump of jelly suddenly appeared out out of nowhere on the head of a blind animal, and then the jelly decided to form itself into a lens shape!!!
But what about the other bits needed to make an eye work like the retina?
And how did the eye wire itself up to the brain?
He skips details like that because like I said, he must be nuts, there's the atheist mentality for you..Smile
Mon 9 Jun, 2014 09:33 am
Im in Maine. We parked the boat last Sunday and wont be using it again for a month.
I fiind Quahog funny in his assertions. Hes demanding from others what he hasn't an idea about on his own.

He claims that evo is a "religion" when, the several US courts have decided just the opposite.

Quahog's still deciding about Copernicus.

He reminds me of our Conservative Republicans who are against anything the Dems are for, but without any plans of their own.

Mon 9 Jun, 2014 09:35 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Interestingly, the many organisms that hve eyespots to compound to complex eyes have all evolved in a convergent fashion. Now if you could hold an argument together without sounding like a rube, maybe you could score some debate points about what convergent evolution signifies to cretionists.
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Mon 9 Jun, 2014 09:48 am
Funny to see them avoid THIS:

Btw some quotes from Stephen J. Gould

"The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology. The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches; the rest is inference, however reasonable, not the evidence of fossils."

And another one:

"Paleontologists have paid an exorbitant price for Darwin’s argument. We fancy ourselves as the only true students of life’s history, yet to preserve our favored account of evolution by natural selection we view our data as so bad that we never see the very process we profess to study."

Last but not least:

"But our ways of learning about the world are strongly influenced by the social preconceptions and biased modes of thinking that each scientist must apply to any problem. The stereotype of a fully rational and objective ‘scientific method,’ with individual scientists as logical (and interchangeable) robots, is self-serving mythology[/b]."

Well, there you have it from the mouth of the babe so to speak!

Figures, ignoring these tell us a lot , folks!

They can't handle the TRUTH!

Mon 9 Jun, 2014 09:52 am
None of which lends any credence to the nonsense you spout.
Mon 9 Jun, 2014 10:01 am
None of which lends any credence to the nonsense you spout.

Good! So you agree then that what he says is right?!

The data is BAD, very very very BAD!

Of course it is, how can it not be?!
Mon 9 Jun, 2014 10:18 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
HA HA HA, he really must be nuts! He's saying a lump of jelly suddenly appeared out out of nowhere on the head of a blind animal, and then the jelly decided to form itself into a lens shape!!!

It takes nothing to form a lens shape. Most clear liquids will do it.

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Romeo Fabulini
Mon 9 Jun, 2014 10:27 am
Dawkins "lump of transparent jelly" would be useless as an eye unless it was wired up to the brain. Here's a "wiring diagram" of the retina, it looks a lot like a printed circuit board.
Atheists say it just decided to wire itself up..Smile

Mon 9 Jun, 2014 10:41 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Why do you think that looks like a printed circuit board?

I don't think they look at all alike.

0 Replies
Mon 9 Jun, 2014 10:57 am
I'm not agreeing with anything. You're either a troll or highly delusional with a Messianic complex. You're full of **** either way.
Mon 9 Jun, 2014 11:05 am
This is a Roman plate.
Clearly the evidence for it being a plate is very bad, there's one hell of a lot of it missing. And that's just a couple of thousand years.

With evolution we're talking millions of years, of course there's a lot missing, they're still finding new species of dinosaurs.

The plate is still a plate, despite the gaps.
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Mon 9 Jun, 2014 11:14 am
A sufficient reason, fm, to not get too dogmatic about Q's claim that Darwinism, and Neo-Darwinism, is a hoax is that they are promoted to the public as if they don't reduce life to mere mechanism, which they do, and view the human body as a machine and, as such, having no characteristics which machines don't have.

Maybe your projections into the future envisage machines falling in love or getting angry with each other. Like the Daleks. Your oft expressed anger actually exterminates your entire position. Lock, stock and barrel. As do any other expressions of emotion. You could say, you might have to, that such expressions are merely lack of lubrication in the mechanism or a screw having come loose. Symptoms of entropy.

I do not think for a moment that the public will accept that in the slightest degree. And I don't think you do either. Which is why your lot have an in-house agreement to keep it hush-hush, always have had with Darwin's enthusiastic connivance, and to focus the public mind on sedimentary rock formation, alleles and such like mesmeric charms which not only appeal to the public's sense of self esteem but delude it into believing you are not hiding anything important from them. Which you are.

In many cases hiding something from yourselves. Simply by putting it on Ignore and talking in a loud, somewhat nervous, voice. which easily becomes hysterical under stress.

Which is not quite as funny as Apisa not knowing whether he is a machine or not and refusing to guess. Both guessing and refusing to guess are not characteristics of any machine.

You might remember that I raised the issue many years ago and you all put it on Ignore and talked loudly.

You are hoaxing the public, or some of its units, by not allowing them to know what Darwinism means and has been known to mean even before 1859.

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Mon 9 Jun, 2014 11:19 am
Noones avoided your quote mines Quahog. Those very two quotes hve been dissected and discussed many years before youre sudden appearance. Our own "quote miner" was shown that Gould was NOT denying gradualism or intermediate fossil forms. He ctully, in the same article, identified many of the transitional form that were available in 1981 (when he wrote it). SO much more hd been found since then tht Gould even revised his quoted piece to say that numerous intermediate fossil forms have only "recently come to light"
Quote mining is a difficult fraud to perpetrate, especially if you have no idea about what youre talking or, like other Creationists, you just slavishly clip and "Buy" all the AIG **** you can find on the web.

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Mon 9 Jun, 2014 11:22 am
He claims that evo is a "religion" when, the several US courts have decided just the opposite.

The judiciary are in on the hoax fm. Providing motives is a piece of cake.

And to suggest that several, only several, US courts have anything to do with science is absolutely ******* ridiculous.
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Mon 9 Jun, 2014 11:33 am
The very quote that Quahog "Mined" had been posted several years ago by Gunga snake (hes been our sneaky reptile from the gecko), and was easily dismissed. Quahog is asserting that hes been the first one to display the doctored clip.
After all, its over 30 years old, and science renews itself every 15 years or so.
When that article was written, we didn't yet know about the Therozinosaurs, the Caudopteryx, the paleo-genetics of the RAtite birds, The fossil assmblages with intermediates of the pterosaurs. We didn't yet know about the fist appearances of the amblyocetus, or the time appearances of Ceratopsian dinos, or the Asian origins of Tyrannosaurs, or the existence of Tiktaliik , the Denisovans, and the genome of H.Neanerthals and H. idaltu. We didn't even understand the fossil assmblages that showed the development of angiosperm plants (we had a couple ideas but no firm fossil evidence).

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Mon 9 Jun, 2014 11:34 am
@Romeo Fabulini,

Dawkins spent years and years studying science, and at the end of it here's his explanation about how eyes evolved-

So you think it's fair to take this statement out of context to boost your argument?

The eye stated as a light sensitive patch of tissue (which already would have had a small tie-in to the brain) which gave prey the advantage of seeing movement of possible preditors and because this mutation was successfull it evolved eventually into the eye over a billion years of mutations.
But then if you really read his books you would know that and would be disengenuous in your comments. And if you didnt read his books and didnt know this you shouldnt be using a sentence out of context to further your position.
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Mon 9 Jun, 2014 11:59 am
It is getting extremely clear that also evolution is

a form of EXTREME Circulair Reasoning in which they assume that which has to be proven!

I alsways have to laugh at those evolutionhoaxbelievers:

Edward L. Erickson

The core of the humanistic
philosophy is naturalism-the PROPOSITION that
the natural world proceeds according to its own internal
dynamics, without divine or supernatural control or
guidance, and that we human beings are creations of that proces:

The Humanist 9-10/2000 p/30

Well, if that isn't circulair reasoning!
0 Replies
Mon 9 Jun, 2014 12:05 pm
How about this one:


Richard Lewinton

It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is an absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door.

New York Review of Books 1/9/1997

So, it is all ASUMED!

isnt that AMUSING!

Yes, it is!

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