Glad you enjoyed your stay Walter. Your typing on a German keyboard is better. Didn't McTag tell you it wasn't necessary to swap over left and right hands in England?
Steve (as 41oo) wrote: Didn't McTag tell you it wasn't necessary to swap over left and right hands in England?
And "no, he didn't" :wink:
(Actually. e.g. the 'y' and 'z' changed places, the comma etc are on very different positions.)
Walter Hinteler wrote:Steve (as 41oo) wrote: Didn't McTag tell you it wasn't necessary to swap over left and right hands in England?
And "no, he didn't" :wink:
(Actually. e.g. the 'y' and 'z' changed places, the comma etc are on very different positions.)
I think Walter types with his elbows actually.
And it's v v difficult to swop elbows.
Yep, just tried it, its difficult.
Both of you should go in the corner and ought to be ashamed of yourself for at least one hour.
Additionally, you'll have to learn the lyrics of and to sing
this here
walter : i've copied the "westfalenlied" . since the skunks (animalus stinky) are getting active again at night, i will sing the westfalenlied loudly and i'm sure the skunks will hightail it out of our yard ! (no offence meant, stinky or otherwise !). btw. last spring a skunk and some dog got into a fight in our backyard and the poor skunk went to skunk-heaven - which is unusual, usually a dog will retreat after the first spray. even with our double-glazed windows tightly closed, we had to spray some cologne to be able to control the smell coming into the house somehow (of course we used "4711" !). next morning a neighbour - who is a biology teacher - happily retrieved the dead skunk for a class project ! (it went ino the freezer first). i have to admit that i consider them quite attractive animals ("possierlich" might be an apt description) , but if you hit one with your car, even a triple carwash will not get rid of the smell. hbg
Walter Hinteler wrote:(Actually. e.g. the 'y' and 'z' changed places, the comma etc are on very different positions.)
The number of times I wrote "New Zork" on a German computer made me very aware of this difference!
Glad you enjoyed your stay.
Next task at work: read German Anti Money Laundering legislation! At least my German colleagues have summarised it and I only need to confirm, not translate!
Geldwaschen. Einfach. Viel Glueck dabei!
Mac von Tag
"Verlautbarung des Bundesaufsictsamtes fuer des Kreditwesen ueber Massnahmen der Kreitintitute zur Bekaempfung und Verhinderung der Geldwaesche" !!!
kitchenpete wrote:Eigentlich:
"Verlautbarung des Bundesaufsictsamtes fuer des Kreditwesen ueber Massnahmen der Kreitintitute zur Bekaempfung und Verhinderung der Geldwaesche" !!!
Aha, you mean the "Guidelines of the Federal Banking Supervisory Office concerning measures to be taken by credit institutions to combat and prevent money laundering" (and perhaps the "Anti-money-laundering safeguards at credit institutions acting as correspondent banks", too)
Thank you for the Westfalenlied words, Walter.
I have printed them out and that's my project for the weekend: das Lied auswendich zu lernen (wenn nicht zu singen)
Can anyone summarise the current state of the A2K UK Meet V for me please?
Well, we (= Mrs. Walter and I) had a small one near London two weeks ago and another near Manchester until last Tuesday (= holidays
Clary suggested one for July the x-st (see some pages before).
Thanks, Walter. Glad to see someone's talking sense!
Grand Duke wrote:Thanks, Walter. Glad to see someone's talking sense!
You weren't addressing me, were you?
Grand Duke, I've been to York twice; where were you when I could have used your knowledge about YOrk? LOL
BTW, is the train museum still there?
York, York, so good they named it once.
I like that one, McT!!
Shall we all go to York and irritate the Grand Duke?