Wed 27 Nov, 2013 08:48 pm
My boyfriend and I have been together for 6 months. We're long distance, I see him every other week. When we're together he always compliments me, gives me kisses, cuddles me, he texts me everyday. He's told me he loves me, I have not said it back because I'm not ready, so he knows he likes me more than I like him. He recently bought me an expensive christmas gift since I won't be around then. However, I was snooping the other day and found a reciept for lingerie that is not my size. I'm petite so its not like it could be a mistake. I didn't find anything else while snooping. I am confused. Please help
Quote:Babygurl said: He's told me he loves me, I have not said it back because I'm not ready
If you don't love him now you probably never will, so just tell him you don't love him and make a clean break and move on..

I once dated a woman who never told me she loved me and she also never even called me by name! Boy was she soon out on her butt!
'I was snooping the other day and found a reciept for lingerie that is not my size.'
Be worried only if it's HIS size.
babygurl8825 wrote:I didn't find anything else while snooping. I am confused.
No. You're not confused.
You're a snoop.
Leave the poor guy to find a woman who won't snoop.
You're not 'ready' to tell him you love him, so how could he be planning to cheat? There isn't much relationship to lose.