After months of claiming that our most popular fatal diseases will be cured I have not yet shown an outline of the methodology that will intend( most importantly succeed) to provide cures for these diseases. People need to be made certain .
The development of organismicality was an aberrant feat. Evolution is always thus aberrant growth away from the macrosystem that the earth is. The reason why we label it an aberration is due to the rudimentary principles of the macrosystem.
In an objective macrosystem gravity must impart the dominant impact on anything emanating mainly, and or residing on the surface of the object system. We must analyse objectively the fact that organisms came from the earth to be able to be somewhat separate from the surface of the Earth. Look at it from a directional perspective. The Earth's gravity pulls objects into it's gravitational field, but this same mass forced constructive separatists- organisms. This can only be counter-intuitive to systematic gravitational consistence, and electromagnetics is the only force with the range to influence gravity at its dominant level.
Every organismic development that has ever occurred , from the transformation of the original atoms to the most complex organisms that we can readily observe, has been primarily electromagnetic response to gravitational dominance. The evolution of the cell marks a significant deviation from the scalar construction of inanimate objects.
Our immune system, the system that appears to fight off sickness, is actually more like a disease than protection from disease . The development of the immune system was an electromagnetic response to gravity , a gradual overall of the organismic system, the very same feat is now being attempted by cancer and aids and a litany of other diseases who modus operandi is to spread throughout anatomy aggressively.
The immune system was an evolution, an electromagnetic response , that we as organisms survived fortuitously.
Disease is the newest electromagnetic response , the newest form of evolution, that is adverse to how we are anatomically, but not necessarily adverse in its ultimate description- electromagnetics does not face extinction, the sub-product human does; and we diverge here two point of views: one, the strictly materialistic coherence where the universe remains elementary and matter is eternal, and two , the sub-product human coherence, specifically notions of ultimateness ,and survival being directly realistic.
Our immune systems don't fail us. The immune system was never meant to protect( consider that an immune system involves the mechanization of antigens that live inside our bodies). The electromagnetic response is eternally continuous .
The only way that we can end disease is the manipulation of the atom: the constructional level that remains contingently free from corruption.
Now I have reconfigured for us the New atom( the real structure) down to quarks : the strong force is spatial and equals gluons that spatiate electrons, from whose form emanates the Gravitational spatial curvature so we see how gravity could be the weakest force ,but yet impact the greatest influence at the macro scale, and also we see the forces themselves being linked ,and linked to matter: thus no atom, always equals no gravity- here is our modern atom spectrum(the photon itself emanates from spatial curvature ).
The key is to see the atom as an active energetic spectrum. We can affect the system with the specific introduction of specific elementary particles in conjunction with photons, and thus undercut any organization of any upper construct consisting of atoms, including cancer and HIV cells however we see fit for the reversion of growth and effect, so that when these adverse cells multiply they produce only regulated, less and less antigenic progenies with no foreseeable side effects. I, of course, cannot just reveal the exact methodological
steps just yet, but the simplicity is stark to our sensibilities, and to our collective conscience .
These diseases cannot be cured by pills, nor liquids, nor intravenously, nor homeopathically, nor chemotherapeutically, nor with a serial administering of any of these as none of them are electromagnetically "conscious" enough , specific enough.
Our successful treatment will be electromagnetically explicit. And no, you won't be made to feel the shock of electricity: you don't feel the natural electromagnetic processes in your body, so you will not feel our treatment for your disease. And now we can actually create a real immune system , to stand as our entry into conscious physiological evolution.