Photos from Iraq

Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2004 06:06 pm
Well color me surprised then.
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Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2004 08:54 pm
cjhsa wrote:

Comments about the President of the U.S. such as those expressed here disgust me and I'm disappointed in you-know-who.

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Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2004 04:55 am
Tarantulas wrote:
Here are some more photos from Iraq and the surrounding area. Although there is nothing gory in these photos, I'm reasonably sure you won't be seeing them on the local or national news. And that's too bad.

I saw a number of photographs that were very interesting - and some horrifying.

I saw discussion and comment that was always enlightening, in terms of understanding a point of view that I find very alien, but often very horrifying, though I knew it existed.
I refer to such things as this:

"In Gaza, at the Jabalya terrorist training camp,
Palestinian terrorists, funded by the US State Dept
make their sponsors proud as they burn the Stars and Strips
and promise to free Sadam, and kill more Americans as they have for decades.
Some say they wear masks because they are sexually impotent or immature.
Others say they are simply cowards.
Other say it is for both reasons."

"I'd personally like to see some pics of Fallujah after a MOAB.....or two or three.....has been dropped there. Time to hit hard and heavy. "

"These sub-humans are agonizing."

"Deuteronomy 20:4 - for the LORD your God is he that goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory.'"

"Dio does it again - come share the Islamic love fest - ping.
(Did anyone mention we are in the middle of a HOLY WAR?)"

"So, Saruman was an evil Shiite cleric after all?
Then, that makes these mooks soldiers of the evil Dark Lord Sarddam...in Minis Mosul...
What are they? Orcraqis? The "Fighting Soonuk Hai" They bear the mark of the black stocking hood... or the dish towel..."

"Thanks, Dio.

I still think we should have flooded Iraq with "modified" RPG rounds wired to detonate on launch."

Some stuff that I can resonate with, despite reservations:

"I'm struck that they are a bunch of rowdy young men who have been twisted almost beyond recognition as human by their elders, a picture of nihilism reared by hatred, envy, and a perverse religion centered on violence and not love.

Kill enough of them, especially their leaders, and they may find something better to do with their lives. Let them get away with it and they will recruit others and the cancer on humanity will grow."

"Very moving images.

I'm torn between to extremes right now. The words of Chesty Puller: "Son if they give you any sh*t, level the place" and the other, "God grant me the wisdom...""

Sociologically, it was very interesting, in terms of a kind of mob mentality that is often seen, also, on these boards, more from the left than the right, because of disparate numbers - it was interesting to see it illustrated from the extremes of another side.

The Japanese hostages are terrorists, as the board you send us to claims, Tarantulas? Is there evidence for this? Is it being reported elsewhere?

I see brutalized young men celebrating a "victory" - as I imagine young fighting men do everywhere.

I saw some satirical cartoons - which horrified me with their politics - but they were clever and effective. Satire is meant to shock and provoke - they did this.

As I read the crude, simplistic and prejudiced - but heartfelt - outpourings of some posters, they sadly reminded me of similar drivel - from both sides - spewed forth here and elsewhere - with the best of intent.

I saw a lot of reason to be sad and fearful about the state of division, group-think reinforcement, and lack of sophistication of thought, analysis, knowledge and compassion for what passes for political and social debate in many places - on "both" sides.

And I looked hard at myself, through all this.

That is what I saw.
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Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2004 05:00 am
Tarantulas - I agree with you about the level of anti-Bush crap that sometimes passes for comment - but, for my interest, can you tell me if you do really agree, just as a for instance, with ALL of the comments I have quoted in my post above?
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Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2004 05:18 am
Hmmm - 49 countries - stillassuming there are WMD?

Seems a little desperate to me:

Who are the current coalition members?

President Bush is assembling a Coalition that has already begun military operations to disarm Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction, and enforce 17 UNSC resolutions.

The Coalition will also liberate the Iraqi people from one of the worst tyrants and most brutal regimes on earth.

Contributions from Coalition member nations range from: direct military participation, logistical and intelligence support, specialized chemical/biological response teams, over-flight rights, humanitarian and reconstruction aid, to political support.

Forty-nine countries are publicly committed to the Coalition, including:

Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Marshall Islands
Solomon Islands
South Korea
United Kingdom
United States

This number is still growing, and it is no accident that many member nations of the Coalition recently escaped from the boot of a tyrant or have felt the scourge of terrorism. All Coalition member nations understand the threat Saddam Hussein's weapons pose to the world and the devastation his regime has wreaked on the Iraqi people.

The population of Coalition countries is approximately 1.23 billion people.
Coalition countries have a combined GDP of approximately $22 trillion.
Every major race, religion, ethnicity in the world is represented.
The Coalition includes nations from every continent on the globe.
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Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2004 09:33 am
Hey Wilso, just remember that Australia is part of the coalition. Comments such as the one you made will likely place you under scrutiny from big brother. I think you've just screwed yourself.
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Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2004 09:54 am
That is if we can even take that seriously. Drinking in the morning is a sign of a problem.
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Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2004 09:56 am
cjhsa wrote:
Hey Wilso, just remember that Australia is part of the coalition. Comments such as the one you made will likely place you under scrutiny from big brother. I think you've just screwed yourself.

Like I care. The Australian intelligence services are a pathetic joke.
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Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2004 02:08 pm
Well, with any luck, Wilso won't wound up being featured in the "Missing in A2K Action" thread anytime soon.
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