@lil host,
Most religionists are close-minded dumb clucks who prefer to let their chosen religion do their thinking for 'em, and as a result their brains turn to mush because they're never used, so on the "intelligence" scale they rank somewhere down among the trilobites..

Luckily there are a minority of open-minded christians around who believe in God
and in evolution because they believe he wrote the laws of evolution himself..
@Romeo Fabulini,
evolution may be real but who caused it to happen is what you should questionnn
Quote:Lil host said-@RF-evolution may be real but who caused it to happen is what you should questionn
That's easy, God wrote the Creation/Evolution Program then hit "Enter" to start it..
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Quote:Lil host said-@RF-evolution may be real but who caused it to happen is what you should questionn
That's easy, God wrote the Creation/Evolution Program then hit "Enter" to start it..
And it was all going along perfectly for the first 4.3 billion years... until suddenly about 2000 years ago God had to whip up an immaculate son to die for the human sin of gaining the knowledge of good and evil (and because some people feel really guilty about sex).
As well they might bearing in mind the trouble it causes if, as the Rev. Thomas Malthus famously said, "the brakes are off".
How does anybody who doesn't feel guilty about sex know that other people do? Such a thought could not possibly enter the head of anybody who has no guilt about sex.
so if god wrote evolution then god does exist and he is the one who causes evolution point blank is that evolution without a person that made it happen is impossible
@lil host,
This is that pathetic kind of anthropomorphism which insists that "someone" must be the agent for anything one cannot understand. It is a childish and ultimately superstitious way to view the cosmos. If it helps you to sleep at night, though, it's no skin off my nose. Just don't expect to be taken seriously.
Quote:Lil host said: so if god wrote evolution then god does exist and he is the one who causes evolution point blank is that evolution without a person that made it happen is impossible
Yes, atheists say the universe decided to create itself, they're funny..

Incidentally God also tweaked evolution along the way to keep it on track.
For example dinosaurs were much too big and were eating far too much grass and stuff so they had to be phased out, but at least Jesus was there to comfort them-
"Sorry kiddo, you're on the way out"
@Romeo Fabulini,
You crack me up dude

"Dinos were too big and were eating far too much grass and stuff... ", too funny.
I love the picture of fantasy white Jesus holding the baby dino. It's just so twisted in so many subtle ways.
As much as the universe is perfect its still holds a really significant amount of work done that cant be created by its own everything has its creator the big bang theory may be right in many ways but all that energy that was put together in one giant planet shows that it has been written by someone.
@lil host,
No it doesn't. You're posting without a clue.
ok here is a clue, do you know if the sun was a couple of kilometers away from were it is right now we would have an iceage in which the human race would die if the sun was a bit closer we would all burn in which the human race would die as well i am pretty sure the universe isn't who made the sun in the perfect position to which the human race could live...
@lil host,
Apart from being a loony statement, it's a laughable claim of serendipity. The earth is where it is in relation to the sun because of the gravitational influence of the sun. No one "placed" the sun there--the sun existed before the earth did. That there is life on this earth is NOT a result of the relative distance to the sun. You're just making **** up, and you're not very good at it.
You do realize, don't you, host, that for the last several million years or so the earth has alternated between ice ages and interglacials (like the one we are in now), roughly every hundred thousand years or so, and the ice ages last much longer than the interglacials (about eighty thousand years or so for the earth to be in large part covered with ice). We just happened to reach the stage of high development we're in this time around. The earth is only momentarily this hospitable to human life. Wasn't so ten thousand years ago, won't be again in a couple thousand years. If you're thinking there's some beneficent god who's setting thing up so it's perfect for us, you've got an extremely short view of history, 'cause in a couple thousand years, he's really going to give us the old, cold whammy. Again.
Quote:Lil host said:..if the sun was a couple of kilometers away from were it is right now we would have an iceage in which the human race would die if the sun was a bit closer we would all burn in which the human race would die as well i am pretty sure the universe isn't who made the sun in the perfect position to which the human race could live...
Yes and only recently I learned that if there was no moon to keep it steady, the Earth would wobble like crazy on its axis.
It's coincidences like that that make some scientists say-
"When confronted with the order and beauty of the universe and the strange coincidences of nature, it's very tempting to take the leap of faith from science into religion. I am sure many physicists want to. I only wish they would admit it."- Tony Rothman (physicist),Paradigms Lost. New York, Avon Books, p.482-483
my statments were way more intelligent and reliable than yours just research what i just said you'll find its true and just saying am just a young kid not much of a genius.
This Bible quote says kids can show old farts how to behave..
"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity" (1 Timothy 4:12)
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:Yes and only recently I learned that if there was no moon to keep it steady, the Earth would wobble like crazy on its axis.
The Earth already wobbles on its axis. The moon just dampens it a bit. Why do you call that a coincidence? What do you think it's coincident with?