Setanta wrote:If you had a sense of humor, you'd have understood.
It has long been obvious, however, that you possess no sense of humor.
To whom??
Setanta wrote:By the way, as for your claim that you were deploying humor, i think you're a liar.
I believe that u
and a lot worse that
that, I 'm certain.
I'd need to
re-evaluate my introspection, if u began to LIKE me.
Setanta wrote:Why did you quote my post before your remark?
You just aren't very good at this sort of thing,
It was momentary forgetfulness of my original intention.
After I 'd posted, I saw the whole thread and it reminded me.
I polished my response to u accordingly. I have no reason to deceive u.
I am not applying to u for a loan nor a job.
Setanta wrote:despite all your grandiose claims for your intelligence.
MULTIPLE be the chuckles!
jealousy moves u to project your delusions onto me, in your envy.
I have not (and wud never) make any claims qua my own intelligence; (bad taste).
Those notions spring from your imagination, Mr. Setanta.
IF u claim that I actually DID assert such boasts,
then I
CHALLENGE u to quote them.
U will
not accept my challenge because u r
to support your false allegations against me.
Your calumniations result from your ideological passion to malign & asperse
anyone who supports personal liberty and Individual freedom.
Its not in my nature to demean myself as a braggart.