morality, drugs, existence

Reply Wed 25 Dec, 2013 05:43 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
Have you forgotten Fil that this is the season of goodwill to all men?
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Wed 25 Dec, 2013 05:59 am
I am sorry for that Spendius, sometimes I have a short temper...by the way Merry Christmas to you ! Wink
Reply Wed 25 Dec, 2013 06:42 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
Thanks. I think short tempers are caused by having unreasonable expectations of others.

Woody Allen answered carnie's point by saying something like--"Look, there goes Jennifer with her violin on her way to a music lesson."

Apisa's line but he's clunkier.

Neither answers the point though.

In the infinite we, the whole life of the earth, asymptote nothing as Jesus said. The centre of the earth, and the universe, (the centres of gravity), must be nothing unless we pretend the infinitesimal asymptote is the absolute centre: which it is not. It would be anthropomorphic to say otherwise. Not science. Semantics.

That is an exclusive Christian discovery. The Greeks executed anybody daring to bring such notions into their mathematics who they could catch. They ruthlessly crushed advances in science which transcended the realm of the here and now. It was a law that gowned statues had to show at least one foot touching the ground. The merest hint that the subject was floating above the ground made them feel all funny like.

Hence no electric windows in their chariots. Nor flaming Christmas Puddings with a sprig of holly and white sauce to pack every niche of the belly with before settling down on the sofa to watch The Queen's Christmas Message which we all know off by heart.

Waking nightmare was the Greek's general fayre.
0 Replies
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Wed 25 Dec, 2013 08:03 am
I do not know nor I pretend to know the size of Pi Spendius...but I know points as centres must refer so they can effectively be the centre of anything...in an infinite surface any point you chose is a centre of any imaginary circle...I just happen to not believe infinities can be tamed...please notice that in a globe any point at its surface can be considered the centre of it, and still the material globe has a finite number of points. The only kind of infinity I rationalize is the loop. Infinity is a projection of the mind within finite things !
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Wed 25 Dec, 2013 08:26 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
As a real function the centre of a globe is the exact centre of a rotating axis in which the globe rotating movement in any direction does not change the position of the globe (it does not vibrate). Same is to say on which the globe does not spatially outgrows itself while moving. Reason within motion !
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 25 Dec, 2013 08:27 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

Yup...the problem is that most people cannot understand the incredible truths you are trying to reveal.

yes, except i personally am not trying to reveal anything. the universe is trying to reveal itself to all humans. those who find it lose their individuality and become the universe. those who need their individuality still will keep it as long as they can, but it won't be too long.
But some day they will understand that you lived your life as a profit...and were rejected for that.

please understand the difference between prophet and profit. i wouldn't mind living my life as a very large profit. also, rejected by who exactly? you? loooll. olivier and fil? yep, i am certainly living a life of rejection. rejection from the elite of humanity.
Okay...so just listen to the music because there is no music...and there is not calm in this eternal calmnessless nothingness.

i said eternal calmness, not calmlessness.
Oh, if only the world would wake up and recognize you for what you are...it could be saved...even though there is no world; there is no us; there is no you; and all that other stuff.

yes. so why did you bother posting that. if you believe there is some waking up to be done, then do it. if you already see there is no world and nothing, then you don't have to do anything.

Merry Christmas, CM.

And I hope 2014 treats you better.
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 25 Dec, 2013 08:27 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

You keep on truckin', CM...and at some point the world will recognize that you are a God...even though there is no world; no God; and no trucks.

you keep on writing sentences, and then sarcastically saying oh wait nothing exists. and thinking that you are somehow making a really deep point in your argument against me. actually you are simply solidifying my argument nicely. your stance is perfect. yes you can assert anything as truth, but ultimately nothing is truth.
Yeah...the immature people are the ones "attacking you"...even though there are no others...and no you.

yes exactly. that is perfectly correct.

Merry Christmas, CM.

And I hope 2014 treats you better.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 25 Dec, 2013 08:29 am
Merry Christmas to everyone in the thread.

Hope 2014 is a rewarding year for all of you.
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Wed 25 Dec, 2013 08:36 am
@Frank Apisa,
Merry Christmas Frank and sincere hopes of seeing you around in the forums for many many more Christmas to come ! Wink
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Dec, 2013 11:25 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
...you idiot is a force of expression clown..my remark was about the iron nickel ball and I meant to say "air" as space, (is common in Portuguese) between the compact iron ball atoms...

no, it is a straight up mistake and everybody knows the huge difference between air and space, there is no expression that air exists between atoms in portuguese or any other language.

so freaking typical of mediocrity as with all small street dogs normally do, as soon as you catch someone in a small speaking mistake you try to take a bite...

yes, when the 'small speaking mistake' is the entirety of what we are talking about. i am glad you know that it is space, not air, but i had to clarify the mistake.
I know more about science in my little toe then you ever will know in your entire freaking life you miserable rat !

haha, desperation really showing here, but yes you are actually right. because the cells in your little toe are non-individualised, they do 'know more' about the entire universe than any 'individual mind' can know, because they living as the universal mind.
Please stop addressing my posts I have not time to lose with an ignoramus like you.

you forget this is my thread, so you will have to take the liberty to stop addressing me yourself. you have already tried before, but i keep destroying your pathetic arguments so easily that you have to try pitifully to defend yourself.
There is a minimum level I take to debate people and you are not even close !

and yet you continue to debate.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Dec, 2013 11:30 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
I haven't proven **** idiot I have clearly state my GUESTIMATES on the matter !

good. they are shitty guestimates, blindly believing in planck limits as absolute. rofl.
Why the **** the dumbest asses on the freaking planet all end up in this forum trolling up everyone for fun ?...

i dunno, but what is more strange is that you keep falling for it. you are right, i am trolling.
freaking mosquitoes can't see a freaking light without immediately running towards it.

the universal freedom with which an insect goes toward a light is exactly what you and frank miss with your egotistical ideas about your individual intellectual selves. you try to insult me by calling me similar to a mosquito running towards a light, blindly. actually, that blindness is eternal freedom of the entire universe, and you are blind to that blindness.
Haven't you noticed yet no one in this forum addresses you besides Frank which mostly is just toying with your naivety ? there is a reason for that...

actually quite a few more have addressed me and continue to do so, including yourself buddy.
just go meet up with your on gang n get lost !

this is my thread? rofl. this is my gang, by default, i created it. moreover, the entire universe is my gang.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Dec, 2013 11:40 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Merry Christmas, CM.

i am not christian, but merry christmas to you.

And I hope 2014 treats you better.

you make so many assumptions about me, i can only question why, what is it about me that interests you so much that you actually need to create stories about me to console yourself. i can only conclude that it is your attraction to universal intelligence, so i am glad to be the scapegoat through which you experience the understanding of non-duality that i speak of while you condemn me as somebody peddling blind guesses, blah blah. you condemn me as such because you are investigating so hard, so deeply into my words, you revolt against them equally as much as you investigate them. the honest investigation can never lie, you revolting is the only thing stopping the truth from being revealed.
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 26 Dec, 2013 07:09 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

Merry Christmas, CM.

i am not christian, but merry christmas to you.

And I hope 2014 treats you better.

you make so many assumptions about me, i can only question why, what is it about me that interests you so much that you actually need to create stories about me to console yourself. i can only conclude that it is your attraction to universal intelligence, so i am glad to be the scapegoat through which you experience the understanding of non-duality that i speak of while you condemn me as somebody peddling blind guesses, blah blah. you condemn me as such because you are investigating so hard, so deeply into my words, you revolt against them equally as much as you investigate them. the honest investigation can never lie, you revolting is the only thing stopping the truth from being revealed.

The "honest investigation" will almost always tell you that you do not know...and have precious little evidence upon which to base some of the absurd guesses you tout as revealed truths.

If it makes you happy to think that I respond to your posts because I am somehow enchanted with your intelligence and insights...go for it.

I love it when people are happy. Wink
Reply Thu 26 Dec, 2013 07:39 pm
@Frank Apisa,
The "honest investigation" will almost always tell you that you do not know...and have precious little evidence upon which to base some of the absurd guesses you tout as revealed truths.

agreed, except for some minor errors. honest investigation will always tell you that you do not know, because no individual can ever know. however, once identifying universally, the universal you can know. there is not 'precious little evidence' to base absurd guesses, there is zero evidence. all human concepts are absurd guesses, nothing more.
If it makes you happy to think that I respond to your posts because I am somehow enchanted with your intelligence and insights...go for it.

I love it when people are happy.

no, what would make me happy is you stopping responding to me. but i guess the enchantment you describe is too strong.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 27 Dec, 2013 08:28 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

The "honest investigation" will almost always tell you that you do not know...and have precious little evidence upon which to base some of the absurd guesses you tout as revealed truths.

agreed, except for some minor errors. honest investigation will always tell you that you do not know, because no individual can ever know. however, once identifying universally, the universal you can know. there is not 'precious little evidence' to base absurd guesses, there is zero evidence. all human concepts are absurd guesses, nothing more.

Well that is an absurd guess!


If it makes you happy to think that I respond to your posts because I am somehow enchanted with your intelligence and insights...go for it.

I love it when people are happy.

no, what would make me happy is you stopping responding to me. but i guess the enchantment you describe is too strong.

The enchantment apparently is all yours.
Reply Fri 27 Dec, 2013 12:01 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Well that is an absurd guess!

yes. you believe some of your own absurd guesses. i believe none. that is the difference between us. you say that 'i don't know' is the only honest answer, but that is simply another absurd guess of your own. you say you don't do beliefs, but you believe that 'i don't know' is the only solution to any questions on reality.

the truth about belief is that no individual can ever stop doing it, because individuality itself is a belief only. it is the belief of universal consciousness that it is restricted to this individual body consciousness, in this restricted life span. so for an individual to exist, a belief is in place. the consciousness chooses to believe that its separate identity is real and primary. this primary belief goes unquestioned in life usually because it is the cause of all motivation and therefore has helped humanity achieve everything that we have.

it is only questioned when all motivation ends. that happens in extreme experiences, either positive or negative. generally only at the moment of death, but any experience in life can do it, as it did to me. when the motivation to believe in individuality goes away, individuality dissolves into universality.
The enchantment apparently is all yours.

really, but you brought up the word? and saying it was sarcastic doesn't matter, because that still doesn't explain why i would be enchanted if you sarcastically called yourself enchanted at me.

if you want to know what enchants me about this conversation, it is simple: to me, all this debate is just discussion of the highest possible truths, which does help anybody achieve their own best understanding of truth or reality. anybody reading this is (hopefully) just questioning all of it, and therefore understanding things better for themselves.

you are just too proud to admit it, and would rather act like the ultimately wise guy who needs to quell me and show me that my blind guesses are all wrong. yes, maybe they are all wrong, but discussing is the best way to figure it out then right? if this discussion is not helping, then stop it. if anything i have said is logically wrong or irrational, let me know exactly how and i will respond specifically to that.

or, you can just keep up your one-line, pointless responses which just epitomise your pathetic inadequacy in this argument.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 27 Dec, 2013 12:05 pm
carnaticmystery wrote:

Well that is an absurd guess!

yes. you believe some of your own absurd guesses. i believe none. that is the difference between us. you say that 'i don't know' is the only honest answer, but that is simply another absurd guess of your own. you say you don't do beliefs, but you believe that 'i don't know' is the only solution to any questions on reality.

the truth about belief is that no individual can ever stop doing it, because individuality itself is a belief only. it is the belief of universal consciousness that it is restricted to this individual body consciousness, in this restricted life span. so for an individual to exist, a belief is in place. the consciousness chooses to believe that its separate identity is real and primary. this primary belief goes unquestioned in life usually because it is the cause of all motivation and therefore has helped humanity achieve everything that we have.

it is only questioned when all motivation ends. that happens in extreme experiences, either positive or negative. generally only at the moment of death, but any experience in life can do it, as it did to me. when the motivation to believe in individuality goes away, individuality dissolves into universality.
The enchantment apparently is all yours.

really, but you brought up the word? and saying it was sarcastic doesn't matter, because that still doesn't explain why i would be enchanted if you sarcastically called yourself enchanted at me.

if you want to know what enchants me about this conversation, it is simple: to me, all this debate is just discussion of the highest possible truths, which does help anybody achieve their own best understanding of truth or reality. anybody reading this is (hopefully) just questioning all of it, and therefore understanding things better for themselves.

you are just too proud to admit it, and would rather act like the ultimately wise guy who needs to quell me and show me that my blind guesses are all wrong. yes, maybe they are all wrong, but discussing is the best way to figure it out then right? if this discussion is not helping, then stop it. if anything i have said is logically wrong or irrational, let me know exactly how and i will respond specifically to that.

or, you can just keep up your one-line, pointless responses which just epitomise your pathetic inadequacy in this argument.

You are babbling, CM.
Reply Fri 27 Dec, 2013 02:20 pm
or, you can just keep up your one-line, pointless responses which just epitomise your pathetic inadequacy in this argument.

You're a prophet carnie.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Dec, 2013 04:54 pm
Samuel Beckett once said: ‘ Every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness.’

But then again, he SAID it... and spent his entire life writing them words. This thread is about the same paradox.
Reply Sat 28 Dec, 2013 09:51 pm
Samuel Beckett once said: ‘ Every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness.’


But then again, he SAID it... and spent his entire life writing them words. This thread is about the same paradox.

when everything arises from nothingness, and returns to it, there is no real paradox coming from any existence.

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