Quote:Non-duality cannot be EXPRESSED by words or any other symbol, because signs imply the duality of signifier & signified. A word or concept is dual, inherently, joining a sound or drawing to a meaning, a meaning which points to something out there.
Therefore, as soon as you try to say something, you are bound to accept duality as an axiom.
agree 100%. unfortunately, i am not trying to say anything, and the idea of trying to say anything is always ultimately an illusion. words come from thought which comes from infinite, universal mind which is capable of appearing limited to individuality.
Quote:The only way you can remain faithful to your suicidal philosophy is by staying silent at all times. You're attracted by this philosophical suicide, but are too much of a coward to pull the trigger...
completely wrong. my philosophy is suicidal to the individual mind only, and no trigger needs to be pulled to go beyond it. there is no need to remain silent, because if there is no identification with the words, there is no attempt for anything, then there is no problem with words.
Quote:Anyway, as of now, I pull your trigger. Boom, you're dead.
ok? except that it is highly likely you will end up reading this response. then you will just seem cowardly yourself for not responding. so have fun with that.
another funny thing i'd like to point out. it is obvious i started this thread as a discussion on reality. that itself is a seeking of help of some sorts, like i did not understand reality completely myself, so i wanted more perspectives to understand it better. everything i said about non duality was just speculation, i simply presented the arguments and did not claim them as my own, and gave the name of the author whom i derive most of what i say from (nisargadatta maharaj).
i can say everyone on this board is like a spiritual guru to me in some way, even frank and olivier, because they contribute to more and more apparent truths becoming exposed, which continuously contributes to the infinite regression of truths and imagination that spendius is talking about.
what is funny about all this is how frank is always telling me that i am spreading some sort of religion. however, the way i see it, you are the ones turning what i say into a religion, so i automatically need to dissect it more and more. i myself have never looked into non duality this deeply before. so thank you all for assisting me in the never ending intellectual journey into finding out the ultimate truth.
i would repeat that i have never claimed to know any ultimate truth other than the inference that there could be no ultimate truth, as a possible explanation for everything.
the responses have been largely supportive, with a few strong opposers like frank and olivier. so overall this has and will continue to be a very productive discussion. thank you all.