morality, drugs, existence

Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 12:53 am
"It's no go the Yogi-Man, it's no go Blavatsky,
All we want is a bank balance and a bit of skirt in a taxi."

Louis MacNeice.

Is that any good?

good for what? lol. it is an amusing rhyme, i guess? here is my question for you: why do you keep asking me if i like random authors/poets/philosophers?
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 04:46 am
To see where you get your ideas from. I presume you are not feral.
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 06:51 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

You did nothing of the sort, CM. Here is your first post in its entirety:

the pathway of non duality leads to an eternal abyss of nothingness, in which anything goes, and ideas such as morality can become very skewed, if not completely vanish. with the absence of any morality, drug use can only become more common. is there any need to address issues such as heavy drug use? does existence have any meaning? the emptiness of non duality appears to prove categorically that the answer is no.

You'd be much better off sticking with the truth while digging, CM!

um what exactly did you prove by quoting me? except exactly what i said:

i never felt the need to initially state that everything is speculation. i already said, it was an open ended discussion on reality for my own benefit and spiritual growth if you like. of course i will say whatever i think i KNOW. but as soon as anyone questioned where its from, i quoted where.

i didn't openly state anything was speculation. i stated my own opinion categorically. but there were a lot of questions, indicating that i wanted a discussion.

lol, let me repeat: **** off with your petty arguments.

So now you are trying to sell the comment: "does existence have any meaning? the emptiness of non duality appears to prove categorically that the answer is no."...


C'mon, CM! Wink

Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 08:49 am
@Frank Apisa,
The general idea of linguistic philosophy is to see if meaning means anything.

Without a Divine Creator meaning has no meaning. Neither has anything else. It is all just a few years of torture your parents decided to put you through. Or couldn't stop themselves from doing as animals can't.

Does the question--"does existence have any meaning?" have any meaning? Hence asking such a question is posited on God's existence.
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 08:33 pm
@Frank Apisa,
So now you are trying to sell the comment: "does existence have any meaning? the emptiness of non duality appears to prove categorically that the answer is no."...


C'mon, CM!

um...YES dumbfuck. note the QUESTION MARK, and the wording "APPEARS TO PROVE".
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 08:38 pm
To see where you get your ideas from. I presume you are not feral.

ok, but i already explained that all my ideas on non duality come from nisargadatta maharaj, as well as various other non dualists. ironically, i would argue that non duality is similar to a feral state.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 08:47 pm
Without a Divine Creator meaning has no meaning. Neither has anything else.

a divine creator is only a subjective definition made by you for something that gives meaning.

It is all just a few years of torture your parents decided to put you through. Or couldn't stop themselves from doing as animals can't.

you mean your whole life span is torture?

Does the question--"does existence have any meaning?" have any meaning? Hence asking such a question is posited on God's existence.

god is a concept which necessarily arises when questioning the meaning of existence, because for there to be a 'meaning', there must be a creator of the meaning, because meaning is a creative thing.

but it seems you are assuming that there is a meaning, simply because of the question arising. your question: does the question itself have any meaning? it has meaning to individual mind's only. ultimately, it has no meaning. this is the experience, if you look at the question with complete honesty.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 24 Jan, 2014 07:00 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

So now you are trying to sell the comment: "does existence have any meaning? the emptiness of non duality appears to prove categorically that the answer is no."...


C'mon, CM!

um...YES dumbfuck. note the QUESTION MARK, and the wording "APPEARS TO PROVE".

CM...in a message of speculation...no reasonable person would use the word "categorically" the say you did there.

You asked yourself a question "Does existence have any meaning>"

Then you answered it: "the emptiness of non duality appears to prove categorically that the answer is no."...

Reply Fri 24 Jan, 2014 08:49 am
@Frank Apisa,
CM...in a message of speculation...no reasonable person would use the word "categorically" the say you did there.

yes, any reasonable person would, when their own opinion is that it appears to prove it CATEGORICALLY. it still only APPEARS to do so. learn english.

You asked yourself a question "Does existence have any meaning>"

Then you answered it: "the emptiness of non duality appears to prove categorically that the answer is no."...

yes, exactly. now go learn the meanings of the words i used, and you will see that it is definitely all pure speculation.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 24 Jan, 2014 09:00 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

CM...in a message of speculation...no reasonable person would use the word "categorically" the say you did there.

yes, any reasonable person would, when their own opinion is that it appears to prove it CATEGORICALLY. it still only APPEARS to do so. learn english.

You asked yourself a question "Does existence have any meaning>"

Then you answered it: "the emptiness of non duality appears to prove categorically that the answer is no."...

yes, exactly. now go learn the meanings of the words i used, and you will see that it is definitely all pure speculation.

You are dogmatic, CM. Your (what appears to be) messianic dreams require it. Putting a few words in there to make it seem like speculation does not change the tenor of your "revelations."

Here is your second post in this thread:

because if everything is one, then to even assert that the one exists is counter-intuitive. how can the one exist; in relation to what else? anything else is also part of the one. therefore, its very existence is questionable. and even if we accept that this one exists, how could it possibly have a point? you say that science is proving that there is a correlation between particle movement and evolution, that the universe may have been designed to support evolution. but the very ideas of particles, movement, and evolution, are simply theories posed by humans who have been observing this 'universe'. seeing as the whole thing is working as one unitary movement, one can come up with infinite definitions for phenomena such as evolution, particle theories etc. however the fundamental truth is that absolutely nothing actually exists beyond this One ineffable 'thing' which we could call god, existence, reality etc. and when the truth of this fact really hits home hard deep inside your consciousness, it really does throw all concepts such as morality out the window.

You are not speculating…you are “revealing” great truths that are not available to we mere humans.

Instead of asking me to learn the meaning of words...perhaps you ought to get a grip on what you are actually about here!
Reply Fri 24 Jan, 2014 08:38 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Code:You are dogmatic, CM.

you are a ****, frank.

Your (what appears to be) messianic dreams require it.

your dualistic dream requires it.
Putting a few words in there to make it seem like speculation does not change the tenor of your "revelations."

putting a few words together doesn't make you any less of a ****.

Here is your second post in this thread:

here is the 2342343th time you are a ****:
"frank says: anything"

You are not speculating…you are “revealing” great truths that are not available to we mere humans.

you are not a mere human, you are an extremely cunty one.

Instead of asking me to learn the meaning of words...perhaps you ought to get a grip on what you are actually about here!

nah. just go learn the words ****.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 25 Jan, 2014 07:44 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

Code:You are dogmatic, CM.

you are a ****, frank.

You should be able to do better than that, CM. Wink

Your (what appears to be) messianic dreams require it.

your dualistic dream requires it.


Putting a few words in there to make it seem like speculation does not change the tenor of your "revelations."

putting a few words together doesn't make you any less of a ****.

You should be able to do better than that!

Here is your second post in this thread:

here is the 2342343th time you are a ****:
"frank says: anything"

And better than that, also.

You are not speculating…you are “revealing” great truths that are not available to we mere humans.

you are not a mere human, you are an extremely cunty one.

Bingo...all the moderate, thoughtful persona is completely gone.

I thought it would take me much longer than this to force you to discard it! Wink


Instead of asking me to learn the meaning of words...perhaps you ought to get a grip on what you are actually about here!

nah. just go learn the words ****.

Yup. Bingo!
Reply Sun 26 Jan, 2014 09:14 am
@Frank Apisa,
You should be able to do better than that, CM

you should be able to do better than saying 'you should be able to do better than that'.

Bingo...all the moderate, thoughtful persona is completely gone.

I thought it would take me much longer than this to force you to discard it!

wrong, not gone anywhere. that persona exists when it needs to, ie when you are also being moderate and thoughtful. the **** persona exists when you act as such. and yes, continuously trying to prove that i am spreading a religion rather than having an open-ended discussion is very cunty of you. i can think of no other way to convince you that i am not spreading a religion. i can try calling you a ****, myself a ****, god a ****, what else can i do?
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 26 Jan, 2014 10:12 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

You should be able to do better than that, CM

you should be able to do better than saying 'you should be able to do better than that'.

Looks like that was more than enough to rattle you, CM.

Bingo...all the moderate, thoughtful persona is completely gone.

I thought it would take me much longer than this to force you to discard it!

wrong, not gone anywhere. that persona exists when it needs to, ie when you are also being moderate and thoughtful. the **** persona exists when you act as such. and yes, continuously trying to prove that i am spreading a religion rather than having an open-ended discussion is very cunty of you. i can think of no other way to convince you that i am not spreading a religion. i can try calling you a ****, myself a ****, god a ****, what else can i do?

I'm guessing the hard thing about a messianic complex, CM...is having to deny it as much you have to.

There is no thoughtful, moderate persona in you...and that is evidenced by your responses to several people...not just me. And for the record...your non-thoughtful, non-moderate persona kicked in LONG before I ever started responding in kind to your intemperate nonsense.

You started your tantrums early…the moment it became obvious your “revelations” were not being bought! That is why I held back making my first comments. I could see where this thread was going to head from its very first sentence.
Reply Mon 27 Jan, 2014 12:57 am
@Frank Apisa,
Looks like that was more than enough to rattle you, CM.

ok? looks like proving that you can 'rattle' me means something to you. whereas i have openly admitted there is no such thing as control over emotion, therefore of course, any emotion i show, makes no difference to me, it is a direct response to you. of course, you can claim it as your handiwork, as you do. unfortunately, it only reveals yourself as a deluded narcissist.
I'm guessing the hard thing about a messianic complex, CM...is having to deny it as much you have to.

a messianic complex can only be defined by somebody who believes they are inferior to some sort of ultimate messiah level. i am beyond defining any messianic complex, and yes, i see how that falls into the messianic complex category for you, because you are unable to go beyond it.

There is no thoughtful, moderate persona in you...and that is evidenced by your responses to several people...not just me.

everyone who i have ever insulted has deserved it, at least according to a simple eye for an eye model.
And for the record...your non-thoughtful, non-moderate persona kicked in LONG before I ever started responding in kind to your intemperate nonsense.

firstly, i only used the words thoughtful and moderate to mirror what you said, ie, if you want me to be as such, the only way is if you act as such to me.

in my own opinion, there is no need to be thoughtful or moderate, because both are dualistic ideas.

You started your tantrums early…the moment it became obvious your “revelations” were not being bought!

firstly, my 'revelations' are being bought, and have been bought for thousands of years, by the rare few who accept non duality, which is the only 'revelation' i am offering. instead, i call it a personal opinion that the ultimate reality or truth is readily available as a simple philosophy: non duality, which has been written about extensively by many people of many different races.

i already accept, as olivier says, that non duality ultimately can never be expressed in any words. however, attempting to express it is possible, and can be helpful for the appearing individuals, such as myself or yourself.

it is you who revolts against this process in me, constantly claiming that i am imposing these opinions on others. but nobody else interprets it this way, only you and olivier, because it threatens you two most, because you are the most identified with your own individuality.

That is why I held back making my first comments. I could see where this thread was going to head from its very first sentence.

of course you could. because i mentioned non duality. which is something which denies your own individuality, or at least that is how you see it. so 'where this thread was going' was into discussing non duality, which threatens you.

why does an explanation to everything intimidate you? because you have defined yourself as an agnostic, and you cling to that identity even stronger than the pure intellect in you which doesn't want to be restricted by definitions. as long as you keep clouding your own intellect, you will keep abusing me and claiming that non duality is my own BLIND GUESS. anyone with a google search can see how stupid that makes you look. either you can let go of your agnosticism now, or at the moment of death. makes no difference really, other than to the limited individual.
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 27 Jan, 2014 07:42 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

Looks like that was more than enough to rattle you, CM.

ok? looks like proving that you can 'rattle' me means something to you. whereas i have openly admitted there is no such thing as control over emotion, therefore of course, any emotion i show, makes no difference to me, it is a direct response to you. of course, you can claim it as your handiwork, as you do. unfortunately, it only reveals yourself as a deluded narcissist.

You haven't "openly admitted" there is no such thing as control over emotions, CM...you have merely asserted it! That is what you do...you assert things as though you are revealing great truths from on-high. Probably is part of that messianic complex.

I'm guessing the hard thing about a messianic complex, CM...is having to deny it as much you have to.

a messianic complex can only be defined by somebody who believes they are inferior to some sort of ultimate messiah level. i am beyond defining any messianic complex, and yes, i see how that falls into the messianic complex category for you, because you are unable to go beyond it.

When you describe yourself here as you did in this paragraph, you are describing elements of a messianic complex, CM. You honestly do think you are up, up, and away.

Get over yourself.

There is no thoughtful, moderate persona in you...and that is evidenced by your responses to several people...not just me.

everyone who i have ever insulted has deserved it, at least according to a simple eye for an eye model.

Yeah...I am sure that is what it seems to you. You are out of control, CM. You can do something about that!

And for the record...your non-thoughtful, non-moderate persona kicked in LONG before I ever started responding in kind to your intemperate nonsense.

firstly, i only used the words thoughtful and moderate to mirror what you said, ie, if you want me to be as such, the only way is if you act as such to me.

I see...you allow others to determine how you will act. Must be a horrible way to live.

in my own opinion, there is no need to be thoughtful or moderate, because both are dualistic ideas.

Right...and that would be against the tenets of your religion.

You started your tantrums early…the moment it became obvious your “revelations” were not being bought!

firstly, my 'revelations' are being bought, and have been bought for thousands of years, by the rare few who accept non duality, which is the only 'revelation' i am offering. instead, i call it a personal opinion that the ultimate reality or truth is readily available as a simple philosophy: non duality, which has been written about extensively by many people of many different races.

i already accept, as olivier says, that non duality ultimately can never be expressed in any words. however, attempting to express it is possible, and can be helpful for the appearing individuals, such as myself or yourself.

it is you who revolts against this process in me, constantly claiming that i am imposing these opinions on others. but nobody else interprets it this way, only you and olivier, because it threatens you two most, because you are the most identified with your own individuality.

I have never claimed that you are imposing "these opinions" on others...in fact, I think most people here are laughing at your ideas.

I have no problem with you trying to be the messiah. It's fun, in fact, to watch you flail about.


That is why I held back making my first comments. I could see where this thread was going to head from its very first sentence.

of course you could. because i mentioned non duality. which is something which denies your own individuality, or at least that is how you see it. so 'where this thread was going' was into discussing non duality, which threatens you.

why does an explanation to everything intimidate you? because you have defined yourself as an agnostic, and you cling to that identity even stronger than the pure intellect in you which doesn't want to be restricted by definitions. as long as you keep clouding your own intellect, you will keep abusing me and claiming that non duality is my own BLIND GUESS. anyone with a google search can see how stupid that makes you look. either you can let go of your agnosticism now, or at the moment of death. makes no difference really, other than to the limited individual.

Whatever floats your boat, CM.

There are people here in A2K who are non-dualists...much, much, much more intelligent non-dualists than you...who do a much better job of explaining the concepts that they are attempting to share.

My guess is...most of them cringe when they see you posting.
Reply Mon 27 Jan, 2014 08:16 pm
@Frank Apisa,
You haven't "openly admitted" there is no such thing as control over emotions, CM...you have merely asserted it!

ok, define it in your way, so what? it is still true. any control you think you have over emotion is an uncontrollable impulse of your intellect to appear to 'control' your emotion as such.
That is what you do...you assert things as though you are revealing great truths from on-high. Probably is part of that messianic complex.

no, i assert them as if revealing my own personal opinions. saying i openly admit something doesn't necessarily mean it is a revelation from on-high. you interpret it that way because it all intimidates you.
and yes, i see how that falls into the messianic complex category for you, because you are unable to go beyond it.

When you describe yourself here as you did in this paragraph, you are describing elements of a messianic complex, CM. You honestly do think you are up, up, and away.

you are making it too easy for me. i describe how you are going to respond, and you still respond that way..lol.

what you don't see is that agnosticism is simply the ultimate messianic complex. why? because you put your own agnosticism up there as the messiah, and it becomes a god to you, and you worship it so strongly that even basic intellect cannot break through the prison you build yourself.

I see...you allow others to determine how you will act. Must be a horrible way to live.

wrong. there is no others, there is only one existence including everything. the illusion that you can act without influence from 'others' is simply your egotistical individualistic way of living, where you worship your own individual self as the ultimate truth, separate it from the rest of the universe, and declare that you have the control to act independently from it.

aside from how pathetically arrogant this idea is, it is obviously scientifically false. we know the entire universe of particles is interconnected and interdependent.

so you can see, my simple comment was that 'if you want me to be moderate and thoughtful, you must be so yourself'. you turn this into insulting me, saying i must live horribly because i depend on others. i would counter by saying that living in your individual prison is much more horrible.

Right...and that would be against the tenets of your religion.

if you want to call non duality a 'religion', i don't care, i am not against words as such. it is just that you would be the only idiot on earth who does define it that way.

I have never claimed that you are imposing "these opinions" on others...in fact, I think most people here are laughing at your ideas.

actually, the only one laughing is you, as part of your entertainment defence mechanism we all know about now.

I have no problem with you trying to be the messiah. It's fun, in fact, to watch you flail about.

read above re: entertainment defence mechanism. let us shorten to EDM from now on, its getting too hard to keep writing it out.

There are people here in A2K who are non-dualists...much, much, much more intelligent non-dualists than you...who do a much better job of explaining the concepts that they are attempting to share.

ok? i never claimed to be intelligent. everything i have said about non duality is open for argument. i would be happy to argue the actual concepts rather than your petty personal ****. but you have no argument against non duality per se. it is about my presentation of it. as i said, petty personal ****.
My guess is...most of them cringe when they see you posting.

you have to guess that to validate your own beliefs. i don't need to negate it to validate any of my own, lol.
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 28 Jan, 2014 07:20 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

You haven't "openly admitted" there is no such thing as control over emotions, CM...you have merely asserted it!

ok, define it in your way, so what? it is still true. any control you think you have over emotion is an uncontrollable impulse of your intellect to appear to 'control' your emotion as such.

Still asserting stuff...revelations from on-high. You ought to get over that, CM.

That is what you do...you assert things as though you are revealing great truths from on-high. Probably is part of that messianic complex.

no, i assert them as if revealing my own personal opinions. saying i openly admit something doesn't necessarily mean it is a revelation from on-high. you interpret it that way because it all intimidates you.

Nothing you say "intimidates" me, CM. Your arguments are not cogent enough or powerful enough to intimidate anyone here in A2K. In any case, if you want to share "personal opinions"...so so. But you really ought to present them as opinions rather than trying to make them seem like revelations from a prophet of some some sort...because when you do that (which you do often) it elicits laughter rather than serious consideration.


and yes, i see how that falls into the messianic complex category for you, because you are unable to go beyond it.

When you describe yourself here as you did in this paragraph, you are describing elements of a messianic complex, CM. You honestly do think you
are up, up, and away.

you are making it too easy for me. i describe how you are going to respond, and you still respond that way..lol.

what you don't see is that agnosticism is simply the ultimate messianic complex. why? because you put your own agnosticism up there as the messiah, and it becomes a god to you, and you worship it so strongly that even basic intellect cannot break through the prison you build yourself.

Obviously you do not understand the difference between the term "messianic complex" and "building a religion." Learn that difference...and then we can discuss this.


I see...you allow others to determine how you will act. Must be a horrible way to live.

wrong. there is no others,

Another revelation from on-high.


there is only one existence including everything.

And another.

the illusion that you can act without influence from 'others' is simply your egotistical individualistic way of living, where you worship your own individual self as the ultimate truth, separate it from the rest of the universe, and declare that you have the control to act independently from it.

And yet another.

aside from how pathetically arrogant this idea is, it is obviously scientifically false. we know the entire universe of particles is interconnected and interdependent.

Oh, please...do not go into science. My stomach would not be able to handle it.

so you can see, my simple comment was that 'if you want me to be moderate and thoughtful, you must be so yourself'. you turn this into insulting me, saying i must live horribly because i depend on others. i would counter by saying that living in your individual prison is much more horrible.

So I was correct, you do allow others to determine how you will conduct yourself.


Right...and that would be against the tenets of your religion.

if you want to call non duality a 'religion', i don't care, i am not against words as such. it is just that you would be the only idiot on earth who does define it that way.

You treat it as a religion...you own it, CM.

I have never claimed that you are imposing "these opinions" on others...in fact, I think most people here are laughing at your ideas.

actually, the only one laughing is you, as part of your entertainment defence mechanism we all know about now.

I don't think so. I've read your interaction with others...and many of them seem to think about your posts the way I do.

I have no problem with you trying to be the messiah. It's fun, in fact, to watch you flail about.

read above re: entertainment defence mechanism. let us shorten to EDM from now on, its getting too hard to keep writing it out.

Whatever works for you!

There are people here in A2K who are non-dualists...much, much, much more intelligent non-dualists than you...who do a much better job of explaining the concepts that they are attempting to share.

ok? i never claimed to be intelligent. everything i have said about non duality is open for argument. i would be happy to argue the actual concepts rather than your petty personal ****. but you have no argument against non duality per se. it is about my presentation of it. as i said, petty personal ****.

For the beginning, I wanted to discuss issues. You were the one who decided to go in this direction...both with me and others who would not simply accept your rant as fact.

If you really want to discuss issues...just pick out the single most important opinion that you are trying to share...and we can discuss it.

I doubt your will do that.

My guess is...most of them cringe when they see you posting.

you have to guess that to validate your own beliefs. i don't need to negate it to validate any of my own, lol.

My guess is that most of them cringe!
Reply Wed 29 Jan, 2014 08:06 am
@Frank Apisa,
ok, if you'll notice i have just stopped responding to most of your comments within your posts, i only pick the ones that i think have some value in responding to. unfortunately, in your last one, there is very little but there are a few points.
what you don't see is that agnosticism is simply the ultimate messianic complex. why? because you put your own agnosticism up there as the messiah, and it becomes a god to you, and you worship it so strongly that even basic intellect cannot break through the prison you build yourself.

Obviously you do not understand the difference between the term "messianic complex" and "building a religion." Learn that difference...and then we can discuss this.

actually, you just need to connect the dots. a messianic complex leads one to attempting to build a religion, and agnosticism is no different. it is simply that an agnostic puts his belief in 'not being able to know the ultimate truth'. that is simply another blind guess, as you like to put it.

So I was correct, you do allow others to determine how you will conduct yourself.

of course i don't, i just don't deny the obvious interdependence of all life. only an individualist fool such as yourself will claim control over emotion. nobody determines anything, things appear to happen in a certain way, emotions and all mental content follow basic reactionary patterns to stimuli.

you can falsely believe you have control over your mental content for as long as you want, it is another blind guess, seems like you love them.

You treat it as a religion...you own it, CM.

i treat non duality as a religion? exactly, why not, i have nothing against religion or god, i told you i am not atheist. i own it? well yeah i guess i would agree with that too lol

For the beginning, I wanted to discuss issues. You were the one who decided to go in this direction...both with me and others who would not simply accept your rant as fact.

what direction? arguing? yes, i am happy to argue my opinion always. i don't want you to accept my 'rant', i want you to argue. happy to be arguing with all who negate me, and i wish the challenge would be greater.

If you really want to discuss issues...just pick out the single most important opinion that you are trying to share...and we can discuss it.

i have already told you, this thread was aimed at discussing non duality, assuming there are people who have already accepted non duality as the ultimate, and just want to go deeper (ie. dually understand nonduality to a greater degree). my assumption was correct, and many people have already contributed well and deepened my understanding, including you and olivier. it doesn't mean that your idiotic opinions affect my own, but it deepens the understanding of the differences between people.

i accept that the majority of humanity will not accept non duality, so i don't expect you to.

I doubt your will do that.

well, thats coz you are a petty, pathetic doubter, and your entire philosophy on life is nothing but doubt. i doubt god exists. but i doubt he doesn't either. can't go beyond doubt, so **** it, lets build a religion called agnosticism. and what is that a sign of? ahhh a messianic complex. yep.
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 29 Jan, 2014 09:25 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

ok, if you'll notice i have just stopped responding to most of your comments within your posts, i only pick the ones that i think have some value in responding to. unfortunately, in your last one, there is very little but there are a few points.

I'll try to live with the pain of knowing there are some things to which you will not respond. Wink

what you don't see is that agnosticism is simply the ultimate messianic complex. why? because you put your own agnosticism up there as the messiah, and it becomes a god to you, and you worship it so strongly that even basic intellect cannot break through the prison you build yourself.

Not sure to what you were responding there...but it doesn't really matter, because what you said makes no sense. If you are trying to make a case that saying "I do not know" when I do not know...indicates a messianic complex...you did a miserable job of it.

Obviously you do not understand the difference between the term "messianic complex" and "building a religion." Learn that difference...and then we can discuss this.

actually, you just need to connect the dots. a messianic complex leads one to attempting to build a religion, and agnosticism is no different. it is simply that an agnostic puts his belief in 'not being able to know the ultimate truth'. that is simply another blind guess, as you like to put it.

An agnostic simply says "I do not know" when he does not know. If you are having trouble with that...try saying it to yourself while you are conscious. It will come to you at some point.

So I was correct, you do allow others to determine how you will conduct yourself.

of course i don't, i just don't deny the obvious interdependence of all life. only an individualist fool such as yourself will claim control over emotion. nobody determines anything, things appear to happen in a certain way, emotions and all mental content follow basic reactionary patterns to stimuli.

You said earlier that you only become insulting if others become insulting first. That is allowing others to determine how you will conduct yourself.

You really have to start paying attention, CM...or this conversation is going nowhere.

you can falsely believe you have control over your mental content for as long as you want, it is another blind guess, seems like you love them.

Not even sure what that means!

You treat it as a religion...you own it, CM.

i treat non duality as a religion? exactly, why not, i have nothing against religion or god, i told you i am not atheist. i own it? well yeah i guess i would agree with that too lol

Glad the post has made you so happy. I wish I could figure out a post that would make you post intelligible posts in response.

For the beginning, I wanted to discuss issues. You were the one who decided to go in this direction...both with me and others who would not simply accept your rant as fact.

what direction? arguing? yes, i am happy to argue my opinion always. i don't want you to accept my 'rant', i want you to argue. happy to be arguing with all who negate me, and i wish the challenge would be greater.

You consider me minor league...and you cannot even handle me...but you want someone who would challenge you to a greater degree????

C'mon. Stop with the slogans. You are not fooling anyone.


If you really want to discuss issues...just pick out the single most important opinion that you are trying to share...and we can discuss it.

i have already told you, this thread was aimed at discussing non duality, assuming there are people who have already accepted non duality as the ultimate, and just want to go deeper (ie. dually understand nonduality to a greater degree). my assumption was correct, and many people have already contributed well and deepened my understanding, including you and olivier. it doesn't mean that your idiotic opinions affect my own, but it deepens the understanding of the differences between people.

i accept that the majority of humanity will not accept non duality, so i don't expect you to.

Yeah...I'm pretty sure you want people to accept that you are revealing some great truth...and that you are the carrier of that "truth."

You are a particularly inept advocate for the non-dualist positions, CM...an amateur compared with the several really excellent advocates for the position here in A2K.

Like I mentioned, some of them must cringe when they see you posting.


I doubt your will do that.

well, thats coz you are a petty, pathetic doubter, and your entire philosophy on life is nothing but doubt. i doubt god exists. but i doubt he doesn't either. can't go beyond doubt, so **** it, lets build a religion called agnosticism. and what is that a sign of? ahhh a messianic complex. yep.

If you want to build a religion called agnosticism...do it. Try not to make as much a mess of it as you are of explaining non-duality.

I don't want to...and have mentioned several times during the last two years that I have almost completely abandoned using the term "agnostic" to define myself...relying on a description of how I feel about the agnostic position instead. So, unfortunately for you, I will not be able to give you a hand.

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