morality, drugs, existence

Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2013 09:46 pm
You're most kind... :-----) you really think the thesis that some US business interest would have blown off the Twins and the Pentagon has any merit?

hmmm well i dunno. lemme think. as a result of 9/11, US have profited billions from war and oil. is it possible that an american was terrible enough to just do it for money? no way!!! you are right, i see my error in logic. no merit whatsoever.
Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2013 10:02 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Keep dreaming. That is one of the things I like most about you...you are a dreamer.

good, you are learning more about the nothingness. everything is a dream.
I do not think you are dumb...so that cannot be the reason I think the "set a trap" notion was funny. I thought it was funny because it was hilarious.

why do you have to prove that you don't think i am dumb? lol, like you are proving some moral superiority, only claiming that i am 'dumb' in other words like careless/this/that. and then proving that those words are not the same as dumb or stupid. why? because you live in words, and are ruled by them. you have to prove that your intellect is superior to simple words like dumb and stupid. no, no, you have used your exceptional psychological skills to analyze me MUCH further. rofl. ******* amateur.
Oh, my god...will you actually go this far to make me laugh. You are a joy.

in your sickening world where my existence is a special individual fantasy for you, yes, i am happy to be anything you want.

And you didn't even realize that you had set a trap!!!

well, i did, but i thought you would realize the extreme sarcasm and so i assumed the 'trap' wouldn't work, you would just see i'm being stupid. which is kinda true, but then your little tone remark proved that you were affected negatively by the tone, and were relieved to see it gone. therefore, the trap worked.

I just love the way you keep claiming victories...like "you got intellectually interested in my propositions about 'nothingness'"

i love how blind you are if you think there is ANY OTHER REASON YOU HAVE RESPONDED ABOUT 4368240124 TIMES.

your interest in my propositions about nothingness excite you beyond the bounds of the feeling excitement. the very definition of excitement is changing in you, as you begin to realize the depth of nothingness and the infinite possibility in it.

so yes, i will keep claiming that victory.

Frankly, I have not been especially interested in your "propositions about nothingness"...and except for Olivier's comments about the absurdity of the notions...I have not followed your argument to any extent.

yes, of course you will claim to follow all those against me, because you are building up an argument against me. so you will claim to be uninterested in all my propositions. keep dreaming buddy.

You present blind guesses about REALITY as though they cannot be contested...and when you are shown to be a blind guesser, you pretend you know you have been just guessing right along.

i do not present any blind guesses. i contend that all concepts in existence are blind guesses. of course i know i am blindly guessing, as all humans are. but even that concept is questionable. you won't question further, i will. simple difference. keep studying philosophy and non duality you will get it one day.

You are a fraud, CM...not dumb or unintelligent. Although you may be correct that you are immature. My guess is that you are very young...either physically or mentally.

here we go again. proving you have some great insight much further than 'dumb' or 'unintelligent'. trying desperately, hoping to god somebody will read your comments and be like 'oh wow. this frank guy is really insightful, understands the DELUSIONAL CM very well. this is great stuff.'


Another claim of victory. I doubt there is ANYONE on A2K who could "not deal with your tone"...and certainly I could and have. Get off the ego trip...you are not that big a deal here. We get people like you all the time...people with the "truth" and a zeal to "share" it. You provide laughter more than intellectual curiosity, CM.

of course i will keep claiming victory against you, who will be an eternal loser against me.

you could not deal with my tone and proved it by your own comment.

intellectual curiosity is the SINGLE, only reason you have commented this many times, as well as olivier and fil. just laughter as the only reason for you commenting so much is not possible. it is your defence mechanism set up by your ego to pretend that you are doing this all for amusement only, because you cannot accept that your understanding of life is fundamentally expanding as a result of these discussions.

You mean this trap that you set but didn't know you set it???

yes, i mean the trap that i assumed you would be smart enough to see through, so i didn't define myself as having 'set it' until after i realised you did fall for it. hahaha loser.

C'mon, CM. You gotta do a lot better than this. But thanks again for the humor...the intentional humor and the unintentional.

keep laughing insecurely to yourself as you question whether there is any other reason for this constant replying to me.

You are one of my favorites.

of course. evolution. intellect goes toward expansion. preference goes toward finding it. so you prefer me.
Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2013 10:04 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
I agree with you that the vast majority of people in this world as a vested interest in nothing at all !

actually only a tiny percentage of the world bothers to investigate non duality to the depth required to understand 'nothingness', at least as much as it can be logically understood. rest assured, it can be understood much further than your idiotic ideas of planck limitations on absolute reality. rofl.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2013 10:43 pm
emphasizing either the nothingness or thingness is just part of the game though. i am only emphasizing the nothingness to BALANCE out the extreme imbalance in the world today of people believing in 'thingness'.

That's what I am saying. Same elephant, different angles.

if you want to define empty space as not nothingness, that is fine. but it is also a complete lack of 'matter', which is what we consider as absolute reality.

Space is definitely something, something real IMHU. For all we know it's not empty anyway, it's full of neutrinos and Higgs bosons.

similarly i can say nothingness itself is also a something, if i choose to define it as such.

Of course, nothing=something in YOUR theory. Not in mine though. For me nothing is nothing. At best it's a concept that by definition has no referent in this universe.
Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2013 10:47 pm
Just because X or Y benefited from a crime doesn't make them guilty...
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 15 Dec, 2013 08:40 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

Keep dreaming. That is one of the things I like most about you...you are a dreamer.

good, you are learning more about the nothingness. everything is a dream.

Ahhh...something else you present as a revelation of truth that you will at some point say you may be wrong about.

Under any circumstances...if everything is a dream...then that is the REALITY.

At some point you will become mature enough to see that.


I do not think you are dumb...so that cannot be the reason I think the "set a trap" notion was funny. I thought it was funny because it was hilarious.

why do you have to prove that you don't think i am dumb lol?

Why do you create straw men and then laugh at their silliness? Of course it is silly when someone creates a straw man to argue against. Where did I ever infer that I intend to prove that I do not think you are dumb. I simply do not...accept it or not.

like you are proving some moral superiority, only claiming that i am 'dumb' in other words like careless/this/that. and then proving that those words are not the same as dumb or stupid. why?

I do not do any of that. That is another straw man. Building them gets to be a habit, CM. You ought to stop now.

because you live in words, and are ruled by them. you have to prove that your intellect is superior to simple words like dumb and stupid. no, no, you have used your exceptional psychological skills to analyze me MUCH further. rofl. ******* amateur.

Oh, my...you are upset again...and are not mature enough to contain your emotions. Too bad that! But as you get older...you will learn.


Oh, my god...will you actually go this far to make me laugh. You are a joy.

in your sickening world where my existence is a special individual fantasy for you, yes, i am happy to be anything you want.

Great...I'd like you to be honest with yourself. Looking forward to the change.

And you didn't even realize that you had set a trap!!!

well, i did, but i thought you would realize the extreme sarcasm and so i assumed the 'trap' wouldn't work, you would just see i'm being stupid. which is kinda true, but then your little tone remark proved that you were affected negatively by the tone, and were relieved to see it gone. therefore, the trap worked.

CM...I did not think you were calling me GOD. You set no trap...and I most assuredly would not "fall into it" if you did.

I just love the way you keep claiming victories...like "you got intellectually interested in my propositions about 'nothingness'"

i love how blind you are if you think there is ANY OTHER REASON YOU HAVE RESPONDED ABOUT 4368240124 TIMES.

I haven't responded anywhere near that number of times...and I have responded because I enjoy you. Playing like this is fun. I'd rather be playing golf...but the snow is now all over the place. So you are the entertainment for a while...you and on-line poker.

your interest in my propositions about nothingness excite you beyond the bounds of the feeling excitement. the very definition of excitement is changing in you, as you begin to realize the depth of nothingness and the infinite possibility in it.

Oh, I am in danger of a four hour erection from it, CM. (NOTE THE SARCASM!)

so yes, i will keep claiming that victory.

I have no doubt your will. You are compulsive about it...part of your entertainment value.

Frankly, I have not been especially interested in your "propositions about nothingness"...and except for Olivier's comments about the absurdity of the notions...I have not followed your argument to any extent.

yes, of course you will claim to follow all those against me, because you are building up an argument against me. so you will claim to be uninterested in all my propositions. keep dreaming buddy.

I read every word you write, CM...but the nothingness thingy that seems to interest Olivier just doesn't interest me that much. If all there is is nothingness...that IS was IS...and that is the REALITY.

I do not know what IS.

You present blind guesses about REALITY as though they cannot be contested...and when you are shown to be a blind guesser, you pretend you know you have been just guessing right along.

i do not present any blind guesses.

i contend that all concepts in existence are blind guesses.

of course i know i am blindly guessing, as all humans are.

Wow...you outdid yourself here, CM. You haven't been drinking, have you?

but even that concept is questionable. you won't question further, i will. simple difference. keep studying philosophy and non duality you will get it one day.

Not sure what you are trying to say here, but I suspect it was an amateurish attempt at an insult. You are precious.

You are a fraud, CM...not dumb or unintelligent. Although you may be correct that you are immature. My guess is that you are very young...either physically or mentally.

here we go again. proving you have some great insight much further than 'dumb' or 'unintelligent'. trying desperately, hoping to god somebody will read your comments and be like 'oh wow. this frank guy is really insightful, understands the DELUSIONAL CM very well. this is great stuff.'

We agree there, CM....this is GREAT STUFF. I cannot wait to get to it each morning.



Another claim of victory. I doubt there is ANYONE on A2K who could "not deal with your tone"...and certainly I could and have. Get off the ego trip...you are not that big a deal here. We get people like you all the time...people with the "truth" and a zeal to "share" it. You provide laughter more than intellectual curiosity, CM.

of course i will keep claiming victory against you, who will be an eternal loser against me.

As I said earlier...I have no doubt that you will. I enjoy that quality in you, CM...so don't disappoint me.

you could not deal with my tone and proved it by your own comment.

Oh, is that what it is. Who'da thunk it. Wink

intellectual curiosity is the SINGLE, only reason you have commented this many times, as well as olivier and fil. just laughter as the only reason for you commenting so much is not possible. it is your defence mechanism set up by your ego to pretend that you are doing this all for amusement only, because you cannot accept that your understanding of life is fundamentally expanding as a result of these discussions.

You really love victory...even if the victory is only a figment of your imagination. Keep on vicking, CM. Some day you may even achieve one.

You mean this trap that you set but didn't know you set it???

yes, i mean the trap that i assumed you would be smart enough to see through, so i didn't define myself as having 'set it' until after i realised you did fall for it. hahaha loser.

Think about what you just wrote there. You confirmed what I wrote...and now are claiming victory. You truly are precious.

C'mon, CM. You gotta do a lot better than this. But thanks again for the humor...the intentional humor and the unintentional.

keep laughing insecurely to yourself as you question whether there is any other reason for this constant replying to me.

I wouldn't desert you now no matter what, CM. As for intellectual curiosity fueling my stay...well...obviously you said that just to tickle me.


You are one of my favorites.

of course. evolution. intellect goes toward expansion. preference goes toward finding it. so you prefer me.

I love ya, Buddy. (Where is the emoticon for a great big hug?)
Reply Sun 15 Dec, 2013 08:45 am
That's what I am saying. Same elephant, different angles.

yes ok already agreed ..so what
Space is definitely something, something real IMHU. For all we know it's not empty anyway, it's full of neutrinos and Higgs bosons.

no, what is inside the space is not the space. neutrinos and higgs bosons are particles which may or may not exist within space.

space itself is actually nothingness, and the idea that it is a limited somethingness is a simple, scientifically erroneous assumption.

i am not saying i KNOW space is nothingness, by the experience of knowing about a space where there are no particles. i am saying sound logic can lead you to the concept of pure, empty space, as a possible and almost necessary 'existence' in order for any other 'thing' to exist.
Of course, nothing=something in YOUR theory. Not in mine though. For me nothing is nothing. At best it's a concept that by definition has no referent in this universe.

nothing is nothing for me also. but it certainly has many referents in this universe, the word is used all the time. when we use the word, we are always referring to a real concept of absence. i am simply taking the concept of absence to its extreme, something you are too afraid to do. can you be absent? only when you completely find out the extent to which you can be absent, can you fully understand what it is that is present, if anything.
Reply Sun 15 Dec, 2013 08:52 am
Just because X or Y benefited from a crime doesn't make them guilty...

wtf are you arguing for? you are a joke. first you try and correct me that not 'the muslims', only 'some muslims' did it. as if you have a clue. just because X or Y said osama bin laden did it doesn't make him guilty. never thought this level of stupidity was possible.
Reply Sun 15 Dec, 2013 09:17 am
@Frank Apisa,
Ahhh...something else you present as a revelation of truth that you will at some point say you may be wrong about.

yes good, you are right.

Under any circumstances...if everything is a dream...then that is the REALITY.

definitely not. you can define it as a dream, or reality. either would be conceptual, pointless definitions. me saying 'everything is a dream' is an empty concept just like all human concepts. they refer to something, but ultimately, everything is nothing, so everything refers back to nothing.

At some point you will become mature enough to see that.

at some point you will be mature enough to realise that 'reality' is simply a word, and the huge conceptual meaning you give to it is in your mind only.

Why do you create straw men and then laugh at their silliness? Of course it is silly when someone creates a straw man to argue against. Where did I ever infer that I intend to prove that I do not think you are dumb. I simply do not...accept it or not.

yes, and you are bothering to TELL me that you do not think so. only to prove your intellectual complexity that you have a much more analytical opinion of me, which still equates to 'dumb' in other words.

so yes, i accept that you don't think i am dumb. and that you are too dumb to realise that you do think i am dumb, and you also because of that think a lot more complex things about my dumbness.
Oh, my...you are upset again...and are not mature enough to contain your emotions. Too bad that! But as you get older...you will learn.

haha. the idea that emotion, or anything, can be controlled, comes from a fool only. can you control the controller? if not, then nothing is controlled. ponder.
Great...I'd like you to be honest with yourself. Looking forward to the change.

if you would really like that, you would appreciate this entire thread. you would see that it was somebody looking to be honest with themselves. what does it mean, to be honest with yourself? question everything? isn't that what honesty is? make sure everything is true? so i questioned everything. what am i questioning? the extent of all knowledge i believe i have. you pretend to do the same, but stop at fundamental points in your consciousness and refuse to question further. similar to olivier. scared of the loss of individuality, which is a necessary evolution of consciousness.
I haven't responded anywhere near that number of times...and I have responded because I enjoy you. Playing like this is fun. I'd rather be playing golf...but the snow is now all over the place. So you are the entertainment for a while...you and on-line poker.

oh really? i counted and it was accurate, the number i gave. and yes, of course as i already told you, your excuse will be that this is all entertainment for you. but who chooses your entertainment? you? how do you choose it? you choose what stimulates you. any game you choose, golf, poker. it intellectually stimulates you in certain ways, just as this conversation does. keep denying it and pretending its all fun and games. the truth is you have no control over your own fun and games.
I read every word you write, CM...but the nothingness thingy that seems to interest Olivier just doesn't interest me that much. If all there is is nothingness...that IS was IS...and that is the REALITY.

of course you read every word i write, i am god to you. not because i want to be, but because you chose to define me as such.

yes if all there is is nothingness, you can make the statements 'that is what is', and 'that is the reality'. however, all those statements are meaningless and point to made-up concepts only, no real reality, only a defined reality.

I do not know what IS.

ahhh one of your extremely rare gems of something useful and true to say. that is all i am trying to say in this whole thread. now, you can keep jumping away from 'i do not know', and claim that thats it, 'what is is' is the definite solution to 'i do not know'. or, you can BE HONEST, as you claim is your policy, and stick with 'i do not know' completely, surrender totally until it actually becomes what you are, and if there is anything possible to know, it becomes known.
CM...I did not think you were calling me GOD. You set no trap...and I most assuredly would not "fall into it" if you did.

ok you seem not to even fully understand the 'trap', so don't worry. just keep laughing it off as another funny joke which is the only reason you are responding. but certainly, you fell into the trap of not knowing how to deal with me treating you like god. once you know yourself as 'god', or as the 'highest possible concept you could possibly have', you would respond differently to me treating you as god.

i do not present any blind guesses.

i contend that all concepts in existence are blind guesses.

of course i know i am blindly guessing, as all humans are.

Wow...you outdid yourself here, CM. You haven't been drinking, have you?

nothing there contradicts itself. i said i am not PRESENTING any blind guesses, meaning that i am not necessarily presenting them to be taken as truth by anyone. i am, like all humans, talking about my thoughts and beliefs which are all blind guesses as you interpret them.

it is actually you sticks to certain blind guesses like the ultimate reality of your self.

yes, i mean the trap that i assumed you would be smart enough to see through, so i didn't define myself as having 'set it' until after i realised you did fall for it. hahaha loser.


Think about what you just wrote there. You confirmed what I wrote...and now are claiming victory. You truly are precious.

ok thought about what i wrote. no i didn't confirm what you wrote, i opposed it. if i set a faulty mouse trap just for fun, knowing that i probably won't catch a mouse, then i won't define myself as having set a functional mouse trap. then if a really stupid mouse does get caught, i can say oh wow, the trap worked, some idiot got caught.
I wouldn't desert you now no matter what, CM. As for intellectual curiosity fueling my stay...well...obviously you said that just to tickle me.

desert me? please do? i wish to god you would, but as i said, that would only be possible if, as you say, this was only a game and you would get bored eventually. unfortunately, this is your spiritual awakening or whatever nonsense you believe in, so i have to sit here and wait for you to wake the **** up and **** off and stop talking to me.
Reply Sun 15 Dec, 2013 09:20 am
you and on-line poker

you want to play heads up? any amount?
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 15 Dec, 2013 09:43 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

you and on-line poker

you want to play heads up? any amount?

Silly bravado is so much fun to witness.

You are a joy. Wink
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 15 Dec, 2013 09:46 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

Ahhh...something else you present as a revelation of truth that you will at some point say you may be wrong about.

yes good, you are right.

Under any circumstances...if everything is a dream...then that is the REALITY.

definitely not. you can define it as a dream, or reality. either would be conceptual, pointless definitions. me saying 'everything is a dream' is an empty concept just like all human concepts. they refer to something, but ultimately, everything is nothing, so everything refers back to nothing.

At some point you will become mature enough to see that.

at some point you will be mature enough to realise that 'reality' is simply a word, and the huge conceptual meaning you give to it is in your mind only.

Why do you create straw men and then laugh at their silliness? Of course it is silly when someone creates a straw man to argue against. Where did I ever infer that I intend to prove that I do not think you are dumb. I simply do not...accept it or not.

yes, and you are bothering to TELL me that you do not think so. only to prove your intellectual complexity that you have a much more analytical opinion of me, which still equates to 'dumb' in other words.

so yes, i accept that you don't think i am dumb. and that you are too dumb to realise that you do think i am dumb, and you also because of that think a lot more complex things about my dumbness.
Oh, my...you are upset again...and are not mature enough to contain your emotions. Too bad that! But as you get older...you will learn.

haha. the idea that emotion, or anything, can be controlled, comes from a fool only. can you control the controller? if not, then nothing is controlled. ponder.
Great...I'd like you to be honest with yourself. Looking forward to the change.

if you would really like that, you would appreciate this entire thread. you would see that it was somebody looking to be honest with themselves. what does it mean, to be honest with yourself? question everything? isn't that what honesty is? make sure everything is true? so i questioned everything. what am i questioning? the extent of all knowledge i believe i have. you pretend to do the same, but stop at fundamental points in your consciousness and refuse to question further. similar to olivier. scared of the loss of individuality, which is a necessary evolution of consciousness.
I haven't responded anywhere near that number of times...and I have responded because I enjoy you. Playing like this is fun. I'd rather be playing golf...but the snow is now all over the place. So you are the entertainment for a while...you and on-line poker.

oh really? i counted and it was accurate, the number i gave. and yes, of course as i already told you, your excuse will be that this is all entertainment for you. but who chooses your entertainment? you? how do you choose it? you choose what stimulates you. any game you choose, golf, poker. it intellectually stimulates you in certain ways, just as this conversation does. keep denying it and pretending its all fun and games. the truth is you have no control over your own fun and games.
I read every word you write, CM...but the nothingness thingy that seems to interest Olivier just doesn't interest me that much. If all there is is nothingness...that IS was IS...and that is the REALITY.

of course you read every word i write, i am god to you. not because i want to be, but because you chose to define me as such.

yes if all there is is nothingness, you can make the statements 'that is what is', and 'that is the reality'. however, all those statements are meaningless and point to made-up concepts only, no real reality, only a defined reality.

I do not know what IS.

ahhh one of your extremely rare gems of something useful and true to say. that is all i am trying to say in this whole thread. now, you can keep jumping away from 'i do not know', and claim that thats it, 'what is is' is the definite solution to 'i do not know'. or, you can BE HONEST, as you claim is your policy, and stick with 'i do not know' completely, surrender totally until it actually becomes what you are, and if there is anything possible to know, it becomes known.
CM...I did not think you were calling me GOD. You set no trap...and I most assuredly would not "fall into it" if you did.

ok you seem not to even fully understand the 'trap', so don't worry. just keep laughing it off as another funny joke which is the only reason you are responding. but certainly, you fell into the trap of not knowing how to deal with me treating you like god. once you know yourself as 'god', or as the 'highest possible concept you could possibly have', you would respond differently to me treating you as god.

i do not present any blind guesses.

i contend that all concepts in existence are blind guesses.

of course i know i am blindly guessing, as all humans are.

Wow...you outdid yourself here, CM. You haven't been drinking, have you?

nothing there contradicts itself. i said i am not PRESENTING any blind guesses, meaning that i am not necessarily presenting them to be taken as truth by anyone. i am, like all humans, talking about my thoughts and beliefs which are all blind guesses as you interpret them.

it is actually you sticks to certain blind guesses like the ultimate reality of your self.

yes, i mean the trap that i assumed you would be smart enough to see through, so i didn't define myself as having 'set it' until after i realised you did fall for it. hahaha loser.


Think about what you just wrote there. You confirmed what I wrote...and now are claiming victory. You truly are precious.

ok thought about what i wrote. no i didn't confirm what you wrote, i opposed it. if i set a faulty mouse trap just for fun, knowing that i probably won't catch a mouse, then i won't define myself as having set a functional mouse trap. then if a really stupid mouse does get caught, i can say oh wow, the trap worked, some idiot got caught.
I wouldn't desert you now no matter what, CM. As for intellectual curiosity fueling my stay...well...obviously you said that just to tickle me.

desert me? please do? i wish to god you would, but as i said, that would only be possible if, as you say, this was only a game and you would get bored eventually. unfortunately, this is your spiritual awakening or whatever nonsense you believe in, so i have to sit here and wait for you to wake the **** up and **** off and stop talking to me.

I take back my remark about this notion being half baked. It is still mostly warm batter.

Try not to show your anger that way. It just makes you look more vulnerable. Okay, god?
Reply Sun 15 Dec, 2013 10:55 am
Oh I am a joke because I won't buy your purely gratuitous, unproven and vague accusations that Boeing or Halliburton or some other American company blew up the Twin Towers? Now that's a funny funny joke indeed... Which Indian business concern profited from the Mumbay bombing, so that you can accuse them of being behind it? You're not only stupid and mean, you're obscene.
Reply Sun 15 Dec, 2013 10:57 am
i am saying sound logic can lead you to the concept of pure, empty space, as a possible and almost necessary 'existence' in order for any other 'thing' to exist.

Thanks for making my point that space exists by necessity. It is therefore something.

only when you completely find out the extent to which you can be absent, can you fully understand what it is that is present

I think you're having problems in that department, but I am fine.
Reply Mon 16 Dec, 2013 06:15 pm
Oh I am a joke

because I won't buy your purely gratuitous, unproven and vague accusations that Boeing or Halliburton or some other American company blew up the Twin Towers?

no, i never said that at all. if you remember i said 'the muslims did it'. remember dumbfuck?
Now that's a funny funny joke indeed...

well no not at all, its a very plausible and probable possibility. just google it for endless evidence.
Which Indian business concern profited from the Mumbay bombing, so that you can accuse them of being behind it? You're not only stupid and mean, you're obscene.

i have so little care for the 'mumbai bombing' that i have never investigated anything about it. therefore, for all i know you are right, some indian businessman was behind it. am i sitting around arguing that possibility? no.
Reply Mon 16 Dec, 2013 06:23 pm
i am saying sound logic can lead you to the concept of pure, empty space, as a possible and almost necessary 'existence' in order for any other 'thing' to exist.

Thanks for making my point that space exists by necessity. It is therefore something.

space exists by necessity only if we assume existence of matter. if we assume existence as real, then yes, space/universe/everything exists. it is only an assumption though.
only when you completely find out the extent to which you can be absent, can you fully understand what it is that is present

I think you're having problems in that department, but I am fine.

what does that mean? there is no possible problem in 'that department', if you are referring to the department of presence/absence. a problem can only arise if you assume presence. assuming presence/reality/truth is a faulty mechanism of the intellect which is eventually overcome by noticing the extent of absence, which is infinite and eternal.
Reply Mon 16 Dec, 2013 06:27 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Silly bravado is so much fun to witness.

You are a joy.

soo..yes or no? if it is silly bravado on my part, then you will win right, so why not play me? name the site and stakes you want to play, if you are game. or is the silly bravado you are talking about coming from yourself?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Dec, 2013 06:34 pm
space exists by necessity only if we assume existence of matter. if we assume existence as real, then yes, space/universe/everything exists. it is only an assumption though.

Yes it is, as is its opposite, that 'reality' as we perceive it does not exist.

a problem can only arise if you assume presence. assuming presence/reality/truth is a faulty mechanism of the intellect which is eventually overcome by noticing the extent of absence, which is infinite and eternal.

What problem arises when assuming 'the reality of reality' so to speak??? (Truth is elusive, and 'presence' you'll need to explain for I don't know what you mean by that word.)
Reply Mon 16 Dec, 2013 06:40 pm
Whatever. You did post this:

carnaticmystery wrote:
'SOME Muslims' didn't do it. there is no proof of anybody's guilt behind it. there are significant theories that US businessmen were behind it and funded it. i merely said 'the muslims did it' to go along with the majority of opinion on the matter. so, you are actually the more racist one, assuming muslims did it for sure.

Therefore, assuming OBL is behind 9/11 is racist, according to you, because it's possible some US businessman did it...
Reply Mon 16 Dec, 2013 06:43 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I take back my remark about this notion being half baked. It is still mostly warm batter.

i don't know enough about baking to know if that is more or less than half baked, nor do i care. i take back all conversation with you.

Try not to show your anger that way. It just makes you look more vulnerable. Okay, god?

absolutely no idea what anger you are talking about, i looked at my whole post and didn't see much. also, as i have already told you, 'showing anger' happens by itself if it happens, so saying 'try not to do it' may sound like good advice, but it is actually naive, unintelligent advice.

so no that isn't ok, frank, but i certainly have no problem with you calling me god, because i am able to accept that i am god. you are not able to do the same, simply because you choose to define things and separations such as the possibility of god vs absolute reality. you believe in your involuntary, mind-made conclusions about life even though you continue to claim that you 'don't do beliefs'.

the essential point about belief is that nobody 'does beliefs', beliefs happen in consciousness. when the consciousness is at a certain level, it is bound by beliefs, it can't go past them, because it is not perceiving from a point which sees beyond beliefs. once consciousness is perceiving from a point deep enough, beliefs naturally stop happening or appear as they are: thoughts about life which carry an extremely strong intellectual/logical understanding. the entirety of intellect is belief, and only going beyond intellect can render belief void totally.
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