morality, drugs, existence

Reply Thu 5 Dec, 2013 11:08 pm
I'm not afraid of body death, I am just saying it exists and it matters on a human level.

yes. and you identifying with the human level is only temporary...the intellect will go further by itself.
I can say that precisely because I am not afraid of being a mortal, a man. I am not the universe, I am just a man. Just an animal of the Homo sapiens species who will die someday. I know that and I am fine with that. That's enough for me. And all the meditation power summoned by the entire universe is never going to change that anyway.

all your definitions of 'what you are' are mind-made concepts, you don't actually know. if you want to believe all that then ok.
You? You're just tripping. Too many drugs?

if you think that, then feel free to stop responding. instead you are giving long, detailed responses to all my comments. why keep talking to someone who is tripping?
Reply Thu 5 Dec, 2013 11:31 pm
That mental space is limited by the real world, in the sense that I can't just will the world to be as I want it to be, like I can in my imagination.

you cannot will your imagination either, if you look deeper into it. imagination works by itself, like all conscious processes.
It is also limited, bounded, by the existence of other mental spaces which can easily inferred from discussing with my wife or some other person. I can't read their mind, they can't read mine. But I can 'read my mind'. There are other mental spaces out there who are not mixed up with mine. They are empirically existing 'elsewhere', distinct and separated from me.

separate INDIVIDUAL mental spaces cannot be inferred from noticing other mental spaces. the physical universe appears as separate, discrete objects, but all is connected at the subtler level of sub-atomic particles and energy. similarly, we cannot rule out the possibility that all mental space is connected, even though appearing as separate spaces.
i am saying that in the infinite common mental space, various other individual mental spaces appear as our individual minds. the individual mind that 'appears' can interact endlessly with other appearances. but it can never find its own source, implying that it is itself a part of something bigger.

Finally, nothing seems to be infinite in it. It has a limited intelligence, memory, and skills. The climbing of the levels of consciousness you describe elsewhere is as good a mystical ladder as anyone, but such ladders are notoriously steep, slippery, illusionary perhaps. It's easier in any case to climb it one step at a time (which is all I am saying with my step theory) than all at once. The way you describe it looks more like a struggle to push back innate limits than the easy exploration of an infinite universe of mystical possibilities.

So the mind is quite finite, bounded on all sides by other minds, reality, and its own weaknesses.

I feel rather stupid saying this but a man got to say what a man got to say...

no human's intelligence, memory, or skill is limited in any way, and i challenge you to prove any such limitation. all these faculties are steadily improving with time and evolution, and there is significant evidence that they will continue to do so indefinitely.
the levels of consciousness i am talking about go infinitely, so of course there is no way to actually go through 'them all' and actually get to the 'end'.

but only by exploring them, and challenging all your beliefs, can you find out anything more about 'reality'. if you want to assume things, then keep going.

struggling to push back limits is the natural process of the intellect. if you want to 'accept the infinite universe of mystical possibilities', then go ahead. that is just a temporary solution so you don't have to actually figure it out. when you actually struggle to push back all limits, you will find yourself as limitless.
Reply Thu 5 Dec, 2013 11:42 pm
however, something in us is AWARE of the thinking process, as opposed to the actual thoughts themselves. the part of us that is aware of thoughts as they happen, is obviously a higher level of consciousness.

I disagree. It depends on the function of that consciousness.

maybe you misinterpret my use of the word 'higher'. i simply meant 'more primary'. ie, every time a thought is going on, there is two parts to it. the content, and the observer of the content. the observer is obviously more primary to the content. that is all i am saying.
Awareness of thinking process is in itself thinking process. It's just a different process.

thinking process happens. the awareness of it is not another thinking process. if you develop another thinking process about the thinking process, THEN it is another one. but no matter how many thinking processes you have going on, the actual awareness OF them is more primary than whatever the content of them is.

Doing a mental task is not the same thinking process as being aware of doing a mental task.

Also, I feel pretty confident about saying that a person who focuses on doing the mental task will generally do better than a person who focuses on himself doing the mental task.

you are turning 'being aware of a mental task' into another thought process, when it does NOT have to be. lets say i tell you to solve an equation. you could think through all the maths, write it all out, and solve it. if you did that, you were certainly AWARE of all the thoughts about the solution. but if you say, i am going to be aware of my thought process, and think all about my own thinking process, then you have created another thinking process. that is not what i am saying.

Awareness of thinking process, or self awareness if you like, seems to mostly only get in the way.

as i said, awareness of thinking process is UNAVOIDABLE, and it seems you are confusing 'awareness of thinking process' with 'further thought processes on the thinking process'.
Maybe it's not a higher level. Maybe it is just thinking process about an especially glorified subject.

as i said, the 'higher' level i talked about was merely a stratification of the appearances in consciousness. the observer is more primary than the observed. awareness itself seems to be the most primary phenomenon.

i 100% agree that all thinking is simply a 'process about glorified subjects.'
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Dec, 2013 11:53 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Don’t you wish that were actually true!

pathetic response, just proving that what i said about the 'game i am playing' intimidates you, and you need to make sure it isn't true. 'ohh no! what if CM really is just stirring **** up?? this is all meaningless??' hahahaha.
You are a newbie here, so it may come as a surprise to learn that 500 responses is not anything special. And the support from the regular non-dualists here has been tepid, at best. You do the non-dualist’s cause more harm than good.

i never said 500 responses were special. i said that 500 times people have felt the need to respond to others on this thread, because the arguments and opinions were important enough. that is the game i am playing. therefore i win.
I do not hate you…and I have no problem responding to threads where I see nothing especially attractive. Your posts are gruesome…but that would not stop me from responding.

this is where your intelligence disappoints me. you actually cannot even see the truth that you keep responding to me because you love the intellectual challenge and the content of this discussion. you LOVE it. or maybe you do know this, but cannot admit it. oh well.
I do not think you are stupid. I think you are a careless thinker…and a piss poor advocate for your position. I think you shoot from the hip…and miss the mark more often than you hit it. I think you are peddling a half-baked cake here.

In any case, I’m not the “give up” kind, CM…and I will stick with you for as long as you keep posting.

look at you running in circles. first 2 sentences contradict each other. any careless thinker is stupid, they are synonyms. a piss poor advocate is also stupid. a hip shooter is stupid. a mark misser is stupid. a half baked cake peddler is stupid.

and finally...i am not stupid or any of those things.

anyway, olivier is a much more worthwhile adversary, giving REAL arguments to my statements instead of your idiotic personal stuff. sooo..maybe take a break frankie, grown-ups are discussing reality here.
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 12:00 am
When one is acting, yes. Like when driving a car or playing a musical instrument or doing some sport. One has to invest a lot in the task. No 'second thought', unless a major problem occurs requiring a reassessment of the situation. Hence it's impossible to watch oneself acting, while acting. If you focus on witnessing, you take the passenger seat of your mind, not the driver seat.

when you are doing a task, of course you need to focus on that. you can only even think about introspection, questioning reality, philosophy etc when you are not BUSY DOING AN IMPORTANT TASK. so forget about the important tasks, and do them properly.

i disagree that it is impossible to watch oneself act while acting. if you are ACTIVELY watching, then yes, it becomes another thought process like cyracuz said. that is, if you start thinking about the watching.

but, if you are able to sense the 'watching' that is always going on in the background, and you identify with that instead of the more limited 'i' which appears WITHIN that, then yes it becomes true that you are always watching your mind. you are always in the passenger seat of your mind, and yet the driving is still happening. the driver is the 'you' that you used to identify with, and the eternal passenger is what you are now. you are still free to identify with the driver if you want, and experience everything that the driver experiences. but simultaenously, you are the passenger behind it all.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 07:10 am
yes. and you identifying with the human level is only temporary...the intellect will go further by itself.

Nope, it's reality, re-enforced by the moral and philosophical choices of a humanist.

all your definitions of 'what you are' are mind-made concepts, you don't actually know. if you want to believe all that then ok.

Lamest argument ever. Where ELSE could definitions be made than in the mind??? It is exactly the same with your concepts and definitions.

if you think that, then feel free to stop responding.

That will happen soon enough.

Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 07:17 am

carnaticmystery wrote:

I do not think you are stupid. I think you are a careless thinker…and a piss poor advocate for your position. I think you shoot from the hip…and miss the mark more often than you hit it. I think you are peddling a half-baked cake here.

In any case, I’m not the “give up” kind, CM…and I will stick with you for as long as you keep posting.

look at you running in circles. first 2 sentences contradict each other. any careless thinker is stupid, they are synonyms. a piss poor advocate is also stupid. a hip shooter is stupid. a mark misser is stupid. a half baked cake peddler is stupid.

and finally...i am not stupid or any of those things.

Nah…I’m not running in circles, CM. That is just your careless thinking at play…the illogical mind working in what is "not really you." Wink

A person can easily be a “careless thinker”…and be intelligent. The claim that “careless thinker” and “stupid” are synonymous is the kind of thinking that comes out of a careless thinker…but not necessarily a stupid one.

And as for “a piss poor advocate” and “hip shooter” and “a mark miser” and “a half-baked cake peddler”…well, it is more careless thinking on your part to consider them to be synonyms for stupid also.

You really ought to get a grip on that careless thinking, CM, because even if you come up with something reasonable to peddle, you are never going to get any buyers if you make the kinds of silly mistakes intelligent, but careless thinking, thinkers make.

anyway, olivier is a much more worthwhile adversary, giving REAL arguments to my statements instead of your idiotic personal stuff. sooo..maybe take a break frankie, grown-ups are discussing reality here.

Yeah…now you are lecturing on how not to use personal stuff…when you have posted comment after comment of personal nonsense. More very careless thinking on your part.

In any case, I have actually “discussed” REALITY (probably starting before you were born)…and you are not discussing REALITY, CM. You are discussing your idiosyncratic guesses about REALITY and trying to peddle those guesses as reasonable, friendly, intellectual, grown-up ( Rolling Eyes ) banter.

I love ya, Buddy. Reading and responding to your posts are a major contributor to the fun I have each day.
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 07:19 am
In haste, I can will my imagination.

And all the evidence we have points to individual, separate, non-overlapping mental spaces. I can't read other people's mind. You 'can't rule out' a universal mental space in the same way you can't rule out that the universe is a giant toad sitting on a giant turtle... You have zero evidence, you're just tripping.

no human's intelligence, memory, or skill is limited in any way, and i challenge you to prove any such limitation. all these faculties are steadily improving with time and evolution, and there is significant evidence that they will continue to do so indefinitely.

Thanks for the laugh... Here is the proof: a mind without limitation could not improve all the time through evolution etc... Even a child could counter your proof-less claims of 'mind infinity'.
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 07:26 am
Lamest argument ever. Where ELSE could definitions be made than in the mind??? It is exactly the same with your concepts and definitions.

not lame at all. definitions cannot be made anywhere else. of course all my concepts and definitions are the same. that is why i don't believe in any concepts or definitions, ultimately.
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 07:34 am
@Frank Apisa,
A person can easily be a “careless thinker”…and be intelligent. The claim that “careless thinker” and “stupid” are synonymous is the kind of thinking that comes out of a careless thinker…but not necessarily a stupid one.

And as for “a piss poor advocate” and “hip shooter” and “a mark miser” and “a half-baked cake peddler”…well, it is more careless thinking on your part to consider them to be synonyms for stupid also.

You really ought to get a grip on that careless thinking, CM, because even if you come up with something reasonable to peddle, you are never going to get any buyers if you make the kinds of silly mistakes intelligent, but careless thinking, thinkers make.

so many words to prove that all those words don't = stupid. complete waste of time, they all do = stupid. carelessness and stupidity are synonymous. if you are careful, you are not stupid.

it is so funny that you bother to keep arguing these definition based arguments. from assertions to reality to stupidity to carelessness. you simply do not understand that language is subjective.
In any case, I have actually “discussed” REALITY (probably starting before you were born)…and you are not discussing REALITY, CM. You are discussing your idiosyncratic guesses about REALITY and trying to peddle those guesses as reasonable, friendly, intellectual, grown-up ( Rolling Eyes ) banter.

yes you are discussing your funny little views on your funny little reality. and thank you for all the compliments about my banter. you say i am 'peddling' it as such, but i never came up with any of those words, you did. so you actually see it as such.
I love ya, Buddy. Reading and responding to your posts are a major contributor to the fun I have each day.

it is sad that you believe that telling me this will somehow make me angry. like i am sitting here going 'omg damn, i'm so mad that frank is actually enjoying this!! grrrr! i want him to be mad and angry like me!! grr!'
seriously buddy ...really sad. i am happy to cause so much happiness in you, as per your testimonial. i am also happy that i cause endless frustration in you, as you try in vain to avoid your own intellectual acceptance of my position on non duality and reality.
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 07:34 am
Olivier5 wrote:

In haste, I can will my imagination.

And all the evidence we have points to individual, separate, non-overlapping mental spaces. I can't read other people's mind. You 'can't rule out' a universal mental space in the same way you can't rule out that the universe is a giant toad sitting on a giant turtle... You have zero evidence, you're just tripping.

no human's intelligence, memory, or skill is limited in any way, and i challenge you to prove any such limitation. all these faculties are steadily improving with time and evolution, and there is significant evidence that they will continue to do so indefinitely.

Thanks for the laugh... Here is the proof: a mind without limitation could not improve all the time through evolution etc... Even a child could counter your proof-less claims of 'mind infinity'.

struggling to push back limits is the natural process of the intellect.

Ergo, the mind has limits, or it wouldn't try to push them back.

I mean, for a guy in love with the awareness of his own awareness, you seem blissfully ignorant if the weakness and contradictions of some of your arguments. Maybe you should think this whole idea more carefully. It's full of holes and contradictions.

Another general point: don't trust your mental processes so much. It's perfectly possible for an individual to fool himself. The unconscious is there for a reason. You may think you've arrived at some worthwhile, mind-expanding philosophy, and yet you might only be tripping...
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 07:37 am
Why do you keep talking if you don't believe in the validity of your own concepts? Just shut up the chatter box.
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 07:41 am
In haste, I can will my imagination.

ok. please tell me how? i will explain how it is actually an involuntary process after you attempt to prove your own individual control over imagination, or any other conscious process for that matter.

And all the evidence we have points to individual, separate, non-overlapping mental spaces. I can't read other people's mind.

there is precisely ZERO evidence pointing to discrete, non-overlapping mental spaces. just because you can't 'read other people's minds' does not prove that they are separate. there is no way you can say that the awareness which knows your thoughts is not the same awareness which knows other people's thoughts. the same awareness appears to have separated itself into many, but it is the same, and can be known as such.
You 'can't rule out' a universal mental space in the same way you can't rule out that the universe is a giant toad sitting on a giant turtle... You have zero evidence, you're just tripping.

i have plenty of evidence, first the entire philosophy of nonduality which has thousands of texts available. secondly, i am offering experiential evidence, which is that consciousness can know itself as infinite through introspection. but it is not an intellectual process which allows it to know itself, it is a simple recognition of self as it is, pure awareness or nothingness.
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 07:48 am
Why do you keep talking if you don't believe in the validity of your own concepts?

i 100% believe in all my own concepts - up to the level of concepts and beliefs existing. everything i say i stand by fully on the level of the appearing reality. i am only saying that i also look beyond this apparent reality, and this renders everything irrelevant from an absolute standpoint. you seem to think this is bad, and oh no, its philosophical suicide, blah blah. but to me there is no difference, life appears to go on, you are beyond it and yet still in it. dead and yet eternally alive.

Just shut up the chatter box.

the chatter box keeps going when people talk to it. if you want me to shut up, don't respond. but clearly you want to assert something in me, prove that i am wrong about something. prove that i am tripping on drugs. prove that my opinions shouldn't matter because i am claiming nothing exists. no, my opinions matter 100%, because i accept 100% the appearance of myself. i accept it as an appearance, as it is. you assume it as reality as part of an intellectually flawed assumption made by most of humanity.

Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 07:52 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

A person can easily be a “careless thinker”…and be intelligent. The claim that “careless thinker” and “stupid” are synonymous is the kind of thinking that comes out of a careless thinker…but not necessarily a stupid one.

And as for “a piss poor advocate” and “hip shooter” and “a mark miser” and “a half-baked cake peddler”…well, it is more careless thinking on your part to consider them to be synonyms for stupid also.

You really ought to get a grip on that careless thinking, CM, because even if you come up with something reasonable to peddle, you are never going to get any buyers if you make the kinds of silly mistakes intelligent, but careless thinking, thinkers make.

so many words to prove that all those words don't = stupid. complete waste of time, they all do = stupid. carelessness and stupidity are synonymous. if you are careful, you are not stupid.

it is so funny that you bother to keep arguing these definition based arguments. from assertions to reality to stupidity to carelessness. you simply do not understand that language is subjective.
In any case, I have actually “discussed” REALITY (probably starting before you were born)…and you are not discussing REALITY, CM. You are discussing your idiosyncratic guesses about REALITY and trying to peddle those guesses as reasonable, friendly, intellectual, grown-up ( Rolling Eyes ) banter.

yes you are discussing your funny little views on your funny little reality. and thank you for all the compliments about my banter. you say i am 'peddling' it as such, but i never came up with any of those words, you did. so you actually see it as such.

Oh, CM...this is such fun.

No...all those things are not equal to "stupid." Very intelligent individuals have at times engaged in those things. Not as often as you...I will grant you that.

The bottom line is that I do not think you are stupid. And on that bottom line I see the words, "This guy is a very careless thinker, who often shoots from the hip...and who is as likely to miss the mark as hit it!"


I love ya, Buddy. Reading and responding to your posts are a major contributor to the fun I have each day.

it is sad that you believe that telling me this will somehow make me angry. like i am sitting here going 'omg damn, i'm so mad that frank is actually enjoying this!! grrrr! i want him to be mad and angry like me!! grr!'
seriously buddy ...really sad. i am happy to cause so much happiness in you, as per your testimonial. i am also happy that i cause endless frustration in you, as you try in vain to avoid your own intellectual acceptance of my position on non duality and reality.

Well...I do not do "believing", CM...but I am happy beyond imagination that you are enjoying this as much as I.

I especially like people who declare victory as often as you. They are much more entertaining than people who realize what a mistake that is. Wink
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 07:54 am
Ergo, the mind has limits, or it wouldn't try to push them back.

or the mind erroneously thinks it has limits, and continues trying to push until it realises it is limitless.

I mean, for a guy in love with the awareness of his own awareness, you seem blissfully ignorant if the weakness and contradictions of some of your arguments. Maybe you should think this whole idea more carefully. It's full of holes and contradictions.

zero contradictions, other than the idiotic one that 'nothing exists so you shouldn't talk'. hahahah so lame.

Another general point: don't trust your mental processes so much. It's perfectly possible for an individual to fool himself. The unconscious is there for a reason. You may think you've arrived at some worthwhile, mind-expanding philosophy, and yet you might only be tripping...

you are the one that TRUSTS YOUR MENTAL PROCESSES, which tells you there is a reality, you do exist. of course its possible for an individual to fool himself, hence i am saying i won't believe anything. but you choose to believe.

i DO NOT THINK i have arrived at anything worthwhile, i think the concept of anything worthwhile is an ultimately illusory concept, like all concepts. i think that all thoughts are illusory and based on belief in reality. i think that once there is no belief in reality, reality changes.
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 08:00 am
@Frank Apisa,
Oh, CM...this is such fun.

fun and sad.

No...all those things are not equal to "stupid." Very intelligent individuals have at times engaged in those things. Not as often as you...I will grant you that.

no. you are wrong. all those things are stupid.

i actually want to see how long you keep trying to prove definitions of words. like you think i don't get your deep point that 'you don't think i am stupid, you respect me more than that, you think there are certain special flaws which you have intelligently found out about me'.

i don't care, is my point. i say anything even remotely stupid is stupid. any carelessness, any error, any flaw in logic is pure stupidity. keep trying to prove me wrong, please.

The bottom line is that I do not think you are stupid. And on that bottom line I see the words, "This guy is a very careless thinker, who often shoots from the hip...and who is as likely to miss the mark as hit it!"

ok. hold on a sec while i carelessly think about what to shoot from my hip next and how far to miss by.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 08:19 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

Oh, CM...this is such fun.

fun and sad.

Oh, no. Don't think of it as sad at all. Everything reasonable that had to be said about REALITY was said in the first 10 pages of this thread, CM.

At this point in the thread, when you suppose you are talking seriously with someone...you are merely defending your blind guesses about REALITY.

The fun in these kinds of treads comes when the reasonable stuff stops...and the nonsense begins. You are a marvel at that latter part, CM.


No...all those things are not equal to "stupid." Very intelligent individuals have at times engaged in those things. Not as often as you...I will grant you that.

no. you are wrong. all those things are stupid.

i actually want to see how long you keep trying to prove definitions of words. like you think i don't get your deep point that 'you don't think i am stupid, you respect me more than that, you think there are certain special flaws which you have intelligently found out about me'.

I'm here for as long as you are here, CM. Being careless is not the same as being stupid. But...you will continue to maintain they are, because you cannot actually acknowledge when you are wrong.

i don't care, is my point. i say anything even remotely stupid is stupid. any carelessness, any error, any flaw in logic is pure stupidity. keep trying to prove me wrong, please.

No problemo, my good friend. I will be here for you. Fear not!


The bottom line is that I do not think you are stupid. And on that bottom line I see the words, "This guy is a very careless thinker, who often shoots from the hip...and who is as likely to miss the mark as hit it!"

ok. hold on a sec while i carelessly think about what to shoot from my hip next and how far to miss by.

Not a truly bad attempt at humor, CM...but a bit strained. But to give the devil credit...it was a good attempt. Keep on attempting...and you may actually hit the humor nail squarely on its head.

Mind yer thumb!
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 09:10 am
@Frank Apisa,
frank, here you go. i retract everything i have said in this entire thread, and submit all my ideas of reality to your wisdom. everything i have said is essentially blind guesses as you say, and you have helped me to understand my erroneous ways. there is nothing more to be said between us, i can see how magnanimously wrong i have been this whole time. thank you frank, for saving me from delusion. i wish i could delete this thread but i can't. now the world will forever know that frank apisa outsmarted carnaticmystery in his own thread. oh well. that is certainly the case, there is no question. all the best to you sir, and thanks for enlightening me.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 09:26 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

frank, here you go. i retract everything i have said in this entire thread, and submit all my ideas of reality to your wisdom. everything i have said is essentially blind guesses as you say, and you have helped me to understand my erroneous ways. there is nothing more to be said between us, i can see how magnanimously wrong i have been this whole time. thank you frank, for saving me from delusion. i wish i could delete this thread but i can't. now the world will forever know that frank apisa outsmarted carnaticmystery in his own thread. oh well. that is certainly the case, there is no question. all the best to you sir, and thanks for enlightening me.

Hey, CM.

First of all...if you actually deal with I write rather than your...unusual...renderings of what is written...

...you would realize that I have taken exception to very little of what you GUESS about REALITY.

Your guesses about REALITY are essentially as good as anyone else's guesses...and you certainly are free to make your guesses.

You have a tendency to go too far...to present your guesses as REVELATION...and to demean anyone who takes issue with your revelation. But that happens with some people...and most of us here in A2K are willing to sidestep it...unless the individual becomes as belligerent has you have become.

When that happens...someone almost always steps up to play with the belligerent. In this instance...there have been several having fun with you. I have been among them.

Actually, my position on the true nature of the REALITY of existence is identical with yours.

I do not know the true nature of the REALITY of existence...and according to what you say every once in a while...neither do you.

The major difference between us is that you have made guesses about it...and despite your protestations to the contrary...you have wedded yourself to those guesses and now consider them almost incontestable.

I prefer to make my main theme be an acknowledgement of the fact that I do not know what the REALITY is...other than whatever it IS...it IS.

You'll carry on trying to make your guesses seem "a step beyond" for a while.

I'll be here for you.

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