morality, drugs, existence

Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 10:10 am
or the mind erroneously thinks it has limits,

More likely, some weak minds erroneously believe their are limitless, but that's just an illusion... because of course, for the mind to be able to intuitively perceive its own limits, it would have to wander on both sides of those limits, and that's by definition impossible. The best one can do is derive one's mind's limits from logic or experience, not from intuition or self-awareness.

zero contradictions, other than the idiotic one that 'nothing exists so you shouldn't talk'. hahahah so lame.

Ha ha ha... yes, that one too. It's ridiculous that a non-existing dude would be so opinionated. But you happily contradict yourself at every step.

i DO NOT THINK i have arrived at anything worthwhile

I agree. You're just tripping.
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 10:22 am
i 100% believe in all my own concepts - up to the level of concepts and beliefs existing. everything i say i stand by fully on the level of the appearing reality. i am only saying that i also look beyond this apparent reality

Nah, what you were saying is that I cannot use concepts to prove anything since they are only worthless concepts, but YOU of course can perfectly well use them concept to keep talking ad nauseam of the worthlessness of all concepts… So facile. Smile

i accept 100% the appearance of myself. i accept it as an appearance, as it is. you assume it as reality as part of an intellectually flawed assumption made by most of humanity.

That’s the core of the issue, isn’t it? So let’s cut the chase. What is the difference between reality and appearance, in your little system where everything is appearance?
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 10:35 am
i will explain how it is actually an involuntary process after you attempt to prove your own individual control over imagination

But your explanation will be involuntary, and hence worthless.

i have plenty of evidence, first the entire philosophy of nonduality which has thousands of texts available. secondly, i am offering experiential evidence, which is that consciousness can know itself as infinite through introspection.

And duality has thousands of text ‘proving’ it too... That’s no evidence, that’s just another dude’s opinion. Get real.

Since when is introspection illusion-proof? Since when do we discover the truth through introspection? And why do you trust introspection so much, when you don’t trust anything else???

You fell victim of your own wishes. Just because you see something with your mind’s eye doesn’t mean it’s true. The truth is that our mental spaces are TOTALLY and TRAGICALLY separated from one another. We are individuals, even if we hate it. We are trapped in our mental space, and we’re all alone in there. This truth is unbearable for the weakest minds, so they seek solace in illusions such as God, “the universe as mind” or the one global soul, or nirvana whatever…
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 02:25 pm
Or in the internet.

Whether they are weak-minded or not if they seek solace who can blame them? "TRAGIC" is serious ****.

I hope declaring them weak-minded is not an inside-out way of claiming to be strong minded. One might have to be strong minded in order to identify the weak-minded.

Maybe they are strong minded for admitting they need solace. Solace comes in many forms. So many, in fact, that there might be nothing else.

Take me on a trip upon your magic swirlin' ship
My senses have been stripped, my hands can't feel to grip
My toes too numb to step, wait only for my boot heels
To be wanderin'
I'm ready to go anywhere, I'm ready for to fade
Into my own parade, cast your dancing spell my way
I promise to go under it.
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 02:31 pm
Or poetry... Indeed Pascal once stated that every human occupation could be seen as entertainment, as ways to distract ourselves from the tragedy of our condition.

I do consider myself strong-minded. Hope you don't mind too strongly...
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 04:22 pm
I don't mind at all Olivier. I'm afraid I tend to the squeamish side.

Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 05:49 pm
I went off long dark nights of the soul after I saw a photograph of a chap who was said to be an expert in that line of work.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 09:50 pm
More likely, some weak minds erroneously believe their are limitless, but that's just an illusion...

no. i am saying in my experience my mind has no limit, therefore i theorise that it may be universally true. you are saying in your experience your mind has limits. but it is not the case, you only believe so but can't prove it. prove any limit of your mind.
because of course, for the mind to be able to intuitively perceive its own limits, it would have to wander on both sides of those limits, and that's by definition impossible.

i never said the mind can intuitively perceive its own limits. i said it can intuitively perceive its own limitlessness. of course as you say, it is impossible to be on both sides of a limit, or it isn't a limit. this is why i am saying that by logical deduction, the mind must be limitless. it thinks it has limits, but keeps going further and further infinitely. in time it appears slow, but time is infinite also, isn't it? or do you claim to know the limit of time also?
The best one can do is derive one's mind's limits from logic or experience, not from intuition or self-awareness.

that is the 'best' you can do, because you choose to stop there. intuition and self-awareness certainly can influence mind expansion to infinity.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 09:52 pm
Nah, what you were saying is that I cannot use concepts to prove anything since they are only worthless concepts, but YOU of course can perfectly well use them concept to keep talking ad nauseam of the worthlessness of all concepts… So facile.

never said anything was a worthless concept. all concepts are worth exactly what they appear to be worth. if my concepts are meaningless to you, ok who cares, stop responding. i am simply saying all concepts are meaningless to me, including mine, yours and all of humanity's. why does this bother you?
That’s the core of the issue, isn’t it? So let’s cut the chase. What is the difference between reality and appearance, in your little system where everything is appearance?

ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. they are words. the conceptual meanings of the words 'reality' and 'appearance' is very different for most people, such as yourself. for me, i actually see no difference, i experience no difference. why does this bother you?
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 10:04 pm
I'm afraid I tend to the squeamish side.

I don't think that's true, but you're fishing for compliment now.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 10:04 pm
i will explain how it is actually an involuntary process after you attempt to prove your own individual control over imagination

But your explanation will be involuntary, and hence worthless.

the worthless part you assume yourself. i never said involuntary means worthless. understanding your entire consciousness as involuntary does not make it worthless, it just changes the definition system you have in place.
And duality has thousands of text ‘proving’ it too... That’s no evidence, that’s just another dude’s opinion. Get real.

actually, no. please find me a single text 'proving' duality. and even if there was one, exactly, all concepts are a 'dude's opinion'. which is exactly why i am saying they are all irrelevant. you accused me of blind guessing, so i just told you that no, i happened to get these 'guesses' from non-dual texts. who cares?

Since when is introspection illusion-proof? Since when do we discover the truth through introspection? And why do you trust introspection so much, when you don’t trust anything else???

i don't think introspection is illusion proof, nor is anything. i don't think there is a reality outside of illusion either. i don't think there is any truth to discover. i don't trust introspection in any way, there is nothing to trust. my statement was that 'consciousness can know itself as infinite through introspection.' that is a personal opinion about my own experience. i don't necessarily DISTRUST my own opinion either, but i have no absolute trust in it as you imply.

You fell victim of your own wishes. Just because you see something with your mind’s eye doesn’t mean it’s true. The truth is that our mental spaces are TOTALLY and TRAGICALLY separated from one another.

i see nothing with any mind's eye. i don't believe anything is true. you believe that our mental spaces are totally and tragically separated, as part of your irrational belief system, set up by the intellect to feed your insecurity about total freedom.
We are individuals, even if we hate it. We are trapped in our mental space, and we’re all alone in there. This truth is unbearable for the weakest minds, so they seek solace in illusions such as God, “the universe as mind” or the one global soul, or nirvana whatever…

see, i will call myself anything, because ultimately there is no difference. i don't hate being individual, i feel individual just like you. i feel all alone just like you. it is not at all unbearable. i seek no solace in god, universal mind, global soul, nirvana, enlightenment or any other nonsense.

see, it is actually yourself who creates this mess. you see the truth of individuality as 'unbearable'. so you pretend that you are strong-minded and are taking on this massive task of 'bearing individuality'. all the others who claim god or universal truth are peddlers, weak minded people who can't 'bear individuality'.

no, sorry buddy. individuality itself is another concept which dissolves in non duality. i see myself as individual at a finite level which will end when this body dies. i experience a deeper part of myself which is infinite and which does not identify with the individual me. i have not invented this part, it is deeper than myself, i cannot even understand it. it exists more primarily than me. you are afraid of the part of yourself which is deeper than you can possibly understand. so you pretend it does not exist, and create yourself as an eternally suffering individual. have fun with that.
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 10:16 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Hey, CM.

hello sir

First of all...if you actually deal with I write rather than your...unusual...renderings of what is written...

sorry sir. promise i will actually deal with what you write rather than my unusual renderings of what is written.

...you would realize that I have taken exception to very little of what you GUESS about REALITY.

sorry sir, i promise to realize that from now on.

Your guesses about REALITY are essentially as good as anyone else's guesses...and you certainly are free to make your guesses.

sorry sir, i will reevaluate all my guesses.

You have a tendency to go too far...to present your guesses as REVELATION...and to demean anyone who takes issue with your revelation. But that happens with some people...and most of us here in A2K are willing to sidestep it...unless the individual becomes as belligerent has you have become.

sorry sir. i will stop going too far, i will stop presenting my guesses as revelation. i am sorry to demean anyone who takes issue. thank you so much for sidestepping it. i am so sorry for being belligerent.

When that happens...someone almost always steps up to play with the belligerent. In this instance...there have been several having fun with you. I have been among them.

sorry sir. i thank you for stepping up, you are truly great.

Actually, my position on the true nature of the REALITY of existence is identical with yours.

sir i am honoured to be mentioned in the same sentence as the great frank apisa.

I do not know the true nature of the REALITY of existence...and according to what you say every once in a while...neither do you.

sir, i trust anything you say, your words are gospel.

The major difference between us is that you have made guesses about it...and despite your protestations to the contrary...you have wedded yourself to those guesses and now consider them almost incontestable.

sir, you are so correct. i made all these guesses. and i protested contrarily. i wedded myself to those guesses. omg i need a divorce. thank you so much. i see that all my guesses are contestable now!! thanks again.

I prefer to make my main theme be an acknowledgement of the fact that I do not know what the REALITY is...other than whatever it IS...it IS.

sir, thank you for this great understanding of REALITY. 'what is is' really captures the entirety of existence so beautifully and perfectly, nothing more can be said. it is the words of god certainly.

You'll carry on trying to make your guesses seem "a step beyond" for a while.

sir, i am so sorry you feel this way. i thought i was going to stop making guesses, but i guess you know better. you know that i am stupid enough to keep guessing. wow you are amazing.

I'll be here for you.

cannot thank you enough sir. please let me know if you accept payment as a spiritual master.
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 10:19 pm
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. they are words. the conceptual meanings of the words 'reality' and 'appearance' is very different for most people, such as yourself. for me, i actually see no difference, i experience no difference. why does this bother you?

If there is no difference, to you, between illusion and reality, why do you keep saying that "this or that is not real, it's an illusion"? That category / ying-yang pair / dimension has no meaning to you, period. Forget about illusion. Everything is equally real.

For me of course it's different. I've done some prestidigitation when I was a kid and I can still cheat at poker. I still know what lying means. I KNOW by experience that there is an important difference between illusion and reality...

Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 11:19 pm
please find me a single text 'proving' duality.

Please find me a single text 'proving' non-duality.

i don't think introspection is illusion proof, [...] i don't trust introspection in any way, there is nothing to trust. my statement was that 'consciousness can know itself as infinite through introspection.' that is a personal opinion about my own experience. i don't necessarily DISTRUST my own opinion either, but i have no absolute trust in it as you imply.

Ok so you have no certitude about your opinions or experience, no clear decisive evidence. Good. You could be entirely wrong about the mind being infinite, for instance, since you base this on a source, introspection, which you don't trust. You have therefore no good reason to assume the mind is infinite. Nor any good reason to assume dualism is false or wrong in any way.

you see the truth of individuality as 'unbearable'.

No, I said SOME people find it unbearable. I meant you mainly, in the context.
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 11:24 pm
If there is no difference, to you, between illusion and reality, why do you keep saying that "this or that is not real, it's an illusion"? That category / ying-yang pair / dimension has no meaning to you, period. Forget about illusion. Everything is equally real.

i don't keep saying anything is real or illusion, i reject both concepts. you accept both concepts. why should i forget about anything? everything is illusion to me. everything is real too, there is no difference.
For me of course it's different. I've done some prestidigitation when I was a kid and I can still cheat at poker. I still know what lying means. I KNOW by experience that there is an important difference between illusion and reality...

you are just choosing to be narrow minded. we all know that within the appearing reality, truths and falsehoods appear. so if you cheat at poker, then obviously within the context of the game, you did something against the rules. you know by experience that you DEFINE a difference between illusion and reality. and you also know by experience that the definition is not based on any actual evidence.
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 11:31 pm
Please find me a single text 'proving' non-duality.

nothing proves anything. but 'i am that' by nisargadatta maharaj is pretty comprehensive about non duality. i said there is probably no text about 'duality' because it is not really a discussed 'topic' in this world, as far as i know. if so, then please show me.
Ok so you have no certitude about your opinions or experience, no clear decisive evidence.

i have the same certitude that you do, i have the same clear decisive evidence that you do. i interpret it differently. you interpret it as definite certitude of a definite reality. i don't make that assumption.
Good. You could be entirely wrong about the mind being infinite, for instance, since you base this on a source, introspection, which you don't trust.

being entirely wrong doesn't apply if there is no basic reality. i don't DISTRUST introspection as i already said. the idea of trust only applies to a certain level. i fully trust my introspection up to that level. the fact that there EXISTS a level beyond trust is proof to me of the mind's infinite nature. i trust that opinion, but i am aware that trust itself is a limited concept.

You have therefore no good reason to assume the mind is infinite. Nor any good reason to assume dualism is false or wrong in any way.

i have HUGE reason to assume the mind is infinite, the absolute entirety of my experience. of course, i cannot trust the experience 100%, because it is all part of the mind experience. but, up to the level that one can trust something, lets say 99.9999%, i trust that the mind is infinite, based on my own experience. the tiny percentage of doubt only reinforces the idea that absolute certainty does not exist in any form about anything.

most people would say that the only thing they are ABSOLUTELY certain of is their own existence. i am simply saying that even that 'certainty', when investigated fully, reveals itself as only 99.99999999%. it is always a jump, an assumption which gets you from the 99.99999 to the 100% you assume as certainty.
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 11:32 pm
No, I said SOME people find it unbearable. I meant you mainly, in the context.

already explained how i find nothing about individuality unbearable. but if you please, continue to believe that i find it unbearable.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Dec, 2013 11:57 pm
everything is real too

Very good. We're making progress.

you are just choosing to be narrow minded.

In jest rather.

we all know that within the appearing reality, truths and falsehoods appear. so if you cheat at poker, then obviously within the context of the game, you did something against the rules. you know by experience that you DEFINE a difference between illusion and reality.

All poker players agree implicitly not to cheat. They indeed define a limit between acceptable and unacceptable behaviors, and doing so they make that limit real and enforceable. But the serious point I was trying to make is that in your philosophy, it can't be ethically wrong because all rules and words and stuff are all philosophically worthless anyway.

and you also know by experience that the definition is not based on any actual evidence.

No definition is based on 'evidence'. Definitions are all in part arbitrary constructs. But I sound like fresco now.
Reply Sat 7 Dec, 2013 12:21 am
i have HUGE reason to assume the mind is infinite, the absolute entirety of my experience. of course, i cannot trust the experience 100%, because it is all part of the mind experience. but, up to the level that one can trust something, lets say 99.9999%, i trust that the mind is infinite, based on my own experience.

Those HUGE reasons could very well be HUGE ILLUSIONS...

i said there is probably no text about 'duality' because it is not really a discussed 'topic' in this world, as far as i know. if so, then please show me.

Descartes would be an obvious start, but in a more modern style you could do worse than read or hear what John Searle has to say about consciousness.
Reply Sat 7 Dec, 2013 01:28 am
But the serious point I was trying to make is that in your philosophy, it can't be ethically wrong because all rules and words and stuff are all philosophically worthless anyway.

not at all. you can define cheating as ethically wrong, and so can i. it makes no difference ultimately. 'philosophically worthless' is your random concept, and yes i would agree that everything is philosophically worthless from an absolute perspective. however i still may or may not cheat in a poker game, whatever happens happens, some people may consider it ethically right or wrong. i don't have either opinion.
No definition is based on 'evidence'. Definitions are all in part arbitrary constructs. But I sound like fresco now.

very good. we're making progress.

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