omg, theres an update on the mni main page! first time in like... 2 months.... about time
*still not sure if crazyforaiken is staff, and if so, which one*
April 11, 2005 - We're not dead yet. We're trying something else, and hopefully we'll be up again soon.
ha..i dont believe them anymore...they are just tormenting us!!!!
gameover wrote:ha..i dont believe them anymore...they are just tormenting us!!!!
Well then, I hope you'll keep away from mni when they'll really be back, as you seem not to care about it anymore. I don't think we'll miss you.
DarkWizard wrote:thatdarnpest - 1st April
DarkWizard - 25th April
justsomegirl - 1 May
maufonseca93 - 3 May
uhhhimnotcheating - 15th May
latilatilas - 22 June
I'm starting to think that it may never make it back up.
Any new/updated guesses, with this new news?

my first of april guess is already long gone.
wont you be kicking yourself in the rear when mni does come up....
wait if LL, who is staff, isn't sure if crazy4aiken is staff, doesn't that really say it all write there?
not really....cause i PM'ed her and told her who i was....
and in a way that she would be sure i was who i am
*is blonde*
yeah I didnt recognize the name... but If I get a pm from a staff email saying it is them... guess they are staff :p Meh, oh well... Never said I was perfect
*might now need to change her catchphrase of the All-Knowing Goddess to the Ever-Learning Goddess* LOL
Anyways, I hope some of those guesses are way off... I hope some of the sooner ones are right, or might even be beat...
awww dont put yourself down like that LL.....being Blonde is just a sterotype.....i dont blame you for not knowing....i think only 2-3 actually know how much i like him.
lol I like the fact that I can blame things on my natural blondeness...stereotype or not, people fall for it
Well, I'm glad to see that my fellow staff members from MNI still come in here to bug our little friends
awww snottypants....great to see you!!!! haven't seen you in here in a while. bug our little friends.....maybe just a little......
i love how the posts are edited around here....
has anyone bought a psp? i have one and I love it, i was just curious if anyone else does.
hmph. .. two of my posts have finished about the same thing over the past few days. :@
whats psp?
DarkWizard wrote:Yeah, PSP?
Sony PlayStation Personal®
Just one more way to separate kids from money. From a master at that game.