no.....but i am a hermione....i don't believe in divination....or being a seer... and yes only time will tell.....but im betting that it might take a while...
well i hope its soon.
yeah, was gonna say that, i think your right about coins Eos
quit were able to last 4-5 months without it, you can go another.
what has me confused, is why everyone complains at OTHER sites. the only thing we know, is what Dmarie put on the mni page, thats it. anyone who say's they know more is just trying to be a jerk. im not saying i know everything, cause i don't....but why do you keep complaining HERE
okay...since when is wondering about a site considered "whining"? the only comments i've seen are speculations...
are you kidding me...why do you ask a question when you already know the answer? hmmm..we cannot speculate about mni because the site isn't up we need a place where we can hang out if MNI isn't up. this is the only place we've got, so if you don't like it, i'm sorry, you can just not post. from the looks of it, you haven't been here that long, only 7 posts. we've been here for 589 pages. we're all friends, we've all got common interests (MNI) so please, let us be.
i'm gonna take a stab in the dark and guess that you're magicalme...?
^ points for that guess!! I concur!
Crazyforaiken needs to go crawl in a hole some where.
Okay, people, cool it down! I know we are all stressed here but give crazyforaiken/magicalme a break. Who gives a damn is he/she is part of staff or not? Doesn't anybody think it's wierd MNI shuts down before school starts, opens again when winter vacantion comes and then goes down again at the start of the new term?
i don't care if they're part of staff or not. that's not the point. the point is that someone is giving us a hard time for something we've been doing for a while now. and i don't consider us "whining". i'm sorry if i sound overly hostile. but i'm not trying to.
yeah i think that's a coincidence...not sure though.
Heres a thought.. If you dont like what we say at this sight DONT COME
heres a thought.....ever think that i am checking on this place because in the past its been known as a cheat site? ever think that we want to keep an eye on whats going on here...?? yea....i am doing that
And what do you think we are gonna cheat on? Since there is no MNI its gonna be kinda hard to cheat...
im not exactly talking about cheating am i? i said in the past......but there has been a lot of trouble coming from this site.....we want to make sure if anything comes up with rumors or anything....if it came from here....we want to know
Yeah, NOW I'm really scared! You know, I would just love to get banned. Actualy my username is 'VIKTOR-KRUM'. Only when I will see the banned message I would believe you. If not, heck, my name is Jamie Frost, I know the president of the USA and the CIA is asking me to help them with that Laden guy. Have I mentioned I have 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 years? Sorry man, but you have to give us some proof. Maybe you are trying to help us and if that is so, I thank you but until you have proven us, you are nothing but a liar.
okay, i wrote a really long post, and my computer messed it up, so i'm gonna try to remember what i started with:
magicalme--can you get off your high horse for a second while you read my post? 'kay, thanks.
listen, yeah this used to be a cheat site, but you know what? MNI can't do anything about it outside of the site. and the only "trouble" that was being caused was when the STAFF came here to bash ?Jamie. we were fine without you guys. so if you're gonna "babysit" us, you're not gonna get any cooperation from me.
"you all need to stop obsessing over mni, and find something else to do."
hun--you don't need to come onto this site, and if you absolutely "have to", then you don't have to post. we've been here for almost 600 pages, and there's no way we're leaving.
hmm if you're getting sick of the way you're being treated, maybe you should step back and think about it! you're the one who brought this on yourself. you were the one who was like EVERYONE STOP WHINING AND BE PATIENT. well you know what? just because you're "staff" doesn't mean that you can act all high-and-mighty.
how can you say we're n00bs? we can at least speak in coherent sentences...not saying that you can't, but i've seen many who couldn't.
and don't you DARE say that because of us, MNI isn't coming back for a while. that is not in your hands, that's in dmarie's, amura's, and zardi's. so don't even pretend that you have that kind of power.
and btw: we've already been through the banning situation. you don't know who i am on MNI. and i'm not telling. and neither can ABLE2 know.
so don't even pretend.
[/rant]. you can get back on your high horse now.
christ, it sure took long enough.. i thought he'd never leave.
like i said....i will be checking in a she..not a he....and darkwizard.....thanks to this site....there WILL BE NO secrets on new mni....just wanted to clue you all in on that....
(i know snottypants had already said it...but incase it hasn't sunk in...)