I'd love to offer my personal advice. Because this is online you don't get a sense of who I am or don't know my experiences so I'll give you a little background. I've always had a GF in my life. Most of them have been 2 years plus long term relationships. I'm not saying I'm an expert but just want you to get an idea.
With that being said I think your looking at it way too liner. Your saying a boy and girl being happy. But they are all individuals. Every person has a unique personality with quarks. People aren't perfect so it is impossible to have a perfect relationship. In every relationship I've been in there's always an issue, sometimes big, sometimes small.
I think the bigger question is happiness and that just depends on a complicated mixture of maturity and connection with both parties. Its like a science project when you pretty much guess what chemicals will go good together. So that is a numbers game. Don't be afraid to go on a lot of 1st dates, make a lot of male friends, put your personality out there. The more chemical mixtures you try the better the chance you'll try something that works.
I think as far as your personal situation I can't tell you how many pretty woman I've met that can't get a boyfriend all because they don't make them self approachable in the right way. Guys judge quickly and visually. Guys will look into a bar and see 10 woman. 3 of them are next to boys. Guys think "All 3 are with their boyfriends. I won't bother." Even though the truth is 1 out of the 3 was with a BF and the other 2 are with co workers. Maybe the guy sees another 3 at the bar. One has very closed off body language and doesn't make any eye contact. A guy thinks "She'll shoot me down" (most men are terrified of being shot down.)
So where I'm going in all this is, open your self up both with physical body language and mentally to the idea of meeting more people in the world. Make eye contact with guys you want to talk to more then once and be obvious. We have this skulls and remember no ones perfect. You'll be fine if you try that.