Thu 10 Oct, 2013 08:53 pm
-The top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Eliot Engel, said he discussed with Ma on how to strengthen ties between the two sides.
Can I use DISCUSS this way? WITH MA is additional information, grammatically optional; DISCUSS is usually transitive, so we can say DISCUSS HOW, but is it usual to say DISCUSS ON HOW?
You can use "discuss" that way.
Well maybe you're right, but I don't like it. I think the sentence would be much better without the redundant "on".
Certainly "have a discussion on how to proceed", but "discuss how to proceed".
Quote:Well maybe you're right, but I don't like it.
English is full of redundancies, McTag. What you like or don't like is of no significance.
Another helpful remark from the resident arse.
Gee, what a surprise, McTag. You can't defend your "opinion".
More unnecessary and confrontational garbage. You certainly like to drag these things out, don't you (and be as unpleasant as possible in doing so).
All necessary information is already on the page.