farmerman wrote:the difference between liberals and DAVE,
is that he wants free speech only on his term
and when liberals voice something different, he is automatically gonna cast it as "communist"
That is
false, farmer. Since the death of communism on Christmas of 1991,
I have relatively little reference to it. I fear not the NKVD.
There is no foundation for that accusation in this thread,
nor in any of my A2K posts since 2OOO.
I have never said that
distortionists i.e., liberals
shud stifle themselves. I acknowledge their right to speak freely,
the same as traveling snake oil salesmen of the 18OOs
("its good for what ails you").
I 'd
not apply prior restraint of their deceptive free speech.
I CHALLENGE u to find any post of mine wherein I said
that liberals have no right to express themselves.
U can't do it, because I never said that, not even in private.
( Having the liberals hold our paper targets for us,
is entirely another matter -- irrelevant. )
InfraBlue wrote: Which world would I like to live in??
certainly not Daves, he is clueless.
U prefer the
AUTHORITARIAN world, farmer; not me.
I believe in personal freedom and in keeping government in chains,
like the Frankenstein monster. Each amendment ofthe Bill of Rights
is like a chain on the monster that we created (government)
on his slab in the lab. When he gets free, all hell breaks loose.
The CITIZENS shud be free,
not the damned government.
When government is free: u get the 3rd Reich or the Workers' Paradise.
When government has little power
: u get Mayberry, N.C.
The domestic jurisdiction of government and personal liberty are