Scrat wrote:
Quote:For instance those who see our president as perfect in every word and action simply haven't paid attention. (--Foxfyre)
Quote:Do you actually believe these people exist? Do you know of one? I don't. Nor do I think I know anyone who didn't recognize that Clinton was a fallible man, whether they liked him, voted for him, whatever.
These charicatures of people aren't real people, and I don't know any real people who resemble them. If you do, you might want to travel in different circles.(--Scrat)
Do I know any personally? No I don't. Okay I have one brother-in-law who thought/thinks Clinton is perfect, but he's pretty old and he's the only one.
I had in mind some of the posts I've seen in these forums over the last several years to the present. There are some, for example, who seem obsessed with painting GWB and anyone who supports or is associated with him as the devil incarnate. They put post after post after post out there as 'proof'--sometimes a half dozen or more posts all on the same subject. They can't or won't acknowledge anything that GWB has done right or well. Since their posts are the only evidence we have of their position, I have to figure they are in the blind prejudice camp.
I disagree with hobitbob, however, that that those who defend the president and/or his staff on a specific issue are the same so long as they can give a credible reason or argument for their support. I also respect the opinions of those who criticize GWB or his staff, etc. if they can give a credible reason or argument for their criticism.