Nah, I think you've got this horribly wrong and I find it a bit odd that you are prepared to accept, at face value, Parker F. Jones' facetious parody of a report in the face of expert opinion and evidence to the contrary.
Here are some thoughts from another site:
1) For either bomb to have been armed as a viable weapons would have been completely contrary to USAF SOP (and common sense) as aircraft never took of or landed with armed weapons. This aircraft was attempting to land. Established fact.
2) For either bomb to have been armed as a viable weapons would have been completely contrary to USAF SOP (and common sense) as aircraft never armed weapons over the US mainland. Established fact.
3) For either bomb to have been armed as a viable weapons would have been completely contrary to USAF SOP (and common sense) as aircraft never armed weapons until they were given go-codes and were en-route to their assigned target which only have happened in time of war. Established fact.
4) We also know that for the bombs to have been armed (assuming that the three conditions above had been fulfilled) then it would have required multiple, sequential, deliberate operations by more than one member if the crew to do so. Established fact.
5)We know, because the official documents specifically say so, that one weapon was going through the fuzing processes. It was not armed.. If it had been armed when it left the aircraft (which it wasn't, for the reasons above) AND the fuses had failed to detonate the weapon as instructed, the salvage fuse would have detonated the bomb on impact.
The weapon was therefore not armed.
Again: Safing, Arming, Fuzing, Firing. SAFF.
Fuzing does not arm the weapon. Fuzing provides the condition to allow Firing.
If anyone disagree with any of that, let me know as I'm keen to establish any facts and correct any misunderstandings. I'm no particular cheerleader for the USAF, DoD or nuclear weapons, but this was a non-story, shilled about by the likes of the BBC and its print arm at The Guardian which are both organisation which despise the USA and revel in every opportunity to sneer at their perceived image of reckless cowboys playing with dangerous toys.