I came across your post whilst searching for my own answers - my case is similar to yours.... I am 39, happily married for 20 years to a gorgeous hubby who loves me, and have a beautful son. My boss, separated (who I have worked closely with for 2 years) and I have recently kissed, and it was electric! He admitted his feelings for me have been there for over a year and and he makes me feel so special and cared for - makes me feel more alive than anything I have ever known before. He is smart, so funny and extremely charming. We have not had sex yet but I really really want to. Its so exciting to have a secret, although I feel terrible. I have never cheated before, but this feeling is like a drug! I have a devil on my shoulder and an angel on the other batteling this out.
I love my job and am very good at it. There is no way I am resigning.
I have so much to lose if I go ahead with this - my hubby will be so hurt.
Why am I doing this? why? I feel so selfish and its not fair on anyone.
I know this doesnt help your cause Unfaithful, but I wanted to share my story with you, in that you are not alone!