Why is it so important to refute Christianity?

Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 06:36 am
swolf wrote:
that crime rates in England now exceed those of the United States and England is cited as a textbook example for the rationale for the second ammendment.

I assume you've got some proof for that claim and are not just another rabid right wing gun toting christian spouting the usual gargage you're all renowned for?
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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 06:43 am
by the way, Croatia itself send to jail people responsible for some terrible things in Gospic. Main commander of croatian army on that area got more years that any american commander ever I am sure - and as of american war deeds check part about Vietnam again.

And, in addition - even that is full of crap and clearly shows that it was article payed well with serbian money. Gospic was town where real crime happened, but not as quoted in article. Not only that civilians killed there were exclusively adult males but no one of soldiers that revealed it ever mentioned anything else, so basically not only that article is twisted truth, but pure lie.

As for mass graves, yeah there is mass grave near to Gospic. Mass graves of Croats, Albanians and Muslims are still not counted - this is NOT excuse for scum on any other side, but it is very very good point against pointing to one croatian (or bosnian, albanian....) crime with hundreds similar serbian crimes.
And your brave US colonel should rather report himself to court for letting Serbs slaughter thousands and thousands of Muslims in Srebrenica along with his UN and NATO comrades instead of commenting others.

Edit: as of children blown with bombs, such terrible things happen in wars sometimes. However, only two cases I recall is croatian 7 year old girl blown by bomb on Karlovac bus station, and 3 YEAR OLD SERBIAN GIRL BLOWN BY NATO BOMB IN ALEKSINAC, SERBIA, FAR AWAY FROM ANY MILITARY OBJECTS
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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 06:52 am
and one more thing while I'm on the role - my town in central Croatia was heavily destroyed by Serbs for four years. Out of 70,000 inhabitants about 5,000 of them are Serbs. They still live here, not a single one was killed or beaten or anything.
Some of my serbian friends were even in croatian army because they correctly saw that it is not war of nations, but war of countries, and that someone is attacking and destroying their town and their home.
In the middle of the war main editor of local newspapers was Serb, serbian cultural society in the middle of town worked freely and without problems during all war, serbian orthodox masses are held in the center of town all along without problems (they had orthodox church in main square but was destroyed during the war by serbian rocket /I am sure you can find some serbian storytellers that will tell you that actually we demolished that church with bare hands/)
You can also go to visit Slunj, little town near Karlovac, that was occupied by Serbs - maybe when you check what does catholic church looks like after Serbs were in Slunj, and when you see how orthodox church looks after Croats fought back - maybe, maybe, just maybe you will not believe everything you read in payed advertisment anymore.

Of course, these are things I am witnessing every day - both good and bad. You can always say that I am lying, but in that case there is absolutely no point in continuing this debate
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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 06:52 am
Cephas writes
Seems mighty delusional. Either something is illogical, meaning it fails to follow the laws of logic, or it is logical, meaning it does follow those laws. I have yet to see a Christian (or any theist for that matter) follow the laws of logic. Indeed, because belief and faith in things unknown and unseen is a violation of those laws, holding said beliefs and faiths is an exercise in illogic.

Oh but you see, Christianity as I understand it is perfectly logical. To assume that you have never seen a Christian (or any theist for that matter) who followed the laws of logic is I believe illogical. Even science does not require that things be known and seen to believe they are there.
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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 07:02 am
cicerone imposter wrote:

Flaws in the American way of life.....

You're actually going to post this ignorant rant in multiple places? I mean, if I was messed up enough to concoct something like that I'd try to hide it and not advertise it....


"Are we sure that the extreme Christian fundamentalists who lurk behind President Bush

You're calling Colin Powell, Andy Card, Condi Rice, and Paul Wolfowicz a bunch of Christian fundamentalists???

George W. Bush is basically an old-line liberal similar to JFK more than anything else I could think of. A real conservative president would have, by now, eliminated the department of education and gotten the government out of the school business altogether, thoroughly cleansed the state department, booted the UN off our shores and told Kofi Anan and his ilk that in future times if they want to visit New York, to contact their travel agents, outlawed all abortion via the slick method (stroke of the pen/law of the land, pretty cool huh) etc. etc. etc.


In the London Evening Standard, the political commentator Peter Oborne calls the US "a rogue state". The editor of Newsweek International,
Fareed Zakaria, acknowledges that, to much of the world, the US is "an international outlaw".

That's undoubtedly because those two guys are idiots. The sad thing is that you as an American should be able to refute such idiocy easily enough, nonetheless since you are clearly not up to the task, allow me:

Nobody is buying leftist claims that simply citing a British intel claim of an African uranium connection amounts to any sort of a big lie on the part of George W Bush, or that toxic levels of cyanide and mustard agents found in the major rivers of Iraq are leftover from weapons programs of Hammurabi and Nebachanezzer.

There was ample reason to believe that Saddam Hussein had his hands in the anthrax attacks which followed 9/11, in the Oklahoma City bombing, in the original bombing of the trade towers, and in several other kinds of ****
over the last ten years. Hussein was the one paying the families of suicide bombers in the middle East, and wsa running a school for hijackers with mockup airliners.

The basic American notion of a presumption of innocence is not meaningful or useful in cases like that of Saddam Hussein. Even the Japanese had the decency to have their own markings on their aircraft at Pearl Harbor; Nobody had to guess who did it. Saddam Hussein, on the other hand, is like the kid in school who was always standing around snickering when things went bad, but who could never be shown to have had a hand in anything directly. At some point, guys would start to kick that guy's ass periodically on general principles. Likewise, in the case of Saddam Hussein, the reasonable assumption is that he's guilty unless he somehow or other manages to prove himself innocent and, obviously, that did not happen.

In taking Hussein out, Bush and Blair have achieved a number of major objectives, any one of which would have justified the effort.

The most major is probably that they have created the opportunity for Arab democracies by creating one example of such or soon-to-be example of such in the midst of the dictatorships. A number of the best analyses available indicate that the total lack of democracy or responsible government in the Arab world is the most major problem in the middle East.

They have eliminated the threat to Saudi Arabia as well as any need to keep US troops in Saudi Arabia.

They have eliminated major parts of the terrorist network threat to the United States and to our allies.

They have eliminated a major source of funding for terrorism worldwide.

They have created the situation for putting Iraqi oil back on the market.

They have freed 20 million people from one of the worst despotisms of the last century.

They have put the fear of God into several of the remaining outlaw regimes in the world, most notably North Korea. We may have actually just averted a disasterous war in Korea by the example of Hussein. Guys like the "beloved leader" in North Korea don't give a rat's ass what happens to their people, but when they see the ruling family and leadership echelon of a place just like theirs targeted and taken out without the people being harmed at all, it gets their attention.

In baseball, you call something like that a "Grand Slam".

In particular, and particularly after witnessing the totally opposite example of Kosovo just four years ago, it's just really hard to sympathize with any of the people doing these crybaby acts over what probably amounts to the greatest victory of American arms and diplomacy since WW-II.


As always, US leaders try to present America's crimes as an aberration. What happened at Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad, we are told, does not
represent "American values".

Basically Abu Ghraib does not represent TRADITIONAL American values; it represents Clinton-age values perfectly well. The problem is that Bush and co. have put all their efforts into weeding the clintonistas out of the military at the top and have neglected the enlisted ranks. I assume that will be fixed in Bush's second term.


Why we expect so much of America is a puzzle. During the Korean war, it bombed the north so intensively that it ran out of targets. In the 1960s
and 1970s, it killed an estimated three million people in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. At the end of the first Gulf war, it killed retreating Iraqi
conscripts in their tens of thousands. In Chile and Nicaragua, it helped armed opponents of democratically elected governments. It has tried to
squeeze the life out of Cuba for decades and took new measures to stop Cuban Americans sending cash to their families back home only the other
day. It opposes a host of international treaties - on banning nuclear tests and controlling carbon-dioxide emissions, for example - and now abjures
the Geneva Conventions as well.

As to Korea, I suggest you visit both North and South Korea and, if you survive the visit to North Korea without being eaten, tell us which side you figure is better off.

VietNam was a typical democrat war which should have been over with inside of one year.

As to Nicarague, how could anybody forget the looks on democrat/liberal faces after the Nicaraguans voted the Sandinistas out the first chance they ever had to do so, thanks to Ronald Reagan?

Cuba, as is well known, has provided the footsoldiers for marxist insurrections all over the globe. The United States can best help the victims of those operations by letting Cuba starve on its own and not helping them.

Communism is good at producing starvation; that's probably the one thing in the world which communism actually IS good for. I mean, how can you possibly get famines in the Ukraine, the richest belt of farmland on the entire planet? You've got to work pretty hard at that one.

Hitler was planning to use the Ukrane as the basic farm area for all of Europe and had plans for a superguage train in and out of the region for the purpose.
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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 07:16 am
MyOwnUsername wrote:

What happened in 90's was pure serbian agression on other countries....

That for sure is the was it was presented to us. The reality of the situation, near as I can tell from reading, is that pretty much everything the Western media has told us about the Balkans over the last dozen years is unadulterated BS, and the Serbs are the closest thing there is to normal, decent people in the Balkans.

The best example of the manner in which Western (clintonista) complicity in the breakup of Yugoslavia has been sold in the west seems to be this item:


Basically, a refugee hostel in which Bosnian serbs were aiding war refugees was made out to be a death camp.

The best source for real info on the Balkans appears to be Jared Israel's site:


Again, near as I can tell from reading, you had about 30 ethnic groups in the Yugoslav federation and, of those, only about three or four ever had any sort of a problem dealing with Serbs, and those three or four, i.e. Croats, Albanians, Bosnians, and maybe one other, were the ones who were most seriously on the side of the nazis in WW-II.

I remember seeing several people from the surrounding countries vouching for the character of the Serbs just before the bombing campaign over Kosovo broke out, and one of those guys was from the Hungarian province which Serbia controls and even that guy said that no reasonable people had ever had a problem dealing with Serbs.
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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 07:32 am
okay, I see you are under too much influence for reasonable thinking of your own. Do you have anything inside your head? To think with? I am not insulting, just asking.
SERBS ATTACKED OTHERS and you are talking it's others responsibility??? NOT A SINGLE BULLET FIRED ON SERBIA and others have problems?????

And as of 30 nations in Ex-Yu, yeah, they were, if you count 25 nations that had 15 or 16 people. Of others, every single Hungarian from Croatia fought against Serbs (and as of Hungarians from Serbia some of them probably fought with them but majority was in anti-war movements), Italians are nowehere near Serbs to have problems, and that's about it.

You are really unbeliavable. It was presented to you that way! It would be hilarious if it wasn't sad.
I really never met anyone that is under influence of ANY propaganda before.
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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 07:37 am
For the benefit of several of the liberals on this forum, I would like to remind them that in 1999, Slick Clinton bombed an innocent Christian nation into the stone age for 80 days and nights to take Juanita Broadrick's rape allegation off the front pages of our newspapers.

That apparently was the democrat notion of a "humanitarian war"...

Consider the contrast between Clinton's most major military endeavor, i.e. dog-wag III (Kosovo), and Iraq. In Kosovo, you had large numbers of civilian casualties, and major damage to the civilian infrastructure of Serbia. This is because the military understood at the time that they were dealing with another dog-wagging episode which they could not possibly ask any of their soldiers or airmen to risk injury or death over.

And so they tried bombing from 25,000 - 30,000' for a few weeks and then, when they realized they could not hurt the Serbian military from Earth orbit, they embarked upon a campaign of what you would normally call war crimes, targetting Serbian civilians and civilian infrastructure hundreds of miles from any legitimate military target. The idea was to make life so miserable for ordinary Serbs, that they would somehow or other force Milosevic to hand Kosovo, the ancient heartland of Serbia, over to the KLA narco terrorists.

It doesn't take much searching to view some of the stories from that one:


Iraq by way of contrast appears to be the most righteous use of American military power since WW-II. Civilian casualties appear to have been fewer than the regime which we got rid of would have killed for fun and sport in the same time period, and the people of Iraq are still celebrating. Moreover, American military personnel knew they were fighting for a righteous cause, and had no qualms about going into harm's way for it.

In other words, this basic willingness to fight the enemy up close and in harm's way spared the Iraqi civilian population from any noticable harm, and this was due to the basic rightness of the cause, as opposed to something like Kosovo.

Aside from every other problem with Kosovo, the precedent which it represents cannot possibly be allowed to stand. If ethnicity is everything and ownership and sovereignty don't mean anything anymore, then what are we going to say when the UN comes here demanding that we hand Texas, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and California over to Mexico on the same perverted basis?

The basic bottom line seems to be that the most major difference between our present political scene and that of the 60s is that the pigs these days are all calling themselves democrats.
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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 07:43 am
MyOwnUsername wrote:

NOT A SINGLE BULLET FIRED ON SERBIA and others have problems?????

No bullets? Actually, that doesn't surprise me a hell of a lot given what I've seen of Croatian ammunition (Igman); a reasonable person might prefer to stick with knives and spears.
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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 07:55 am
not to mention that you are giving links to movies from serbian authors as claim for your rubbish, this is beyond belief! Smile)

here's some of your fellows work - Vukovar, Croatia, town with croatian and hungarian majority - all non-serb inhabitants either killed or made refugees


I will use your technique now - I will provide you with SERBIAN links about how "good" they are. Once again - SERBIAN LINKS!

a) about Serbs burning mosques in Serbia because of clashes on Kosovo (serbian radio station B92)


b) serbian war-leader from Croatia pleads guilty for ethnical cleansing in front of Hague court (same station) - down below more about the crimes


c) about another mass grave near Srebrenica, where around 7,000 Muslims are killed by serbian troops


d) general of Bosnian Serb army names those responsible from Srebrenica - your fellow Serbs - first news down about freedom in Serbia


e) Serbs about how swolf's serbian friends were gaining food for Muslim refugees in nice and cousy concentration camp (or not?)


f)how Serbs today, completely foolled by West that they committed some crimes /they should listen swolf instead/ are trying to be normal country /or:what to do with Croats from hospital? kill them!


g) and what swolf's normal friends do in free time - or: no Croats or Muslims around - let's beat some Roma!!

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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 07:57 am
swolf wrote:
MyOwnUsername wrote:

NOT A SINGLE BULLET FIRED ON SERBIA and others have problems?????

No bullets? Actually, that doesn't surprise me a hell of a lot given what I've seen of Croatian ammunition (Igman); a reasonable person might prefer to stick with knives and spears.

yeah, not a single bullet was fired on Serbia from Slovenia, Croatia or Bosnia. If you don't know EVEN THAT, then you really should go to get some sleep and never talk about Balkans again.
Anyway, check the post above. In case you forgot - SERBIAN LINKS!

By the way, Igman is mountain in Bosnia where you could see some Muslim fighters, so I have no idea what are you talking about except that you obviusly have halucinations as well
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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 08:10 am
oh, and I just have to add one quote from one of your fellows - if only he could consult you before to see that he actually lies.

Hague defendant Milan Babic has addressed the court of the International War Crimes Tribunal with an extraordinary confession of guilt, saying he felt deeply ashamed and remorseful for allowing himself to participate in the persecution of innocent people

"Even after I learnt about the crimes I remained silent and resumed my service," he said, after persuading prosecutors that he was not a partner in the "joint criminal venture" undertaken by Slobodan Milosevic, Vojislav Seselj and other defendants.

Only the truth, he said, could help relieve the people of Serbia of their burden of collective shame.

"I call on my Croat brothers to forgive my Serb brothers," he added.

He also accepted the accusation that he had given inflammatory speeches in the early nineties which had helped create an atmosphere of fear, telling the public that Serbs could feel safe only in their own state.

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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 08:12 am
now you can freely continue posting rubbish about Croatia - I said enough. For all other posters I am here for any explanations or debates - and also refering them to my previous posts with precious links about what Serbs themselves say about what happened and is happening in Balkans.
As for you swolf - long and prosper life. Bye.
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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 08:39 am
For anybody actually wishing to actually understand the Balkans scene, the two most major things I'd recommend would be Jared Israel's site,


and the balkans threads on freerepublic. Paul Wolfowicz and a number of the other "neocons" were gung-ho and four sheets to the wind on Kosovo and I assume that they would not be pleased with what they read on FreeRepublic.com on the subject. Just do a keyword search on 'balkans' on FreeRepoublic.com:


Again, as near as I can tell, we've been massively lied to by the Clinton and NATO spin machines and by people such as the person from Croatia here. As far as I can tell, not a single one of the myriad claims of Serb atrocities will bear close examination.

The thing about the Bosnian "death camp" at Trnopolje is a bigger lie than Hitler or Goebbels ever told. The various other stories, including that of Srebrenica, appear to have similar explanations.

As to the kangaroo court in the Hague, you've had one prosecution witness stand up and specifically state that the prosecution tried to torture an accusation against Milosevic out of him, which would be the end of both the trial and the DA's career in any American courtroom, and you've had one of the key witnesses regarding Srebrenica admit to lying:


Key Srebrenica Witness Admits Lying
IWPR ^ | 2003-09-29 | Chris Stephen

Posted on 09/29/2003 10:45:57 PM PDT by DTA

Key Srebrenica Witness Admits Lying

Momir Nikolic's fictional account of massacre raises questions about plea-bargain system.

By Chris Stephen in The Hague (TU 327, 29 September 2003)

The Hague prosecution's star witness in the Srebrenica case has admitted in court that he lied in testimony when he said he ordered one of the biggest single massacres of Bosnian Muslims.

Former Bosnian Serb army captain Momir Nikolic's admission in a courtroom appearance this week will undermine confidence in other details he has supplied about the Srebrenica killings in July 1995, and raises questions about how plea-bargain agreements are negotiated with those accused of war crimes.

Nikolic, an army intelligence officer who was present during the massacres and was indicted by The Hague for playing a major role in them, made history as the first Serb officer to give evidence against his colleagues.

But now doubts about his reliability as a witness have arisen after he admitted that a statement he gave to prosecutors earlier this year contained a lie.

In a courtroom appearance on September 29, he admitted he did not give the orders to gun down more than 1,000 Bosnian Muslims inside a warehouse at Kravica. He was not even present when it happened, on July 13, 1995. Kravica was one of the single biggest massacres carried out by Serb forces around Srebrenica.

In recent days, Nikolic has been in court as part of a plea-bargain deal with prosecutors, giving evidence against Vidoje Blagojevic and Dragan Jokic, Bosnian Serb officers indicted for war crimes alongside him. In May, prosecutors agreed to drop a genocide charge against him and seek a lesser sentence of 15 to 20 years, and in return he changed his not guilty plea to an admission that he committed crimes against humanity.

But now, Nikolic has renounced his original statement that he had personally supervised the Kravica killings.

"You needed to give him [the prosecutor] something he did not have, right?" said Michael Karnavas, defending. "You wanted to limit your time of imprisonment to 20 years, that was part of the arrangement, yes? Quid pro quo?"

Nikolic admitted he had lied, "I did not tell the truth when I said that. Afterwards I said I had made a mistake, I had lied.

"I apologise. All I can do is confess and say that discussing the crime is a very difficult situation to be in."

"I think we should call it for what it is, a bald faced lie," said Karnavas.

"I'm still a little bit confused," the American lawyer continued. "How is it that you thought by admitting to one of the most horrendous executions in this area, that this would help you in getting the kind of sentence that you are hoping and praying for?"

"I wanted the agreement to succeed," responded Nikolic.

His original statement to prosecutors included testimony that while at Kravica, he had observed the involvement of another war crimes suspect, former army officer Ljubomir Borovcanin, in the killing.

He has now told the court that although he was not present, he was certain that Borovcanin had been there.

"You implicated Borovcanin in your falsehood in order to make your story more convincing, so that the prosecutor would buy it?" said Karnavas. "You needed to give him [the prosecutor] some more facts to sweeten the deal - that's why you provided false information about Kravica?"

He went on to ask Nikolic whether he had lied so as to make his story impressive enough for prosecutors to offer him a plea-bargain deal. "Your lawyers had a laundry list of factors that the prosecutor was expected to agree to," said Karnavas.

"The prosecution did not exert any influence on me," responded Nikolic. "What I did is my own mistake."

Karnavas continued to press him, saying, "Did you think that by falsely admitting to having ordered this execution that you were solving a question-mark in the prosecutor's case as to who had ordered that murder?"

Nikolic's admission could have serious implications for the prosecution strategy of using plea bargains.

In recent weeks, prosecutors have persuaded several former Bosnian Serb commanders to give evidence against their former comrades by offering to cut their sentences.

Nikolic's plea-bargain negotiations took six months, starting last November. It now seems he was so desperate to get a deal with prosecutors that he was willing to lie to them.

The prosecutors are in a difficult position. They will only offer plea-bargain arrangements to people who can give high-quality evidence. But this case suggests that some defendants could be tempted to embroider the facts to make their crimes more "worthy" of a deal.

Chris Stephen is IWPR's tribunal project manager.

Srebrenica appears to have been a case of muslims using a town as a staging point for assaults on the surrounding Serbian population and paying the price for it. Again, none of these stories bear close examination.
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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 08:44 am
oh, we are now repeating posts. oukej...

Hague defendant Milan Babic has addressed the court of the International War Crimes Tribunal with an extraordinary confession of guilt, saying he felt deeply ashamed and remorseful for allowing himself to participate in the persecution of innocent people

"Even after I learnt about the crimes I remained silent and resumed my service," he said, after persuading prosecutors that he was not a partner in the "joint criminal venture" undertaken by Slobodan Milosevic, Vojislav Seselj and other defendants.

Only the truth, he said, could help relieve the people of Serbia of their burden of collective shame.

"I call on my Croat brothers to forgive my Serb brothers," he added.

He also accepted the accusation that he had given inflammatory speeches in the early nineties which had helped create an atmosphere of fear, telling the public that Serbs could feel safe only in their own state.
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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 08:48 am
Recent research shows that only people with IQ higher then 37 are able to understand what says in a text below. Others think that Serbs are taking their own people to court out of fun, or because they are tricked by western conspiracies. No, I am not pointing to anyone here....

BELGRADE -- Tuesday -The trial resumes tomorrow in Belgrade of six men accused of killing nearly 200 Croats at a farm near Vukovar at the outbreak of the war.

Beginning in March, the "Ovcara Farm" trial was the first major war crimes case to reach court in Serbia.

The six, members of the Territorial Defence of Vukovar, are accused of organising and participating in the murder of 192 Croats taken from a hospital in Vukovar in November 1991.
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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 08:54 am
british scientists claim that, according to latest research, most of mammals are able to understand text below. Research hadn't included snails, turtles and female albatroses.

SREBRENICA -- Monday - The bodies of six hundred Muslims killed in 1995 when the Bosnian Serb Army occupied Srebrenica were buried today in the Potocari memorial centre near the town.

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan sent a message saying the UN remembered the horrific events in Srebrenica with the deepest grief.

Delivering the message, International High Representative Paddy Ashdown told mourners that the memorial would remind the world what would happen if evil was allowed to flourish without intervention.

Bosnian Muslim leader Mustafa Ceric led about 12,000 mourners at the service.

"May grief become hope. May revenge become justice. May mothers' tears become prayers that Srebrenica never happens again, to anyone, anywhere," he said.

The service was the first at the Potocari memorial attended by a senior Serb official.

Mladen Ivanic told Radio B92 that he felt compassion for the families of the Srebrenica victims, adding that the victims on all three sides should be a warning against any repetition of events from the war.

An official day of mourning has been proclaimed for the whole of Bosnia-Hercegovina, with the Republic of Srpska flag flying at half-mast on the Srebrenica Town Hall

British scientist said 99,99% of mammals understood all implications of text. One of them, however, said: "Serbian radio station B92 is full of Serbs that hate Serbs. You see, everybody hates Serbs because they are so good and nice, even Serbs hate them. Flag of Republic of Srpska is flying at half-mast because it's well known that all Bosnian Serbs are actually Muslims and they now want to put all the blame on Serbs. Cause you know, everybody wants to put all the blame on Serbs, even Serbs"
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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 09:07 am
Canadian research team reports that almost all of participants were able to understand text below. One of them, however, stated that "Montenegrians are well known haters of Serbs, and it's widely known that they will do anything, even claim that they took part in serbian agression /that never happened by the way/ just to put some dirt on Serbs". He also said that fact that this news is from serbian source shows that he was right in previous surveys when he claimed that Serbs are also one of numerous world nations that hate Serbs.

BELGRADE, Sunday -- The Serbian Opposition parties reacted differently to Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic's apology to the Croat people for Montenegro's participation in the Dubrovnik offensive during 1991 and 1992, Beta reports.

Democratic Party of Serbia President Vojislav Kostunica said that Djukanovic had washed his hands of his participation in the war, and tried to present himself as a completely different person, a completely Western man; Kostunica also commented that Djukanovic had created the Montenegrin and Yugoslav policy at the time and now he was trying to pretend it had been someone else.

Christian Democrat Party leader Vladan Batic said that the apology was appropriate.

New Democracy Deputy President Radivoje Lazarevic said that Serbia and Montenegro should be attempting to re-establish normal relationships with the republics of the former Yugoslavia, and that all movements towards reconciliation should be welcomed.
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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 09:15 am
Recent survey in Netherlands showed that 97% of pre-school kids were able to understand text below.
"Only negative feedback we had was from one adult that happened to be around during survey. After noticing text, he started screaming that it's all western propaganda and there was no concentration camp in Trnopolje. We tried to explane them that nobody said anything about Trnopolje, but he simply couldn't stop yelling"
Unofficially, man later claimed that Ranko Cesic is not Serb at all, and that Goran Jelisic (know to friends as Adolf Hitler) is Croat that claims to be Serb from age of 3, as a part of universal conspiracy about Serbs.

A Bosnian Serb on Wednesday admitted murdering and sexually assaulting Muslim men held in a notorious Serb-run detention camp during the 1992-95 Bosnian war, reversing an earlier "not guilty" plea.

Ranko Cesic, who last year denied 12 charges including murder and degrading treatment of prisoners in the Luka camp near Brcko in 1992, changed his plea to guilty on all counts at a special hearing of the UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague.

Cesic, a local man who entered the camp with the apparent authority of local police, confessed to shooting and beating 10 prisoners to death and forcing two Muslim brothers to perform sexual acts on each other at gunpoint in May 1992.

"Guilty, your honour," said Cesic, a tall man with closely cropped hair, during a hearing monitored by webcast.

Cesic is expected to be sentenced in coming months.

Serb forces confined hundreds of Muslim and Croat men in inhumane conditions at the Luka camp from May to July 1992. Detainees were selected from a hangar for interrogation, beating and killing, prosecutors said.

Cesic's co-accused Goran Jelisic, who styled himself the "Serb Adolf Hitler", was sentenced to 40 years in prison in 1999 for the murder and torture of Muslims at the Luka camp.
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Reply Sun 16 May, 2004 09:25 am
based on recent survey conducted in Bolivia, 99,999999% of humans are able to perfectly understand text below and what exactly it means. When added information that text was actually from serbian media, another one got the clue so score was raised to 99,99999999999999999999%. However, one of participants claimed that it was all lies provided by Clinton and that vice admiral Jokic is not a Serb, but American Democrat, and actually close relative of Bill Clinton.

A retired Yugoslav vice admiral pleaded guilty at The Hague tribunal on Wednesday to killing civilians by shelling the Croatian city of Dubrovnik in 1991 during Croatia's war of independence against Serbia.

Miodrag Jokic, who in 2001 pleaded not guilty to nine counts of violating the laws and customs of war, changed his plea to guilty on six counts after the indictment against him was amended by prosecutors at the United Nations court.

Jokic admitted murder, cruel treatment and attacks on civilians and destruction of civilian and historic buildings during shelling of the historic heart of Dubrovnik on December 6, 1991. Two civilians died and three were wounded.

"Your honours, I am guilty," Jokic told judges.

The original indictment included charges related to several other shelling incidents.

Jokic was one of three former members of the Yugoslav military charged with responsibility for civilian deaths during the shelling of Dubrovnik, a UNESCO World Heritage site considered one of the world's most beautiful cities.

The three senior Yugoslav Peoples' Army (JNA) commanders were charged with killing and wounding civilians in Dubrovnik when its land and naval units pounded the city with shells in 1991.
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