Cephus wrote:Foxfyre wrote:The only question I have, is why does it make you so angry and why do you care so much about what Christians believe?
I don't care what Christians believe so long as it doesn't affect me or my family. However, Christianity has proven itself to be expansionistic. Its followers seek to convert others by falsehood and misrepresentation and if they can't convert you, they'll try to have laws passed which force their religious beliefs upon those who don't want anything to do with them.
If Christians would just mind their own business, atheists would never bother thinking about religion.
How about US just putting some dumb butt shoes on your
other feet also? I'll have to shop for something to put on your
other head. I am sure it will have to be a hat that screws
So, if the U.S. government determines that it is against the
law for the words "Under God" to be on our money, then,
so be it.
And if that same government decides that the "Ten Commandments"
are not to be used in or on a government installation, then, so be
And since they already have prohibited any prayer in the schools,
of which they deem their authority, then, so be it.
I say, "so be it", because I would like to be a law abiding U.S.
I say, "so be it", because I would like to think that smarter people
than me are in positions to make good decisions. I would like to
think those people have my best interest at heart.
I'd like my mail delivered on Christmas day, Good Friday, Easter
and every single solitary Sunday. Rain, sleet or snow.
I'd like the U.S. Supreme Court to be in session on Christmas,
Good Friday, Easter and Sunday should not be considered a normal
off day. AFTER ALL.....it was the government that deemed these
as religious observances. I would like for them to continue to open
their sessions with "God bless this honorable court", even though
they have denied school children the right to do the same. And
they can leave all the Christian motifs on and in their building too.
(Aren't these the same idiots that misinterpertated the Constituation
to say "seperation of church and state" when it actually says "there
will be no establishment of a state religion/church"? Not to make
the same mistake as England, Arab countries, etc. did.)
I'd like for the Senate and House of Representatives to not have to
worry about getting home for the "Christmas Break" that school
children now have to refer to as "Winter Break" so as not to offend
some thin skinned whatever. I would like to see them continue to
open their sessions with prayer and leave their Christian motifs and
Ten Commandments about their buildings.
I am thinking that a lot of my taxpayer dollars could be saved, if all
government offices and services would work on Christmas, Good
Friday and Easter and all other Sundays. It shouldn't cost any
overtime since those would be just like any other day of the week to
a government that is trying to be "POLITICALLY CORRECT'. Just
reasonable service, wouldn't you think?
This would not effect any "non-government" business, Since everyone
else still has the freedom of religion, we could all still enjoy our
holidays. Or effect any non-government business that is trying to
be "POLITICALLY CORRECT", so they can be as two faced as the
government and would have the same freedom to do so.
So, I guess if the government continues to bow to the wishes of the
few, they should at least enjoy what they have done along with the
rest of us.......
"For they sow the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind. The
standing grain has no heads; it shall yield no meal; if it were
to yield, strangers and aliens would eat it up. (Hosea 8:7 AMP)
What? Me cynical? Maybe just a little.