Chiso, I am sorry but this is just too good
As a generalized statement -- We agree, Athiests are not totally nuts. We can and do observe.
But your second quote--
a) Cain slew Abel. Why (not a good question) Because of a percieved inadequecy of gifts (sacrifices) to God.
b) God told the Jews to kill all the adult Canaanites and give the girls to the soldiers.
b-1) God apparently approves of both genocide and adultery.
b1a)Either God, or Moses, or Joshua had their signals crossed!
God Killed Lots wife for disobeying a command that would be impossible for any human to obey. Thats only my opinion, I don't know of any one that could not look back (or remember). ( the parable probably is an admonition not to dwell on past misteaks)
c) The Church of St. Peter waged war that was largely over a dispute over who was Gods representative on Earth. (Papal Wars) This was despite the "fact" that the Pope is Gods annointed one.
d) The Salem witch trials where "good" Christians killed a couple of hundred girls as "disciples of Satan", another imaginary figure.
e) Hitler, The Christians God gave the Germanics superiority over the "Christ killers".
f) The difficulties in Ireland between the Catholic God and the Anglican God.
I will admit that Christians and Diests have not been the cause of all mankinds troubles but there have been enough to show that the Christian "God" loves war and human suffering.
Frankly,(IMO) it's a good thing that Jehovah God, Allah, The Great Spirit, and the One whose name cannot be said are all imaginary. Humanity or intelligence probably could not exist in a Universe that had a real "God" in it
Whatever its name.
Since the Christian God or the Abrahamic One obviously approves of war, genocide, adultery, ignorance, incest,bearing false witness ( when the town was circumsised and then slaughtered) the inferiority of women,(unclean) mutilation ( circumcision), can it be any wonder that "civilized" people must refute Christianity.
Since the Christian God often lies, and is caught, is it any wonder that we Athiests often tend to regard Christians as a bit "prone to prevarication". Since they are also apt to confuse wishes with facts it does make one a bit leary of trusting one in any case.
I make that previous observation because there are certain inconsistancies between what God says, and what He does.
"Thou shall not kill"--Kill all the Palestinians oops Canaanites
"Cleave to one another" . You may have several wives.
I must kill my son so humans get to heaven.
And so on ad nauseum. Christians, PLEASE look at the Universe around you. Its marvelous, beautiful, wonderful, challenging,and interesting.
Please don't screw it up due to an inability to to differentiate between observations and imaginations. You may think you are going to heaven but We've got no place to go