The idea of the early Church was to inhibit the powers of sovereigns in the interest of world peace.
The UN is a forum like the Philadephia Convention and the negotiations for the EEC. It is a place where national sovereignty is negotiated away very gradually in order to create world peace. A dream. A faith.
Maybe a pipe dream and maybe a misguided faith but the alternative is not a very enticing prospect. All nationalism is war mongering. The symbols surrounding its highest expressions are war-like.
It seems to me that we either rid ourselves of it or self-destruct. And just like ridding ourselves of sexual promiscuity was no easy task so will this project.
It is a flaw in Spengler's great book that he didn't consider a successful UN a possibility. He thought that the "hidden hand", MONEY, would end up the governor of the world and then collapse.
It is not an argument that because enough is not being done to meet with your approval the whole edifice is to be condemned.