On Alternative Cancer Programs

Sun 17 Jul, 2011 11:45 am

Government Suppression of MMS
It is getting harder and harder to find the chemical from which MMS is made (sodium chlorite). This is happening all around the world and we continue to be notified of it by emails from around the world. The governments are working on ways to keep anyone from getting sodium chlorite. They are doing this mostly in the name of terrorism. No-one has ever used the MMS chemical to create any kind of terrorism. Nothing has ever happened even by accident, but at any slight reason for limiting our freedom, the government jumps right in there. In the case of sodium chlorite, they are working world-wide at a feverish pitch to prevent its use by private citizens while allowing it to be used by large corporations. Of course, only private citizens have been obtaining and selling MMS since the corporations must conform to government dictates. The corporations don’t mind as long as they are allowed to make money.

I warned that this would happen and it is happening. Please stock up on sodium chlorite if you can. Your life may depend upon it. Do you see how they are planning to stop MMS? They are making it harder and harder for private citizens to obtain sodium chlorite. It takes a while to get all the laws in place and all borders closed to MMS, but it is happening.

I hope you are not missing the point that the governments are preventing and will continue to prevent use of MMS. If it was completely approved by the FDA, that would not change things. It has not changed things with many other cures that worked, even when all testing was complete and proven.

People such as Royal Rife and William Koch, about 80 years ago, had proven and tested cures for cancer. And even after all FDA tests were completed successfully and 100,000 proven cases were recorded, they were still arrested, their labs destroyed, their books burned, and their equipment broken. Rife died in prison and Koch died broke after spending all his money on staying out of prison. I hope you will read about them. Just look up “FDA suppression” on the Internet.

Our Church Still Obtains Sodium Chlorite
But in spite of all that, the Genesis II Church will be able to obtain sodium chlorite for its cleansing water (same as MMS) and the sacraments of the church will continue to heal people. Come to our seminar and learn the information that no healer has ever known. Our Ministers are the most powerful healers ever known on Earth. They can save their own lives and the lives of thousands of people and they already have. You owe it to yourself, your family, your friends, and humanity to learn this data. Only the Church will eventually have the necessary healing water. I am sorry. I didn’t want it to be that way, and we may be able to change that as we go along, but that is the direction it is heading now. Still, we will freely give it.

In most of the countries of Europe, natural herbs have already been outlawed. Governments are working on that in the US and Canada and plan to implement it by 2015. Many of the requirements of Codex Alimentarius have already been put in place in the US. There was no fanfair. The laws just went into effect and now there are many things you can no longer buy. For example, you can no longer buy strong laxatives as they have all been reduced in strength, some as much as 5 times weaker than just a few months ago.
0 Replies
Sun 17 Jul, 2011 11:48 am
I use an old wooden coffee grinder, but one of the electric ones would do too.
Sun 17 Jul, 2011 12:09 pm
I have had people ask me about that more than once. It just takes a little imagination.
Sun 17 Jul, 2011 12:14 pm
I tried it with a mortar and pestle, but the old small coffee grinder was far better.
Sun 17 Jul, 2011 12:15 pm
I recall trying some odd things, just don't recall what the things were.
0 Replies
Mon 18 Jul, 2011 03:20 pm
0 Replies
Sun 24 Jul, 2011 11:26 am
Hi Edgar - I couldn't jump on A2K without saying hi to one of A2Ks sweethearts. I hope all is well and life is being kind to you.

Sun 24 Jul, 2011 12:21 pm
Ah, you have made my day. Thanks for dropping in. I loved hearing from you.
0 Replies
Sun 24 Jul, 2011 07:57 pm
An update on my activities.
I finally gave up on doing the program ten hours per day. Not possible to so organize my time. The original way was to build up to two great doses per day. So, that is what I started almost a week ago.

I finally understood, lately, that the skin reaction I had was due to the presence of the DMSO - not fungus. Seems my skin does not want to tolerate it. So I make up a formula to mist my skin a number of times per day, from head to toe, minus DMSO. I still use Alpha-Omega Labs' black salve on skin outbreaks, because I don't have opportunity to mist myself every hour that often, and the salve is very effective.

I have been falling asleep nights, only to wake up a few hours later and not be able to get back to sleep. I am going to order Alpha-Omega Labs' botanical support for liver and kidneys to see if that is the cause. You can search their web site for details.

I have not noticed any internal symptoms of late.

I take various vitamins and other supplements, including digestive enzymes and taurine. Eat fifty apricot kernels daily. Eat walnuts and flax seeds daily. Eat blueberries and other berries. Not much wheat. I don't eat as many fresh vegetables as I ought. I eat lots of watermelon, because I come home hot and needing hydration. I eat fresh pineapple for the liquid content, but also to help digestion. I avoid hydrogenated oils, anything akin to rubbing alcohol. I no longer buy produce or nuts from California, because of the pesticides they use and because they (I forgot the correct term) irradiate everything. I don't avoid fatty foods, such as pork ribs. Had some for my dinner this evening. I still take my calcium sulphate every morning and rinse my mouth and swallow colloidal silver at bedtime.

There are many little things I do that I can't summon to mind here at the moment. Please note: I am not as ill as many of you out there, so I cheat and seem to get away with it. If I were really suffering, or weakening, I would get on the full program, regardless of what my boss says.
0 Replies
Tue 26 Jul, 2011 12:05 pm
Jim Humble Newsletter

FDA Attacks MMS Once Again

The website ProjectGreenlife.com is the public face, or online door, of Daniel Smith’s business, home, and warehouse, housed together.

· That building was raided by a group of thirty FDA agents and most everything was taken

This happened even though Daniel had notified the FDA that he was opening the website as a Private Membership Health Club and his notarized letter gave them a couple of weeks to object. This is perfectly legal, so the FDA is going to have a hard time using that against him. Their lawyers couldn’t find any reason or laws to keep him from opening, so they said nothing.

· Now they are accusing him of smuggling, which has nothing to do with his business

Trumped-up Criminal Charges
They had to put a crime in there because they had already acquiesced to the idea the he was opening a membership health club site. Otherwise they could not have gotten a court order to search his place. But what can they really do legally?

· There is no law against selling MMS
· Anyone in that private membership health club had the right to use MMS in any way they want

The FDA then wrote a series of lies describing MMS falsely, saying it is 28% sodium chlorite, an industrial bleach. They fail to mention that an MMS dose is only 3 drops in a glass of water which is over 1,000 times weaker than industrial bleach. Lying by “failing to mention” is just as bad as any other kind of lie. And, of course, they are wrong about the 28% sodium chlorite since it is 22.4%. Not a great difference, but it points out that they care not whether they get the facts right because they think the public will believe anything they say.

I hope you see what is transpiring at this time.

· There is no law against selling MMS or talking about it in a private health club;
· There is no evidence of harm from people taking MMS by mouth;
· The FDA has nothing to quote because nothing harmful has happened.

While 1.5 million people worldwide died last year after taking a doctor-prescribed drug, no-one died, or even had any adverse effects, from MMS – with the exception of some simple Herxheimer reactions (such as nausea or fatigue) which went away in a couple of hours and are the result of overdosing.

Since the FDA can find no real problems, they are trumping up criminal charges against Daniel. They have every intention of putting both Daniel and his wife in prison as a deterrent to others. They will do their best to railroad them. This, they think, will prevent others from selling MMS since everyone will know that the FDA is going to trump up false charges against anyone selling MMS.

Government Corruption to Stop an Effective Treatment
There is one point concerning MMS that all people seem to agree on, including government agencies, universities, scientists, chemists, biologists, and even MMS critics.

· They all admit to the fact that MMS kills 98% of all known disease pathogens and viruses

There are plenty of scientific papers on the internet giving this data – just Google “chlorine dioxide,” or read FDA 21CFR173.300. Put that number into the Google search box and it will come up, or you can Google “FDA chlorine dioxide” and you will get plenty of evidence that it kills almost all known diseases.

All I did was put it in the human body, and it worked. It saved lives and suffering from the very first day I used it in the jungle. And now most of the world’s governments want to stop it. They don’t care if we have a million anecdotal cases of cures. It is reducing the income of the drug companies. And of course, government officials are then frightened by the prospect that their payola might not continue. I have mentioned before that money trails have a life of their own. They are the most powerful thing on this planet. Anyone who interferes with them will be attacked and even killed. But Earth needs this life saver, MMS. We cannot allow the money trails to rule.

A Similar Attack in London
There was another attack that you should know about. Derek Ellis in London was attacked by the Trading Standards government agency last November. They forced their way past his wife, while he was not home, and took his computer and inventory. Based on one “complaint” that they had not even verified, they destroyed his ability to support his family. They have accused him of criminal activity – yet Derek does the same thing as many other companies that sell the same chemical products to NHS (National Health Service) hospitals in England. You can read this website www.alternativeconcepts.co.uk for the details. He is asking for help from the public throughout the world to help prevent this kind of action.

Strategy in Naming MMS
Let me tell you a secret that I mentioned in my book. I haven't mentioned it anywhere else and the book is just now available. When I was looking for a name for MMS, I realized that MMS would be attacked and I would be attacked by the FDA. There are thousands of alternate medicines out there but who does the FDA choose to attack? This may surprise you if you haven’t thought about it:

· They attack the alternative cures that work.

They win because they use fear and they have their own law court. To get any justice, you must take your fight to the next level above their court. You can’t win in their court, and it costs you thousands of dollars just to lose so you can go to the next level up.

I knew that this world is run by brilliant university-educated people such as those who run the FDA. So I picked a name that would turn brilliant university-educated people off. A name that smacked of “Snake Oil.” A name that would make brilliant educated people really believe that MMS is a fake. MMS originally stood for Miracle Mineral Supplement and thousands believed in it while thousands more thought, and still think, it is a fake. Those who disbelieved said anything with that kind of name had to be a fake, and those who believed said it was a name from an inventor.

When my critics started calling me “Snake Oil Humble” I knew I had arrived. But I also knew I had a few more years before the government agencies began attacking. That is what really allowed MMS to be spread throughout the world. It is available in probably 80 countries right now and as of this date, July 2011, we have 230 Ministers in 58 countries. More than 5 million people had used MMS up to January of 2010. Our ministers heal for free.

I am sure you know that the reason we changed the name to Master Mineral Solution last year is that there is no point in continuing to make it look like “Snake Oil” now that all the government agencies are aware of it and know what it can do. We may as well give it a good name. Although the critics did their best to hurt MMS and Jim Humble with their lies, all they did, sadly, was prevent a number of suffering and dying people from using MMS. However, to our advantage, they were instrumental in keeping MMS out of the radar of government agencies. They wrote much literature convincing people that MMS was a fraud and fake, which was exactly what the government agencies wanted to hear. Thus we were left alone for more than 10 years.

FDA Contradicts Government Research
Chlorine dioxide is selective for the things it kills and that is the reason it kills pathogens and doesn’t harm the body. Here is a quote by the US Gov EPA: http://www.epa.gov./ogwdw000/mdbp/pdf/alter/chapt_4.pdf

· 4.1 Chlorine Dioxide Chemistry: Chlorine dioxide functions as a highly selective oxidant due to its unique, one-electron transfer mechanism where it is reduced to chlorite (ClO2) (Hoehn et al, 1996).

And then,

· “. . . chlorine dioxide reacts readily with amino acids cysteine, tryptophan, and tyrosine, but not with viral ribonucleic acid (RNA).” (of the body)

There are thousands of companies listed on the internet that use chlorine dioxide (MMS) because it is selective. Just google “chlorine dioxide selective,” and you will have plenty of data.

Back in 1982, the National Institutes of Health in Washington, DC conducted an extended double blind clinical trial to determine whether there is any risk in taking chlorine dioxide over a period of time. They also tested the chemicals sodium chlorite and sodium chlorate at the same time. The tests were conducted with humans and not with rats, so one does not have to extrapolate to show that rats can equal humans. The tests showed that no adverse conditions resulted in human bodies over a period of six months. In one 6-month phase of the tests, the dosages were the same as MMS doses . Here is the link to the report. Read it for yourself and decide. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1569027/pdf/envhper00463-0059.pdf.

The final argument has been that MMS will leave dangerous chemicals behind, but that is not so. Please check my data with a good chemist. Chlorine dioxide (MMS) deteriorates into sodium chlorite, sodium chlorate and table salt (sodium chloride). With the exception of the table salt, they are gone from your body within two hours. Do you see? After several hours, nothing is left in your body from MMS except a tiny amount of salt. Of the thousands of medical drugs, 90% of them leave poisons in your body.

So the FDA has decided that they should take MMS away from the people. Last time, several months ago, they tried to get Daniel to destroy everything in his shop while they watched. Can you imagine the arrogance of such people? If they can get you to do it, no court will say they are wrong. The FDA had banked on frightening Daniel into doing it. Except for one thing:

· Daniel refused to do it and the FDA had to back down.

Well, there will be more to come.

Save Your Life or That of a Loved One
Commonly quoted statistics say that either you or someone near you will have a life-threatening sickness sometime within the next five years. We don’t know what conditions will exist in the world at that time (things are changing) but having a bottle of MMS in your medicine cabinet could save your life or whoever is sick in your area. Remember, I make no money from MMS sales. Our church heals for free, but we cannot guarantee that we will be near you or even that we will be around. Of course we intend to be around.

I am not asking for a donation. I’ve learned that is not the correct route to go. Once more I just want to make a preliminary mention of the coming internet technique where I will ask you for only 30 seconds of your time each week. That’s right -- seconds, not minutes. With only 30 seconds, we will create a world without disease, or at least 90% less disease. But it absolutely requires your 30 seconds. Keep waiting – we are building the sites, writing the text, and creating the machinery. Soon we will need your 30 seconds to run it.

Come For MMS Training
Remember, we train people here in the most beautiful island of the Caribbean, the Dominican Republic. In one intense week, you can be trained in using MMS. Each person does everything:
· Make MMS the same as they would at home
· Brush their teeth with MMS
· Gargle with it
· Use MMS gas in their mouth
· Use MMS gas on their skin in the same way they would to cure MRSA (the worse staph infection known)
· Breathe MMS
· Put MMS into their eyes, nose, and ears
· Do Protocols 1000, 2000, 3000, and 4000
· Make an MMS spray bottle and spray their face and body
· Make MMS2 tablets
· Learn to test the drinking solution to be sure it is active
· Learn to use Gatorade to check MMS because when it is active it will change the color
· Learn which alternate non-poisonous medicines will treat conditions that MMS can't treat.

Then everyone has 3 days of experience treating local people. They receive a Ministers Certificate, a Doctor’s Certificate in MMS, and a certificate authorizing them to start a church.

· Each trainee leaves here with knowledge far beyond that of any other healer on earth. When they get their Church going, they will be healing more people in one week than a medical doctor will heal in a lifetime. They will know how to save their own life and that of thousands of others.

Humanity needs you! Come for the MMS training and you will have more right to call yourself a doctor than anyone else ever had

As always with love,
Bishop Jim Humble
0 Replies
Tue 23 Aug, 2011 02:50 pm
From Jim Humble's Newsletter:

Twenty five years ago, I decided to move my mining equipment sales business to Las Vegas. Problem was I had heart disease. I could not work or do much of anything without terrific pains in my chest. I had already been using nitroglycerine tablets for six months. Not having any choices left, as I had already used up all my alternative medicine options, I went to a medical doctor. After a few X-rays and other tests, he wanted to set up a surgery right away. My arteries were clogged, he said, and I could pretty much believe that, as the pain was quite bad.
Surgery by a medical doctor was an option I was not going to take. I just wanted his opinion, nothing else.

I had almost given up, but in my desperation I remembered a chiropractor from ten years earlier who was said to have often healed heart disease. A friend in Los Angeles said that Harry Rickard was now in Las Vegas and he gave me a phone number. So I called Harry and he invited me over.

Is He a Nut?
At Harry Rickard’s house I told him about my heart problem, expecting him to suggest a series of chiropractic treatments. After a minute or two of talking, he came over and felt my neck and back and then sat back down. He said, “Your heart is not that bad. We should be able to get it fixed right away.” Well, I didn’t understand what he meant by “right away”, but when he said, “Are you ready for your treatment” he said it as if I wasn’t going to need any further treatment and I really did think he was a nut. But I was there for the course and I wasn’t going to back down now.

Harry took me into his bedroom and I lay down on the bed. He reached around my neck and barely touched the back of my neck. He said, “Now don’t worry, your heart may jump a little bit.” That didn’t scare me, but when my heart began to jump I thought it might come right out of my chest. That scared the hell out of me, but it stopped jumping in less than 30 seconds. Harry said, “When you leave here, go to the best restaurant you know and buy the biggest steak they have, with as much fat as you can get them to leave on it. Be sure to eat as much butter as you can get, but real butter not margarine.”

A New Friend and No More Pain
All my pain went away in the next 36 hours and that was the end of my heart problem. I met Harry and his wife for breakfast the next morning. We had breakfast together every morning for the next 15 years. It was always a pleasure to drive to one of the many restaurants in Las Vegas for breakfast with Harry and his wife. And I began to work with him as I found patients for him.

Harry is gone now. He has been gone for many years. And for that, of course, I am very sorry as I continue to miss him and his wife. But I want to tell you about Harry’s nutritional information. Harry healed thousands of people of heart disease and cancer and dozens of other diseases during his life. He showed thousands of people how to overcome overweight problems and live healthy lives. He was a man of tremendous compassion.
There are those walking among us who have fantastic capabilities and only a rare few ever know it.

A Good Nutrition Book to Read
I tell you this because I have come across a book that gives most of Harry’s nutrition secrets. It was recently written by Brian Scott Peskin, B.S.E.E. I am sorry to say that worldwide only 1,500 of these books were written as the first edition, and only 1,000 for the second edition. I am so glad one of my students brought me a copy, as obviously it is a very rare book. It shouldn’t be, but it is.

Harry and Brian were separated by 25 years in their nutritional recommendations but they mostly came up with the same data. Both Harry and Brian used exclusively scientific data for their recommendations, although Brian now has many more references to work with and from which to accumulate his information. Thousands of people benefitted from Harry’s nutritional data and now I believe millions will benefit from Brian’s, but it will be a while.

My Nutrition Bona Fides
For 60 years, I have worked with nutrition and alternative health programs and health food stores, and I have treated many thousands of people in the US, Mexico, Africa, Europe and other countries. I have probably seen more people healed of more diseases than any other man. So please trust me when I tell you that the health and nutritional data given below is the most correct and advanced such data accumulated in one place ever given. I am so sorry that I can reach only a tiny few because the entire world should have this information. But you can benefit from Brian’s information immediately to remain slim and healthy for the rest of your life. MMS may be required to get you started and to heal whatever diseases are present.

I don’t have space here to give details and references but that’s what Brian’s book does. I think most of you will see the advantages of these new nutrition rules.
If you don’t believe some of them, please write me and I will give you the exact reference where the tests proved what it says.

This diet is a healthy, cancer-fighting, sickness-fighting diet.

Your government works for the drug companies and the drug companies benefit tremendously if you stay sick all the time, paying money to doctors. That’s the way the medical system works. No system is evil in itself – only people make it evil. But all you have to do is start thinking for yourself, and if you do, you don’t have to stay sick or get sick.
Dietary Guidelines (Not Solid Rules)
Daily Diet
Eat few or no carbohydrates. Carbos are responsible for obesity and hundreds of diseases.
Eat mostly proteins, until you are full and not hungry.
Fats are what satisfy you – not proteins or carbos. So eat fats with protein. When you have had enough, your body will tell you by giving you a satisfied, full feeling.
Contrary to popular belief, eat plenty of salt. Unless you are just crazy, you can’t eat too much, and drinking water overcomes any excess salt.
Do not eat 5 or 6 meals a day. Eat only 3 meals a day and maybe a snack before bed, but eat only protein before bed, not carbos.
Don’t bother to chew your food much. Your teeth are for breaking the food up, but the stomach should digest it. If you chew a lot, the stomach doesn’t get a chance to do its job, and over the years, it will atrophy and ruin the digestion.
Do not eat Omega 6 and 3 from fish oil. Instead, use vegetable sources. Eat fish, but not fish oils and eat Omega 3 with Omega 6.
Do not eat soy-based foods of any kind and never, never feed them to your children. They destroy health.
Weight Control
Use protein to lose weight. Also always eat enough fat to satisfy your hunger.
Protein increases your metabolism 30%.
Remember that fat does not cause weight gain, but can prevent you from losing weight because your body will use the fat you eat for energy instead of stored fat. So for weight loss, eat less fat but don’t completely avoid it. And of course eat fewer carbos. You don’t need carbos, but it is wise to eat a certain amount of them.
The Nazis proved during WWII that a fat free diet will kill you, and thus they killed many prisoners with that exact diet, which enabled them to work the prisoners right up to their time of death.
Fat will not cause weight gain, but can keep you from losing weight. But you must have some fat or you die.
Exercise does not make you lose weight. It increases your appetite and can actually make you fatter.
A low-fat, high-carbo diet causes weight gain.
Preventing Disease
Salt does not cause high blood pressure. Years ago Berkeley University in San Francisco proved this fact and it’s been proven a dozen times since then.
Fiber does not prevent cancer and is of no benefit to the human diet. Thousands of tests have proven this.
Fruits and vegetables do not prevent cancer.
Exercise does not fight cancer.
There is truly no evidence that red meat promotes cancer or any other disease.
It has been proven that all persons over 100 who are healthy have eaten red meat for at least 40 years.
Carbos cause diabetes – not just sugar, but all carbos. It does not matter a twit if it is complex or simple carbos. Sorry, but if you eat only complex carbos it might be 25 minutes longer before you get diabetes.
These are facts taken from the book The 24-hour Diet by Brian Scott Peskin, B.S.E.E. Take my word for it and try these guidelines for two weeks. I have used this approach for 25 years and have seen more than a thousand people use it. The government and the medical people don’t want you to know about it.
How could you ever believe that the same people who make money from you if you are sick would give you information to make you well and keep you well free of charge?

I Make no Money on This
Also keep in mind that I won’t make any money from you, sick or well, unless you join my Church, and then it will only be $35 for your Church Membership. Since the government and all those other guys have claimed that their data will keep you well, let me claim the same thing.
My data will keep you well and/or overcome any sickness you might develop and it is still free of charge.
(Of course, like any church, we accept donations after you are well.)
0 Replies
Tue 23 Aug, 2011 02:59 pm
List of High Carbohydrate Foods
•A list of high carbohydrate foods includes mainly cereals, grains and bread such as bagel, white bread, whole wheat bread, white, rice, barley, oatmeal, spaghetti, pasta, muffins, etc. Some of the fruits such as apricot, dates, blueberry, banana, fig, grapes, apple, orange, pear, pineapple, strawberry, watermelon and raisins also contain the high amounts of carbohydrates.
•A list of high carbohydrate foods includes some beans, which contain a higher percentage of complex carbohydrates and more nutrients. The beans such as chickpeas, white beans, black eye peas, refried beans, garbanzo beans and navy beans are rich in complex carbohydrates. Some of the root vegetables such as potato, sweet potato, carrot and corn contain a high quantity of carbohydrates.
•Dairy products are known for rich fat and protein contents. However, some of the dairy products such as nonfat milk, low fat, plain yogurt, chocolate milk and skimmed milk are included in the list of high carbohydrate foods. All types of chocolates, candies, cookies, pastries also contain high amounts of carbohydrates.
•Foods containing simple carbohydrates include table sugar, candy, cake, corn syrup, fruit juice, bread and pasta made from white flour and most packaged cereals.
•Foods containing the high amounts of complex carbohydrates are bran, oatmeal, maize, barley, buckwheat, cornmeal, pasta, macaroni, spaghetti, potato, brown rice, shredded wheat, bagel, wholegrain cereals, corn, peas, muesli, yam, beans and lentils.
0 Replies
Tue 23 Aug, 2011 04:53 pm
the following contain zero carbs:

•Organ meats (including brains, liver, and kidneys)
•Fish (such as salmon, trout, and halibut)
•Shellfish (such as crab, shrimp, and lobster)
•Mollusks (such as oysters, mussels, and clams)
•Game meats (such as venison and elk)
•Exotic meats (such as ostrich and emu)
Plant Foods
All fruits and vegetables contain carbohydrates. Some contain very low levels, while others are quite high. All plant foods such as seaweed, legumes, nuts, herbs, and spices contain carbs.

Dairy Products
Milk contains simple sugars, and all dairy products are made from milk. Even fatty cheeses and heavy cream contain carbohydrates, although usually very low levels. Only one dairy product contains no carbohydrates - butter.

Condiments, Seasoning and Oils
Most condiments contain carbohydrates. Likewise, salad dressings and mayonnaise often contain some carbs because they are made with vinegar and may contain herbs.The following oils and condiments do not:

•Vegetable, nut, and fruit oils such as avocado, grapeseed, safflower, canola, and olive oil
•Animal fats like fish oil and lard
•Some brands of margarine and shortening - read package labels
Sugar Substitutes
Aspartame, sucralose, stevia, and saccharine are all advertised as low-carb alternatives to sugar. Because they are so highly sweet, it only takes a little of a sugar substitute to go a long way. While these are likely to contain trace amounts of carbohydrates, you can effectively consider them no-carbohydrate foods; however, sweeteners may affect insulin in the same way sugar does, so proceed with caution. Additionally, sweeteners in granular form may contain carbohydrate-containing fillers.

Many beverages contain zero carbohydrates; however, if they are sweetened with artificial sweetener, they may have some of the same caveats as listed above. Along with diet soda, Crystal Light, and other sweetened beverages, water, coffee, tea, and distilled alcohol contain zero carbohydrates. Use alcohol with caution, however, because your body prioritizes the alcohol first, and so you burn alcohol before utilizing other fuel, including fat.

Package Labeling
It is important to note, that some food packaging labels list foods as containing 0 g of carbohydrates; however, labeling laws allow food manufacturers to list 0 g on the label if the food contains less than one gram.

0 Replies
Mon 5 Sep, 2011 09:41 pm
I am doing this and having marvelous results. My skin has continually been having fresh outbreaks and the salve works well, but it always comes back. It has been a very long time since my skin has felt healthy, but it does now, where the MMS has gotten to it. I have been at it about a week.
MMS in a Bag
You may chuckle at the image of this procedure, but if the mouth and/or digestive system is injured, this is another way to get MMS into the whole body.
Get two large trash bags and tape their openings together. I have found these trash bags in various supermarkets around the world. They are all about the same size. It's the largest trash bag all the markets sell. Lay two of the bags on the floor with the openings against one another. Tape the bags together with no open places. Turn the bags over and tape both sides to make sure the gas will not get out. Cut the opposite end out of one of the bags and now you have one large bag at least 6 feet tall or taller.
For the application stage, put a stool near a table. Use a small bowl for the MMS. On the table near your stool have the bowl, some MMS, and some citric acid. It is best to use 50% citric as it releases chlorine dioxide faster than a 10% solution. Also have a clock or watch to time your treatment.
When you are ready, take most of your clothes off, sit on the stool, and put your feet in the bag. Pull it up at least waist high. Then and only then make up your bowl of MMS for the chlorine dioxide. The first time, use 5 drops of MMS and 5 drops of citric acid. Mix them in the bowl and immediately put the bowl inside the bag down at your feet. Do not wait any time after putting the MMS and citric together. Put it down at your feet immediately, pull the bag up to your neck and hold it closed around your neck.

● Be sure to time yourself and stay in the bag only 10 minutes.

If you wear any clothes, you may ruin them. Unless it is winter time and you are outside, you will sweat a lot.
Do this several times a day or more. Use from 5 to 40 drops of MMS. Do not start with 40 drops but work your way up to it. You can be on Protocol 1000 or 2000 while doing this although that is not a requirement. If you add this procedure to one of the other protocols that is OK, but do not make yourself nauseous. That prevents your recovery or slows it down considerably.

Here are comments I made about my use of the Bag protocol just so you can get a perspective on what may work for you might be different than the general rules Jim presents above.

Source (genesis2forum.org/index.php?option=com_k...d=2924&Itemid=66)

Hi Jim,

Edwin's idea about using the bag method may be a good one for you. I've been using that myself for a week now and 6 days of that have been 3 times per day. MMS1 & 2 both give me nausea on hourly dosing; with the mms1 I can only get 1-2 drop doses and the mms2 I put in water and gulp it each hour probably less than a quarter capsule equivalent.

If you can take baths that would also be very good so you can bypass your GI tract. It absorbs well that way. One lady with late stage cancer has been using 3/4 teaspoon in her baths, then sweats a lot for 3 hrs after the bath.

I don't have a tub for baths, so the bag method is the first method that has really significantly impacted my main symptoms, which are basically chronic, severe gut pain and back pain resulting from it ongoing for many years.

With the bag method I have been using much more MMS than Jim recommends. I tried his doses and felt nothing till I got up to 1/2 teaspoon dose and I stay in the bag for 20 minutes instead of 10 that he says. It seems Jim was much more sensitive to chlorine dioxide via the bag method so if he stayed in the bag more than 10 mins. or went over 10 drops then he got diarrhea. I have not had any bad symptoms at all. For 6 days I used 1 teaspoon doses and then just today I did two of my bag treatments with 2 teaspoon doses, and that's for 20 minutes each treatment.

So you can see I am really mega-dosing with the bag and it is not hurting me at all but only helping reduce my pain. I have to be careful exiting the bag because the fumes do burn your lungs and eyes when they are this strong. It sure is working well for me and there is NO NAUSEA AT ALL. This might really work for you.

I bought a box of 20 bags that are 39 gallon bags from Home Depot that were on sale for $3.50. Take two bags and open one along the bottom seem. Slip that opened bottom seem bag about one inch inside the mouth of the other bag and then run packing tape all around the seem. That is all you do and you are ready. I am 6'1" about 150 lbs and I fit into it pretty well. You have to put your feet in then have a stool behind you, sit on it, then mix the MMS in a small bowl and immediately set it in by your feet and pull the bag up around your neck tight and have a timer and sit there.

If you can do this Jim, I sure recommend it for you.

Additional comments about dose.
I have gone back to using 1 teaspoon activated MMS1 in my bag treatments. When I went up to 2 teaspoons and did it 3 times in 24 hrs. then I had some burning of the skin on the inside of my legs where the main fumes hit during the treatments, there was some stinging, dryness and redness. I have been putting olive oil in it, not sure what is best. But went back to 1 tsp doses and doing that 2 times a day. I probably could have kept doing 1 tsp. three times a day without problems if I had not gone up to the 2 tsp. doses. Right now the inside of the legs are sometimes a little itchy and stingy. Small price to pay for the huge benefits I am getting.

I have now gone to using 1/2 teaspoon doses for 20 minutes and doing it daily for several weeks and not having any skin problems at all. So 1/2 tsp seems to be a safe dose for me once a day. Still getting a lot of benefit from it (9/5/2011).

I use 1/2 teaspoon of MMS and the same of 50% citric acid and let it work for 20 minutes. I think we each have to learn our own tolerance.
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Mon 5 Sep, 2011 09:43 pm
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Fri 23 Sep, 2011 11:50 am
This was sent to me. I only know what I read here. One prediction: If it works well and cheaply, it will be declared a menace to public health, results be damned.

"Smart Bomb" Flower Takes Out Cancer

There is breaking news in the battle against cancer. It involves an all-natural agent that takes out cancer cells...without debilitating side effects.

It comes from Dr. Laurence Patterson. He's the director of the UK Institute for Cancer Therapeutics (ICT). He also leads cancer research for England's University of Bradford.

Dr. Patterson has used a flower extract to create a 'smart bomb'...that targets cancer cells...and leaves healthy ones intact.

"There are many agents currently used in the treatment of cancer that are essentially poisons," says Dr. Patterson. "Normal chemotherapy can often be the death of (a) patient as opposed to the tumor itself."

Dr. Patterson's treatment is different...it detonates within cancer cells...but doesn't harm the healthy tissues around them.

He presented his research last week at the 2011 British Science Festival.

"We've got a smart bomb that will only be active in the tumor and will not cause damage to normal tissue," he said. "It's a new treatment that could be effective against pretty much all types of tumor."

He's also made his findings available to his peers online...and has published them in Cancer Research. And now cancer experts are celebrating his discovery.

"This is a new approach (that) target(s) tumor blood vessels that cancers need for growth," says Dr. Paul Workman.

Dr. Workman heads up cancer research for the University of London. Before that he was part of the oncology research unit for Cambridge University.

"The results look promising," says Dr. Workman. "This approach could be (a) very useful treatment for various cancers."

So just what is this new approach? And how does it work. We'll tell you what it is...what the findings show...and what they mean to you.

Detonating the Smart Bomb

Dr. Patterson has studied cancer for over 25 years. But he may have just made his biggest discovery. One that he believes is genuinely "hope giving."

He did a series of tests on lab mice that were bred to display human cancerous tumors. These mice were then injected with the natural drug. And the results were remarkable.

The mice had a cure rate of over 70 percent after one single dose. Tumors in all of the mice significantly shrunk. In half the mice, their tumors were completely eliminated. In the other half the tumors shrank significantly.

Dr. Patterson and his team tested the solution on different types of cancer. It worked on many types...without bad side effects.

"We've looked at colon, prostate, breast and lung (cancer) so far, and all have responded very well to this treatment," says Dr. Patterson.

So what is the solution? And how does it work?

Activating the "Killer Agent"

The bomb uses a chemical agent called colchicine which is extracted from a natural flower called the autumn crocus.

Colchicine is a natural poison that's known to have powerful anti-cancer properties. But so far it's only used to treat gout. That's because it's too poisonous to use against cancer.

But Dr. Patterson's discovery may change all that...

He's found a way to make the agent inactive by chemically attaching a molecular protein "tail" to it. That keeps the agent inert and makes it safe to wander through the body...without causing harm.

The agent is triggered when it comes into contact with an enzyme called matrix metalloproteases (MMP). MMP is found only in cancerous tumors. Once the agent mixes with the MMPs...its chemical tail breaks off. And that activates the poison.

It then attacks blood vessels in the tumor...taking out its food supply...and shuts down growth.

"If you can starve the tumor of that blood supply, then you shut off its ability to grow and move around the body," says Dr. Patterson.

Dr. Patterson notes there are no side effects. All his studies show that the agent does not affect healthy tissue.

And plenty of other scientists are impressed by the recent discovery as well.

Henry Scowcroft of Cancer Research UK says the results offer real hope to cancer patients.

"This is exciting," says Scowcroft. "The Bradford results are impressive and their beauty is in their simplicity."

Hope on the Horizon

So far tests have only been done on mice. The next step is a clinical trial to test its safety. Those tests will be conducted at St. James's University Hospital in West Yorkshire in England.

The first test on humans could start in as little as 18 months. And if successful the solution could be on the market within five years.

NHD will keep you posted on those clinical trials.

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Thu 13 Oct, 2011 05:54 pm
Greg Caton is out of jail and back home - at least until next time they want to kidnap him.

Of the black salves available, the two I have liked best are Cansema (now Amazon) and Can-X. Can-X was removed from the market some years back, but it has returned, under a new name.
Cansema is gentle. Can-X is more aggressive. Can-X likely will leave a scar. But, the aggressiveness is what appeals to me. Next time I buy some salve, that will be my choice.

Still using MMS and still satisfied.
0 Replies
Fri 14 Oct, 2011 11:57 am
Quote from today's MMS newsletter:

However, our next newsletter will give some important facts about those few who seem to not get results from MMS and you will see how they can indeed get results.
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Mon 17 Oct, 2011 09:30 pm
Cancer, I have discovered is all about stem cell mediated immunity but erroneously ignited in the body. It is a reactive attempt to shield some part of the body from a virtual attack, an attack that utilizes ideas and the action of mirror neurons in the brain. Mirror neurons fire when ever we see some action and relate to it in some way. So for instance if we see someone put an arm around someone else we may feel something in our own shoulders, arms and back etc. This can be used in an adverse way and have an effect but only when a person is unsuspecting of what is happening. Knowing the way cancer comes about, i.e., owing to foul play by other people in a person's life and some of those people are closely related, doing so for the sake of power and influence to manipulate and control or out of jealousy and revenge, one is able to take full control of the situation. Once you understand that you can do three simple things and reverse the cancer and clear it away. I have done this many times with spectacular results. I can now not even develop the cancer in the first place, ie stage manage the situation to one's own advantage and welbeing. The first thing is to realize that the attack is only virtual and the suggestions of hate. Suggestions do not found reality unless the person is persuaded to accept them. Second one can counter attack the offenders and drive them away. By their actions they incur debts and that means conditions are created in the mind by which they can be successfully counter attacked. The net result is that they stop their action to save themselves. Thirdly one can then set forth a mental prescription instructing their body to revert all barrier/resistance/combative cells (ie cancer cells) to fully functional, fully specialized cells of whatever tissues /organs that they belong to and to remove all excesses rapidly by apoptosis (normal cell death). It is as simple as that when you fully understand the way that you have been adversely affected by foul game play. No need of special diets, medicines, surgery... no need of any doctors. It is much easier than getting over the flu.
0 Replies
Tue 25 Oct, 2011 05:51 am
There exists am organization calling themselves NHD Healthwatch. I get daily advertising spreads from them. Mostly I have ignored them. But, yesterday, I examined their pitch for a $5.50 per day cancer cure. A food you can buy at your grocers, or on line, that melts away cancer. I clicked on the link and the man lead you on with an audio presentation, which resulted in a pitch to sell you the information. After more than five minutes of commercial, he hits you with it. But, I have learned a trick to bypass the demand for money by these people. I googled the man's name. There are millions of people desperately searching the Internet for such information, and they are eager to share the knowledge. Turns out, he wants you to pay him to inform you of Johanna Budwig's flax/cottage cheese protocol - knowledge that most searchers have already come across, since Budwig began developing and freely sharing her cancer cure in the mid Twentieth Century. Budwig personally cured over a thousand persons when she was engaged. I myself benefited immeasurably from her diet. But, the man with NHD Healthwatch wants to profit, by stealth, from this knowledge. He is as sleazy, in my view, as they come. I have blocked that organization from my computer.
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