On Alternative Cancer Programs

Thu 28 Apr, 2011 01:30 pm
Here is a link to my thread on how Steve McQueen really died.
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Thu 28 Apr, 2011 05:27 pm
Just when I was beginning to doubt the fungus thing, I noted this morning that the itching and most of the red is gone. It is supposed to take a week to achieve, and I will be a week into it on Saturday. I settled on doing my forearm first, because it is easy to get to and easy to keep covered. In the early going, I did not see any real change, except the red places and itching kept spreading. Now I feel encouraged to persevere.

I put the salve (clay and vaseline) on after I get home, usually about two or three. I keep it on until the following morning, when I go out in public. J Humble recommends putting the stuff on daily for at least a month, even though the healing is expected to be accomplished in a week. I have so much area to cover that I don't think I will keep at each spot a whole month.
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Mon 2 May, 2011 08:41 pm
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Fri 6 May, 2011 04:47 pm
I have been only partially partaking of the MMS and also the apricot kernels programs. My work schedule has me in turmoil. The kernels are harder to get from ourfathersfarm. Here is some information from Jason Vale's website:

Begin your road to recovery with a diet change first. Cut out the junk, white sugar, processed foods, sodas, etc. From the beginning and continuously thereafter, eat your apricot seeds. For prevention, a few a day, if you're dealing with an issue, anywhere from 10-50 a day. Next, you must begin cleansing your digestive system in order for your body to be able to make the most out of the foods you intake. We suggest Ultra-lax which is a powerful colon cleanser and bowel mover, however, for a more full digestive cleanse therapy, go to someone that specifies in colon therapy. At this point you need to pick one or two items that target the organ you are working with. We have the herbal combination called Breath for the lungs, Milk Thistle and Liver for the liver, Panc-aid for the pancreas and so on. Apricot seeds work best when combined with pancreatic enzymes. Some schools of thought believe that the component in the seeds only work when in conjunction with enzyme. Your body has a certain amount of enzyme help. We have one of the strongst enzyme formulas possible with 45mg of Chymo Tripsian, the main enzyme, for extra help especially during the first few months. Raising the body's ph away from it's normal unhealthy acidic state is done with Coral Calcium supplementation to your water. There are other ways to raise one's ph, however coral calcium is the method we offer due to it's effectiveness, purification qualities, and it adds hundreds of minerals to the intaker's body which are essential for immune strengthening. Deer Antler Velvet is our choice for aid in the body's overall cell regeneration. It stimulates the body's growth of its own stem cells, a feat hardly accomplished by technology's top labs.

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Fri 6 May, 2011 05:42 pm
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Mon 9 May, 2011 06:59 pm
What I am doing is stocking up on further products. Pancreatic enzymes are a must, and expensive. I want to come to a calm place in my life and then hit it with all I've got. This is the year I fulfill my quest of perfect health.
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Tue 10 May, 2011 05:20 pm
Fellow alternatives users: The government, big pharma and the AMA are making war on your right to use these products. I know most of you are possibly ill and haven't the time or inclination to get involved. Understandable, since your personal struggle is probably a life and death matter. But the rest of us, who have strength to fight, ought to do so, even if only through our internet activity. Jim Humble's newsletter came to day. I am going to reproduce his message here:

Kill Order #?

I have just learned from a highly reliable source that the FBI now has a kill order on Jim Humble. That’s me. I wish I could say that the Government source isn’t very reliable, but this source has proven to be very reliable up to this time. Several plans were to be considered including having me invited to a country in Asia and there I would have an accident. The other possibility was that I could have an accident here in the Dominican Republic, but that would be a less likely plan. They kidnapped my friend, Greg Caton, from Ecuador and brought him back to prison after Ecuador had given him political asylum. It was in the newspaper about a year ago. Check it out for yourself. Search for "Greg Canton Kidnapped" in Google search. I have another friend in prison for healing people and another one, with his legs blown off for healing people. There is a list of 160 scientists who have made inventions that would aid mankind in one way or another who have died violent deaths in the past 20 years. That isn’t my idea. Check it out on the internet. I don’t care if you believe in conspiracy theories or not; just be willing to read. It’s all there.
The reason I am telling you this is, so that when I come up missing or come up dead you will know what has really happened. And of course, you probably already know that should my death occur, all my books and other materials on MMS become public domain. That is already written into my copyright. Hopefully then, people who knew me or of me will print my books, mainly the last one, and hand them out wholesale until everyone on the planet has one.

I know that there are many of you that are not accustomed to this sort of thing, but on the other hand I have gotten letters from time to time that show that there are many people who do know the score. And the score is, that there are people in this world who are beginning to lose money because of MMS. That, of course is, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, clinics, doctors, and a host of related industries. They aren’t too worried about a few million dollars of losses now, but they are looking at the huge loss that will soon be happening when MMS becomes popular. We all know that, “the love of money”, is one of the main reasons for the world’s problems.
Of course, it is a little late for them to do anything now with more than 8 million people having used MMS and with thousands of web sites and with thousands of MMS success stories posted all over the world. But still, if they could say I disappeared and then if they put some poisoned MMS out without me to oppose them they might make some of their lies stick. Remember, for every cancer patient that they convince that MMS doesn’t work they make $800,000 dollars for the cancer industry. A similar story exists for malaria the worst disease of mankind and many other diseases.
Our present ongoing seminar this week: I wish you could meet the people here for this seminar. They are quite similar to the other seminar people over the last year. Most have said to me, “I just came because I had to come.” You got to understand that. All of us are a part of a group that agreed to come here for the third millennium millions of years ago. We all want to save Earth. Come and join us. And listen, if you can’t get the money, let us know. We’ll try to help you. Come and become a minister in our non-religious church. The more people that are trained, the quicker we can help this world become, “a world without disease”.

Bookmark this post and then wait to see if indeed the good Jim Humble does meet a dire fate.
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Sun 22 May, 2011 05:36 pm
Well, I have everything I think I am going to need, aside from dietary stuff, such as supplements and nutritious foods, which I will get as I go along. The only impediment, I need ten hours per day to accomplish this, for a minimum of three straight weeks. I start work at 8AM. I stay there until 12N, at the least. But, last Friday, I worked 9 hours, and other days more than four also. I had not planned to be away from home that long, any of these times, but that is the nature of my present situation. I am considering making up individual doses and taking them to work. Only thing, I get so busy, I likely will miss doses. Still thinking.
Wed 25 May, 2011 04:29 pm
This from Jim Humble today:

We received several letters from people who were feeling disagreement with our position concerning Homeopathy. I didn't feel that they were irritated with us, it was just that they felt that we were disagreeing with the philosophy and understanding of Homeopathy. They then proceeded to explain the basics to us. I appreciated their position. But the facts are we were never against Homeopathy. I hope I am making that clear.

The Genesis II Church is not against any form of healing that does not create damage to the human body. We are for anything that works. I think most of our members also take this position.

What we are trying to also make clear is the position of MMS or what we call the cleansing water of the Church and our Sacraments (protocols). In just a few short years MMS has save hundreds of thousands of lives and when used with skill and understanding it is 98% effective against 98% of the diseases of mankind. It is even highly effective when used by totally untrained and inexperienced persons but somewhat less effective than the figures given.

There are people who are trying to make it look like the use of homeopathic pills is more effective than MMS and they are saying that the use of these pills are a protocol and thus a Sacrament of the Church. But do you see? We cannot agree to this. I have not agreed to the use of the pills in place of the MMS. A thorough search of the Internet does not show any clinical data or trials that prove that homeopathy is any more effective than 30%. Thus if people begin to use homeopathic pills instead of MMS protocols they will often be disappointed and that will reflect on MMS.

I have been in the alternate healing field for 60 years and during that time I have seen hundreds of people disappointed when using homeopathic remedies and hundreds of other remedies. I know you understand I can't stop people from saying that homeopathic pills are more effective that MMS. But I must at least put out a NEWSLETTER stating that this has not been proven to be true, and that while homeopathic stores sell the homeopathic remedies successfully, I have never heard of such a store do as we do. We go out into the local country side and successfully treat at least 100 individuals for everything you can possibly think of at least least 3 days a month and often more. That's 300 people a month here in the local country side at our expenses, the money obtained by teaching people about MMS. We treat them for hundreds of different kinds of skin diseases, for flu, bad digestion, cancer, hep C, and dozens of diseases that have not been diagnosed.

When someone can prove that homeopathy can do these things I hope to be the first one on the band wagon as I want our church to have all the best healing devices and medicines in the world. I once said that someone could sell homeopathic on a Church Web site if they put Experimental on the homeopathy. But the experimental part didn't happen.

So I hope you understand we are not against homeopathy, but rather just want people to use MMS if possible as we believe that they have a better chance with MMS.

NEWSLETTER to come telling more about overcoming the bad taste and also a new protocol.

As always with love,
Bishop Jim
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Fri 27 May, 2011 07:16 pm
If any of you wonder why I decided to continue the apricot kernels along with MMS, it's like this. Despite the fact that Mr Humble says we don't need other protocols with MMS, he does say we need to eat a diet that can help our body heal itself, since MMS makes it possible, but is not itself a healing medicine. So, the kernels and the healthy accompanying diet ought to speed up the process. I am still in a bind with my job, but I feel the time I can begin is drawing closer.
Sun 5 Jun, 2011 09:39 am
Jim Humble's Technical Bulletin
New Protocol 1000+& the Need for Affidavits
These protocol improvements may be what you are waiting for. There are some diseases that appear on occasion to be especially resistant to MMS in certain people -- for example, some people have had problems overcoming herpes and others have had problems with Candida. We keep finding new ways to improve the action of MMS or ways to improve the reaction time so that one gets well faster. In other words, the basics are known but fine tuning is ongoing. Three New ImprovementsTwo are very important and one is minor, though it could be major for some people.1. Include DMSOAdd a small amount of DMSO to each hourly dose. This can be done with both protocols 1000 and 2000. Protocol 1000: a maximum of 3 drops of MMS and 3 drops of citric acid each hour for 8 hours a day;
Protocol 2000: as many drops of each (MMS and citric in equal amounts) every hour as you can take (without feeling sicker) for 10 hours a day. Both protocols call for reducing the drops if one begins to feel bad. Please see www.jimhumble.biz for more details.
Use one drop of DMSO for each drop of MMS. Add the DMSO only after the reaction of the MMS and citric acid has completed (that’s 20 seconds when using 50% citric acid). Give the mixture 3 minutes to complete after adding the DMSO. Of course, always stir the mixture.2. Enjoy an Improved TasteThe addition of DMSO drops improves the taste and makes it easier to take the MMS. 3. Take More Hourly DosesAlthough I have encouraged people to increase the number of hours a day in which they take MMS, I should mention that Kerri Rivera was the first person to report actually doing so and she also reports better results from it. She is having her people do more than 8 or 10 hours a day -- up to 12 or 15 hours and even longer. Many are reporting more results from the longer hours and also from adding DMSO. We first increased the number of hours, getting improvements, and then we added the DMSO and got more improvement. In all cases, if you begin to notice nausea or other negative reactions, reduce the amount of MMS you are taking in each hourly dose.
Follow the instructions given here and you will be OK. Please save these technical bulletins as there will be more. You may need them sometime, or they may save a life sometime. Also be sure to go to www.jimhumble.biz for the instructions on protocols 1000 and 2000. AffidavitsAffidavits are a weapon that we can use against those who would try to stop MMS, especially the FDA. When a success story is sent to us, it is nice and we appreciate it, but in court it is nothing more than hearsay. On the other hand, if one has made a sworn affidavit from the success story, it can then be used as evidence in court. Affidavits have been used as evidence for a hundred years -- no court would disallow them, and if it did, it would be reversed in a higher court.This is bad news for the FDA and other agencies that seek to stop MMS. If one takes several persons to court who testify to being personally healed by MMS or any other medicine, the FDA can bring a few in who claim they were harmed. Then the court will judge accordingly. But:When we walk into court with 1,000 success stories sworn to as affidavits, the FDA will be unable to find more than one or two who will lie in court, even for money, as one can go to jail for that.
We don’t need 800 million dollars to fight the FDA; we just need your help in the form of a sworn affidavit if you have an MMS success story. How to Make a Sworn Affidavit - ( Very Important)All you need do is write up your success story, take it to a Justice of the Peace, and say that you want him to record your signature and story as an affidavit. He will need a picture ID or two. The cost is usually less than $30. When Dr. Privateera was accused of claiming to cure cancer, 100 people stood up in court and said they were cured of cancer, but the judge disallowed it as hearsay. If there had been 100 affidavits on the judge’s bench, it would have been a different story. We have to acknowledge that the big money is not coming to us. The Genesis 2 Church of Health and Healing is going to bring MMS to the world without the millions. I have personally approached several dozen rich philanthropists with my hat in hand. I have 5 rejection slips from Bill Gates. So we must turn to our members and the public for help and sworn affidavits will be very helpful.
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Sun 5 Jun, 2011 09:47 am
I started the program yesterday. I have made notations in a spiral notebook to keep track of just the MMS, DMSO and calcium hypochlorite, thusly:

Week One
June 4

5 drops and one half cap 12N
6 drops 1PM

I had to skip a few hours in the afternoon to go to my job, but got back on it when I got home. There will be interruptions, but I think I may find time to make it a go. I bought some new lids for my canning jars, to have an airtight quart jar for taking doses to work. I am at nine drops now.
Sun 5 Jun, 2011 08:14 pm
Had a bit of indigestion once today. Went back by two drops next dose. Also I noted that I have drank lots more water than normal, but have not urinated more. I will take significantly lower doses tomorrow, in case there is some sort of blockage developing. Don't want to overload by rushing things.
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Mon 6 Jun, 2011 04:34 am
Another reason to back up a bit, I woke up this morning tired.
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Tue 7 Jun, 2011 12:12 pm
Oops. I didn't know the vitamin C I have been taking lately is time released. Back to day one with the program.
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Mon 20 Jun, 2011 04:25 am
I have only intermitently been able to pursue the protocol, because of my job interfering with the dosage time. Sorry. Here is some disturbing news. The site www.mmsonline.info is selling sugar pills and claiming they do everything Jim Humble's protocol does. She is I think in England.
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Mon 27 Jun, 2011 04:53 am
For those of us who do or do not subscribe to CureZone.com, here is an interesting forum topic:

I have figured out the itching and hives with MMS

If you look up chlorine allergy and reactions, you get the same symptoms as mms which has chlorine component to it. But upon further research it isnt really an allergy per se. It is lack of ability by your body to detox chlorine. One of the cofactors needed to detox chlorine is taurine and if you take supplemental taurine you can cure your chlorine allergy. I think that since people are taking MMS regularly they are depleting their taurine levels and it is causing the reaction.

So I tried taking taurine when I get itchy or hives from MMS and it worked, they went away. That is my research and experience.

Can someone else confirm that this works ?

This may be closer to my own situation than a fungus problem. - eb

Sun 10 Jul, 2011 02:05 pm
I checked this and it does not apply to me.
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Sun 10 Jul, 2011 02:07 pm
Here is a message from a member of an MMS forum discussion:

Melvyn Says:

October 1st, 2010 at 3:52 pm

Geez Im sorry, but I must also post this very important aspect that has occurred to me concerning the power of the FDA.

I will also slow down typing to limit the typos

The FDA gets its power to shut down any entity of selling any product that it does not want on the market thru the U.S. I.C.C laws, or commonly known as “interstate commerce laws”

Thru these laws it has its power.

case in point:

Does everyone remember Mercuricome?

As a kid I would skin my knee and out would come the cure that stung like royal hell, but once that stuff was dabbed on the injury it would heal quickly and no infection.

Then the FDA, in all their great wisdom takes away the products “gras” label and says that it is “untested” (UNTESTED! this stuff has been around for literally hundreds of years!, but now it is untested?)causing the product to be pulled from all drugstore shelves as the product was manufatured in one state and distributed to all states thru what? Interstate commerce.

Now, even today you CAN still buy it in the state of Idaho, but why only Idaho? because the manufacturer is IN IDAHO, and only SELLS in IDAHO! They will not transport accross state lines!.

to keep from getting into trouble with the FDA! The WAY they sell it keeps them out of the jurisdiction of the FDA.

Another case involves the 1960’s topical product that contained “Papain” a cancer killer.

The product was very successful and 10’s of thousands of people cured their skin cancer with it by just rubbing it in the melanomas. The FDA went after the company because they had recieved THREE (3) complaints about this product causing irritation. You can imagine who these 3 anonymous complainers were. Im sure the real issue was that it worked, and it was cheap, and it did not require a prescription, no small leap to figure out who were the complainers.

So the letter went out prohibiting the sale of this product thru again interstate commerce, (the letter did not mention “Intrastate” commerce) effectively killing this product as it was a propietary blend, and of course the company could not open up factories in every state to continue, so they just quit.

Folks it is clear. MMS must and can be sold “Intrastate” not “INTER” state meaning made within a state, and only sold within the state that the manufacturer produces it taking the product out of the FDA’s jurisdiction.

One last point to clarify:

The well known Coca Cola company gets away with the manufacture and sales of its very well known poison “Coke”, and the same with “Pepsi” and the others.

by the use of franchisee bottlers that are assigned state by state franchise regions. A bottler is forbidden to sell outside his region, or home state in which he produces the garbage. These “franchises” are told that they can not “infringe” upon another franchises teritory, but they are NOT explained the true reason. They must sell and distribute within the state that they are producing in and can not cross state lines for if they do they are subject to examination by the FDA, because they have broken the intrastate commerce laws.

Yes, this is in fact how all these poison pushers work, and remain in operation.

Very simple.

Sell MMS, but do not sell across state lines, or you can change the name, and the tactic used.

Sell using an “approved” method that is allowable to cross state lines therefore not violating the intrastate commerce laws, and falling into the FDA’s jurisdiction.

You can not change the Game! IT IS THEIR GAME Learn how to play the game, and use their rules against them.

All the tactics must be changed to avert confrontaion.

Instead explore, and be creative,

Set up state by state “networks”

not networks by the entire country.This is not needed.

Nope the method needs to change.

Their needs to be a “Coca Cola” of MMS who franchises out to bottlers. Who will also give the needed lawful direction. You see the bottlers (franchisees) of coke do not advertise, and the parent company does not produce coke so the bottlers do not get into trouble,and coke does not get into trouble because they do not make coke.

You never see ads from “Davis Bottling” your local Coke bottler do you? of course not, you see the big t.v. ads from who? the parent “Coca Cola” who does NOT bottle the garbage.
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Sun 17 Jul, 2011 07:04 am
Many persons appear to want to eat fresh flax seeds, but don't know a way to grind them up. Here's what I do: dump the desired amount in the blender. Then eat immediately for the full benefit.

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