Sorry for taking soo long to reply! And thanks for answering my questions about it and talking with me and stuff. I know its not a fun subject...
I've learned tons of stuff from you guys and I kinda feel like I can talk about anything here!

Its awesome and I appreciate it. Soo thanks guys!
But yeah, anywaysssss....
Roberta wrote:
Quote:Hi Gracie, I had endometrial cancer (a kind of cancer of the uterus). I don't know how long I had it. As soon as I found out I had it, action was taken to get rid of it.
The same applies to the cancer of the larynx I had. Find it; get rid of it.
For me, having cancer was like living in the middle of a gray cloud. Not quite focused, not quite clear. Part of that was depression.
I was treated with surgery and radiation for the first cancer and radiation for the second cancer. That's when I got tattooed!
They have to aim the radiation beam. Once they get it exactly where it's supposed to be, they put a little dot of a tattoo on my body so that they can get the aim right every time. Ouch.
Hi Roberta!
You got tattooed?! Do you still have the dot? Whatd it feel like when they tattooed you? Did you cry?
Off subject but, do you have any
real tattoos? Like, cool ones?
How'd you feel once all your cancer was gone? I know you still had/have to deal with radiation stuff but did you feel relived and happy and stuff or were you just like 'Okay, thats over, now I've got to deal with sucky radiation side effects'?
thack45 wrote:
Quote:I was diagnosed with hodgkins disease in '93ish, as a sophomore or junior in H.S. Hodgkins is one of the more treatable types of cancer but I was in a very late stage so the various chemo treatments administered were unsuccessful.
I remember feeling like I was staying alive because my goddamnd family wouldn't let me die. Overdramatic, for sure. But i was a messed up teenager, losing battles with depression left and right to begin with. I also vividly recall once feeling death "coming". I have never before or since felt like that. I was simply too sick and in too much pain to be scared of it...
So the last ditch effort called for a lengthy stay at the cleaveland clinic (2 weeks outpatient, one month inpatient) right after graduation, for a then experimental treatment: stem cell transplant, similar to the bone marrow transplant (I think). Not fun times. After that I had a few weeks of radiation and was back to a life of years of reckless abandonment.
Hi thack45!
You were still in high school?! If you were a sophomore or a junior, then you were only a little older than I am. I cant even imagine having cancer or thinking that I could die while I'm still a teenager. I havent even gotten a chance to have fun yet!

What'd you do when you found out and whatd your friends say or do? Did they try to help you feel better? How long did you have cancer? Did you still go to school?
How'd you get cancer anyway? Does it run in your family or did it just happen?
You had depression
before you had cancer? Why? What made you soo sad? That really sucks thack. Thats really sad.

wanted to die? But what about your dad and your friends? Do you have any sisters or brothers? Weren't you scared to leave them all behind?
You felt 'death"? What'd it feel like and was the cancer making you sick and causing pain or was it the chemo or both? What'd you feel like when the cancer was gone and you were healthy again? And do you mean 'reckless abandonment' as in like, you 'lived life to the fullest' and stuff or do you mean after the cancer you just did what you wanted and didnt care what happened to you?
I'm glad you're okay thack. I really mean it. Your cancer stuff SUCKED!

Now that you got the stem cell transplant you can never get cancer again just like Phoenix, right?
rosborne979 wrote:
Quote:Someone I know who has cancer described it as "being all alone, locked in a room with the most dangerous evil thing you can imagine". And I can tell you that from the outside of that room, the overwhelming feeling is helplessness.
Aww! Im sorry rosborne979.

Cancer treatment is better now. More people are beating it now right? I hope everything turns out okay with your friend and his/her cancer goes away and (s)he can be healthy again.
"being all alone, locked in a room with the most dangerous evil thing you can imagine" I can kinda imagine how your friend feels from what she said. Life really sucks wayy more than I thought. Its not fair.

I really hope your friend gets better rosborne979! (((Hugs!))
jhort wrote:
Quote:?Hmmm? Hardest thing is helping the person you care about understand that there is a reason for suffering and that good ultimately comes out of every situation. That is how it looks in hindsight, anyway.
Umm... sorry about your thumbs downs. (It wasnt me,

But what do you mean? What reasons there for someone to get cancer? Lots of people have died and are still dying from it. And not just grown-ups, kids too! What good can come from that?
Im guessing your Christian because of your avatar, so you probably have some kinda religious answer or belief or whatever and Im atheist so maybe thats why I dont really get what your saying... but still.... I dont think even a super religious person would say that people having cancer is a good thing and they should just except their suffering because theres a reason for it...
My dad always tells me that life just sucks sometimes and we all have to deal with it because nobodys life is perfect. And I think he's right. My dads really smart and he's had a really hard life. I dont think everything happens for a reason. I think stuff just happens... C'est la vie, right?