On Alternative Cancer Programs

Thu 15 Apr, 2004 11:30 am
I intend to add to the thread each time anything new arises. There are plenty of people searching for their own answers. These are the answers that apply to me, but, they may inspire others to look and to fight just as hard as they can. Today, I feel extremely healthy and I work a job which requires a good deal of physical activity. As I said at the outset, however, I don't think the fight against cancer ever really ends for a person once they get it.
0 Replies
Thu 15 Apr, 2004 11:40 am
I will look for your updates with interest.

It opens a whole new door of possibilities and I wish I had read it several years ago.

What is it Noddy says?

"Hold your dominion."

Yea, I like that.
0 Replies
Fri 16 Apr, 2004 10:42 am
I sent Alpha-Omega's latest diatribes to Risingsun. Risingsun so far has failed to answer.
0 Replies
Sat 17 Apr, 2004 11:26 pm
Note from edgarblythe: This is a person using many of the same methods for cure which I am using. Big difference is, he has squamous and I have basel cell.

Thank you my friends for the advice that you've given me thus far..but now another problem has arisen and I'm wondering what might happen now..Any comments other than "how utterly clueless" I am;... would be appreciated..Hahaha...;-D

LET THIS MESSAGE BE A WARNING to anyone who thinks that they can use a poultice or healing clay on the eschar of a tumor..Getting the eschar the least bit saturated with moisture; spells DOOM FOR THAT ESCHAR..DON'T DO IT..A light spray of CS and 3% peroxide to keep it clean is OK; but even then just very occasionally..Keep it DRY..

Yesterday I put a poultice of healing clay and CS and other herbal juices on my tumor which was sporting a pretty useless looking eschar; which in fact looked more like a scab than any eschars I've seen..This was I think because a good eschar had formed but then I bumped it and knocked 1/3 of the eschar off..After that the eschar seemed to lose its shape and affectiveness and there was no "pus ring" forming around it as I've seen in picutres of others..I believe that a good eschar has to be like the "skin of a drum"...covering the edges and "hard and tight"..

In the process of removing the poultice the remaining scab just pulled away..I didn't even have to tug at it as it would never have stayed on anyways..Now there I was with this ugly raw red tumor sitiing on my chin; mocking me and challenging me to do something about it..My thinking was that if I just kept cleaning it and adding poultices; it might just contnue to grow; which it is really good at..
It started out as a small bump and is now the size of a quarter within a couple of weeks.

I know or have read of how affective the Cansema Salve can be and I wanted that "original" decent looking eschar back that I had on the first try..Again my thinking is that I can't wait for a new "skin" to form or for the wound to heal as it's not ordinary skin but cancerous flesh that is not going to heal..So I've gone ahead and applied the Cansema Salve for the 3rd time and this time being careful to cover the edges in a ring around the tumor; and I've applied it thin at first and then recovered it with a thicker mixture (using Bentonite healing clay to thicken) so that now it looks as though my whole chin is covered in tar...

and it BURNS BURNS BURNS...that ring of fire that ring of fire...

I'm wonderingif anyone has experienced this same situation and how are "you" managing your eschar and on what type of cancer? My cancer is Squamous cell cancer that started in the mouth (on the floor under the tongue) and has migrated from under the tongue area; across the floor of the mouth; over the gums and now it has "burst through" the skin on the lower lip..It's almost as if it were alive and trying to "escape" the environment of the mouth which no doubt is toxic to cancer cells and


I believe that as theorized by many parasitologists that parasites are involved in the forming of tumors and that as the parasites move to avoid the anti-cancer agents; the tumors (their covering) moves with them..For months now I have been bleeding from the mouth (regularly each day) and spitting these parasites out by the hundreds...I have pictures of these critters.. ;-)
In fact I'm spitting out composting "bugs" and "desicrated flesh" along with blood right now..as the tumors agan decrease in size..Hallelujah.. ;-)

email me and I'll send you the photos..For more info about my condition just put xxxxx in the search engine or squamous cell cancer and you should find me there..

Beware of my older messages though as you just might be converted to Christ before you know it..
I totally believe that I will be healed in the Lord's good time..when I have learned enough to help others with this condition..
0 Replies
Sat 17 Apr, 2004 11:45 pm
I took a look at some of the websites in regard to squamous cell cancer. The pictures of the cancers are quite unsettling.

I'm curious, Edgar, what factors do you think led you have cancer in your mouth? Your life style, diet, smoking, or maybe a family history of it?
0 Replies
Sun 18 Apr, 2004 06:05 am
The man with mouth cancer is not me. I put his message there to highlight the differences between another's situation and my own.
0 Replies
Sun 18 Apr, 2004 07:09 am
I read your post quite early in the morning, when I should have been sleeping, Edgar. I got confused...my apologies.
0 Replies
Sun 18 Apr, 2004 07:23 am
0 Replies
Sat 24 Apr, 2004 06:42 pm
Here is a very good site for Budwig's flax oil diet
0 Replies
Thu 29 Apr, 2004 05:29 pm
Subject: Dr. Hulda Clark under attack, again


Top "Non-Drug" Cancer Researcher Under Attack, Again... (Revised links)

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Independent Research Scientist Hulda Regehr Clark PhD is the most
frightening woman in the world to "Big Pharma." Her five best-selling
books provide scientific basis, and argument, for significant social
change in North American Health Care. Clark severely criticizes current
cancer methods. She says that the whole "War on Cancer" is an
expensive, and deadly, scam. I'm not surprised she's under attack, once

And, under attack she is...

Attached to this article, are two letters recently written by Hulda
Clark, which she has allowed me to make public. Read them. One is
called "Hulda Clark's 4/14/04 Letter to the San Diego US Attorney," and
the other is called "Hulda Clark's 4/20/04 Letter to Consumer Advocate
Tim Bolen.

Hulda Clark, in her books and speeches, is a world leader in criticizing
the current state of health care in North America. For instance, she
says that the whole emphasis in Cancer Research is wrong - that the
emphasis on "finding a new drug" to 'treat' cancer", is nonsense - that
the emphasis needs to be on "finding the cause of cancer, and removing
those causes."

Clark says that all cancers, and other diseases current in our society,
are caused by environmental issues, and the human body's absorption of
toxins. She says that "the human body, in today's society, is simply
faced with environmental toxin overload, and once the overload point is
reached, the body can't function properly to deal with parasites,
viruses, bacteria, etc. - and a vicious cycle begins, leading to tumor
growth, and an early, and unnecessary death."

Clark says that "finding the cause of the body's inability to deal with
health issues, is the FIRST, and most important, thing that needs to be
done - then REMOVE those toxins, etc., both from the body, and from the
patient's immediate environment."
Well, "Big Pharma" doesn't like that a bit. And, when "Big Pharma"
doesn't like something they do something about it.
What "Big Pharma" is doing...
>From what I can gather from conversations with Clark's legal team, the
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)'s so-called "Operation Cure-All" (OCA)
appears to be behind the latest assault - and that, of course, means
that, in reality, it's "Big Pharma" and their New York ad agency
conducting an anti-competitor scam.

"Operation Cure-All," we know, doesn't actually exist. Despite their
press releases claiming all sorts of victories against their definition
of "health fraud," OCA has no offices, no Director, no phone number, no
budget, no Mission Statement, no employees. Those letters they send out
don't have a return address, they are not signed, and the ONE contact
listed on the FDA website, the Press Contact, won't answer ANY questions
about "Operation Cure-All."

In short, The FTC has been compromised. It no longer acts in the
interests of the American people. In the case of "Operation Cure-All,"
it is simply a device used by the pharmaceutical industry to rain
terror, in the form of "prosecutions," on their competitors - the
supplement industry, the electro-medicine industry, their critics (like
Hulda Clark) and virtually ALL cost-effective "emerging technologies" in
health care that compete with expensive (and useless) drugs for the US
health consumer dollar.

The "Quackbusters..."
Several years ago, "Big Pharma" set up an organization, now commonly
known as the "quackbusters." 26 drug companies banded together and
funded it, put leaders and directors in place, and set it up as a
business - one that would act as a mechanism to constantly damage, and
discourage, competition to drug "treatment." Their primary target is
the emerging "health" industry - those entities that propose
"alternatives" to the drug/surgery paradigm. The "quackbusters," as a
tactic, deride ALL new health ideas as "quackery."
No studies have ever been done to determine the amount of death and
damage the "quackbusters" have inflicted on Americans.
Big Pharma is in a panic over the fact that over 50% of the total US
health dollar is being spent on "alternatives."

The "quackbuster" movement has been around a while, but what's changed,
recently, is their Modus Operandi. In short, for the most part, the
actual operation has gone underground. Targeting, and actions against
those targets, have become clandestine.

Why clandestine? Because the old way, exemplified by that GOOFBALL
Stephen Barrett MD, and his asinine website "quackwatch.com," or the
equally stupid offerings of the so-called National Council Against
Health Fraud (NCAHF) have become an embarrassment to Big Pharma. Those
aspects, the ones we commonly see, are simply inept, and non-productive.

What's happening now, is Big Pharma's campaign to use Federal Agencies
to do their dirty work. The Food & Drug Administration (FDA), for
instance, is acting OPENLY on behalf of Big Pharma over the issues
surrounding the importation of cheaper prescription drugs, using the
internet, to the US from Canada and other parts of the world.

So, How is the Attack Against Clark Organized?

That's an easy question to answer. It's done the same way every other
attack is done against every other current "quackbuster" victim.
Let me refresh your memory on how they do it, with this reprint from an
earlier article called "Big Pharma Fears Electricity..."...

They decide who they're going to hit. The advertising agency writes up
the stories that are going to be distributed to their "letter writing
brigade," the "testifying whores." The letter writers, following the
guidelines, then write to the FTC, the FDA, and Operation Cure-All, to
set a basis for the complaint. Then the ad agency writes stories,
getting quotes from the likes of Barrett, Baratz, etc., on the victim.
The stories are sent out to the media in which the advertising agency's
drug clients advertise. The stories are printed in the media as though
they were true.

Once the stories hit the press, a second wave of letters goes out to the
FTC, the FDA, and Operation Cure-All, to put pressure on upper
management to act. Then more media is generated, this time with quotes
from the quackbuster insider FTC employees to make it sound official
that the FTC is interested. Once this happens, letters and phone calls
go out from supposedly "irate consumers (quackbusters)," once again to
the FTC, the FDA, and Operation Cure-All upper management, demanding to
know why they aren't doing something.

Then, letters and phone calls go out from supposedly "irate consumers
(quackbusters)" to certain members of Congress demanding to know why the
FTC, the FDA, and Operation Cure-All, aren't doing something.

Within days, upper management of the FTC, the FDA, and Operation
Cure-All, are deluged with questions from more media, and Congress.
They see the issue as important, and act against the victim - even if
their is little or no evidence.

What is Clark going to do?
I like her attitude. When I asked her what she thought about the
current investigation, she said "Great! This will give me, and my
friends and supporters the opportunity to prove, in Court, what I've
been saying all along. I welcome this opportunity..."
Stay tuned...
Tim Bolen - Consumer Advocate
0 Replies
Fri 7 May, 2004 04:54 am
Dear Alpha Omega Customers,

I have been getting emails and phone calls asking the status of our
situation. I can only tell you that we are no closer to knowing what
will happen than we were 8 months ago.

The negotiations are on-going. The FDA wants to take our buildings,
our equipment, our computers, everything. If they do this, they will
put our other business in the grave.

They are also talking about taking residential property - this
includes Greg & Cathryn's home, my home and Julie's home. Our lawyer
is objecting to the forfieture, but we do not know what the outcome
will be at this point.

They admitted during a meeting that they have received phone calls
from all over the world in support of our products. They claim the
effectiveness of our products are not an issue at this point (please
remind me again why they raided us in the first place?). They have
also stated that they did not find any tax evasion or off shore
accounts (I could have saved them a lot of time on this one if they
had simply asked).

I just wanted to let everyone know that we greatly appreciate your
support! We are doing our best to resolve these issues so that we may
reopen...even if we have to move to Mexico.

I have been posting to two different message boards since the FDA raid
on our company. Most people are very open to the fact of the
effectivness of alternative products, including the Cansema. However,
on one board...there is much doubt and disbelief on alternative
products...particularly Cansema as it seems. The doubters have never
used the products and in fact, most do not even have cancer. They are
shocked that I even suggest a Cancer Cure Cover-up. I have been
labeled "crazy" in some cases.

I have been accused of simply "making up" fake testimonies in order to
sell our "snake oil". However...you all know that you exist.
0 Replies
Fri 7 May, 2004 04:56 pm
Hi -- I'll just add a few short comments, preceded by === , within the text. To save space I'll delete sections not related to my remarks.

Best wishes to everyone, xxxxxxx

*** writes...Thanks ..I'm still wondering if I should continue on with the Bloodroot product, but the tumor seems to have settled down as I use the goldenseal and healing clay..I'll continue on with that for a few days and monitor the growth and "health" of the tumor..
golden seal ... ===Ingrid Naiman in her book, "Cancer Salves, a Botanical Approach to Treatment", writes the following: "Goldenseal is probably the premier anti-microbal herb in North America" (p. 129). She also gives good comments on the following herbs you mention,(same page), plus info about other herbs.

===NOTE: I would add **Graviola** as the major ingredient to just about every herbal formulation for cancers. I'm surprised that Ingrid does not seem to mention Graviola in her book. If she has, could someone please mention the page number?

*** writes...Hmmmm..Got it..I'll get some tomorrow and add to the recipe as well as do the "slow-low" heat thing..

... *tumeric...white willow bark*; (equal proportions; slow boiled in a pot; left to sit overnight) ...

===, I have reservations about slow boiling. Imo it is possible that valuable ingredients can be lost that way. I would rather follow 's suggestion, for "curing" the mix: "... using a yoghurt maker because the temperature stays constant around 98 - 105 degrees F. ..." (p. 129).

===, if you go the boiling way, have you considered putting your mix in a stainless or Pyrex container, and place THAT into a bigger saucepan of boiling water, instead? I know there is a name for that method, but I can't think of it. :-)

***mel writes...I've been thinking about that..and sounds like a good idea.. ;-) I'll try it tomorrow once I get the Graviola..
Q.***.Do you think that there;s any advantage of using flour over the healing clay as I'm doing now..?

===BTW, never use any metal implements with zinc chloride.

*** writes...When I first began using the Cansema I was not warned of this fact and so I was using an ordinary spoon to take the Tonic..I wonder if any damage was done?

I think that a good "rule of thumb" is this..If there is continued distress using a particular treatment; then STOP IT and try something else.. ...

===That's my "golden rule", also, folks. :-) There are no shortages of methods, herbs, etc., and no two people will react the same way to any one particular treatment.


. ===== ... doesn't like using the bloodroot unless it's an emergency or if the cansema salve has already been used.. ...

*** writes...I wonder if just because we've started with the Cansema; that we can't then switch to the goldenseal; graviola; etc..?

=== seems to prefer goldenseal to bloodroot, for a number of reasons. If I read correctly, Ingrid says that bloodroot is very aggressive, fast-acting and not overly "selective", but goldenseal is slower-acting, and more effective in cancers that are not fast-growing. Also goldenseal causes much less body trauma than bloodroot, with lesser edemas (puffy, red swelling of skin).

*** writes...I'm using the goldenseal now and it is rather pleasant compared to the Bloodroot and if fact I've been using them side by side..Right now I'm using the goldenseal with the healing clay mixed with apricot kernel oil..Seems to be working good but only time will tell..At least the tumor doesn't seem angy and it hasn't grown that I can tell..

=== An unrelated comment: Dr. Budwig's protocol has been proven to work in thousands of cancer cases, even when the "doctors" have declared the patient to be terminal. Her protocol is very inexpensive, and imo, should be used by everyone -- both as a preventive and as a cure. She has two books translated into English, and there are many websites about her protocol -- well worth spending an hour or two on the internet.

*** writes...I've been doing that one all along..with fruit mixed in..YumMMmmmmMmm

Regards to all,
***writes...Cheerio Pip pip... ;-)
0 Replies
Fri 7 May, 2004 04:58 pm
> Hi all; ;-)
> For anyone who is new to the forum...and battling Squamous oral
> cancer.
> I have a tumor on my chin just below the lower lip; that is the
> result of squamous cell oral cancer on the floor of the mouth;
> breaking through to the outside..This cancer started out under my
> tongue 2 years ago and there was the fear that it would attack the
> tongue and move down the throat as is often the case with many
> persons having this type of cancer...However what it has done is
> first cover the floor of the mouth from side to side and Praise be to
> God; it stayed clear of my throat and tongue..
> I believe that the reason for this is that I'm a singer and guitar
> player and so I am constantly (everyday) singing gospel music, and I
> swear that the parasties and cancer cells hate gospel songs and have
> been trying to get as far away from the source of that music as
> possible..As a result the mouth tumors have migrated (along with the
> parasites) from the floor of the mouth; which is now clear; over the
> gums; (which I think are gone; but maybe not); and have attached
> themselves to the inner lining of the lower lip..And now they (the
> parasites and the cancer cells) have gone on through to the other
> side...And so I have this new tumor sitting just under the lower lip
> on my chin..
> CANSEMA...I applied Cansema Salve to the tumor and after 13 days the
> eschar fell off..The tumor had grown considerably and was very
> agitated and so I have opted for treating the tumor with a milder
> salve containing goldenseal; tumeric; white willow bark; mixed with
> healing clay to paste it on the tumor..This is working good and the
> tumor seems happier and hasn't grown in the last couple of
> days..Phew!!! So I'm sticking with this milder salve while continuing
> to use the Cansema tonic which contains the same ingredients as the
> salve (or other escharotic salves)on the interior of the mouth as it
> seems to work well at keeping the mouth tumors at bay..
> I mix the Cansema Tonic (or one could use the salve) with a hot drink
> of the above ingredients of the goldenseal salve..I hold this tea in
> my mouth while the Bloodroot and the Zinc Chloride burn ever so
> nicely and then spit the tea out rather than swallowing..DO NOT
> SWALLOW ANY "BLACK TYPE SALVES"..as after a short time you will have
> a massive upheaval of the gastric system..I speak out of
> experience...But as I've noted; this tea above; using the escharotic
> salve is VERY GOOD for clearing tumors out of the mouth..Tiny white
> eschars will form and then the mouth will go through a period of
> bleeding as the cancerous flesh is flushed out..It is very
> affective...ONe major mistake that the medical progession makes is
> always trying to "staunch" the bleeding as it freaks eveyone out..BUT
> I TELL YOU that at first I was very frightened until I had bled many
> times and then realized it was just part of the natural progression
> and purging of cancer cells (and parasites) from the healthy
> tissues...
> Back to the chin tumor...I've been told that when an eschar falls off
> to just reapply the escharotic salve and begin the process all over
> again and in fact it may take many applications to necrotize the
> tumor..But I'm wondering if this is true only with certain types of
> skin cancers and not applicable to a tumor such as mine...As I've
> said; it didn't decrease in size at all and in fact it grew much to
> my dismay..There is also the fact that the tumor on the outside is
> attached or interconnected to the tumors inside..so the "core" is not
> as an ordinary skin cancer..
> Now I'm wondering what the affect would be were I to reapply the
> escharotic salve mixed with DMSO to get deeper penetration and
> perhaps be succesful at necrotizing this tumor..It's size is about
> that of a nickel..in circumference..
> I hope that this post helps someone with Squamous oral and throat
> cancer..I welcome any comments on this "decision" that I have to make
> very soon..Does anyone here have experience in using the DMSO with
> CAnsema on a cancerous tumor with deep roots? Or know of anyone who
> has?
> Godbless
> m.. ;-)
0 Replies
Fri 7 May, 2004 05:45 pm
I believe that the reason for this is that I'm a singer and guitar
> player and so I am constantly (everyday) singing gospel music, and I
> swear that the parasties and cancer cells hate gospel songs and have
> been trying to get as far away from the source of that music as
> possible..

Edgar, I just spit a mouthful of Friday night beer all over the screen.
0 Replies
Fri 7 May, 2004 05:47 pm
Sorry, JB.
0 Replies
Fri 7 May, 2004 05:51 pm

Not me.


The laugh was a tension breaker.

(if a bit messy)
0 Replies
Fri 7 May, 2004 05:57 pm
Yeah; humor always, no matter how grim the situation. That's a part of my own philosophy.
0 Replies
Fri 7 May, 2004 08:05 pm
There is a great deal of repetition in this post, but, I feel it is essential to this man's story to print it anyway.

For anyone who is new to the forum...and battling Squamous oral

I have a tumor on my chin just below the lower lip; that is the
result of squamous cell oral cancer on the floor of the mouth;
breaking through to the outside..This cancer started out under my
tongue 2 years ago and there was the fear that it would attack the
tongue and move down the throat as is often the case with many
persons having this type of cancer...However what it has done is
first cover the floor of the mouth from side to side and Praise be to
God; it stayed clear of my throat and tongue..

I believe that the reason for this is that I'm a singer and guitar
player and so I am constantly (everyday) singing gospel music, and I
swear that the parasties and cancer cells hate gospel songs and have
been trying to get as far away from the source of that music as
possible..As a result the mouth tumors have migrated (along with the
parasites) from the floor of the mouth; which is now clear; over the
gums; (which I think are gone; but maybe not); and have attached
themselves to the inner lining of the lower lip..And now they (the
parasites and the cancer cells) have gone on through to the other
side...And so I have this new tumor sitting just under the lower lip
on my chin..

CANSEMA...I applied Cansema Salve to the tumor and after 13 days the
eschar fell off..The tumor had grown considerably and was very
agitated and so I have opted for treating the tumor with a milder
salve containing goldenseal; tumeric; white willow bark; mixed with
healing clay to paste it on the tumor..This is working good and the
tumor seems happier and hasn't grown in the last couple of
days..Phew!!! So I'm sticking with this milder salve while continuing
to use the Cansema tonic which contains the same ingredients as the
salve (or other escharotic salves)on the interior of the mouth as it
seems to work well at keeping the mouth tumors at bay..

I mix the Cansema Tonic (or one could use the salve) with a hot drink
of the above ingredients of the goldenseal salve..I hold this tea in
my mouth while the Bloodroot and the Zinc Chloride burn ever so
nicely and then spit the tea out rather than swallowing..DO NOT
SWALLOW ANY "BLACK TYPE SALVES"..as after a short time you will have
a massive upheaval of the gastric system..I speak out of
experience...But as I've noted; this tea above; using the escharotic
salve is VERY GOOD for clearing tumors out of the mouth..Tiny white
eschars will form and then the mouth will go through a period of
bleeding as the cancerous flesh is flushed out..It is very
affective...ONe major mistake that the medical progession makes is
always trying to "staunch" the bleeding as it freaks eveyone out..BUT
I TELL YOU that at first I was very frightened until I had bled many
times and then realized it was just part of the natural progression
and purging of cancer cells (and parasites) from the healthy

Back to the chin tumor...I've been told that when an eschar falls off
to just reapply the escharotic salve and begin the process all over
again and in fact it may take many applications to necrotize the
tumor..But I'm wondering if this is true only with certain types of
skin cancers and not applicable to a tumor such as mine...As I've
said; it didn't decrease in size at all and in fact it grew much to
my dismay..There is also the fact that the tumor on the outside is
attached or interconnected to the tumors inside..so the "core" is not
as an ordinary skin cancer..

Now I'm wondering what the affect would be were I to reapply the
escharotic salve mixed with DMSO to get deeper penetration and
perhaps be succesful at necrotizing this tumor..It's size is about
that of a nickel..in circumference..

I hope that this post helps someone with Squamous oral and throat
cancer..I welcome any comments on this "decision" that I have to make
very soon..Does anyone here have experience in using the DMSO with
CAnsema on a cancerous tumor with deep roots? Or know of anyone who

.. ;-)
0 Replies
Sat 8 May, 2004 06:30 am
From: M
Date: Wed May 5, 2004 4:53 pm
Subject: Any one know what if the tumor break or burst up

are there anyone suffering from mouth cancer? are there anyone got cured from
mouth cancer? or know ways to cure mouth cancer? please help me out.
Does any one can give me some info on; what can we do if the tumor burst up?
is it good or bad? please give me some info on it?
thank you.

Hi M...
I have squamous oral cancer with tumors on the floor of my mouth and a tumor that has appeared on my lower lip; on the chin..It could be very good to have the tumor burst; as then it will get rid of all the toxins or poisons in the tumor..You should apply a poultice like I do to suck the poisons out..Right now I'm about to put a "fig" on my tumor just to see how good it works..I'll try it tonight and let you know tomorrow..There are other types of poultices that you can use..I have been using goldenseal..tumeric...white willow bark..mixed with healing clay and plastered on the tumor..

Do you have a picture of the tumor?

I can send you one of my tumor if you would like to see it..contact me..

Where is the tumor?
Do you have the tumor or a friend?

0 Replies
Sat 8 May, 2004 11:37 pm
----- Original Message -----
From: xxxxx
To: *****
Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2004 9:46 PM
Subject: Re: of figs and tumors..

***** writes***I managed to keep the FIG on the TUMOR all night and nothing dramatic happened..If anything the tumor looks pretty "relaxed" and not even "irritated" by the absorbing action of the FIG..So much for that idea..unless of course a "fast" is in order to get the results I'm looking for.. ...

>>>Just out of curiousity ***** -- did you slice the fig "horizontally", and use one half on the tumour, or did you use the whole fig?

*** writes***I sliced it in half and used the half part with the little hole in the center as shown in the photo of the tumor and the fig..I've since determined that there is a good possiblity that the parasites did transfer to the fig as today there have only been a few parasites exiting as compared to dozens which is usally the case..and so SOMETHING IS HAPPENING I think? I've just got the juicier Smyrna figs today and will try on of them tonight..They're sweeter and more "resinny" than the Kalymata figs..When I took that fig off this morning there was a lot of blood and pus in the fig from the tumor and it's quite possible that I couldn't see the parasites in amonst the figgy seeds
Tomorrow morning I will take a photo of the fig after it's removed as when it's blown up on the monitor; it's like an electron microscope which allows for more detail than we can see "naturally?.

>>>Ta, xxxxx.

***And that's the latest.. ;-) ******..

So it's back to the goldenseal and tumeric and whitewillow bark poultice which I still need to do properly; in that I must "cure" it overnight at very low heat.I'll start preparing some right now..I do know that the solution that I've been using has a more dramatic affect on the tumor and it will be even more so when I make the salve much stronger than it has been..If that doesn't work it's back to the escharotic salves.One good thing is that the tumor doesn't appear to have changed size over the last few days.

I wonder where we can get some of that Graviola that Phinneas has talked about?

Whale just go "fig" ger
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