On Alternative Cancer Programs

Tue 8 Feb, 2011 06:19 pm
I should have checked to see if the unbelievers are purchasing products from "professional" homeopathists, or if they are making up their own. Could skew the results.
0 Replies
Fri 11 Feb, 2011 05:20 am
NaturalNews) It's really quite hilarious to see this unfold: Homeopathy skeptics and vicious Big Pharma attack dogs are running around the globe in ludicrous demonstrations where they consume huge doses of homeopathic remedies in public and then claim that because they don't die of an "overdose," these medicines therefore don't work.

Notice that they never consume their own medicines in large doses? Chemotherapy? Statin drugs? Blood thinners? They wouldn't dare drink those. In fact, today I'm challenging the homeopathic skeptics and other medical fundamentalists to a "drink-a-thon" test to see which medicines will kill you faster. But we'll get to that in a minute...

First, let's get to the understanding of why the idea that you could "overdose" on homeopathic remedies is ridiculous to begin with.

It requires an elevated worldview
Teaching the so-called "skeptics" about how homeopathic medicine really works is a bit like trying to convince flat Earthers that the planet is really spherical. These skeptics, you see, approach homeopathy as if it were a drug (because that's all they really know). And in their world, all drugs are dangerous if you overdose on them, which makes sense from their point of view because they're educated solely in dangerous, synthetically-derived chemicals that are incompatible with the human body.

So it may be understandable at some level that since this is all the medical fundamentalists (skeptics) know, they have probably not attained the level of sophistication required to understand the far more advanced mechanisms of homeopathy. It's a bit like trying to teach a five-year-old child how to play Mozart. And while that may have worked if your child was Mozart, it probably doesn't work for anyone else.

Homeopathy isn't a drug
Homeopathy, you see, isn't a drug. It's not a chemical. So you can drink all you want and you won't overdose on it. That's not a defect in homeopathy -- it's a remarkable advantage! It means that while 200,000+ Americans are killed each year by toxic pharmaceutical drugs, no one is harmed by homeopathy. Not even those who are desperately trying to be harmed by it!

It seems these skeptics really want everything to be more dangerous because the world of toxicity is so much more familiar to them. What these not-so-amazing skeptics would like to see, it seems, is more people dropping dead from dangerous side effects. Then they would believe homeopathy was real.

That's the way ignorant conventional medicine operates today: You know the drugs are kicking in when you start getting worse. Toxicity and conventional medicine go hand in hand.

But homeopathy isn't a chemical. It's a resonance. A vibration, or a harmony. It's the restructuring of water to resonate with the particular energy of a plant or substance. We can get into the physics of it in a subsequent article, but for now it's easy to recognize that even from a conventional physics point of view, liquid water has tremendous energy, and it's constantly in motion, not just at the molecular level but also at the level of its subatomic particles and so-called "orbiting electrons" which aren't even orbiting in the first place. Electrons are vibrations and not physical objects.

But, oh yeah, I forgot. The skeptics don't know that yet. That won't be taught that in university physics classes until probably 2020, at which point most of them will probably be dead from taking pharmaceuticals to treat their own diseases. For now, they've all convinced themselves that electrons are -- get this -- tiny "particles" flying around atomic nuclei and tremendous speeds which just happen to stay in their little orbits like little perpetual motion machines (which they say are impossible), until all of a sudden, these electron "particles" inexplicably leap to a higher or lower orbit without occupying the space in-between those orbits at any moment. Yep, magic teleporting particles! That's the "scientific" explanation of these folks. No wonder so many of them are magicians: Believing their explanations requires that you believe in particle magic!

But getting back to water and vibrations, which isn't magic but rather vibrational physics, you can't overdose on a harmony. If you have one violin playing a note in your room, and you add ten more violins -- or a hundred more -- it's all still the same harmony (with all its complex higher frequencies, too). There's no toxicity to it.

Homeopathy works much the same way: You can drink a few drops or a few gallons. It's the same harmony being introduced into your body's living cells, regardless of the quantity. And drinking a few gallons of it will only make you urinate a whole lot, which I suppose the skeptics have been doing a lot these days, staring down into the toilet bowl with their pants unzipped, declaring, "I was right! I can't overdose on it!" Talk about expensive urine, eh?

It's hilarious, in fact, that those who would try to disparage homeopathy would even think that attempting to "overdose" on it proves anything at all. What it really shows is that they utterly lack any understanding of the underlying theories of how homeopathy works -- theories that Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier -- the discovered of the AIDS virus -- now publicly supports, by the way. (http://www.naturalnews.com/031210_L...)

Bent on their own destruction
What really drives the skeptics crazy is that no matter how hard they try, they just can't seem to kill themselves. To be so out of touch with the beautiful, loving and holographic nature of the universe around us is to retreat to a self-loathing worldview that can only be resolved through self destruction. These skeptics just want to kill themselves... and they wouldn't mind taking a few of you along with them, too. Hence their promotion of vaccines, pharmaceuticals, chemotherapy and water fluoridation.

These public demonstrations of chugging what they call "drugs" can only be called psychopathic "public suicide attempts" -- and they can't even get that right, either. (They're drinking the wrong stuff...)

I would suggest they try a few fluid ounces of their own medicines if they want to achieve the overdoses they're looking for. A few ounces of chemotherapy would do the trick nicely. Let me know if one of them tries that, and we'll carry the news: "Skeptic dies after drinking his own medicine. Story at eleven..."

In fact, if these skeptics are looking to kill themselves, they need look no further than the tens of thousands of toxic drugs, vaccines, chemotherapy agents, radiation procedures and barbaric surgical procedures that they claim will heal you! Yep, the stuff they say is good for you is the stuff they won't drink.

And therein lies my challenge...

Why I'm challenging skeptics to drink a gallon of chemotherapy
I am hereby challenging the skeptics to a public drink-a-thon, each drinking the medicines we advocate. I'll meet them in a public place, and we'll each drink the medicines we believe in the most.

I'll bring a gallon of homeopathic remedies and healing raw juices, and the medical fundamentalists and their supporters (the more, the merrier) can each bring a gallon of the liquid forms of chemotherapy, blood pressure medications, coumadin, or statin drugs. We'll chug them in public and see who's left standing. The results get posted on YouTube for the whole world to see. We'll title the video, "SKEPTICS COMMIT MASS SUICIDE BY DRINKING PHARMACEUTICALS AS IF THEY WERE KOOL-AID." Jonestown, anyone?

Do you have any doubt which of us will be left standing? Sure, I may need to pee a whole lot, but the restrooms won't be crowded, because all the skeptics won't be needing them anymore.

That outcome, my friends, would be sad, but newsworthy. More importantly, it would prove an important point: Medicine should be safe for people to consume, not so deadly that you drop dead after consuming it, which is what often happens with pharmaceuticals.

But, alas, my challenge will certainly never be accepted. None of the magicians, skeptics of medical fundamentalists will be publicly chugging chemotherapy any time soon, nor any other large doses of liquid pharmaceuticals. Why? Because they know how toxic those chemicals are.

Do you notice the irony here? The only medicines they're willing to consume in large doses in public are homeopathic remedies! They won't dare consume large quantities of the medicines they all say YOU should be taking! (The pharma drugs.)

And therein rests the truth in all this: Even the skeptics know that homeopathy is inherently safer than their own medicines.

No wonder they keep attacking it: If people found out about safe medicine, where would all of Big Pharma's repeat business come from? After all, the best thing about chemotherapy (from Big Pharma's point of view) is that it creates repeat business from liver damage, kidney damage and brain damage.

All these pharmaceutical poisons are so damaging to the human body -- and brain -- that these is probably one of the main reasons why the skeptics who take all these drugs are incapable of understanding high-vibration advanced medicine. A vaccine shot every year does wonders for lowering the IQ and killing off the creative thinking portions of the brain, after all.

So if you're looking for safe medicine, definitely take a look at homeopathic remedies. They so safe that even the critics can't overdose on them... but you have to admit the attempt makes for great entertainment.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Feb, 2011 09:46 pm
The Internet is my medium of choice. It’s the primary tool I use to reach the very people I hope to affect in a positive way. However, this same platform is also being used by others in ways that can be hurtful. Sometimes the root of the damage stems from greed. I’m sure you’ve seen online advertisements for products that claim to effortlessly reverse Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease and even extend your lifespan. Fortunately, many people recognize that those sales pitches are hyperbolic at best and downright unbelievable at worst. But what happens when you receive an email from a family member or friend that contains health related information that claims a miraculous medical cure? The person who sent the information obviously cares about you and isn’t asking for any financial compensation. In short, the advice given in such emails is coming “from the heart”. What could possibly be wrong with that?

I recently received an email inquiring about a proposed asparagus cancer cure. This sort of claim isn’t uncommon on the ‘net. But there was an added element in this correspondence that intrigued me: the source of the information cited was from Snopes.com – a website that reviews and debunks fantastical rumors and urban myths. This was enough to set me off on my own personal search for an answer to the question – “Does eating asparagus cure cancer?”.

Asparagus is one of my favorite vegetables. A large serving of these green, purple or white stalks (about 12 stalks/one cup) only has about 30 calories and is an excellent source of valuable nutrients such as folic acid, potassium, Vitamins A, C and K. Beyond that, it also provides a fairly substantial amount of protein and fiber while contributing hardly any sugar. It’s pretty close to being an ideal food regardless of what kind of diet you’re following. (1)

Whenever you consider the relative worth of natural food, you need to take into account its phytochemical composition. Plant chemicals can contribute enormously to the overall impact of a fruit or vegetable on the human body. In many cases the benefits come from the potent antioxidant potential of said phytochemicals. In the case of asparagus, scientists have identified a number of antioxidant substances that *may* play a role in combating malignancies. The most popular plant chemical in Asparagus officinalis is probably glutathione, a free radical fighter that is thought to interfere with the establishment and promotion of cancer. However, there are many other anti-cancer components in this super food as well. (2,3,4)

Ferulic Acid - The cell walls of asparagus spears contain this potent antioxidant that is chemically similar to curcumin, another phytochemical with a long track record of anti-cancer activity. Ferulic acid is believed to inhibit angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels that can spur tumor growth by shuttling nutrients and oxygen to malignancies and promote the spread of cancer to neighboring tissue. (5,6,7,8,9)
Quercetin and Rutin - Several laboratory tests have identified these flavonoids in asparagus. Preliminary research conducted mostly in animals and test tubes suggest that quercetin and rutin possess cytotoxic (cell destroying) properties in relation to a variety of cancers. Some scientists propose that these flavonoids may effectively slow the proliferation of abnormal (cancerous) cells and the death of existing malignant cells (apoptosis). (10,11,12,13,14,15)
Steroidal Saponins - A study published in the April 2009 issue of the journal Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications reports that a steroidal saponin extracted from asparagus (asparanin A) is capable of halting the growth of liver (HepG2) cancer cells and promoting their selective death. The authors of that research concluded that, “These data indicate that asparanin A shows promise as a preventive and/or therapeutic agent against human hepatoma”. Previous studies have looked at numerous steroids from asparagus and determined similar cytotoxic activity versus other forms of cancer as well. It’s also important to note that a group of Chinese scientists recently discovered a new steroidal saponin in asparagus – yamogenin II. Only time will tell what this and future discoveries may hold in terms of the natural management of cancer. (16,17,18,19,20)
Top 10 Antioxidant Vegetables *
TRAP Value ** (mmol Trolox/kg FW) Rank
Asparagus 9.71 1
Beet Root 7.67 2
Artichoke 6.85 3
Turnip Tops 6.62 4
Chili Pepper 6.42 5
Radicchio 6.27 6
Mushroom 6.26 7
Spinach 5.79 8
Red Bell Pepper 5.47 9
Arugula 4.22 10
* Based on Testing Conducted on 34 Vegetable Extracts
** TRAP = Total Radical-Trapping Antioxidant Parameter

Source: J. Nutr. 133:2812-2819, September 2003 (a)

Asparagus consumption has also been linked to a few key processes that may discourage the formation of cancer via: a) an antimutagenic effect – preventing genetic mutations which can directly precede the earliest stages of cancer development; b) the promotion of “cellular phase II detoxifying enzymes” which “facilitate the removal of drugs and xenobiotic compounds” that are carcinogenic and supporting overall liver function; c) synergistically enhancing the antioxidant activity of other plant foods; d) the inhibition of chronic inflammation (cycooxygenase-2 suppression) which is thought to play a role in tumor development and; e) the promotion of healthier digestion and immune function thanks to its natural, prebiotic content. (21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29)

The color of asparagus may also play a role in its therapeutic potential. I would suggest sticking with the green or purple stalked varieties. A class of phytochemicals known as anthocyanins are what gives “purple passion asparagus” its distinctive color. These substances, similar to those found in berries and red wine, possess a potent oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) and may play a role in protecting against many age related and chronic conditions ranging from arthritis to dementia. They’ve also been associated with considerable anti-cancer activity based on animal, human and test tube investigations. Green asparagus do not contain anthocyanins but they’re loaded with several varieties of carotenoids such as beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. Carotenoids have likewise been correlated with a reduced risk of cancer in population studies that have examined the dietary consumption of these plant pigments in relation to cancer incidence. (30,31,32,33,34,35,36)

In closing, I want to point out several relevant facts about this controversy. When examining the current state of asparagus research, it’s important that we only focus on the exact type of asparagus that is typically consumed as a vegetable (Asparagus officinalis). There are additional members of the genus Asparagus that do possess other medicinal properties but are generally not consumed as a vegetable worldwide. The Snopes.com piece I mentioned earlier does provided information about a possible asparagus cancer cure, but that was only part of what they reported. Toward the bottom of that column, it’s made clear that the origin of this claim, an article that’s reputed to have been published in a 1979 edition of the Cancer News Journal, is seriously in question. The author of the Snopes review concludes that “miraculous tales of serious bouts of cancer overcome by asparagus therapy cannot be confirmed and thus should not be regarded as anything other than lore”. Ralph Moss Ph.D., a leading figure in the integrative cancer treatment movement, recently noted that he’s been hearing about asparagus cancer cures for over 35 years. He goes on to say that this widely circulated story “has all the hallmarks of an urban myth” and that it’s “unsupported by scientific studies”. Even after putting together all of the evidence for today’s column, I have to mostly agree with Dr. Moss. The word “cure” is a very definitive word. I don’t think it can be responsibly used in this case. I have absolutely no problem recommending asparagus to anyone and everyone who will read my words. By all means, eat it regularly. It’s a wonderfully nutritious and therapeutic vegetable. But claiming that it alone can heal malignancies is stretching the truth and could result in some people missing out on other treatments that are more likely to extend their lives and provide a real cure. (37,38)

Be well!


0 Replies
Fri 18 Feb, 2011 08:22 pm
There are 100 trillion microbes living inside of you. That's ten times the number of human cells in your body. And together, those microbes have more than three million genes--150 times the number of "human" genes in your body. If you assembled a genetic senate, your own DNA would have to fight for a single seat. Maybe we aren't quite as human as we thought.

I'm in Washington, DC, scouting for future stories for NOVA at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. (That's a mouthful, so I'll just say AAAS from here on out). The AAAS brings scientists, policymakers, and journalists together for a long weekend of talks, public events, lots and lots of coffee, and--as I learned in one set of talks this morning--lots and lots of microbes. The AAAS attracts about 8,000 human attendees, so that makes eight hundred thousand trillion (80 quadrillion!?) microbes attendees.

But the human microbiome is under attack. Antibiotics, supplements, fad diets, fatty "Western" food, and behaviors and environmental factors we probably don't yet understand all put stress on the microbes that live in the human body. Scientists like David Relman (Stanford University) are trying to find out exactly what we're doing to our local microbes, and how quickly and robustly they bounce back from wallops like antibiotics.

Meanwhile, other researchers hope to develop new drugs that target microbiota instead of human cells. As Jeremy Nicholson of Imperial College London puts it: "Drug the bugs!"
Drugging the bugs could be a pharmacological windfall, says Nicholson, because the microbiome presents such a rich and varied--and as-yet untapped--set of targets. There's reason to expect that the microbiome is a powerful player in human health, Nicholson points out, because researchers have already found some evidence for connections between the microbiome and autoimmune disease, colon cancer, allergies, and perhaps even autism, high blood pressure, and obesity. (Nicholson has worked with Nestle on the development of baby formula spiked with "good bacteria," or probiotics.)

This adds a new dimension to the old "nature versus nurture" debate. No more genetic determinism, says Nicholson: Our genome, epigenome, and microbiome are all in conversation with each other and with our environment. Disentangling the threads of that conversation is tricky; to do so in a controlled setting, researchers sometimes transplant human microbiomes into germ-free mice, test out different diets or medicines on the mice, and then sample how each mouse's microbial population changes over time.

One way to rebuild a crippled microbiome might be a fecal transplant, which is exactly what it sounds like. Some doctors are already experimenting with this therapy (also known as bacteriotherapy) for certain infections, ulcerative colitis, and even diabetes and Parkinsons disease. The results so far are promising, but anecdotal.

Maybe it's a little gross. Maybe you are wishing that you hadn't read this while eating breakfast. But however you feel about the "trillions of friends" that make up your microbiome, one thing is sure: As Relman says, "You're never alone."
0 Replies
Fri 25 Feb, 2011 11:26 am
Please sign this....

Dear Friends

This is a Raintree Health customer announcement to advise that you may NOT be able to get the products you want after the 30th April 2011.

This is because the EU parliament in their infinite wisdom has decided to remove your freedom of choice, and ban herbal products....virtually across the board.

We would ask you to please help fight this lunacy by signing this petition it will only take a couple of minutes of your time and it could really make all the difference http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/anh-vitaminrestrictions
If it does not load the page, please just copy and paste it into your browser

Also please forward this link on to all your friends so that they may join also. Together we can make a difference, and we can be heard. Thank you.

However, if you do wish to purchase anything, please ensure that you do so before mid April, just to be sure of receiving your order.
Please do not leave it until the last minute, thank you.

We are really sorry to have to send this email, however we will do our best to keep you informed of the situation, thank you.

IMPORTANT. You have received this email because your are either a customer of http://www.raintree-health.co.uk or have made specific enquiries from us.
If you wish to be removed from our 'customer update list', please reply with just the words 'PLEASE REMOVE' in the subject line.
Your email address will be erased from this list.

However if you would like to receive further updates, you need do nothing. Thank you.

My best regards

Les Martin
Raintree Health (UK) Ltd
07960 628 616
0 Replies
Fri 25 Feb, 2011 12:46 pm
The chances are that after the 1st May herbal retail outlets will struggle to survive, many will go to the wall with subsequent job losses and many herbal remedies will vanish. From then on there will no doubt be a black market of illegal, and suspect products which will take their place either from back street suppliers or on-line. Those taking them will never fully know what they are taking or the safety of the product - that is when the real poisoningwill begin, all thanks to the EU.

0 Replies
Thu 3 Mar, 2011 05:19 am
NaturalNews) The reign of censorship and suppression against vitamin D is now coming to an end. Even though the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and many institutions leading the cancer industry (including the ACS) have intentionally tried to downplay the ability of vitamin D to prevent cancer, a new study appearing in the journal Anticancer Research lays out the simple, powerful truth about vitamin D that we've been teaching at NaturalNews for years: A typical adults needs 4,000 - 8,000 IUs of vitamin D each day to prevent cancer, MS and type-1 diabetes, not the ridiculously low 400 - 800 IUs recommended by the U.S. government.

The new research was conducted by scientists at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Creighton University School of Medicine in Omaha. It is groundbreaking research because it establishes the relationship between vitamin D dosage and circulating vitamin D levels in the blood.

This is a first. It is crucial information for the health care revolution that will be necessary to save states and nations from total health care bankruptcy in the coming years. Vitamin D turns out to be one of the simplest, safest and most affordable ways to prevent degenerative disease and sharply reduce long-term health care costs.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/031577_vitamin_D_scientific_research.html#ixzz1FXBrCSni
0 Replies
Thu 10 Mar, 2011 06:25 pm

MMS Protocol web site (Jim Humble)
0 Replies
Sun 20 Mar, 2011 08:44 pm
Agency is trying to take MMS off the market...
I just got a desperate letter from Jim Humble the discoverer of MMS stating that "sorry, but my name and my picture must be removed from all sites selling mms in any form. All of the jim humble approval stamps must be removed from every site selling mms."

He further states, "This must happen immediately. Any time the attack comes if my approval is on any sales site that can be used to put me in jail. This is true in most countries as well as the united states, especially in Europe. Please comply with this. It is important. This must be done immediately. Taking my name off of your site will also keep you out of jail.

"I appreciate your help in bringing mms to the world. Now is the time to change mms to nothing but water purification drops. My sites will remain in place so that people can use them. They don't lead people to other sales sites. When the time comes the authorities must see nothing but mms water purification drops. We will have to depend upon my book, radio, TV, you tube, and other internet articles to tell what mms really is.

"One other point, anywhere on your site where the word supplement is used it should be changed to the word "solution", the reason for that is the FDA objects to the word supplement, that begins to neutralize our sites. Is for your protection." End of announcement!

What does this mean?

Does this mean that from now on MMS will be called Water Purification Drops - only? Does this mean that MMS had damaged someone and there is a complaint? Does this mean that the MMS is helping people purify the water in their bodies and therefore no longer need the high priced drugs, poisons and operations?

I understand that the FDA has ordered Amazon books to stop selling the Jim Humble MMS book if it is sold along with the MMS product.

Also according to the FDA the word "solution" is not a good word to use either. Maybe the word "drops" or the word "liquid" might be better.

All sellers of MMS are now asked to call their product "Water Purification Drops"

For additional articles and information on "Water Purification Drops" search the Internet for chlorine dioxide.
0 Replies
Sun 20 Mar, 2011 09:23 pm
How to Make MMS in Your Kitchen
MAKING 12.6 OUNCES OF MMS: There are
more than 1,412 doses of MMS in 12 ounces.
That should last you and your family for a
couple of years. MMS is light sensitive so you
must bottle it in a very dark glass or plastic
bottle, or in dark opaque plastic. Dark green,
blue, or brown transparent plastic is okay. The
light that goes through these dark colors will not harm the MMS. Don’t
worry about the MMS being out in the daylight for a couple of days.
However, never allow it to set in the direct sunlight. Sunlight will ruin it in an
hour even when it’s in a dark plastic bottle.
The reason that we use 12.6 ounces is because that’s how many ounces of
MMS 100 grams of sodium chlorite will make. The reason for that is 100
grams of sodium chlorite is the easiest amount that you can purchase. Many
chemical supply houses sell 100 grams for about $30. Five or six pounds can
be purchased at laboratory chemical supply shops for $300, but if you are
serious bulk quantities of 100 pound barrels sell for about $275 to $700 at
different industrial chemical companies. (See Chapter 15 for data on buying
sodium chlorite.) An update from a reader tells me that a 110 pound barrel
sells for $224.40 at the Los Angeles Chemical company. But they have a $300
minimum thus he bought two barrels.
However, if worse comes to worse, and you really need to do something
immediately to cure some problem or you just want to prove it works there
will certainly be at least one health food store near you that carries Stabilized
Oxygen. Buy some of that and use eight times as many drops as is given in
this book as a dose. The dose that they suggest on the bottle isn’t enough to
cure a mouse. (Or if you just want some MMS exactly to my formula and
don’t want to fool around, buy a bottle from my friend in Canada, it’s just $20
for a bottle that will last you for 2 years. See the end of Chapter 8). Or see
my Web Site miraclemineral.org for a number of suppliers in the US. If you
are using a regular eye dropper then the drops are much smaller than from
the bottle mentioned in this book so you should use at least 16 times the
drops given in the instructions in this book. (That is if you are using the
standard 3.5%, Stabilized Oxygen from the health food store). I hope you
understand that MMS at 28% plus is 8 times stronger than the Stabilized
Oxygen however, they also provide a standard dropper with small drops so
How to Make MMS in Your Kitchen Chapter 16 Page 61
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century
use 12 drops of Stabilized Oxygen for each single drop of MMS that you would use. Do everything else told here, that is add the vinegar or citric acid or Lemon or lime wait 3 minutes, add apple juice and drink. The bottle is gone in a week or two. On the other hand, expect most diseases to be cured in that amount of time. Also keep in mind that there are a few groups that sell Stabilized Oxygen that isn’t really Stabilized Oxygen, but rather some other chemical that they think is better than sodium chlorite. Do not expect other chemicals to work, because they will not. In the last several years different companies have offered various strengths of sodium chlorite solution thus making different strengths of Stabilized Oxygen. One group sells it at 25% which is close to the MMS which is 28%. If you did get the 25% strength it would be okay to just use all of the recipes and drops as given in this book. See the end chapter 17 for directions on how to find and buy sodium chlorite and also see chapter 17. It’s harder to get now-a-days because of the terrorist problem. What you will need to make 12.6 ounces of MMS:
1. You will need at least a 15 ounce bottle. It can be clear plastic if you do not intend to keep the liquid in the bottle for more than a couple of days. This is OK if you are waiting to transfer the liquid to dark bottles or containers. Just be sure that you do not leave the liquid MMS in the clear bottle. You could actually get away with leaving it in a clear bottle if you kept the clear bottle in a closed tight cabinet. Don’t leave it in a refrigerator as refrigerators are opened to the light too often.
2. At least one quart of distilled water. Do not use any other kind of water. It’s okay to used purified water if it says, “For all distilled water purposes.” Do not use spring water of mineral water unless it is an emergency and you can’t wait.
3. A plastic pitcher that has a good pouring spout.
4. A one quart pan or larger that can be heated. Do not use metal including stainless steel. Use glass or Corning Ware or a new Teflon coated pot that does not have any scratches through to the metal.
5. Some kind of fairly accurate gram scales. Should be accurate to 1/10 gram. An electronic postal scale will do. Postal spring scales would
How to Make MMS in Your Kitchen Chapter 16 Page 62
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century
be okay if you had some accurate weights to adjust the scale with just before you use it.
6. A black marking pen. Be sure you have one on hand.
7. Some small bottles to put the MMS solution in after you make it. Many pharmacies have small brown bottles with droppers. It’s okay to use these bottles so long as you never allow the MMS solution to get up into the rubber bulb. If you tip the bottle over, remove the dropper and wash it out with water making sure the bulb is washed thoroughly.
8. You will need at least 100 grams of sodium chlorite. When buying this chemical make sure it is chlorite that you are buying and not chloride. Chloride will not work. You will notice that the sodium chlorite comes in flakes, either white or slightly yellow.
When buying sodium chlorite don’t tell them what you are using it for. Tell them it is for water purification tests. The first thing that they will tell you is that their chemicals are not for internal use. That is not something to worry about. That is what all the sources of sodium chlorite specify, even those that sell their chemicals for public water systems. Remember, when you add distilled water you are diluting the chemical. Then when you use only 12 drops and you dilute that with ½ glass of water or juice, any impurities are also diluted. By the time you have done that much dilution, the impurities are always way below the maximum allowable impurities per day that you can afford to put in your body. The sales people are always worried about being sued, so they will always try to talk you out of buying the chemical, or even refuse to sell it to you if you tell them what you are going to use it for. (See chapter 17, second half of chapter, for information on buying sodium chlorite.) Checking the sodium chlorite powder to make sure it is real. I worry that someone might try to fool you into thinking some other powder is sodium chlorite in order to make you fail at curing someone, or just some clerk might be too dumb to sell you the correct powder. So here is how you check to make sure that you absolutely have the correct powder. First you must buy the strips that test for chlorine from any swimming pool store. Cost is $6.00 to $12.00 for 50 test strips.
(1) When you open your package the sodium chlorite must be flaky. Several companies have sold sodium chlorite that is not flaky in the last couple of years. If there is no flakes assume that you do not have sodium chlorite, but go ahead and do the other steps given here. If the chemical passes the
How to Make MMS in Your Kitchen Chapter 16 Page 63
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century
following tests it is indeed sodium chlorite and they, for some reason, ground the flakes before you got it. (2) Crush up a few of the flakes into powder. (Do this by putting the flakes into a tablespoon and crushing with a second spoon). (3) Put ½ teaspoon of the crushed powder into an empty glass and add three level teaspoons of distilled water. Swirl gently until the powder is completely dissolved in the water. You could warm slightly to aid in dissolving or you could heat the three teaspoons of water before adding to the powder.
(4) Now drop 10 drops of this solution into an empty glass. Add ½ teaspoon of vinegar. Any vinegar will do as long as it says “5% acetic acid” or “5% acidity.” Wait three minutes. (5) Wet a pool chlorine strip with this solution. It should read at least 1 ppm chlorine present. It is actually reading chlorine dioxide (pool chlorine strips can’t tell the difference).
(6) Now wet a second pool chlorine indicator strip with the original solution from which you took the 10 drops. This solution should read no chlorine present (because you haven’t added the vinegar to that solution) or less strength than the above (5) test. If your powder fails either step 5 or step 6 you do not have sodium chlorite powder. Someone is fooling you or they have made a mistake. Run the test one more time to make sure. If it doesn’t pass the test, don’t use it. Don’t accuse anyone. Don’t upset anyone. Just ask for some real stuff. If your powder is okay, follow the steps given below. Making the MMS solution: The MMS solution is 28% sodium chlorite powder. The 100 grams is 28% of 357 grams. That is 12.6 ounces. If you buy a bottle of 100 grams, you should just check that it indeed has 100 grams in it before adding it to the solution. One hundred grams is 3.54 ounces. Step 1: Verify that 100 grams or 3.54 ounces is contained in your bottle of sodium chlorite. Step 2: Measure out nine ounces of distilled water and add it to your heating pot. Be very careful to get nine ounces exactly.
Step 3: Now dump the 3.54 ounces (the 100 grams) of sodium chlorite into the 9 ounces of water in the heating pot. The heating pot should not be on
How to Make MMS in Your Kitchen Chapter 16 Page 64
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century
the fire yet. Put the heating pot on the hot plate and stir until dissolved. Once the white flakes or powder is dissolved immediately remove it from the fire. It should never be heated to the boiling point. It should only be warm when the sodium chlorite is finally dissolved. Never go away and leave it heating. It dissolves fast. Stay and stir until dissolved. Step 4: The liquid should be yellow and clear. Pour into the pitcher and then use the pitcher to pour into your plastic container with a lid. Put the lid on and set aside to cool. Warning: when the MMS is spilled on a table or on the floor it must be cleaned up with plenty of water. Never allow it to dry. The white powder is very flammable when dry. Step 5: Purchase a dark colored bottle or a number of small colored bottles and transfer from your original bottle if it is not a dark bottle. Make up labels with the data for use on them taken from the label at the end of chapter 17, and glue the labels on the bottles. You can use your computer for making the labels. The MMS lasts for several years. It should have maximum data on the label for someone a couple of years from now who might want to use it. For example, if a hurricane damaged much of your home and help was days away, if the bottle had proper information it could be used to help you or save your life. If it was just a dark bottle with no label, no one would know to use it.
0 Replies
Mon 21 Mar, 2011 04:51 am
This Is A Jim Humble Reprint

The data and regulations of the FDA prove that MMS actually works!

1. MMS kills 95% of all diseases:

It may surprise you that there is one point concerning MMS that all people agree on. At least all government agencies that are involved, universities, scientists and even my critics all admit to it. The chemical chlorine dioxide, which is what MMS generates, is one of the most effective killers of disease pathogens known to man. At this late time in the game, no group argues against the point that chlorine dioxide kills at least 95% of all disease pathogens upon contact. It is simply a known scientific fact. There are plenty of scientific papers on the Internet giving this data. Just google "chlorine dioxide." FDA 21CFR173.300 is just one of many FDA regulations authorizing the use of chlorine dioxide to kill pathogens. Google "FDA chlorine dioxide" for more evidence. You can read 21CFR by putting it in your browser.

Note: (For information about MMS Seminars, video course or Genesis II membership, please contact us at [email protected])

2. Chlorine dioxide does no damage to the human body:

The next argument was that chlorine dioxide goes forth and kills everything in its path including good and bad bacteria, parasites, viruses, fungus and also damages human body parts. But that is not so. There are thousands of industrial corporations listed on the Internet that use chlorine dioxide for the very reason, because it can be very selective in what it destroys (oxidizes). When properly used at low levels of concentration it can select pathogens and not affect body parts. For a list of companies using chlorine dioxide because it is selective, Google "chlorine dioxide selective." Here is a quote by the US Gov EPA Http://www.epa.gov./ogwdw000/mdbp/pdf/alter/chapt_4.pdf 4.1 Chlorine Dioxide Chemistry: Chlorine dioxide functions as a highly selective oxidant due to its unique, one-electron transfer mechanism where it is reduced to chlorite (ClO2-) (Hoehn et al., 1996). 4.4 - Chlorine dioxide is a strong oxidant and disinfectant. Its disinfecting mechanisms are not well understood, but appear to vary by the type of microorganism. 4.4.1 - In the first disinfection mechanism, chlorine dioxide reacts readily with amino acids cysteine, tryptophan, and tyrosine, but not with viral ribonucleic acid (RNA) (Noss etal., 1983; Olivier et al., 1985) It was concluded that chlorine dioxide inactivated viruses by altering the viral capsid proteins.

Do you See? These quotes and hundreds of other quotes I didn't have room for prove conclusively that MMS can be selective and is indeed selective. Now one more thing: www.lenntech.com/index.htm#ixzz0wGcRVcfM This data written by Lenntech is often quoted around the world by universities and in scientific papers. This company, along with others, proves that chlorine dioxide does not harm the human body in low concentrations such as those used by MMS. This is the quote:

"As an oxidizer chlorine dioxide is very selective. It has the ability due to unique one-electron exchange mechanism. Chlorine dioxide attacks the electron-rich center of organic molecules. One electron is transferred and chlorine dioxide is reduced to chlorite (ClO2)." Then the chlorite attracts four more electrons which rips a hole in the side of the pathogen, killing it.

3. There is no dangerous liability to ingesting chlorine dioxide over an extended period of time.:

The next argument was the concept that taking MMS might be dangerous when taking it for a few days. But that has also been proven not true. Back in 1982, the National Institutes of Health in Washington, DC conducted an extended double blind clinical trial to determine that very fact, whether there is a liability in taking chlorine dioxide over a period of time. They also tested the chemicals sodium chlorite, and sodium chlorate at the same time. The tests were conducted with humans and not with rats, thus one does not have to try to extrapolate to show that rats can equal humans. The tests conducted showed that no adverse conditions resulted in human bodies. Here is the link to the report. Read it for yourself and decide. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1569027/pdf/envhper00463-0059..pdf

4. Save your life or that of a loved one within the next 5 years

. Commonly quoted statistics say that either you or one of your loved ones will have a life threatening sickness sometime within the next five years. If you have a bottle of MMS in your medicine cabinet, chances are it will save your life or that of whoever is sick in your household at that time.

5. MMS leaves no dangerous chemicals behind to cause side effects:

: The final argument generally was, "MMS may leave dangerous chemicals behind when it deteriorates." But that is not true either. The chemistry of chlorine dioxide proves that it cannot leave anything dangerous behind as it deteriorates into its component parts: sodium chlorite, sodium chlorate, and table salt (sodium chloride). They are all gone from your body within several hours.

6. MMS destroys at least 95% of the diseases of mankind

: MMS destroys cancer and all the rest of the diseases that you or your loved ones might ever get. More than 5 million people have used MMS. More than 150 thousand books have been sold in Germany alone and it has been translated to over 18 languages, including Russian, Japanese, and Chinese, and is selling in most European countries. More than 50 thousand books have sold in the US. More than 5 million free MMS books have been downloaded. At least 200,000 lives have been saved to date.

Note: (For information about MMS Seminars, video course or Genesis II membership, please contact us at [email protected])

7. So the FDA has decided that they will take MMS away from the people

. They are forcing the MMS stores to recall every bottle that was sold and now they want to watch while the owners destroy everything in their shops. This is also happening in Japan, no doubt instigated by our FDA. This is the start, but they want to take it all away from the world, and they will do their best to use their authority to see that the world does not have MMS.

Can you possibly believe that 220,000 people died last year after taking an FDA-approved drug prescribed by a doctor? Well that is a fact and it is well documented on the Internet. Not one person worldwide died from taking MMS. The critics like to name a couple of cases worldwide where someone died, but in each case there was no logical connection to MMS.

The FDA intends to send the owners of the MMS stores to prison as examples for the world to see that no one must ever again be able to cure themselves of disease. Do you see? MMS, a chemical that has been discovered to cure the diseases of Mankind, is in danger of being disregarded for all time. We cannot let this happen. Those of you who cannot believe in MMS should still stand against making MMS illegal. What if, on the off chance, I could be right? Will you take the chance of losing something that might save you or a loved one? Why take the chance? If nothing else, insist that it be tested in Labs throughout the world.

8. So let me tell you about the attack on me(Jim Humble)

Hope you don't think I am paranoid. Anybody who does anything will develop a few critics. So when I developed a few I thought, well that's normal, and I took the time to answer some of them.. But instead of them listening to what I had to say, they attacked again, totally destroying what I had to say, but it wasn't logical.. They just said everything and anything that came into their heads that they thought sounded like it refuted my answers, even if what they had to say had no reason or no logic.
Then something else that was funny -- I developed dozens of critics, if not hundreds of critics around the world. And then one more funny (peculiar) thing showed up. All the critics seemed to be attacking the same logical points. Of course these points were the logical points to attack, as many people who have only an apathetic interest in health and healing might see them as uninteresting and then say, "Of course. That stupid Snake Oil Humble is only out for our money." (That's the favorite name for me nowadays as far as critics are concerned.)

Those sheep then walk into their living room, pick up their TV control, hit the on button, click down to American Idol, and never again consider that their Hepatitis C could be cured, or their child's HDD, or their wife's breast cancer. It's exactly what the people controlling the FDA want: sheep who never question a thing from the government. The point was that all the critics were questioning the same points as if someone had told them all the same things to say
0 Replies
Thu 24 Mar, 2011 03:43 pm
Fungus Control

It would have been simpler if MMS had been able to handle everything in the disease world, but there seems to be a fungus that MMS simply doesn't touch. In fact, MMS seems to feed the fungus. This fungus can occur in the the feet, or hands, or most any other place in the body.

It is not athlete's feet, it is much worse. All the athletes foot sprays and powders do not touch it. It can occur on the skin, and it seems to be much worse than any other skin infection. It itches and burns terribly and it appears to be under the skin as well as on the skin. It makes the skin slightly puff up, and it looks bad and it gets worse.

The name of this fungus has not been identified. It can last for years. I don't know if it has ever been fatal, but it seems to be very bad and sometimes it can get into the mouth and gums and cause much suffering. It also happens on the head or scalp where it causes havoc.

This particular fungus reacts to MMS with a stinging burning pain. It will almost always be worse after being treated with MMS. Your feet can be so bad that you cannot walk. This is the only way to identify it that I know of.

Luckily this particular fungus is rather rare. It does not happen in very many people. However, I have included it here as I do not know any other treatment than what I am about to tell of.

So if you have athlete's feet that will not go away, or gum disease that MMS will not cure in less than one week, or skin disease that just can't be treated successfully, then this is what to do, and don't worry, it won't do any harm.

Go to most any health food store and buy a jar of Aztec Clay. In foreign countries they have other clays that will work. All the clays for this purpose are Bentonite and in France it is called Montmorillonite. Mix this clay 50-50 with Vaseline (petroleum jelly). Then smear it on the various areas. If your problem is in the feet, smear it on the feet and cover it with thick socks. If it is on the skin, smear it on the entire area of the infection.

If you do not use the Vaseline it will not work very well. Vaseline makes it contact the skin and tissues and does something that makes it work much better. Only in the mouth would I not use the Vaseline and even there if it didn't work otherwise I would still use it. Just brush your teeth with the Aztec Clay powder just like using any particular tooth powder. Brush them gently, but three or four times a day.

The fungus infection should clear up in about one week. However, I would keep a light coating on for a month or so. This treatment has helped a number of people so far.

One more thing: There is always the possibility of getting a similar fungus infection inside the body. In that case, use the same clay inside the body by taking it by mouth. Start with 1 teaspoon of clay in ½ glass of water or juice and in several days work up to 2 tablespoon full's (rounded) a day.

Similarly, molecular silver solution that has produced very good results. Some people use this two hours after MMS doses to speed or supplement the MMS germicidal benefits. Molecular silver is superior to most colloidal silver because it is manufactured with high volages and is much higher in germicidal action. A search on the Internet will direct you to suppliers that have these products.

See also my web site called "MMSanswers.com" where about 150 diseases are listed together with a complied list of my email responses to questions about cancer and many other diseases.

0 Replies
Fri 25 Mar, 2011 04:27 pm
Associated Press

Federal health regulators have approved a new cancer drug from Bristol-Myers Squibb that is the first therapy to prolong the lives of patients with melanoma.

It's the first new drug the Food and Drug Administration has approved to treat melanoma since 1998. Older medications have shown few results in fighting the difficult-to-treat skin cancer.

The injectable drug, called ipilimumab (ih-pee-LEE-moo-mab), uses the body's immune system to help fight cancer. It differs from chemotherapy drugs which attack the disease with chemicals.

Studies of the drug, which has the brand name Yervoy (Yehr-VOY), showed patients lived an average of four months longer than those taking older medications. While only a small group of patients respond to the drug, researchers say it is an important milestone.

0 Replies
Sat 16 Apr, 2011 06:26 am
How to safely sell MMS
As I hope you already know, we have a church, the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, which heals sick people free of charge. We give them the Church Cleansing Water free (same as MMS), and also the activator free, and that’s all they need for most diseases. And of course we train them at no charge in our Sacraments using the Cleansing Water for any disease. This is a non-religious church formed to serve mankind. We hope to receive donations from those who receive our Sacraments, but only after they are healed and back to health.

We want plenty of people selling MMS who are
not a part of our church

There are millions of people who know about MMS and need to be able to buy it for use in their own homes. They can come to one of our seminars or contact one of our Ministers for training in its use, or they can buy my book.

· The next MMS Seminars are, May 9th-18th, and June 20th-29th, (in the Dominican Republic). For more information, please contact us at [email protected]
· You can take the MMS Video course at home, taught by me personally, and become a Health Minister. For more information, please contact us at [email protected].
Any sick person can come to us here in the Dominican Republic. There are hundreds of home uses for MMS health-wise. My new book tells about many of them.

Have The FDA and Health Canada Shut Down MMS Sales?


Because of Private Membership Health Associations

People have been creating Private Membership Health Associations that sell all sorts of health products banned by the FDA. Two are now selling MMS and they have already found that the public doesn’t mind becoming a member in their associations so long as they can use the membership fee to help pay for their MMS or other products.

There are also many websites still selling MMS so the FDA hasn’t stopped them all. It did stop Project Green Life for a short time but Daniel Smith opened a Private Membership Health Association and continued to sell it. Dr. Ron Neer has also opened a Private Membership Health Association. These Associations are completely legal and lawful. The FDA was formed to protect the public, but not to “protect” private associations

You can open your own Private Membership Association for most anything you want and it is perfectly legal.

There is a fee involved because the lawyer agrees to work for your association all the way to the Supreme Court. He has won 72 cases with no failures so far, as private associations are guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. It is worded so that any suppression the government might come up with can be defeated.

If you want the government to take responsibility for your health, and some people do, then just remain in the public domain where more than 50 workable cures for cancer have been suppressed.

But if you want to be responsible for your own health and welfare, then work with the private associations, as they offer all the alternative medicines. For example, for cancer, the public has only surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, none of which are any more successful than 3%. But some of the alternate medicines are 90% successful. In fact, doing nothing is 10% successful, so that’s better than having surgery.

We need hundreds more people selling MMS in the private sector where the FDA cannot reach you. Please start a Private Membership Association and a website. It’s important to humanity. Sell to your friends and neighbors and you will save lives.

If you would like help in getting the best buy for a Private Membership Health Association, please write Dr. Ron Neer at [email protected]. It is a bit expensive, but not out of range for the working guy. This is for the USA only. Other countries have similar laws permitting and protecting Private Membership Associations.

· Our church does not have any financial connection to those selling in Private Membership Associations and we do not benefit from the sales of MMS anywhere in the world.

We now have 194 Ministers of Health in 47 countries with most of them trained right here. They have all said that they wish to be a part of the service to humanity. Of course, to serve humanity is to serve God. However we are formed to serve humanity. Also, please become a member of our Church, the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing. You only need to believe in:

Doing good deeds;
Healing the sick;
Always doing what is right; and
Continuing to work for the freedom of all mankind.

My New Book Available For Download
Tell your family and friends! It contains a lot of very important information that people need. Please, help us get this eBook to as many people as possible!!! The print version will be available in a few weeks and I will notify you in another newsletter.

I’m really excited about the information in this book getting to the whole world! There are so many important findings, testimonies, new protocols etc. The MMS movement is growing daily worldwide. We now have 194 Health Ministers in 47 countries teaching others to teach others!

As always with love,
Bishop Jim Humble
0 Replies
Sat 16 Apr, 2011 10:33 am
I thought I removed all the links. Sorry about that, mods.
Wed 27 Apr, 2011 10:36 am
Edgar, have you tried MMS yourself? I follow your thread and trust you. It is difficult to believe many things we read on the internet, because everyone is out to 'make a buck'. I read Natural News often, but I don't trust everything on that site, because some of their material seems suspect.

Wed 27 Apr, 2011 11:55 am
Natural News is not always right. Granted. But, my MMS information that I actually use comes from other sources. Yes, I believe it is working.

When I began the program, I followed the oral program, per the book. But, I also started putting it over my skin. The skin began to have great red welts and with each application it became more painful. Back to Jim Humble's web site. Under the heading, "fungus" he wrote that a fairly rare fungus on some persons will have that reaction. He suggests using equal parts Aztec Clay and Vaseline and spreading that over the affected areas. He said it is possible to have the fungus internally, so I stopped the MMS and began following his instructions how to be rid of it internally. After that, just a week or two ago, I started using MMS again. The skin fungus is so widespread that it will take a long time to finish that part. I also started rewashing my clothes, after my wife washed them, with Borax. That seems to help also. The original MMS program calls for two doses per day, but the new one calls for once per hour, ten hours per day. Just now, my work schedule interferes with the ten hours, so I am doing the original. It is very hard to drink the stuff, but I get it down. There is much more, and Jim Humble is the best source of information. One very good result already, the anal soreness and itching has vanished. One more thing: I was getting good results with apricot kernels (45 per day) and intend to keep that up also. The people with the H3O have MMS under their own name and that is what I buy. It is listed on the site next to calcium sulphate (H3O). Got to run now. More later when I get home from work.
0 Replies
Wed 27 Apr, 2011 06:46 pm

There are a number of programs that I believe can work. The three I prefer are MMS, apricot kernels and Alpha=Omega Labs' products. I have tried others that showed promise and would work for others than me. Budwig's diet and peroxide come to mind.

The reason I did not all out persue Alpha-Omega's way was purely economical. So far, in fact, each program has fallen apart for me , because of a lack of money. Alternative healing is usually touted as being very cheap. Not so, to the very poor. I can’t even afford the apricot kernels I began, on a regular enough basis to allow them to work. Which is why I decided to investigate MMS. MMS (AO Chlorite TM, on the Alpha=Omega site) is the cheapest of them all and shows much promise. I had no problem getting five bottles of it, plus bottles of citric acid and calcium hypochlorite. Also, a healthy diet that provides high levels of vitamin D, calcium and magnesium. Add in the Aztec Clay and Vaseline, and the program is there, for less than a hundred bucks. If you have a few months to work at it, it is accessable.

I also use H3O (calcium sulphate) daily, as sold by Alpha-Omega.

Because I have not completed the MMS protocol yet, I cannot advise everybody to do the same.

cicerone imposter
Wed 27 Apr, 2011 06:50 pm
Will you keep us updated on your progress?

My Gleason score was 7, so I took the radiation treatment route. I'm not suffering from incontinence, but bleed in my stool once in awhile from my proctitis.

Otherwise, my health seems to be running on good to excellent.
Wed 27 Apr, 2011 06:53 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Yes, I will. I had not intended to make this public this soon, but felt I owe it to readers of the thread.
0 Replies

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