On Alternative Cancer Programs

Fri 24 Sep, 2010 09:06 am
On the colloidal silver front:
When my mother in law came back to the nursing home from the hospital, she was quarantined. They told us she was a threat only to the elderly with weakened immune systems. They also told us the antibiotics had killed her beneficial bacteria, leaving the harmful bacteria to grow out of control. "Horseshit," I says. I gave my wife about four ounces of colloidal silver in a water bottle. "Give her this," I requested and she complied. The next three times she visited her mother, the act was repeated. Even after the first dose, she began to improve and even regained her appetite. We quit giving her the silver water, because it is not possible to give her a maintenance dosage undetected, but the immediate objective was achieved. She was removed from quarantine shortly after the first dose, also.

A few weeks ago, my wife awoke with a sore throat and her stomach hurt and felt "yucky." I instructed her to take a dose of colloidal silver every couple of hours for the entire day (Keep it in the mouth as long as possible. Try to trickle it down the throat over a space of 15 minutes). Her condition eased enough she did not want to see a doctor. The next morning the symptoms persisted, but not strongly. I decided to have her drink about several ounces of the stuff. She did and I have not heard her complain over that condition since then.

I get my colloidal silver from a friend, because he has a superior home "maker." My own generator makes an inferior grade that helps in many situations, but cannot compete with his. He drinks the stuff like it was mother's milk, at least it sounds that way to hear him talk. My standard greeting to him usually includes the phrase, "not blue yet?"
0 Replies
Sun 26 Sep, 2010 09:44 pm
An excerpt from Meditopia, by Greg Caton

Because I am an herbalist, people are sometimes shocked to hear me say that at least 90% of the herbal products on the market are, at best, marginal. Most products are, to use the vernacular, just garbage.
Herbology, well practiced with an eye towards maximizing the desired effect on the customer, is an exacting science. Depending on the herb and its use, and in varying degrees, the efficacy of a given herbal product will be based on when it is picked, how it is processed, the proven efficacy of the mixed ingredient formula itself (where applicable), and the validity of the protocol provided, etc.
Good manufacturing practices should be enforced to ensure the very best herbal products are sold on the market. But such standards are not used OR enforced, and the reason is simple: the FDA doesn't recognize herbal supplements as anything more than that: a dietary supplement. Herbal manufacturers get to hide behind the DSHEA disclaimer -- after all, if you tell your customer up front, "This product is not designed to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease," then if you market a medicinally worthless product how can you be held accountable?
You can't.
Officials at the FDA know this. They know that the marketplace is awash with worthless herbal products that do not benefit the customer. They like it that way. The pharmaceutical companies like it that way. And most physicians like it that way. By taking a blind eye to having near non-existent standards for medicinal herb products you have in place a phenomenon where bad products drive out the good. In other words, consumers stay confused and distrustful of good herbalism in general.
For every customer who has tried a product like Cansema and had a spectacular result, there are 20 who honestly believe that herbs don't work. And why shouldn't they believe this? They bought some cheap $4.00 bottle of product from WalMart, took it home, tried it, got no result, so what conclusion should they draw?
Another good example of this phenomenon is the regulatory posture towards homeopathic preparations. Although the FDA takes a conciliatory position towards homeopathy on its web site. 2, its lack of enforcement of good manufacturing practices has lead to an unusual chasm in how homeopathy is perceived in the U.S. versus other countries that are more open to alternative health care practices.
A close associate of mine in New York is a native of India who came to the U.S. 20 years ago to get his MBA. He has indicated to me that he knows physicians in Mumbai (Bombay) who use homeopathic preparations regularly, along with ayurvedic, herbal, and more conventional drug therapies. He has told me, "I didn't realize why Americans didn't think more highly of homeopathic remedies until I came to understand that because of unenforced standards your homeopathics don't work as well -- if at all."
Now, I have to regard this commentary as hearsay at this point. In all our work at Alpha Omega Labs, despite the fact that we manufactured, in part, most of the 350 different products we carried, we never manufactured any homeopathics. So this is not my area of specialty.
Nonetheless, given my experience in other areas where Gresham's Law runs amok, I regard this as another example of a phenomenon where the FDA, in allegiance to the pharmaceutical industry, turns a blind eye to encouraging the best alternatives to flourish in the market -- simply because by allowing the bad to dilute the public's confidence in the good, consumers are left only with the choice of going with more expensive pharmacological therapeutic options.

0 Replies
Tue 28 Sep, 2010 04:23 pm
Primer On

The suppression of escharotics for nearly 150 years by the orthodox medical community is, in the opinion of the author, one of the most scandalous episodes in the history of medicine. No other event so glaringly demonstrates the corruption of the system and the supremacy of money, power, politics, and market share over science, humanity, or any semblance of decency, morality or ethics.
Aside from our own photographic endeavors, the best pictorial case we ever received from a customer came from Dr. Stephen Weeks in Seattle.
Since some understanding of what an escharotic salve does is germane to fully internalizing the particulars of Chapter 1, we briefly cover the process below. That Cansema® cured cancer became to us as much a certitude as the observable, scientifically verifiable fact that hydrogen peroxide kills microbes topically. As the years passed and hundreds of testimonials poured in by mail and email (thousands if you include all the telephonic inputs), we only became more amazed that something so simple had been so effectively held back from the public -- for horrific reasons involving politics and greed. Hence, did the by-line of Alpha Omega Labs came to be: 'The Triumph of Medical Science Over Politics & Greed.' And for nine glorious years, a triumph it was (1994-2003) before the raid.
Considering that the internal versions work so well on such a broad range of life-threatening cancers, that orthodox medicine would, in effect, be willing to enforce a system of eugenics and see many tens of millions of people die painful deaths so that their select few could maximize profit seemed unthinkable.
It isn't.
It is a sad and shameful, but readily verifiable fact.
And now the pictures . . .

Stage 1: Eschar Formation
(Melanoma Shown)

With escharotics that attain to the level of performance of Cansema, the results are unmistakeable. And initially this means that the product reacts with cancerous tissue, destroys it, forms an eschar, while failing to do anything more to healthy tissue than produce mild irritation. Even in the one and only "victim" that the FDA used to incarcerate me, the subject, under oath, stated that her cancer had been cured (see deposition, pg. 38-39, or see 48). She said she was suing because she thought Cansema® also harmed healthy tissue, though she could not provide any reasonable foundation for her assertion.
The variety of escharotic reactions is staggering. Eschars are usually round, but pus can be white, green, yellow, greenish yellow, red, brown, grey, even black. I created a special instructions page, and a page devoted to summary of possible physiological reactions, pain management, vet applications, suppository applications (I built our own suppository manufacturing facility for this purpose), a legalities page, and a set of testimonials unlike I have even seen on the internet for any conventional product devoted to removing cancers -- regardless of kind or location.
The photo above appears on the Cansema introduction page; enlarged still further in a separate pictorial section. But it was only one among many such photos on the site. Early on we posted a photo of an eschar formation after Cansema® was applied to yet another melanoma.

Stage 2: Edema & Isolation

This is a reduction of the first melanoma example we provided in our Cansema® pictorial section. Edema, the buildup of bodily fluid as an immunological response to the identification of an invasive agent to the body, is a given with Cansema, or any other well-crafted escharotic, when applied to a cancer. Perhaps I worked that poorly. It might be better to say that when Cansema® is in proximity to a cancerous growth, necrosis and edema can be the anticipated reactions. To not have a death of the cancer and a edematous response is a strange and rare anomaly.

Stage 3: Eschar Containment

A fitting description is found on the melanoma pictorial page -- restated here: "The eschar begins to dry up like any other scab. As healthy dermal layers are formed beneath the eschar, which nears perfect and separate formation, it is slowly ejected from the body. Edema and redness disappear."

A recurring problem with customers who were not working with a health care professional was a failure to follow instructions -- at every stage of the process. In the case of Stage 3, some customers would pick at the eschar instead of allowing the process to proceed naturally on its own. In the case of Sue Gilliatt, the woman who worked with the FDA to destroy the Alpha Omega Labs operation, we had one of the more bizarre examples of this deviation from simple instructions. Sue actually testified under oath that she removed her own eschar with a pair of embroidery scissors -- this, the best "victim" the FDA could come up with. (And no, I'm not kidding; see page 98 of the Gilliatt deposition). Nonetheless, the instructions stand for all to see -- simple and easy for any normal adult to follow.

Stage 4: Edema Expulsion

Again, from the first melanoma pictorial page: "The entire eschar, representing what had been a thriving cancer only days before, is pushed out of the body when the last connective skin tissue beneath it is broken or deteriorates. What remains at the site of expulsion is a decavitation, which we will examine next ... "
When left to Mother Nature, the resulting scarring was minimal -- certainly, from our experience, much less than if the growth had been removed surgically -- MUCH less. In time, even the scarring that remained after three months began, over time, to decrease to the point where many customers reported that you could not tell that a growth of any kind had ever existed on the applied area.

Stage 5: Decavitation

After the eschar comes out, a "decavitated area remains." Epidermal layers have not completely formed, so to the lay person the area can look extremely raw and unprotected. Nonetheless, in the thousands of cases we were involved in, never once did we have a case of secondary infection resulting from the process. We stated this clearly on the site, and it is true to this day.
For individuals who were not going through a health care practitioner, this stage was the scariest for the uninitiated. In the case of larger growths, the sheer rawness of what appeared to be unprotected tissue could be quite unsightly. For the experienced user, Stage 5 was not a problem.

Stage 6: Heal Over

"The epidermal layers have come in. There is usually minimal scarring and discoloration, where instructions have been thoroughly followed. In time even the little scarring seen at right will be marginalized." (See melanoma pictorial.)

In time, the success of Cansema® in terms of performance became so assured that our focus changed to various methods of minimizing scarring. Three areas of investigation were represented on the site: bio-oxidative therapies (which didn't always represent itself in terms of a product introduction -- as in our treatment of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)); silicon sheeting; and, a new area of research, stabilized hydronium (H3O), which was so ahead of its time that it became an area not only of vexatious litigation, but the U.S. federal government's fabricated basis for raiding (and destroying) Alpha Omega Laboratories.
All three approaches had their advantages, but overall, H3O worked the best. It worked so well that a variety of medical doctors used our H3O for post-surgical cleaning to help accelerate the healing of the wound. One such doctor was Dr. Charles Smith in Dallas, Texas. In the case of one vexatious litigation, Sharon Lee, Dr. Smith and Alpha Omega Labs were both sued -- and the case was settled out of court after I was imprisoned and the plaintiff lawyer used a variety of tactics to try and destroy the reputation (and the medical license) of the good doctor. In the end Ms. Lee and her attorney walked away with $500,000 total in insurance monies.
. . . for a medical injury that could not possible have happened, just on the basis of what is even scientifically possible. (Proof that stabilized H3O, as we sold it, is completely non-caustic and non-corrosive is provided on this site).


Is Impossible
Without Media
0 Replies
Wed 29 Sep, 2010 09:33 pm

The "Ten Conditions" :
Identifying a Recurring Suppression Pattern

Escharotics are especially offensive to the medical community for ten very obvious and powerful reasons. Because these reasons reoccur with such frequency and poignancy as we continue our study, that we will end the first chapter by enumerating them now:

The Products (Escharotics) Cure Cancer.
(And as we'll see in further chapters, so do quite a number of other suppressed treatment approaches). The escharotic versions I went on to create worked better than 99% of the time topically, and better than 50% of the time on a wide range of internal cancers, excluding blood cancers (i.e. leukemia, lymphomas, and Hodgkin's). From 1995 to 2003, I ran and operated Alpha Omega Labs (altcancer.com), after already having five years experience in working with escharotics. I created a line of escharotic products that I named "Cansema® " (merging "cancer" with the popular trademark, Noxzema® and pronounced can-see'-muh.). [47b]. In only two cases did customers "claim" that the topical product did not work, and in only one case did a customer sue (Sue Gilliatt vs. Gregory James Caton, et. al.), and in even THAT case, the plaintiff admitted in sworn deposition that her cancer had been cured. [48]. As to the internal versions of Cansema® that were escharotic (Capsules and Tonic I), few customers failed to report some progress -- if not dramatic results. We were able to produce testimonial pages displaying an array of astonishing success stories.

They're cheap.
They are easy and inexpensive to make, not to mention inexpensive to sell (relative to orthodox treatment). Cansema® Salve, the primary salve I created and sold for $49.95 USD, could be used to cure a dozen or more average sized skin carcinomas. No monopoly, big profits, or advantages of extortionary regulation to be had here. Not good for the home team.

No Doctor Is Required.
They do not require the intervention of a doctor. They place most cancer treatments on the same level as going to the local drugstore to get a topical ointment to eliminate Athlete's Foot.

They're Non-Toxic.
They are not at all toxic topically. The internal variations are potentially toxic (especially with the use of bloodroot, which contain potent alkaloids, notably sanguarene), but not if properly formulated -- with adherence to a clearly stated, properly tested protocol.

They Expose Long-Standing Industry and Government-Based Fraud of Unimaginable Proportion.
Their very existence makes clear what an enormous fraud that orthodox chemotherapy, radiation, and most surgery is. Moreover, their efficacy exposes what a joke the multibillion dollar "cancer research" industry is and has been for the better part of a century.
They're Non-Patentable.
They cannot be meaningfully patented. Those escharotics that have been patented could not be reasonably defended. Without a basis to secure a monopoly, no faction with the drug industry could possibly condone the public becoming knowledgeable in the use of escharotics.
They Do Not Lend Themselves to Proprietary Ownership and the Monopolistic Privileges It Brings.
They've been around for so long that no one can claim credit or ownership to the essential principles behind them -- the principles supporting their efficacy.
Indigenous Ethnobotanical Origins Are Shown to Be Superior.
Escharotics' origins -- that is, if anyone at all is to get credit for their discovery -- go back to indigenous and aboriginal sources. Nothing is more embarrassing to modern science than the admission that we have spent many hundreds of billions of dollars on a project, and still we cannot improve upon the advice of medicine men ("those brute savages!") who fail to bow to the gods of our superior, industrial, mechanistic universe. This is cognitive disonance up with which we shall not put! It is a "tear in the matrix" that threatens to create a cascade among the weary electorate who just might decide to become "unplugged."
True Democracy Is Exposed as a Sham
Escharotics' existence undermines the legitimacy of representative democracy. It allows even the more obtuse among the civically ignorant citizenry to view the mythology of "government by the people" in all its disinformation. If escharotics are not proof that most Western democracies are, in actuality, plutocracies that put the interest of the rich and influential over those of the common man, nothing is. If the average citizen in the U.S., U.K., Australia, New Zealand, etc. knew what I knew, they would know that they possess absolute proof, in their hands, that modern medicine is the story of creative financial servitude. They would know that their so-called "elected representatives" are not only complicit, but are owned -- lock, stock, and barrel -- by the power elite. They would internalize, with unmistakeable clarity, the evidence that their houses of political representation were, in fact, little more than multinational corporate brothels. Not that many are not already aware of the fact; but it would most decidedly raise, as Alan Watts used to say, the "intensity of the concept" to a higher quantum of outrage. Most people, to this point, have not had the capacity to understand the cruel machinations that sit behind this kind of brutality. This gives a reason to obtain it.
Knowledge of their Existence and Proper Use Would Lead to the Wholesale Bankruptcy of the Medical Industry in the West
If the preparation and use of escharotics were widely known to ordinary citizens, this knowledge among the "People" would only lead to the embracing of other, equally effective natural remedies that are far superior to anything that modern medicine, generally -- and more specifically, modern pharmacology -- has to offer. Any significant movement in this direction would have an accelerating character and would -- as I will expand upon in upcoming chapters -- bring about the financial decimation of the pharmaceutical industry in the West and much of the medical industry that is allied to it.
Remember these conditions -- integral to what I call the "Suppression Pattern" -- as they form a recurrent theme in this book. The concept is further refined as we progress -- and, in fact, I will refer back to these points as the "Ten Conditions" in subsequent chapters.
For now, before I can complete the chronology of events that leads to the present, it is important to examine a brief history of escharotics, specifically; and trends in medical suppression generally.
Unless you believe, with the clarity and intensity that I believe, that these Conditions are true and beyond the pale of exaggeration or embellishment, you will not be able to appreciate the latter sections of this book and what they mean for you, your family, and society.
That is why I devote enough time and attention in what follows so you can see the Suppression Pattern for what it is and what it has done to Western Civilization.
Once you internalize these concepts with clarity, you will never be the same person again.

0 Replies
Sat 2 Oct, 2010 09:33 am
Man served five years in prison over not keeping his mouth shut about what cured his cancer.
0 Replies
Fri 15 Oct, 2010 03:48 pm
I began juicing beets. The first time, I juiced the entire organic beets, including the greens, until I had a glassful. Thereafter, every day I have juiced one beet, with some carrots to make it more palatable. The first three days, my urine was dark and heavy. Not so, now. Stronger flow, too. I read up on how beet juice helps to stabilize the blood and grinds up stones in kidneys and liver. It is helpful to the blood pressure, something never a problem here. Today, my physical well being has been elevated and the beets may well be the cause, though I cannot prove it.
0 Replies
Sat 16 Oct, 2010 08:16 am
My interest in beets was sparked by reading the following:

(NaturalNews) The health benefits of beet juice aren`t well known, but they are profound. Beet juice is best known as a blood purifier and blood builder that helps in the creation of red blood cells. Russian longevity researcher, Mikhail Tombak, Ph.D., tells us that beet juice improves blood structure and cures diseases of the circulatory system, large intestine, and digestive system. Tombak also shares that beet juice dissolves stones in the liver, kidneys and bladder. Not bad for a common item found in most grocery stores.

Researchers have found that a glass of beet juice each day beats high blood pressure - and according to the American Heart Association, one in three adults has high blood pressure. In the 1950`s, Dr. Ferenczi of Hungary had his cancer patients drink a quart of beet juice each day, which was effectively breaking down and eliminating tumors. Beets have been found to increase the body`s production of glutathione, which helps the body detoxify cancer-causing poisons.

Sherry Rogers, M.D. tells us that glutathione can grab onto hundreds of different kinds of environmental chemicals and pull them into the colon where they can be flushed down the toilet. However, if you`re depleted in glutathione this process won`t work for you. And that means many environmental chemicals will remain inside your body, causing what they so often cause: cancer and other health problems.

In studies, animals with chemically-induced high cholesterol were fed beet fiber. Compared to the control group, the beet fed animals experienced a total cholesterol drop of 30%, while their triglycerides dropped 40%. Essentially, the beets significantly dropped the animals` risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The animals` HDL (beneficial cholesterol) also increased significantly, offering protective benefits.

Beets have also been found to increase the number of CD8 cells in the colon, which are cancer-destroying cells. Colon cancer is the third most diagnosed type of cancer in the U.S. and the third leading type of cancer related death. Sounds like quite a few people could benefit from drinking some more beet juice.

Getting the Benefits of Beet Juice

Drinking the fresh juice of a beet or two each day is a wonderful preventative health measure, and it may help reverse many problems. For taste, beet juice can be mixed with carrot juice or apple juice.

If you`re into cleansing, you can also get the benefits of beet juice by adding a cup to a two quart cooled coffee enema. Coffee enemas are traditionally done to cleanse the liver, and by adding fresh beet juice, you`ll compound their effectiveness. The effects of doing coffee and beet juice enemas repeatedly are profound and for more for your buck, add in the juice of a couple of cloves of fresh garlic as well.

0 Replies
Sat 23 Oct, 2010 08:52 pm
Heart Food Drops are considerably more concentrated than similar products, including the Strauss formula (although we do stick to the widely accepted protocol of 15 drops x 3 times daily). If you need to dilute, use the graduated dropper that comes with the bottle to draw equal amounts of product and water. This will make it easier to take the product if you find it too strong. We sell the product as a circulatory support product only...

INGREDIENTS: Hawthorn Berries, Garlic (powder, flakes, granulated and/or oil), Valerian Root, Cayenne Pepper, Bilberry Leaf, Ginkgo Bilboa Leaf, Milk Thistle Seed, UV treated well water, and bioenergized in an aqueous alcohol base.

DIRECTIONS: Shake well before using and for maximum shelf-life, refrigerate when not in use. Put 15 drops (0.18 fl. oz.) under the tongue and hold for one minute before swallowing. Repeat three times daily for best results.

To U.S. Users: Neither the contents of this site, nor the product itself, have been evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease.

Our interest in "Heart Drops" began in a likely place: the domain (net-wise and otherwise) of Strauss Heart Drops - an herbal legend in British Columbia.

Master Herbalists Jim and Peter Strauss have been a thorn in the side of Canadian health authorities for years. Most active herbalists in North America are familiar with the escapades of the Strauss herbal family. The medical authorities have been trying to crucify them for years -- or at least wipe out their multi-million dollar operation, built largely around their one core product. They have repeatedly failed, (including a highly publicized trial where they failed to convict the Strauss's for practicing medicine without a license). They have failed for basically one reason: many thousands of people worldwide claim that the heart food drops nourish normal heart function. Even the rap sheet on heart food drops provided by none other than the Canadian Quackery Watch sounds comically whinny, as if written by a prodigious 5-year old.

Anyone who knows us, knows that our work with respectable practitioners inhibits any appetite for hyperbole we might be tempted to develop. Sufficient to say, however, that the ingredients in the "heart drops" are not proprietary, and the formula contains nutrients that have been well-founded as heart healthy in numerous scientific journals.

That the formula is "heart-healthy" is well-founded.

In fact, there are several respected herbalists in the U.S. who privately make their own brew - some of them with testimonials as equally respectable as those of the Strauss'. In a technology trade, we acquired the rights to make one such formula and the result is our own "Heart Drops."

Heart Food Drops Cures

A unique herbal formula for advanced heart support! Have you been told nothing will clean out blocked arteries?

* Are you experiencing loss of sight because of arteriosclerosis?
* Do you have elevated cholesterol or high blood pressure?
* Do you want to avoid heart attacks or strokes?
* Do you want to avoid bypass surgery or angioplasty?
* Are you experiencing painful angina?

Heart Food Drops is a unique herbal formula which, when used consistently over time, may help to prevent the blocking of the arteries . Angiograms taken before and after the Heart Food Drops help to prove the effectiveness of this formula. Peoples testimonials testify to the formula's effectiveness.

* Heart problems disappear with this 100% Natural Herbal Heart Medicine! * Patients hooked up to oxygen are no longer gasping for air.
* Angina pain disappears, nitro no longer needed.
* Swollen and enlarged hearts shrink.
* Safely unclog your arteries and avoid by-pass surgery.
* After by-pass surgery, acts as preventative for further clogging of arteries. * The drops do not interfere with any prescription drugs or food.

Cure for Heart Disease

Herbalist heralds heart food drops as cure for heart disease
By Faron Herring and Gerry Moddejonge

Criminal charges and vocal opposition haven’t stopped city herbalists Jim and Peter Strauss from continuing to market their "heart drops," which they claim can cure heart disease.
Photo by Gerry Moddejonge
Kamloops herbalist Peter Strauss.

The father and son duo run the Natural Way Herbs store at 399 Tranquille Rd., where they manufacture, advertise and sell "heart drops"–a herbal remedy made of garlic, dillberry, cayenne, wild cherry and two other ingredients.

"Every second person needs this stuff. Every second person dies from heart disease," said Peter Strauss, 36. He said a heart bypass operation costs between $20,000 and $100,000, while the heart food drops–at $86 for a 100-ml bottle–provide a cure at comparatively minimal cost.

Jim Strauss, now 78, suffered a heart attack in 1980 and developed the heart drops as an alternative to undergoing the surgery recommended by doctors. Peter Strauss claims the drops saved his dad’s life, curing him in three days.

Five years ago the Strausses faced 29 charges related to producing, advertising and selling the heart drops. All but one of the charges (arising from an in-store sign claiming the drops were a cure) were eventually dropped.

Last Nov. 9, the Strausses faced their second day in court, charged under a section of the Medical Practitioner’s Act with practising medicine without a licence. The herbalists had prepared a lineup of witnesses and some 200 letters of support from people ready to testify they used the drops and were helped. The courtroom was packed.

The case, however, was dismissed in B.C. provincial court when the judge ruled the Crown prosecutor wasn’t prepared to deal with the constitutional issues involved.

Shawn Buckley, lawyer for the defence, criticized the Medical Practitioner’s Act as "incredibly broad" and said anyone who "serves chicken soup as a remedy," can be charged under it. He said the act makes it a crime for the Strausses to heal people.

The herbalists say they "welcome the medical profession."

"If they want to check us out they’re more than welcome to," Strauss said. "We have nothing to hide."

But the Strausses’ critics come not only from the ranks of doctors, but as well from within their own field of herbology.

Dr. Terry Willard, director of Wild Rose College in Calgary, said that herbalists must be careful about diagnosing disease and prescribing alternative medicines.

"From a herbalist’s point of view, we don’t want to diagnose anyway," said Willard. "The real question is not what he can sell, but what he can prescribe."

Willard believes Jim Strauss should still be allowed to deal with people suffering from heart disease, but without countering a medical doctor’s advice while prescribing his own remedies.

"That’s basically stepping on people’s toes and they’re going to step back on you," Willard said.

Willard also refuted the Strausses claims to "master herbalist" status, saying that most master herbalists in Canada have gone through some form of formal educational training and belong to the Canadian Association of Herbal Practitioners, a self-regulating body that sets professional guidelines. Master Herbalist is also a certificate course offered at Willard’s college, and a condition of membership in the association.

With no legal action pending against them, Strauss said, he and his father will continue to distribute their heart drops formula to customers.

He said regulations on herbal medicines in European countries, like their family’s home country of Austria, are more lax.

"The thought of moving out of Canada has occurred many times," said Strauss

However, he added, as Canadians continue to seek out alternative treatments, the medical profession will eventually have to adapt.

"Doctors who want to survive will change."


Q: What is in Heart Food Drops?

A: Heart Food Drops are crafted from carefully selected herbs that, through generations of experience and hundreds of years of historical herbal usage, have been considered beneficial for the circulatory system and overall vitality.

Garlic (powder, flakes, granulated and/or oil), UV treated well water, extract of: Hawthorn Berries, Valerian Root, Cayenne Pepper, Bilberry Leaf, Ginkgo Bilboa Leaf, Milk Thistle Seed, alcohol (See Historical Use of Ingredients below, for details)

It is not just a matter of what, but of how much, which produces the amazing results.

Q: How many bottles does it take to support healthy arteries?

A: Of course each person is different, but generally speaking it takes approximately 6 bottles (100 ml bottles).

Q: How long will it take before I notice a difference?

Normally, by the first bottle.

Q: Should I work with my doctor?

A: Ask your doctor for a copy of your angiograms and to monitor your progress.

Q: Should I stay on my prescriptions?

A: Yes, Heart Food Drops will not interfere. Again, work with your doctor. Experience has shown it may be necessary to have your prescription drug dosage lowered after a period of time.

Q: After I have finished 6 bottles, must I stay on Heart Food Drops?

A:No. One complete round is enough. However, if you are one of the few whose body tend to create large amounts of cholesterol you may require a maintenance amount.

Q: How much do I take daily?

A: 15 drops 3 times a day

Q: Will Heart Food Drops support normalized blood pressure?

A: Often these nutrients support normal blood pressure.

Q: Must I follow a special diet?

Do not eat large amounts of fatty foods. Eat more vegetables and fruit to satisfy your appetite.

Q: Who should NOT take Heart Food Drops?

A: Pregnant Women: Detoxification effects during pregnancy are unknown; therefore we do not recommend Heart Food Drops for pregnant women.

Nursing Mothers: Heart Food Drops does not endorse the use of its products while breastfeeding as the properties of the herbs may be transferred through breast milk to the infant,

Children: Heart Food Drops was formulated for adults. In addition, children are not always able to communicate their symptoms effectively.

Q: Do Heart Food Drops have any adverse events?

A: No. After nearly 3 decades of success with this product we have never had a report of any negative effects from Heart Food Drops. However, you may experience the following: symptoms to experiences.

The cayenne and/or the garlic in the Heart Food Drops may cause heartburn. The longer you hold the drops in your mouth the less spicy they are when swallowed. Start with 1 to 5 drops a day and slowly build up the amount. Eating 1 tablespoon of homemade sauerkraut (made with salt only, not with wine or vinegar) 15 minutes before taking the drops may eliminate the heartburn. Eating 1 heaping tablespoon 3 times per day on an empty stomach will support normal stomach function, soothing the stomach lining. Salt-cured sauerkraut may relieve heartburn. If you wish, you may contact us for the recipe or look for non-pasteurized fermented cabbage juice or sauerkraut usually available in a health food store or delicatessen.

Some people may experience detoxification when using Heart Food Drops. These toxins may leave the body through pores in the skin and provoke temporary skin irritation like a rash or pimples. You may also experience diarrhea or an increase in bowel movements, increased urination, headache, dizziness, nausea and/or gas. All of these are quite likely to occur during detoxification, signs your body is expelling toxins. If this becomes uncomfortable, reduce Heart Food Dropsdosage to as little as 1 drop a day (do not completely stop taking) until the detoxifying stage is complete. This is a very good thing, as you are detoxifying. A modification to your diet and other habits may be required to reduce or stop the influx of new toxins. Once this stage is over, add 1 or 2 drops per day until you are comfortable taking the entire serving.

Cholesterol Levels:
Some people may experience a temporary rise in cholesterol levels while taking Heart Food Drops and the time frame varies from person to person. This occurs as plaque is being removed from the arteries and is leaving the body through the blood stream. During this time, continue with Heart Food Drops at the present serving size. If your cholesterol levels do not normalize after 6 months, even after increasing your serving as directed, you may have an under active thyroid.

Historical Use of Ingredients :

Used to support normal LDL cholesterol levels
Properties have the ability to stimulate cell growth and activity
Is health building and supports normal cholesterol levels in the bloodstream
Supports normal blood pressure
Regulates blood platelet stickiness
During World War I and II, physicians used garlic on soldiers’ wounds.

Regular use strengthens heart muscles
Has been used as support for artery health, regulating rapid and feeble heart action, heart valve function and difficult breathing due to ineffective heart action and lack of oxygen in the blood.

Said to be unequalled for supporting health and equalizing blood circulation
Increases heart action but not blood pressure
Said to regulate conditions that may lead to strokes and heart attacks
Said to be a catalyst, carrying all other herbs quickly to the part of the body where it is most needed, and increases their effectiveness.

Improves circulation and feeds the capillaries by altering the ability of fluids and nourishment to pass through
Has properties to strengthen coronary arteries, varicose veins and helps in regulating atherosclerosis or the obstruction of arteries by plaque deposits
Can, due to its thinning properties which inhibit blood platelets from sticking together, support normal blood clotting.

Valerian Root
Has also been used for centuries for sleeplessness, nervousness, hysteria and as a diuretic.
It is an excellent relaxant, which will enable the arterial system to flow free.

Milk Thistle Seed Extract
Protects the liver from a variety of common toxins, including alcohol, pesticides, heavy metal poisoning, pollution, and medications of all kinds. It has been used for more than two thousand years for health purposes, and its use as a detoxifying agent for the liver is well documented by scientific research.

History of Heart Drops

Nothing will get your attention faster than a brush with death. Jim Strauss had his, in 1979, at age 57. After suffering a massive heart attack, his doctors told him only bypass surgery could save his life.

As a seventh-generation-herbalist, from an Austrian family that had been the village herbalists since the 1700s, Jim knew that many of the herbs with which he was familiar, had a long tradition of being heart, circulation and blood tonics. He also knew that his palate could differentiate the functions of many herbs by their exotic tastes; a skill he had acquired in childhood, gathering and tasting herbs with his grandparents, from the time he could walk. Like the cobbler with terrible shoes, or the mechanic with the unreliable car, Jim had neglected his own health in the service of others.

The most important herbal lessons Jim learned from his parents and grandparents were that, just as in cooking; balance and proportion are key elements in any effective "recipe." Applying his knowledge, instinct and fear of dying, Jim was able to develop his now famous blend in a short time.

Jim Strauss is a world-renowned conference speaker and has been an honored guest on many talk shows about natural health. People from all over the world come for the purpose of hearing him speak. His remedy for heart disease, as well as his other wonderful products are shipped all over the world to places such as, Australia, England, France, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, Puerto Rico, Scotland, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, all over the USA, & throughout Canada.
0 Replies
Tue 26 Oct, 2010 11:43 am
0 Replies
Thu 28 Oct, 2010 11:39 am
There's a new form of CoQ10 ... and it may be the most critical discovery since Karl Folkers first identified CoQ10 back in 1958.

The new form of CoQ10 - called Accel - is 8 times more potent than regular CoQ10
0 Replies
Wed 10 Nov, 2010 03:48 pm
0 Replies
Fri 12 Nov, 2010 08:33 pm
By Amanda Chan

The dread and fear that can come with a cancer diagnosis have their roots in its killer nature: It's the No. 2 cause of death in Americans, second only to heart disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Even when diagnosed early and attacked with the latest treatments, it still has the power to kill.

While there are many successful treatments today that didn't exist just a couple decades ago, a wholesale " cure for cancer " remains elusive for many reasons. There are more than 100 types of cancer, characterized by abnormal cell growth. There are many different causes, ranging from radiation to chemicals to viruses; an individual has varying degrees of control over exposure to cancer-causing agents.

..Cancer cells, and how they grow, remain unpredictable and in some cases mysterious. Even after seemingly effective treatments, crafty cancer cells are able to hide out in some patients and resurface.

About $200 billion has been spent on cancer research since the early 1970s, and the five-year survival rate for all people diagnosed with cancer in the U.S. has risen from about 50 percent in the 1970s to 65 percent today.

"We would not be where we are if basic and clinical science wasn't funded," Dr. Len Lichtenfeld, deputy chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society, told MyHealthNewsDaily. "Basic science teaches us about mechanisms, about how drugs may be effective, and we take that info and put it into a clinic to find out whether or not those new ideas work in cancer treatment."

Here's a look at the 10 cancers that killed the most people in the United States between 2003 and 2007, the most recent data available, according to the National Cancer Institute (NCI).

1. Lung and bronchial cancer: 792,495 lives
Lung and bronchial cancer is the top killer cancer in the United States. Smoking and use of tobacco products are the major causes of it, and it strikes most often between the ages of 55 and 65, according to the NCI. There are two major types: non-small cell lung cancer, which is the most common, and small cell lung cancer, which spreads more quickly. More than 157,000 people are expected to die of lung and bronchial cancer in 2010.

.2. Colon and rectal cancer:268,783 lives
Colon cancer grows in the tissues of the colon, whereas rectal cancer grows in the last few inches of the large intestine near the anus, according to the National Cancer Institute. Most cases begin as clumps of small, benign cells called polyps that over time become cancerous. Screening is recommended to find the polyps before they become cancerous, according to the Mayo Clinic. Colorectal cancer is expected to kill more than 51,000 people in 2010.

3. Breast cancer: 206,983 lives
Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women in the United States, after skin cancer, according to the Mayo Clinic. It can also occur in men – there were nearly 2,000 male cases between 2003 and 2008. The cancer usually forms in the ducts that carry milk to the nipple or the glands that produce the milk in women. Nearly 40,000 people are expected to die from breast cancer in 2010, according to the NCI.

4. Pancreatic cancer: 162,878 lives
Pancreatic cancer begins in the tissues of the pancreas, which aids digestion and metabolism regulation. Detection and early intervention are difficult because it often progressives stealthily and rapidly, according to the Mayo Clinic. Pancreatic cancer is expected to claim nearly 37,000 lives in 2010, according to the NCI.

5. Prostate cancer: 144,926 lives
This cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer deaths in men, after lung and bronchial cancer, according to the NCI. Prostate cancer usually starts to grow slowly in the prostate gland, which produces the seminal fluid to transport sperm. Some types remain confined to the gland, and are easier to treat, but others are more aggressive and spread quickly, according to the Mayo Clinic. Prostate cancer is expected to kill about 32,000 men in 2010, according to the NCI.

6. Leukemia: 108,740 lives
There are many types of leukemia, but all affect the blood-forming tissues of the body, such as the bone marrow and the lymphatic system, and result in an overproduction of abnormal white blood cells, according to the NCI. Leukemia types are classified by how fast they progress and which cells they affect; a type called acute myelogenous leukemia killed the most people – 41,714 – between 2003 and 2007. Nearly 22,000 people are expected to die from leukemia in 2010.

7. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma: 104,407 lives
This cancer affects the lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, and is characterized by larger lymph nodes, fever and weight loss. There are several types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and they are categorized by whether the cancer is fast- or slow-growing and which type of lymphocytes are affected, according to the NCI. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is deadlier than Hodgkin lymphoma, and is expected to kill more than 20,000 people in 2010.

8. Liver and intrahepatic bile duct cancer: 79,773 lives
Liver cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer around the world, but is uncommon in the United States, according to the Mayo Clinic. However, its rates in America are rising. Most liver cancer that occurs in the U.S. begins elsewhere and then spreads to the liver. A closely related cancer is intrahepatic bile duct cancer, which occurs in the duct that carries bile from the liver to the small intestine. Nearly 19,000 Americans are expected to die from liver and intrahepatic bile duct cancer in 2010, according to the NCI.

9. Ovarian cancer: 73,638 lives
Ovarian cancer was the No. 4 cause of cancer death in women between 2003 and 2007, according to the NCI. The median age of women diagnosed with it is 63. The cancer is easier to treat but harder to detect in its early stages, but recent research has brought light to early symptoms that may aid in diagnosis, according to the Mayo Clinic. Those symptoms include abdominal discomfort, urgency to urinate and pelvic pain. Nearly 14,000 women are expected to die of ovarian cancer in 2010, according to the NCI.

10. Esophageal cancer: 66,659 lives
This cancer starts in the cells that line the esophagus (the tube that carries food from the throat to the stomach) and usually occurs in the lower part of the esophagus, according to the Mayo Clinic. More men than women died from esophageal cancer between
Sun 28 Nov, 2010 10:08 am

Over 75 websites were seized and shut down last week, and there is no indication that the government will stop such efforts. Right now, their focus is websites that they claim "violate copyrights," yet the torrent-finder.com website that was seized by DHS contained no copyrighted content whatsoever. It was merely a search engine website that linked to destinations where people could access copyrighted content. Google also links to copyrighted content --

Natural News

0 Replies
Wed 1 Dec, 2010 12:17 am
Very informative
0 Replies
Sat 18 Dec, 2010 10:14 am
For decades, some natural health advocates have claimed you could actually enhance and improve vision (and sometimes get rid of your glasses) by "training" your eyes to see better. Sound like impossible pie-in-the-sky promises or even quackery? Now there's mainstream scientific evidence to back up the idea that you can have better sight through eye "exercise". Research funded by a $3.5 million grant from the National Institute on Aging has just demonstrated that elderly adults can quickly improve their vision with perceptual training.

The study, "Perceptual learning, aging, and improved visual performance in early stages of visual processing," was published in the online November issue of the Journal of Vision. According to the research team from the University of California, Riverside (UCR) and Boston University, the ability of elders to improve their sight so quickly has a host of important implications for the health and mobility of older people.

Changes in vision -- including contrast sensitivity, spatial vision, orientation, depth perception, dark adaptation, visual acuity, and motion perception -- have long been associated with aging. However, the new study shows for the first that specific eye "exercises" can improve vision among the elderly in the earliest levels of visual processing.

G. John Andersen, professor of psychology at UCR, and his colleagues conducted a series of experiments to investigate if repeated performance of certain visual tasks that are at the limits of what a person can see would result in improving the vision of elder adults. Specifically, participants (all over the age of 65) were given a texture discrimination exercise.

The research subjects were presented with stimuli consisting of a letter embedded in the center of a field of horizontally oriented lines.Besides the letter, peripherally located lines were placed diagonally to form either a vertical or horizontal object which always appeared in the same quadrant. After the research participants were shown this image, it was quickly followed with the display of a masking pattern. The task for the people in the study was to concentrate on seeing the central letter as well the peripheral object.

"We found that just two days of training in one hour sessions with difficult stimuli resulted in older subjects seeing as well as younger college-age subjects," chief researcher Andersen said in a media statement."The improvement was maintained for up to three months and the results were dependent on the location in the visual field where the stimuli were located -- suggesting that the brain changed in early levels of the visual cortex." The visual cortex is the part of the brain responsible for processing visual information.

Improvements in vision couldn't be explained by simply becoming familiar with the task, the researchers determined. What's more, the improved vision following the perceptual training was maintained for at least three months. This is especially important because it shows there is a high degree of brain plasticity among older people and it strongly suggests that this vision "training" technique is useful for reversing declines in vision due to normal aging.

"Given the clear impact of age-related declines in vision on driving, mobility, and falls, the present study suggests that perceptual learning may be a useful tool for improving the health and well-being of an older population," the researchers concluded.

For more information:

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/030770_eye_exercises_vision.html#ixzz18TquRO5h
0 Replies
Tue 28 Dec, 2010 09:25 pm
My wife sometimes disparages my reliance on alternative remedies, possibly because she feels vulnerable in a world that tries to destroy alternative usage, but she has been forced by observation to respect the results I get. When she had two skin cancers on her hand and wrist, I removed them with Alpha-Omega's salve. She felt ill yesterday, with a bad stomache. I did not tell her what to do and in fact suggested a doctor. But she had me serve up a healthy dose of colloidal silver instead.
0 Replies
Sat 29 Jan, 2011 05:13 pm
THURSDAY, Jan. 27 (HealthDay News) -- Researchers have found that brain cancer cells can turn themselves into blood vessel cells to counter drugs designed to cut off a tumor's blood supply and deprive it of oxygen and nutrients.

This ensures an adequate oxygen supply, according to the researchers, and it helps explain why glioblastoma, the most common and deadly form of brain cancer, resists nearly all treatment efforts.

They also said that the finding, reported online Jan. 25 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, indicates the need to rethink current glioblastoma therapy and perhaps develop drugs that take aim at new targets.

"Disrupting the formation of tumor blood vessels is not enough," Inder Verma, a genetics professor at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, in La Jolla, Calif., and the research team leader, said in a Salk news release. "We also have to prevent the conversion of tumor cells into blood vessel cells."

0 Replies
Sun 6 Feb, 2011 08:57 am
BOB FAW, correspondent: From his backyard dock, the setting seems idyllic. With his devoted wife of 47 years, retired Air Force colonel Jim Horney should be enjoying the golden years.

JIM HORNEY: You know, you can look at me and say, golly, that guy looks good for 70. But there’s a worm in the apple.

FAW: The “worm” is prostate cancer. Jim’s doctor first diagnosed it as an aggressive cancer eight years ago.

HORNEY: I said how long can I expect to live with this serious prostate cancer? Her reply was on average about two-and-a-half years. This was in 2002. So two-and-a-half years—I am obviously well past my expiration date, if you will.

FAW: Jim kept alive during the past eight years by having his prostate removed and undergoing chemotherapy and radiation. But now the cancer has spread throughout his body. Desperate, this fall he started a revolutionary new treatment—Provenge.

FAW: Did you regard it as a miracle drug?

HORNEY: Absolutely, absolutely did, because I was tired, I was fatigued, I had no future looking at what I was doing now except a slow deterioration.

FAW: Provenge is the first so-called cancer vaccine—not a pill mass-produced in a factory, but an individual treatment. The patient’s blood cells are first drawn, exposed in a lab to a protein which mimics prostate cancer, then put back in the patient’s body—“supercharged,” if you will, to stimulate the patient’s immune system to fight prostate cancer.

DR. PAUL SCHELLHAMMER (Urology of Virginia): The idea of having the body’s own defenses revved up against this foreign invader is quite novel. It had never been applied to humans in a satisfactory and successful way, and this was, in that sense, a big breakthrough.

FAW: Approved last year to treat men with incurable prostate cancer, Provenge extends life for many patients by roughly four months. HORNEY: That’s the average. I’m well on to beating the averages, and I will work at beating the averages. It is a miracle drug, and so yeah, I have great expectations for this. Huge expectations. Will it? We’ll see.

(speaking to wife): …$37,000 for the one treatment

FAW: But the price tag for this so-called miracle drug is on average $93,000. Jim Horney’s bill: $110,000.HORNEY: $110,000. My goodness gracious! How do you, how do you work with something like that?

FAW: Jim Horney had to take out a $22,000 loan to pay for the first treatment while waiting to see if Medicare foots the entire bill.

HORNEY: They do have me over a barrel, and if push comes to shove I will probably suck this up.

FAW: Urologist and oncologist Dr. Paul Schellhammer plans to use Provenge one day to fight his own prostate cancer. He has recommended it to some of his patients knowing how some will struggle with the decision.

SCHELLHAMMER: For the person for whom it becomes a major hardship—i.e., do I mortgage my home, do my kids not go to college—I think that becomes an ethically based decision as to how important is life? Most men in this situation have lived 60, 70 years, and how important is another one, two, three years or two, three, four months?

BILL MCCLOSKEY: Yeah, it’s not a long time. But, you know, when you’re fighting for your life, four months, you know, is just four months more to be with your family, to be with your wife and to enjoy life.

FAW: Sixty-two-year-old engineer Bill McCloskey’s insurance company is paying for his Provenge.

MCCLOSKEY: My father died of prostate cancer. This stuff was not available to him. I feel lucky to be living at a time when new treatments are being developed, when there is hope for the future.

FAW: And while the price is high, says McCloskey, in the long run it may prove to be anything but.

MCCLOSKEY: This opens up a whole brand new type of treatment and hope for cancer patients where utilizing the body’s own immune system to fight the disease. This is not the end; this is just the beginning.

FAW: Dr. Schellhammer says Provenge has almost no side effects and costs about as much as chemotherapy. Still, he is troubled by the skyrocketing cost of many cancer treatments.

SCHELLHAMMER: Once the FDA approves a drug, the pharmaceutical company or the biotech company then has carte blanche in establishing the price. I think there’s been a disconnect between what it costs to develop, produce, and bring to market versus what it eventually translates into with regard to either a windfall or a fair profit.

FAW: Dendreon, the developer of Provenge, says the price is fair for this revolutionary procedure, which it says took 15 years to perfect and at a cost of over one billion dollars. We’re entitled, says the company, to a fair return on our investment.

FAW: But as the cost of new cancer treatments continues to escalate, ethicists are asking how does one put a price tag on human life? And in a society with limited resources and virtually unlimited medical needs, who decides who will get that expensive treatment and who doesn’t?

DR. RUTH FADEN (Director, Berman Institute of Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University): If we think it’s worth the money, right, do we find a way to squeeze it out of the allocation we’ve got from health care now? Do we find places where we want to squeeze it out from something else? Do we want to attach a higher value to extending the last few months of a person’s life than we would to any other random four months over the course of a lifespan?

FAW: Ultimately, and unfortunately, says ethicist Dr. Ruth Faden, director of the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics, the basic question comes down to cost and benefit.

FADEN: It would be really nice if we could come up with a structure in which the price of the drug wass attached to its value and we had a way of agreeing what that value was.

FAW: There is no such mechanism?

FADEN: Not yet.

FAW: In fact now, say medical practitioners, now there is no such mechanism. Who gets Provenge and who doesn’t comes down to a basic proposition.

(speaking to Dr. Schellhammer): The bottom line is economics.

SCHELLHAMMER: Currently, that is the case.

FAW: As to who gets the drug.

SCHELLHAMMER: Yes. We have many more patients than the supply could provide, but many of them say, “I just cannot afford it, and that’s not in my realm of possibility.” So they are screened out by that fact.

FAW: Let’s be candid. They are screened out by economics.

SCHELLHAMMER: Oh, absolutely.

FAW: For some, however, economic considerations are secondary. Getting that extra four months of life—maybe more—is priceless.

ANNE HORNEY: My husband’s worth it, and if it means selling our house, so be it. He’s more important to me.

FAW: What’s his life really worth? Is it—can you put a price tag on life?

ANNE HORNEY: No, certainly not. No, no.

FAW: It is, then, an ongoing debate over a medical treatment which is new—and a problem which is not.

FADEN: Even before we get the Provenges, we have lots of cancer patients in this country who can’t afford their cancer medications as it is. We’ve got a messy health care system where we haven’t figured out what we think constitutes good value for our money. It’s that striking a balance—easy to say, almost impossible to achieve so far.

FAW: Until that balance is reached for Bill McCloskey, who recently completed his third and final treatment of Provenge, and Jim Horney, still waiting to see how Provenge affects his cancer, there will be both hope and anxiety.

For Religion and Ethics Newsweekly this is Bob Faw in Poquoson, Virginia.

0 Replies
Mon 7 Feb, 2011 08:50 pm

0 Replies
Tue 8 Feb, 2011 03:50 pm
A worldwide experiment against homeopathy is about to be undertaken. Hundreds of persons, worldwide, will take massive overdoses of homeopathic remedies to prove they are worthless. I have no personal stake in the outcome, since I barely know enough to define it and have never practiced it. There is sure to be a push back by adherents, which I shall also be following.

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