Spendius said: Okay. Bit cliched though. You sound like you don't know much about priestesses. Perhaps just as well I suppose. Those who do think the macho pose is like playing with Scalextric.
Get a hold of Spengler's essay Act and Portrait.
Why does nobody call them priestesses? Are they being coy?
No offence mate but you've been talking to the forums philosophers for so long that their waffly "round and round the mulberry bush" style has rubbed off on you and you're beginning to talk unfocussed gobbledegook and I can't make head or tail of what you just said..

Fact is, women were at the forefront of the early christian church from Day One although some snooty churchmen won't admit it, perhaps they just don't like girls..

Cue stunning article-
Jesus spent a terrible long night before his death,unable to sleep and racked with loneliness as his disciples fell asleep,
But next day on the cross, as he slipped into death his tired pain-filled eyes saw a host of loyal women who'd stuck with him to the end..
"Jesus cried out with a loud voice, and breathed his last. There were also women looking on from afar, among whom were Mary Magdalene and Salome, who followed him and ministered to him when he was in Galilee, and many other women who came up with him to Jerusalem" (Mark 15:37)
They gave him the last womanly comfort they could by making sure he never died alone..
Some of his disciples ran off in fear of the Romans, but women stuck with him to the end-
It's almost as if he knew they'd be there for him, so he made sure he was always there for them during his lifetime-