The Religious Are A Bunch Of Thieves. The Pope Openly Steals From The Dead. Do You Stoop To The Shame Of Claiming To Be Religious?
The religious are a bunch of thieves, they steal everything then attempt to attribute what they steal to their factually proven foundation of religious lies such as names from people (people had names long before religions evolved as a tool to push forth human ignorance greed and selfishness as they started to steal the names they liked to attempt to attribute those names to their filthy religious foundation of factually proven lies.) They steal morals from people, a thousand years before some human carved out of stone what is referred to as the ten commandments, would you want your family killed, your possessions stolen etc.? They even stole the cross from the dead, long before Jesus Christs lies lead to his own death and to the death of millions if not billions over thousands of years. The cross was used to mark the grave site of one who passed away. If you saw a stick poking out of the ground one would likely not think much of it, but with another stick crossing it, you would then recognize this as a grave. Everything they steal, they attempt to attribute to their foundation of factually proven religious lies and they do this to try and use what they steal to take advantage of those from a time of weakness for power and control over the many. Were you an innocent little baby in your time of weakness? Perhaps you just lost a loved one, perhaps you just got raped, perhaps you were extremely lonely, perhaps you just got in or out of jail etc.
It doesn't come as a surprise that the Pope steals when the religious are a bunch of thieves liars and deceivers in the first place.
Which brings me once again too: The non contestable factual evidence which proves that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies is as follows (Keep in mind, the foundation of any / every religion is a ridiculous story of how we / everything came to be)
What I think many of you are missing here is that if this lie known as god according to what the religious themselves even acknowledge as intelligent (they pray and worship) and using that intelligence to put a plan into motion is the creator of all things, then how is first possible for anything to go poof into existence out of nothingness (remember this lie icon is also made out to be by the religious themselves as the creator of all things) go poof into existence out of nothingness, extract energy from nothingness to develop an intelligence out of nothing to work with nothing conjuring up matter out of nothing to create?
It is not possible because the fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter for anything to first come into existence, develop and intelligence to be able to re create with what already exists.
Again not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness and not anything that exists goes poof into nothingness otherwise anyone feel free to contest this as fact by simply sharing one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness or anything that exists goes poof into nothingness! Just one to contest this as fact!
The only thing that doesn't change is that change occurs because energy matter and time are always present. Hence, we, everything throughout the universe is infinite! You know how they label such thing as an asteroid as billions of years old, it is factually much older than that as are the particles and energy that everyone on this planet consists of. The only significant difference is (why it is referred to as billions of years old) is that the asteroid's rate of change has obviously been much slower than the particles consisting within you and I. If one went into the sun it would be transformed in an instant!
Oh and in case you are wondering why I seek to destroy religion (as if it is not that obvious) it is because of thousands of years of war and divide over filthy foundations of pathetic religious lies have lead to the death of millions if not billions and to the misery of countless others right to this very day. It's time for religion to be cast in the garbage where it belongs before even one more human life is lost over religious lies!
Do you stoop to to the shame of claiming to be religious?
Oh and please, before you even attempt to label me with more religious lies, an Atheist is one who believes that the foundation of religion is based upon lies where as I am no Atheist. I am the Primary factual fundamentalist who has proven that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies. Go ahead and contest those facts with something called validity. No one ever will because again what I share are facts that back my claims. So now the religious are likely to desperately scramble to try and make anything else the issue because they are not able to contest the facts I share which reveal the religious for the liars and deceivers they prove to be.
One last thing about these Popes. Pope(s) sit(s) on billions yet during crisis such as natural disaster asks everyone else to give money to the cause while the Vatican's pockets get fatter. Then they have the nerve to use those suffering people of such a disaster to try and further promote their filthy religious lies. Honestly, it's sad to see so many people brainwashed by such pathetic garbage!
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. be good, be strong!