Oz Election Thread #5 - Rudd's Labor (redux)

Reply Tue 30 Jul, 2013 04:14 pm
That is a really interesting article.
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Reply Tue 30 Jul, 2013 06:16 pm
This got a big bump on twitter Monday night on 'Q and A' as Josh Frydenberg kept pushing Tony Abbott's 'passion' for indigenous affairs. Most of the discussion on indigenous policy in remote areas didn't annoy me for a change - both Peter Shergold and Magda Szubanski sounded reasonably across the many shades of issues in the area. Unusual. Neither offered answers - just possible paths toward how the communities could determine their own solutions.
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Reply Wed 31 Jul, 2013 04:16 am
Rudd flies in Team Obama


Kevin Rudd has called in three US campaign heavyweights, including the man dubbed ''Barack Obama's digital attack dog'' to help defeat Tony Abbott.
With speculation over the poll date now at fever pitch - and an announcement expected within days - the ALP's campaign team has secured the expertise of Tom McMahon, the former executive director of the powerful Democratic National Committee during President Obama's last campaign.
It has also called in Joon Kim of the consulting firm New Partners, and the British social media expert, Matthew McGregor, known for his ability to get spoof videos online sometimes within minutes of mistakes being made by his opponents.

All three played pivotal roles in the 2012 campaign when the Democratic Party out-boxed the Republicans using ever-more sophisticated social media and comprehensive field operations to see off what initially looked like a strong challenge from the popular Mitt Romney.

Mr McGregor is expected in Australia within the next two days while the other two have already arrived.

On Wednesday, Mr Rudd said the Obama team were very welcome but referred specific questions about their appointments to the Labor Party's organisation wing.

''I've always been a strong supporter of President Obama, both in his leadership in the world also his message to the American people. We will draw upon the best brains in the world. But these are question for the national organisation of the Australian Labor Party,'' he told reporters in Sydney.
Before rising to vice-president at New Partners, Joon Kim managed 14 campaigns in six states between 2010 and 2011 (seven of which were successful), and served as ''field director'' of John Kerry's presidential campaign in 2004.

The government will produce its foreshadowed economic statement this week, possibly the last item of business before Mr Rudd visits the Governor-General for permission to stage the election.

September 7 is seen as the most likely date, given a consensus that Mr Rudd will not want to wait long once the economic state is released.

Political insiders cite the Obama campaigns as the gold standard in how to get voters out - critical in the US where voting is voluntary - and particularly in how to motivate and energise young voters.

Labor insiders say the youth vote will be a key factor in the election, claiming there has been a spike in pre-election enrolments since Mr Rudd returned to the leadership.

Mr McMahon, who had also been campaign director for the Democratic presidential hopeful Howard Dean in 2004, is regarded as a pioneer in the use of emerging social media platforms to organise grass-roots campaigns.

While the move is likely to draw criticism from the opposition, it will send shockwaves through the Abbott camp, given the trio's reputation for devastating campaigns built around a popular candidate using humour and ridicule.

In the most recent Fairfax-Nielsen poll Mr Rudd led Mr Abbott as preferred prime minister by 55 per cent to 41 and also held a strong lead in the net approval ratings with plus 8 per cent to Mr Abbott on minus 15 per cent.

Dubbed ''Tom Terrific'' after the 2006 elections that delivered control of the US House to the Democrats, Mr McMahon has more than 18 years' experience with the Democratic Party, running campaigns, crafting media attacks on the Republicans, fund-raising and providing strategic advice.

He served as executive director of the Democratic National Committee between 2005 and 2009, and helped craft the committee's ''50-state strategy'', which was credited with preparing the way for President Obama's victory in 2008. Before that, he was deputy campaign director for the Howard Dean presidential bid.

Joon Kim, of New Partners, last year defended negative political advertising, saying campaigns had ''relatively short windows'' to build brand affection and were thus likely to go for sharper messaging.

According to NZ research firm UMR, Joon Kim said: "Pepsi started off when you were a six-year-old saying Pepsi was cooler than Coke. Political campaigns only have time to say Coke will give you cancer and there is no other choice but Pepsi".

The Independent said of Mr McGregor: ''During the Obama campaign Mr McGregor's carefully crafted attack video and blogs exploited every Republican gaffe - often within minutes or hours of them being reported.''

Labor's national campaign director, George Wright, confirmed on Wednesday that the three would be engaged in campaign activities but would not be employed under the controversial 457 visa class formerly used by Julia Gillard for her communications director, John McTernan.

"They are here on short-term business visas as we discuss what role they might play in the campaign," Mr Wright said.

"Once we have finalised the details of their role, appropriate visas would be applied for.

ā€˜ā€˜Iā€™m advised this would be a short-term subclass 400 visa (not 457) as the services would be for a short period only."

Mr McTernan's contract attracted attention when Ms Gillard criticised employers for sourcing workers overseas when suitable employees existed here.
with Bianca Hall and Jonathan Swan

I'm not so sure this will make a difference - in my bubble social media is already overwhelming anti LNP - it's where I get almost all the cartoony photo thingies, like this:

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Reply Sun 4 Aug, 2013 05:02 pm
A proud day for fair and balanced media reporting in Australia.

(70% of our papers are owned by Murdoch - can you imagine Fox News being 70% of your news?)

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Reply Sun 4 Aug, 2013 09:34 pm
ABC Vote Compass is out:


No shocks for me.
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Reply Sun 4 Aug, 2013 09:59 pm
Oh. Forgot to mention. We have an election date.

September 7 - a week earlier than the original date Gillard announced back in February.

I was hoping Rudd would delay until October because I wanted the ALP to be able to tease the LNP mercilessly about not launching policies they had prepared for Sep 14 after the Gillard announcement by Sept 14 - 'wasn't 6 months enough warning (or for that matter 6 years in opposition) to decide what you stand for?' Using the change to Rudd as an excuse would just look silly - 'oh, you have different policies depending on who's leading the govt?'

One interesting angle (from my perspective) is who the left and right have recruited from the USA to help with the campaign.

Rudd camp brings out Obama's 2012 social media guru.
News Ltd bring back New York Post editor Col Allan to coordinate News Ltd's 'putting the boot in' to Rudd (fresh from his success backing Romney in 2012).

Let's hope both gentlemen repeat their success from the last US Presidential campaign.

Reply Mon 5 Aug, 2013 03:51 pm
Wonder if the Coalition have fired the tea party guy?
Reply Mon 5 Aug, 2013 06:47 pm
Did you see #QandA last night? Graeme Morris said, effectively, that all but a million people have made up their minds on how they are going to vote, and the LNP won't release policies until their research tells them what most of those million voters want to hear.

He was hilarious - he blamed the ALP for bring in Americans (like the LNP) - dismissed social media as a factor - and his voice cracked when he lied. Amazing gall - and he's one of their chief strategists.
Reply Mon 5 Aug, 2013 06:48 pm
Speaking of social media...

Reply Mon 5 Aug, 2013 06:51 pm
Insiders on Sunday talked a bit about swings, state by state.

QLD is looking like swinging toward the govt - thanks to Campbell Newman's preview of what Federal LNP will look like, and the fact that we're incredibly parochial and KRudd is one of us (but Abbott is a cockroach).

Bizarrely Queensland has it's own Anthony Wiener!
Sexting MP Peter Dowling sent explicit images to secret mistress
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Aug, 2013 01:37 am
hingehead wrote:

Did you see #QandA last night? Graeme Morris said, effectively, that all but a million people have made up their minds on how they are going to vote, and the LNP won't release policies until their research tells them what most of those million voters want to hear.

He was hilarious - he blamed the ALP for bring in Americans (like the LNP) - dismissed social media as a factor - and his voice cracked when he lied. Amazing gall - and he's one of their chief strategists.

I just can't bear to look at Oz politics any more. Worse since the New Guinea Solution.
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Reply Tue 6 Aug, 2013 01:37 am
If only!!!!!
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Reply Tue 6 Aug, 2013 04:24 pm
Apparently this letter was already drafted, waiting for the election announcement - sent within minutes of the call.

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Reply Tue 6 Aug, 2013 07:19 pm
Higher income, lower wealth: how the GFC made Australia more equal
Low and middle income earners came through the GFC in better shape than high earners, but our net worth has taken a hit

Greg Jericho's piece on the release of the ABS's bi-annual household income survey

Somehow we got richer AND income inequality dropped. That is freaky - this is a semi bookmark for me to come back and read in depth later.
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Reply Wed 7 Aug, 2013 06:02 pm
The Daily Telegraph isn't slowing down


I actually think a couple of LNP strategies are going to backfire.

Murdoch's boots and all is preaching to the converted - Hogan's Heroes references? Seriously? Way to betray your demographics. There are people voting in this election who were born twenty years after Bob Crane died.

The other backfirey thing is that all the LNP's talk of financial crises may take hold, but the rhetoric from ALP is about cutting spending and raising tax, whereas LNP is refusing to talk new taxes and loathe to itemise cuts in spending. If you are concerned about our 'dire' financial straights which way would you vote. Apparently this strategy worked for Hawke/Keating in 1987.

And the 'Murdoch is anti-labor to kill the NBN' story has gone mainstream. With Kevin Rudd airing it on the national broadcaster last night. Of course you have all known about it since April when I posted it http://able2know.org/topic/174212-49#post-5301079

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Reply Wed 7 Aug, 2013 06:04 pm
Marieke Hardy tweeted this pic with a 'This is how I will feel every morning until 7 September' message

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Reply Wed 7 Aug, 2013 06:41 pm
hingehead wrote:


The irony is we've always had the chance to free ourselves from that loser and we continue to choose to imprison our minds in his propaganda. We're Jack Nicholson at the end of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. The Chief is pleading with us to escape, but we're more comfortable staying locked up.
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Reply Thu 8 Aug, 2013 03:32 pm
I haven't talked much about the minor minor parties (ie not the Nationals or the Greens)

Two new players:

Katter's Australia Party ) FNQ's gift to aus politics. Bob Katter trying to propagate his weird world view across the country.

Palmer's United Party (Clive Palmer, obese millionaire miner) which has some medium profile candidates all over the place mostly from the sporting world. "Under Palmer, no seat is safe"

That these parties rely on one person's ego does make you think 'fascism'.

However, an old stager, One Nation is still around - even without it's one ever Fed Rep Pauline Hanson, who I think is running as an independent, because Please Drown Me I'm A Celebrity isn't filming.

A One Nation candidate made the headlines with bigger gaff's than the fish and chip bitch from ipswich ever made. I believe it may have made the USA under the tagline 'Worse than Sarah Palin'

There's video if you want to see it in it's edited glory:

PAULINE Hanson's One Nation party has nominated a woman facing criminal charges over alleged anti-Muslim behaviour to contest the Queensland seat of Rankin.

Stephanie Banister, a 27-year-old mother of two, is facing criminal charges after allegedly placing anti-Muslim stickers, like "Halal food funds terrorism", on Nestle products in a supermarket.

Never mind that though. Ms Banister has bigger problems.

In an interview with Channel Seven, which aired last night, Ms Banister revealed her dearth of knowledge on, well, everything.

"I don't oppose Islam as a country, but I do feel that their laws should not be welcome here in Australia," she said, apparently oblivious to the fact that Islam is a religion, not a country.

One Nation is famous for another iconic one liner. When party founder Pauline Hanson was asked if she was xenophobic by Tracey Curro on 60 Minutes in 1996, she replied: "Please explain?"

Arguing for a ban on Halal food last night, Ms Banister said "less than two per cent of Australians follow Haram."

The term "Haram" refers to something which is prohibited. It kind of works in this context. If you really think about it. OK not really.

In any case, Ms Banister doesn't have a problem with Jewish Kosher food.

"Jews aren't under Haram, they have their own religion which follows Jesus Christ," she said.

You're thinking of Christianity there, Stephanie.

"They don't have a tax on it, they've just got a certain way of making it where Haram has a tax on the food," Ms Banister said. Except, as Channel Seven pointed out, Kosher food does have a fee.
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Reply Thu 8 Aug, 2013 03:48 pm
If you have the misfortune of following me on twitter you'll know I have sporadic outbursts of yelling at #Qanda, a panel show that talks politics with some politicians and a sample of figures from the arts and business worlds.

Anyway the last two weeks reps from the LNP have made reference to a selfie the PM took of himself after cutting himself shaving - saying in effect 'he's got time to take selfies, but not to fix the country'. Which to my way of thinking was a point they stressed getting across at their last strategy meeting. They do this a lot - certain points get repeated endlessly in news cycles, regardless who the MP is - not particularly nefarious you might say - except the wording is exactly the same from each MP, so it sound mechanical, controlled, disingenuous.

Anyway, to my way of thinking this is yet another in a long line of approaches the LNP strategy has taken that is dismissive of new media and particularly millenials, and that has a way of backfiring. Rudd's shaving accident cements his everyman/nerd persona against Abbott's agree with me or I'll punch you persona. It's becoming a meme AND, The Chaser boys are back and....


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Reply Thu 8 Aug, 2013 04:52 pm
Would you vote for blatant hypocrisy?

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