Now I get it ! It's hitlerious !
Some jokes to lighten this serious thread,
A Jewish father was teaching his son how to say grace in Nazi Germany.
"Today in Germany the proper form of grace is 'Thank God and Hitler.'"
"But suppose the Führer dies?" asked the boy.
"Then you just thank God."
As Hitler's armies faced more and more setbacks, he asked his astrologer, "Am I going to lose the war?"
"Yes," the astrologer said.
"Then, am I going to die?" Hitler asked.
"When am I going to die?"
"On a Jewish holiday."
"But on what holiday?"
"Any day you die will be a Jewish holiday."
Several storm troopers enter an Evangelical Church during a Sunday morning service.
"My fellow Germans," begins their leader. "I am here in the interest of racial purity. We have tolerated non-Aryans long enough, and must now get rid of them. I am ordering all those here whose fathers are Jews to leave this church at once."
Several worshipers get up and leave.
"And now I am ordering out all those whose mothers are Jewish."
At this, the pastor jumps up, takes hold of the crucifix, and says, "Brother, now it's time for you and me to get out."