I can imagine a planet teeming with intelligent life, but unlucky enough to be circling a star very close to another star that goes supernova…and the result of that massive explosion destroys both stars, the planet, and every living molecule in both systems.
And just days before the explosion…an otherwise intelligent, but foolish person like Fresco on the planet teeming with life, writing:
Quote:I have adressed the point. "Reality" like "truth" is short-hand for "what works" to justify or inform a course of action. Both words are irrelevant unless a situation of conflict arises in the selection of alternative actions. Such a situation then defines what constitutes "information" or "data which allows decisions between alternatives". The word "mind" is merely an analogy of a debating chamber in which alternatives are decided upon. It is an anthropocentric concept which is inapplicable to other species. Where no conlict arises, as in the case of a religious community, "reality" becomes synonymous with what outsiders call "belief". Reality is embedded in epistemological paradigms which evolve and shift according to their impact on social relationships. Such shifting has accelerated since the realtively recent advent of "science" and has left traditional concepts of "fixed reality" as an anachronism.
And I re-iterate, your insistence on the "objectivity of information" is your main intellectual problem. Both of those conponents have been resoundingly deconstructed.
Boy, if that genius could only come back from anihilation, wouldn't he be disappointed!
Wake up everyone.
We do not know what the REALITY is…
...despite Fresco being “able” to describe it so exactly.
But whatever the REALITY is…even if it is like the guess Fresco is presenting as fact being revealed by a genius…it IS what it IS. It objectively IS what it IS...no matter what.
I gotta go to work in an hour. Gonna rain. We’ll only get one or two golfers. Day is going to go by like forever. Can’t wait to get back to resume this interesting discussion.