@Region Philbis,
He surely sunk his image to all-time-low point with his off-the-cuff presser comments the previous year. He redeemed himself in the eyes of many with how he helped Heat to win this year - with focus, determination and playing like a madman who seemed in control of his emotions as well as his on-the-court performance.
I'm no fan of his or the Heat but barring injuries,,,I see them as odds-on favorite - speshully now with Benedict Allen added to the mix. Sheesh he took $3M less to increase his chances of winning one more title? Can't really blame him - or can you? This is almost as bad as when Clemens (cough, cough -'rhoid rage) went to the Yanks after that brief spell in Toronto Blow-Jays. After all within the division it potentially decreases the Celts chance next year of advancing to the Finals. However, it increases the drama. It won't be dull (I hope).